Birch tar: application orally for weight loss and cleansing of the body. Birch tar - instructions for use for weight loss and cleansing of the intestine

Birch tar: application orally for weight loss and cleansing of the body. Birch tar - instructions for use for weight loss and cleansing of the intestine

An article on how to apply orally and externally, birch tar for cleansing the body, and weight loss.

Birch tar is a dark, viscous, oily liquid, with a pungent odor. It has about 10,000 useful elements.

Get a birch tar according to a very old method of distillation of birch bark or birch bark. This is done like this: a special boiler is stuffed with birch bark, compacted and heats up. After heating, tar is released from the bark.

Birch tar: benefit and harm to cleansing and losing weight

Birch tar is received from the bark of birch

Birch tar - This is a completely natural product, has all the healing properties of birch and birch bark.

Birch tar for therapeutic purpose is used for treatment and externally.

Beneficial properties of a birch gap:

  • Accelerates the healing of burns, pressure sores and wounds
  • Helps with fungus, boils
  • Restores damaged skin cells
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Helps with tuberculosis
  • Treats otitis media, sore throat
  • Improves skin condition with scaly lichen, eczema
  • Helps the growth of hair on the head at the initial stage of baldness
  • Healing rashes with diathesis and other skin diseases
  • Removes stones from the kidneys
  • Copes with diseases such as asthma, mastitis, gangrene
  • Prevents cancer cells in the ovaries and breasts
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Strengthens the muscles of the heart

Externally treated with birch tars can be treated with such diseases:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Seborea

Birch tar is used not in its pure form, but as an additive in soap, ointments, creams or lotions.

Birch tar is added to soap

Birch tar for such problems in the body also helps:

  • At oily skin It is useful to wipe it with moistened, in tar water, cotton wool, or wash with tar soap once a week.
  • With dandruffa mask with a birch tar. We do it like this: we take 10 g of birch tar, 30 g of burdock oil, half a glass of vodka and mix well. Rub the mask into the hair and leave for several hours. Then we wash the hair with an ordinary shampoo.
  • To the hair was thicker and shone, you need to wash them in the water, having previously dropped a few drops of birch tar into it.
  • With hemorrhoids with bleeding Prepare a bath with a birch tar (for 2 liters of warm water 1 tbsp. Spoon of birch tar). Also, with hemorrhoids, you can do this: heat a brick, put it in a bucket, drip on a brick 5 drops of a birch tar, cover a bucket with a wooden cover with a hole in the middle, and sit on this cover without clothes. If it bakes strongly, let cool a little brick, and then continue the procedure.
  • In its pure form (undiluted) birch tar applied only to remove the fungus on the nails.

Important. The additive of a birch tar to water or other products should be no more than 20%, if more, then accelerated aging of the skin occurs.

Important. A known from Soviet times, Vishnevsky ointment contains a birch tar.


  • When used externally, as an additive, a birch tar of more than 20%, the rapid aging of the skin occurs.
  • Long -term reception of a birch tar.
  • Pregnant women and during breastfeeding.
  • With allergies to birch components.
  • The birch tar contains carcinogen - a chainsaw, which when oral administration increases the risk of getting cancer.
  • Kidney diseases.

Birch tar - instructions for use inward

This is how the birch targeted -made birch

Taking inside a cure from a birch tar The following diseases can be cured:

  • Strengthen the heart muscle
  • Improve metabolism
  • Cough
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Clean the body of toxins and slags
  • Improve the condition of the liver, pancreas and intestines
  • Treat the stomach with ulcers and gastritis
This is how just pumped birch tar looks like

For taking a birch tar Each disease has its own recommendations for admission:

  • To cleanse blood during rashes on the skin, as well as with tuberculosis Birch tar is taken with milk (50 ml of milk 2 drops) 7 days, then a break, and again taking this medicine.
  • With bronchitis, strong coughing, pneumonia, asthma Birch tar is diluted with water 1: 8. Then this water is infused for 2 days. After 2 days, having removed the film, such water can be treated. Treatment is carried out like this: drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of therapeutic water, wrapping before the sore throat with a warm cloth. If the disease is launched, we immediately take 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of therapeutic water.
  • With cirrhosis 1 drop of birch tar drip in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh sour cream, eat it and jam it with honey (1 teaspoon). The next day, increase the birch target to 2 drops. We continue to increase 1 drop every day until it reaches 10 drops, and then reduce to 1 drop every day. Then the break of 7 days and the treatment is repeated. During the treatment, instead of water, you need to drink an oat broth (per 1 cup of boiling water 1 tbsp. Spoon of oatmeal, insist 3 hours). If during treatment an allergy or poor well -being manifests itself, treatment must be refused.
  • With opisthorchiasis (flat worms in the liver) Birch tar must be taken as follows: in 1 tbsp. a spoon of heated to a warm state of milk, drip 1 drop of birch tar, drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Starting from the next day, we already drip 2 drops, and gradually increase the number of drops of tar to 20 drops, and then start the countdown in the reverse order. Then a break of 10 days, and begin the 2nd course of treatment. During treatment, we drink mineral water.

How to drink birch tar for weight loss?

Water incurred on birch gum

The most effective tool in order to lose weight is natural products. Birch tar is such a product.

In the birch deuret there is such a substance as bitulan, which helps a lot of weight loss.

Thanks to the birch tar in the body, after taking it inside, the following changes occur:

  • Normal metabolism in the body is restored.
  • The general condition of the body improves.
  • Sleep normalizes.
  • The body is cleansed of harmful products.
  • The body is saturated with vitamins, and minerals.
  • The appetite is suppressed.
  • Excessive fluid from the body is excreted due to the diuretic properties of a birch tar.

Tarry water for weight loss


  1. We dilute the birch tar with boiled water 1: 8, stir well.
  2. We insist in a dark place for 2 days.
  3. After insisting on the surface, the film is formed that we remove.
  4. We filter the resulting water, and drink 2 tbsp. tablespoons 1 time per day, before meals. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. For 1 year, you can spend 3 courses, with interruptions for more than 1 month.

Important. It is necessary to strictly adhere to recommendations for the treatment of birch tar, otherwise you can harm health.

Birch tar: oral application for intestinal cleansing

Preparation of tar waterwater

When using a medicine from a birch tar:

  • The peristalsis of the intestine and its microflora are normalized
  • The intestines are cleaned of toxins
  • The breakdown of fats, and cholesterol is accelerated
  • Inflammation is removed, and ulcers in the intestines
  • The intestines are cleaned of worms

Cleaning the intestines will help tar water.

It is done as follows: in 8 portions of water, stir 1 portion of the birch tar (tar in water does not dissolve, but beneficial substances from it go into water). When the water settles, we remove the non-dissolved layer on top, and take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach, within 10 days.

Birch tar with milk to cleanse the body: recipes

Birch tar with milk

Birch tar with milk is drunk with such diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Mastopathy

Also with the help birch tar with milk You can cleanse the body of toxins.


  1. In 50-100 ml of slightly warm milk, we drip 1 drop of birch tar, and drink 1 hour before meals.
  2. So we do 1-2 weeks, adding 1 drop, and so on up to 12 drops every day.

At atherosclerosis and cleansing the body The duration of treatment is 45 days.

With mastopathy Treatment is slightly different.


  1. For 3 days in a row we drink 200 ml of milk with 3 drops of birch tar.
  2. Then 3 days - 200 ml of milk with 5 drops of birch tar.
  3. Then the next 3 days is 200 ml of milk with 7 drops of birch tar.
  4. We take a break of 10 days, and then repeat the course first.

Cleansing with birch tar with bread: recipes

Birch tar with black bread

To cleanse the body and with the aim of removing the inflammatory process of internal organs Take a birch tar in drops on rye bread.


  1. On a small piece of rye bread, we drip 5 drops of birch tar, and eat before bedtime.
  2. The next day we add another 1 drop of birch tar on rye bread, and so add 1 drop every day until it reaches 10 drops.
  3. Then eat bread with 10 drops of birch tar for 14 days, then reduce 1 drop every day until 5 drops are left again.
  4. Total, the course of taking bread with birch tar 24 days.

Cleansing with birch tar with honey: recipes

Birch tar with honey

Birch tar with honey helps to get rid of worms.


  1. In 1 tsp, we drip 1 drop of birch tar, and eat such a medicine in the evening.
  2. The next day we take honey with 2 drops of tar, and so we reach 12 drops.
  3. Treatment we continue 12 days.

Birch targeting orally for cleansing and losing weight: reviews

Effective use of birch tar for weight loss

Recently, weight loss with the help of a birch tar is chosen more and more people.

Olga. After pregnancy, I wanted to get rid of the extra 11 kg. On the advice of the attending physician, she began to take tar water. Accepted 2 courses. After treatment, I had such lightness in the body, a surge of energy. I lost a little weight, acne disappeared. I like the effect of this drug, at least lose weight on it and it is impossible.

Diana. I am a supporter of natural weight loss products. I looked for such a tool for a long time and stumbled upon a birch tar. After 2 courses, I dropped 5 kg, cleaned my body. If there are no contraindications, then this tool is the best for weight loss.

With the help of a birch tar, many different diseases are cured, but first you need to determine if you have contraindications for medicines from it.

Video: Treatment of birch gum

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Comments K. article

  1. how can you drop a tar ???? Or do you write about the Bodyag whose pharmacies are traded called birch tar?

  2. If you already take inside, then only a proven and cleaned tar from a pharmacy is Berestine. He is at least real. I myself treat them neurodermatitis, I have not tried it. And it really helps well.

  3. Tinctures on birch tar took when there were constipation. I must say, made perfectly. Now there are no problems with the chair ... Although, of course, without additional means, the phytolax (chewing pills) did not do, and I tried to eat more prunes ... Apparently all together and helped)

  4. I also took a birch tar inside with milk. But it is necessary, as it was correctly said to buy only a proven pharmacy Berestine. Because in other cases it is not known what is it at all. And so dermatitis passed (used internally and externally) and the skin with hair improved. And small sores have ceased to show themselves. And overall I feel great.

  5. Oh Lord, he didn’t smell very much, he personally didn’t try it herself, but they advised it, when the constipation began, then I wanted something soft and not aggressive to restore the chair, my girlfriend advised me to drink phyatomucil and eat more vegetables, following her advice, I restored regular stools and I got rid of the constipation)

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