“Grind the heat with the wrong hands”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Grind the heat with the wrong hands”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Brown the heat with strangers” - the meaning of phraseology.

“Grind the heat with the wrong hands”: the brief meaning of phraseological units

The brief meaning of phraseologism "grunted with the heat of the beggars":

  • Shift your problems and responsibility to the shoulders of other people.
  • Operate someone.
  • To deceive, set up under the blow.
  • Use other people's labor without working.

What will happen if you extend your hand too close to the fire? The unpleasant overshadowed, which is more difficult to treat, the closer to the fire was a hand. The experience of handling fire suggests that jokes are dangerous. But such a nuisance is not terrible if you put your hands in the fire, but strangers! Imagine such a picture is scary and even creepy. That is why, this is how phraseologism has taken root and popular with someone else's hands to rake the heat. ” If in reality no one rakes the heat with the wrong hands, then almost everyone agrees to solve problems with the wrong hands. The “freebie principle” pleasant to everyone works here. The more freebies, the more interesting and more fun to live.

The meaning of phraseologism by the wrong hands of the heat rake
The meaning of phraseological unit "Grind the heat with strangers"

The habit of raking the heat with someone else's hands, is laid in childhood, and the harmless “I don’t want to collect toys, you collect yourself”, can develop into the habit of loading other people with your problems in adulthood. Of course, those mothers who run headlong at the first call of the babies make a mistake to fulfill all their requests. As a result, from childhood, kids get used to being adapters.

Of the boys who do not want to collect toys and load mom with this work, male alphons grow. They not only live on a freebie at the expense of women, but also shift homework to fragile female shoulders. Of the girls who are accustomed to the care of mothers, "girls-orchids" grow up. A beautiful orchid is a flower that cannot live without support. A sweet girl parasitizing at her parents in childhood, in adulthood, parasitizes on her husband.

“Brind the heat with strangers” - how to make a sentence with phraseology

A proposal with phraseology -“rake the heat with the wrong hands”, you can draw up in a non -union complex sentence. This phraseologism can be replaced with the words:

  • He used other people's labor.
  • Deceived.
  • He shifted problems to the shoulders of other people.

For example:

  • He did not like to work - he raked the heat with the wrong hands.
  • Tamara raked the heat with the wrong hands - she solved problems at the expense of other people.
  • He liked to rake the heat with the wrong hands - the deceit of other people was the norm for him.

In these sentences, instead of the union “and” is placed dash.

Instead of a dash, you can put the union "and":

  • He did not like to work, and raked the heat with the wrong hands.
  • Tamara raked the heat with the wrong hands, and she solved problems at the expense of other people.

“Brind the heat with strangers” - which synonyms for phraseologism to choose?

Synonym to phraseological unit - "rake the heat with the wrong hands":

  • Deceive.
  • Operate.

Synonym, consisting of several words:

  • Shift your problems.
  • Use other people's labor.

Examples in sentences:

  • The employer deceived his employees - raked the heat with the wrong hands.
  • Anyone who is not used to working rakes the heat with the wrong hands.

Video: phraseological units in pictures

“Grind the heat with strangers” - who can use other people's work without working?

Who can shift their problems and responsibility to the shoulders of other people? People involved in such practice can be found in almost all collectives and families and this: this:

  • Colleagues.
  • Relatives are brothers, sisters, Kumovya.
  • Wives, husbands and children.
  • Girlfriends and friends.

If the team has no clearly defined responsibilities and everyone works for the overall result, you will certainly find a warrior set there. Often this person is the soul of the collective and he knows a bunch of new jokes and funny stories. He smiles sweetly and knows how to joking a difficult psychological atmosphere. He gets along well with his superiors and therefore dismissal is not particularly scary. At a time when the team sweats over the performance of another task, this person can drink gulls or coffee for the tenth time, in other words, "to rake heat with strangers."

Operating someone, for such pro is a common thing. With a obviously not successful undertaking or project, they will prove with sophisticated manipulations that there is no guilt in this. Yes, and it will be difficult to prove the guilt of the one who at work was mainly engaged in a tea party or poisoned jokes. And while they remove the skin from others and dismiss, a sweet or sweet lover “rake heat with someone else’s hands”, quietly drinks tea in the far corner or urgently suffers from acute respiratory infections.

“Brind the heat with strangers” - how can they deceive, set it up to blow?

But such collectivists seem cute children compared to those who not only engage in the exploitation of other people, but are also masters of setups and meanness. Such stories can be found not only in labor groups, but also in the groups of “girlfriends” or “friends”. If one girlfriend knows about another something immoral and what does not need to be discussed in wide audiences-this is in secret to the whole world, she will certainly give out in the mountain. What can one sweet friend tell about another:

  • How yesterday's party went.
  • How much alcohol took a friend on her chest.
  • What immoral acts did.
  • As she danced on the table and showed striptease.

In order for all secrets to become the property of a wide audience, a mobile phone and a large amount of numbers recorded in the phone. Such, it would seem small meanness, can destroy families. Small scammers and scammers use not small meannesses. “Brown heat with strangers” - not only a way of enrichment, but also a lifestyle. In what areas do scammers work in?

  • Frauding with bank cards, lures of data that give access to bank deposits.
  • Removing the evil eye and damage to material reward.
  • Theft of money through "left" sites for the sale of any goods. The prepayment scheme works.

“Grind the heat with strangers” - a good scheme to live happily and not work.

Video: life hacks against those who like to rake the heat with strangers

“Grind the heat with strangers” - shifting their problems and responsibility to the shoulders of other people

Often those who are used to "raking the heat of the heat" live in the family under one roof. The children's poem very accurately describes the situation:

  • There is service “Sam”, there is a mother’s service.
  • I myself do not strain, I am serving my mother.

After all, it’s easier and easier to ask mom to collect toys, put things in order in the room and even do lessons than to do all this yourself. Light house labor lies on women's shoulders even if both the husband and wife go to work.

  • Washing and ironing.
  • Checking the lessons.
  • Cooking food.
  • Washing dishes.
  • House cleaning.

All this easy work is done by women, while men are busy with the main work and meetings with friends behind a mug of beer. The stereotype of this behavior has been laid down in the heads of men and women since childhood. They copy the behavior of their parents. “Brown to the heat of the laws”, men learn from their fathers. But even in those families where a man washes dishes on March 8th, psychological terrorism may be present. In this case, all the negative accumulated per day is falling on the opponent’s head. Sometimes not only the negativity accumulated in the day is falling out, but the negative accumulated in life. Fans of "raking the heat with strangers", adapt well and lying on the couch with their households.

“Grind the heat with strangers” - who is the parents of such people?

We are all from childhood. And in this part of the article we will tell you how to grow a lazy person or those who like to rake the heat with the wrong hands. Kids receive the first idea of \u200b\u200blife from their mothers. Mom is a mirror for them, in which the child suddenly discovers himself. "Mom sees me""Mom is glad to me""Mom smiles at me" “So I am, then I'm good.”

Problems begin when the mother is cold with her child. The types and causes of cold in relation to their baby can be different. It can be the mother of an alcoholic, or a schizotypic mother, a mother who is depressed or is simply too busy with clarifying relations with other relatives. The bottom line is that a small child does not understand this, and he has a false negative idea of \u200b\u200bhimself.

  • Children of alcoholics, tantrums and just too emotional personsHaving become adults, they love to rake the heat with the wrong hands. Imagine a family in which there is an alcoholic. In the early morning, he or she sits in a chair, suffers from a hangover, and the desire to drink. They are annoyed by every sound. Suddenly a baby appears in the room, who, for example, folds something from the cubes. Cubes are lying around, he does not succeed. The child naturally begins to be upset.

What is the reaction of mom alcohol? Of course, a scream, and maybe a slap. So that this petty annoying creature disappears from the horizon. What conclusions the child draws? "If I show my emotions, it will be bad"“If I do something, then I may not succeed, I will be upset, and the apocalypse will happen.”"Better, I will not try to do anything at all".

  • Children of schizotypic mothers or just mothers who always hide in the clouds. Why do they like to "rake the heat of the wrong hands"? Schizotypic or mother is cold, she generally lives in her individual world. In her heart there is no place for sympathy and empathy in relation to other people, or rather, her ability to empathize is extremely small. This lady can be extremely preoccupied with the voting of cockroaches in her head, she can take care of philosophical issues, but she seems to be absolutely not doing to her own child.

Such a mother can, without a twinge of conscience, try to give a small child to herself, do not take him with him for a walk, not to buy him sweets that he wants in the store. She may not respond to children's feelings, scream for a broken knee, say that if one of the elders offended the child, then he must solve these problems himself.

What conclusion does the baby come to? Firstly, he decides that he is a useless person who does not deserve attention: "Who needs me at all if I do not need my own mother?" Secondly, the child is trying in every possible way to dissolve his cold mother at least somehow, he is acting, he does not obey, re-forth and lazy. When mom does at least something, she does not look so cold and stone. And when he does something, he still does not receive sincere praise for it.

Too high level of anxiety is another reason why children can look like lazy people. Constant "Where did you climb!""Do not touch you break!""Do not run!" They kill the desire of the kids to be independent. As a result, the child comes to the conclusion "Better, I will not do anything, if only my mother would not scream."

  • Narcissical mothers, perfectionists and idealists. They are extremely concerned about looking good in the eyes of others. And a small child with stained handles or sliding tights, it is extremely unpleasant for them. "Why are you so dirty!""Shame!"- - this is what can hear from such a mother, who was engaged in his interesting deeds, the baby. "Better I will not do anything, if only my mother would not scold"- he thinks.

In addition, narcissistic mothers are very stingy for praise. The child can draw a very beautiful picture or make just the perfect order in the room. But everything he will hear in response will be dry "Well, normal". The inability to melt the ice heart of the Snow Queen. The vicious circle, where mothers who love “rake the heat of the laws” with someone else's hands, raise the same their children, it seems, cannot be broken. And another phraseology - “an apple from the apple tree does not fall far”, confirms this hypothesis. However, the saying “Patience and labor will grind everything”, suggests that a workaholic can be made from any lazy person.

Read more about phraseologisms in our articles:

Video: phraseological units in Russian literature

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