A feeling of overeating after a little meal: causes, treatment with pharmacy drugs and folk methods

A feeling of overeating after a little meal: causes, treatment with pharmacy drugs and folk methods

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating a sense of overeating after a small meal.

The severity in the stomach is a frequent satellite of feasts, and friendly gatherings. It is not worth surprising severity in the abdomen after taking a large amount of food, since pressure is on the walls, and the stomach does not have time to process food. It is worth tracking the state of health if the feeling of heaviness is observed constantly, or after taking a small amount of food.

Feeling of overeating after a small meal: Reasons

The problem is common, especially for residents of the former post -Soviet space. This is due to the characteristics of the mentality, and financial problems during perestroika. People who remember this time are prone to overeating, and want to try everything at the holiday. Most people for such purposes acquire enzymes that improve food digestion and relieve severity in the abdomen. However, it happens that severity is observed even after a small amount of food. 

A feeling of overeating after a small meal, reasons:

  • Visiting exotic countries, and getting used to an unusual cuisine. In China, Vietnam, sharp spices are introduced into food, and unusual ingredients. A person living in a certain region develops his own microflora, designed to digest frequently consumed foods. If a large number of unusual products appear in the diet, the stomach can protest, after eating, heaviness is felt. 
  • Frequent flights, daytime sleep. The digestive organs are designed to work in the daytime, and should rest at night. Some people work for days, or in shifts, in this regard, the dream shifts for a day, and the night becomes working time. It is necessary to wait a bit while the body is rebuilt. Try to reduce the amount of food consumed at night, replacing heavy foods with light. The ideal option is stewed vegetables. 

Why does a feeling of overeating in the stomach from a small portion arise?

Almost all nutritionists recommend minimizing the use of fatty meat in the evening, fried products. It is better to eat such food in the morning, or for lunch. In the evening, it is allowed to eat fish, stewed vegetables, dairy products with a low percentage of fat content. Drive, cutlets with a high content of animal fat, it is better to eat in lunch. You should not drink these products with a large amount of water, the liquid can enhance bursting, an unpleasant sensation in the abdomen. 

Why is there a feeling of overeating in the stomach from a small portion:

  • Eating food with the dining room. This applies to people who spend most of the time at home, or regularly eat home food. Any visit to a restaurant, or to the dining room, can affect the condition of the digestive tract. In the conditions of production canteens, where food is prepared in large portions, bone flour is used to cook the first dishes. Dishes are seasoned with inner fat, smalt. Fat foods are too heavy, especially if the food in the house is fried in vegetable oil. The body can poorly perceive animal fat in large quantities. 
  • The use of a large amount of smell and pork fat. These products are heavy, for their digestion a high concentration of pancreatic enzymes, as well as bile, is necessary. Regular loads can lead to violation in the work of internal organs and provoke severity. 

A feeling of overeating in the stomach is a symptom of dangerous ailments

Previous causes are physiological, and are due to the use of too fatty, heavy food or restructuring in the body. Heaviness for no reason, after eating a small amount of food is not a variant of the norm, and may be a symptom of a serious ailment. Small severity, tingling and pain in the stomach, occur for the following reasons.

A feeling of overeating in the stomach is a symptom of dangerous ailments:

  • Gastritis. This is a violation of the integrity of the shell of the stomach, when mucus disappears from its surface. The walls become sensitive to the aggressive environment of the stomach, and can dissolve, with the appearance of ulcers. With gastritis, vomiting, nausea after each meal can be observed, especially after eating fatty, fried or heavy foods. 
  • Peptic ulcer. The ailment is characterized by the occurrence of wounds on the surface of the walls, as a result of corroding the mucous membrane with the formation of ulcers. The disease is very dangerous, requires treatment. Ulcers can open until completely dissolved on one of the sections of the stomach. The contents of the stomach flows into the abdominal cavity, and a person enters the operating table. Peptic ulcer, which is not treated, can cause the spathing of the space between the stomach and the intestines, which also leads to surgical intervention. The disease is characterized by vomiting, nausea and a burning sensation inside the stomach. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to go to the ultrasound, or gastroscopy. 
  • Oncology. The disease is the most insidious, unlike gastritis and ulcers, it does not have such symptoms. At the initial stage, vomiting and nausea does not occur. It can be insignificant severity and discomfort. When pain occurs, an advanced stage of oncology is found. 
Binge eating
Binge eating

Constant feeling of overeating on an empty stomach: reasons

Take the attention to your well -being early in the morning. If the severity is observed on an empty stomach, you have not yet had time to eat food, you should see a doctor. This happens due to improper behavior, and non-compliance with the rules of usefood.  

A constant feeling of overeating on an empty stomach, reasons:

  • Eating heavy food at night. As indicated above, this happens if a person works at night. Take a rule to eat light products at night. A glass of kefir or yogurt without filler is suitable.You can eat an apple with a small amount of stewed vegetables. Do not use a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins at night.
  • Sweet rolls, yeast pastries, bread, Confectionery products negatively affect not only the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on weight.Completely exclude the use of these products at night. Even a small amount of food at night can lead to severity immediately after waking up. At night, the stomach works worse than during the day. Enzymes can be produced less. Especially if a person does not move, but go to bed. Scientists have proven that the movement after eating stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and also accelerates the digestion of food. 
  • At night, the body takes a horizontal position, as a result of which the work of all organs and systems slows down. A smaller amount of hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach, and the pancreas also sleeps. Therefore, almost all night products can be in the stomach and succumb to fermentation processes. The next morning, a person has bloating, nausea, heaviness in the stomach. Over time, it will pass when most of the food is digested. Do not arrange such stress for your body. 
  • Reception of a large amount of alcohol at night. It happens after feasts. Early in the morning, after waking up, due to the decomposition of alcohol into acetaldehyde, there is a heaviness, an unpleasant sensation in the stomach. Part of the food is in an undigested state and is in the stomach. It is necessary to alleviate the condition by acceptingsorbents that absorb alcohol decay products. These include Enterosgel, Atoxil, or activated carbon,Smecta. Almost any absorbers are suitable. 
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain

Feeling of overeating during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the position of internal organs changes due to the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus. The organs are shifted inside the abdominal cavity, the stomach rises higher.

A feeling of overeating during pregnancy:

  • Very often this becomes the cause of bursting, discomfort in the abdomen. During pregnancy, it is recommended that fractional nutrition, eat food in small portions, do not overload the stomach.
  • Give preference to liquid dishes, or gruel -like. Refuse to eat fatty, spicy food. Exclude the consumption of fast food, chips, alcohol.
  • To get rid of heartburn and a sense of bursting during pregnancy, it is allowed to take enterosorbents that absorb toxic substances. Drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach are recommended. Proper nutrition, and the consumption of beneficial products, prevents the appearance of a sense of bursting in the abdomen during pregnancy.

How to get rid of a sense of overeating: a list of drugs

To get rid of severity in the abdomen, establish the cause of the pathology. As indicated above, the causes of this symptom is a large number. If you work against the symptom itself, the reason will not go anywhere and will return over time. The only right solution option is to establish the reason and engage in its elimination. There are several options for drugs that are used to treat severity in the abdomen.

How to get rid of a sense of overeating, a list of drugs:

  1. Antispasmodics. They are prescribed if the feeling of bursting is provoked by spasm in the epigastric zone. These include no-shpa, spasmalgon, ketans.
  2. Drugs containing pancreatic enzymes. These include Creon, Pancreatin. They are prescribed if the severity is provoked by a lack of enzymes. Pancreatitis can indicate pulling pains on the left side.
  3. Enterosorbents And drugs absorb toxic substances, will be effective in poisoning. If after consuming cottage cheese, yogurt, meat product in a small amount there is nausea, vomiting, a feeling of bursting in the stomach, it makes sense to use enterosgel, smectu, or atoxil.
  4. Drugs stimulating the outflow of bileand improving the liver. These include hepatoprotectors: Hepaben, Karsil, Daril. They help to recover the liver cells if a person abuses with fatty foods. In case of violations in the liver, along with overeating, a change in skin color is observed, it becomes yellow, with a brown tint. The color of the protein of the eyeball may change.
  5. Drugs to stimulate the work of the stomach. Medicines stimulate the work of the stomach, increasing the amount of contractions, which leads to the movement of food in the stomach, preventing the occurrence of stagnation. These include Domrid, Domidon, Ganaton.
Heavy food
Heavy food

How to get rid of a sense of overeating with folk methods?

If the sensation of bursting in the stomach is repeated again and again, consult a doctor. Take advantage of preventive measures that prevent the occurrence of a sense of oversaturation. Tips and rules that help get rid of a sense of overeating are presented below.

How to get rid of a sense of overeating with folk methods:

  • The body itself does not understand what it needs. Therefore, instead of a glass of water, you have to eat a portion of calorie foods. Nutritionists recommend drink a glass of boiled water 30 minutes before the meal. Perhaps the feeling of hunger is in no way connected with the lack of nutrients and energy.
  • Try to prevent too large gaps between meals. It is they who stimulate the sensations of severe hunger, and contribute to overeating. Therefore, the best option is 3 hours.
  • Do not miss breakfast and lunch. These meals should be complete and include all the necessary nutrients. The last meal, that is, dinner, should be easy. If you eat proper food for breakfast and lunch, then by evening there is practically no feeling of hunger, it is quite possible to do with a snack.
  • With unpleasant sensations, you can also alleviate the condition. For this, light massage movements are carried out in a circle, around the navel clockwise. This stimulates intestinal motility, and accelerates the passage of food inside the digestive organs. This eliminates the feeling of overeating and saturation.
  • Very often, a feeling of saturation is not associated with a large meal, but with the use of inappropriate products. In adults, this can be gluten, lactase, or yeast. After the use of these products in the abdomen, there is an increased activity of bacteria and yeast fungi. Due to the lack of enzymes, these substances are not completely split, which leads to a large number of gas bubbles. They can put pressure on the walls of the stomach, intestines, causing a feeling of bursting, unpleasant sensations. To get rid of them, exclude products containing a lot of carbohydrates, yeast and fat milk. To quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, you can drink escumizan. This is a drug based on a simeticon that absorbs gas bubbles.

Read on the topic:

Eat food only if you feel severe hunger. The head may spin, the heaviness in the stomach is felt. If a person wants to eat something specific, this is not at all hunger, but an appetite.

Video: a feeling of overeating after a small amount of food

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