How I spent my summer: an essay for a younger, secondary, high school

How I spent my summer: an essay for a younger, secondary, high school

Who does not like summer, especially in childhood. And now we will write an essay on the summer.

How I spent my summer: an essay for schoolchildren. The options are highlighted for the younger, secondary and high school.

How I spent summer: an essay for elementary grades

Summer is my favorite time of the year, because it is warm on the street, you can walk all day, and most importantly - because the holidays!

Every day in the summer is long and cheerful. Even if in the morning to sleep for a long time, you still have time to do a lot of interesting things: to play with friends, and if there is a river or forest nearby, then you also buy or wander in search of berries, interesting branches or leaves, flowers. Then you can assemble a herbarium, as we were asked for the summer at school. And I am always listening to birds of birds in the forest, they are so different! And I have already learned to determine some of them by chirping.

Baby in the summer
Baby in the summer

In the rain, when you do not want to leave the house, you can watch TV, play at the computer, read. And you can also help mom and put things in order in her room, she always asks me about it. I really love summer and I want it, as it is sung in the song, to never end.

How I spent summer: an essay for C rareclasses

I really love my school, teachers and classmates, but still every year I look forward to when the summer holidays will begin.

This summer, in the early days of the holidays, I just rested. We walked with friends all day, went to the cinema, and then discussed the film for a long time, compared our impressions. Several times they went to the city beach, where they bathed and sunbathed, which is very useful for the body. In the evenings I read the books that we were asked for the summer, painted and knitted. By the way, over the summer I managed to tie a beautiful long scarf for the winter, and the same, only another color - for my younger sister.

Children in the summer
Children in the summer

Later, my sister and I went to the village where grandparents live. Here, too, it was very fun, and every day went differently. I met village girls and boys, with whom we went to the river to bathe, and in the evening we went out into the field, collected flowers, making beautiful bouquets. From them I learned many names of wildflowers that do not grow in our city.

Of course, we helped grandparents. They have chickens and ducks, and my sister and I fed them every day. And they also laid beds, collected cucumbers, which then helped grandmother roll into banks.

When my parents began to leave, they also arrived in the village. For a week we lived here with the whole big family, together we have harvested everything that managed to mature by this time and fill the cellar of blanks. Our dad is an avid fishing, and once I went with him early in the morning to the river. True, dad grumbled if I spoke loudly, because he says that fish loves silence. Nevertheless, my loud joy from every fish caught did not hurt - we returned to dinner with an excellent catch and in the evening all with appetite ate fried fish, which the grandmother prepared according to her secret recipe.

And then we and my parents went to the sea coast. I first visited the sea and I really liked it. There is a completely different sun, much more hot. And the sea does not look like a river at all, it is dark, deep and very beautiful. We collected a lot of shells and beautiful pebbles, which we then brought home and decorated our aquarium. I also gathered a few shells to my girlfriends to share my joy with them.

Children spend summer
Children spend summer

So two weeks flew, and it was time to return home. Parents soon went to work again, and I still had a little time left to read the books that I did not have time to read in early summer, and, of course, take a walk. Summer was just over, and I already look forward to when the school year will fly, and again I will rejoice at the warm sun.

How I spent summer: an essay for C tarry classes

What summer is wonderful! It is so different, and every month does not look like the previous one: the freshness of the green foliage in June, the saturation and depth of colors in July, the first treacherous interspersed of yellow and red shades in this greens - in August. In summer, a very special sun, it can be scorching, and it is delicate, caressing the skin with its warm rays. And even the rain in the summer is wonderful, be it a summer warm mushroom rain through the sun shining in the sky, or a powerful thunderclivery, with thunder, lightning, darkened sky and gusty wind, ending with silence and quiet splash through puddles of the last drops.

This summer was the last in my school life, the next sometimes will become exams, experiences, graduation and entering the university. Therefore, I tried to spend it in full in order to enjoy the last carefree school holidays.

In my summer program there were all the entertainment of the outgoing childhood: parks with attractions and carousels, a forensic wheel from which I saw my house and waved it, rejoicing like a child. There is a small lake in the park in which swans swim, and I often fed them, throwing pieces of rolls and observing how important and leisurely they swim to treat. According to the quiet alleys, in the light of lanterns, it was so good to just wander, quietly talking with the best friend about the most secret, about her sympathies and plans for the future.


There were cultural entertainments in my summer: cinema, theaters, concerts. For the first time I myself chose an opera theater for myself, because it is an art that is very important to understand and be able to listen. And I did not regret my choice, because I realized that music is very different, and classic, which we practically do not listen to in today's modern rhythms, is also beautiful and amazing.

Every day I opened something new for me, because I looked at him with completely different eyes, the eyes of an almost adult. And even a traditional annual trip to relatives to a neighboring city was not entirely ordinary. For the first time I realized that native people remain as they live. This happened because I felt that I really missed my uncle with aunt, in my cousin, although earlier we often quarreled with him, and sometimes even fought. I was very glad to see them, and for each I prepared a separate surprise, depending on their tastes and hobbies.

And this summer, my parents and I together spent part of their vacation (how good that they coincided with dad and mom!). In the early morning, we got into the car and went on a trip to the sea. But the sea was the ultimate goal of our voyage, before getting there, we stayed in different cities, examined local sights, went to museums. So interesting and exciting was with our own eyes to see a lot of what we went through the school curriculum, in history courses, geography. This is very useful, because once learned information itself surfaced in memory.

The sea ... how would I always live here, listen to the noise of the surf, say hello every morning with waves that run ashore, substitute the face and shoulders of the sun, watch the seagulls who are not very afraid of us, people pacing along the shore and ugly in the bags in the search tasty. Before my eyes, the seagull grabbed one guy from one small fish from the shore, his catch right from his hands. She immediately flew into the sky, apparently, in a hurry to escape from the scene of the crime and not share with her friends.


And how unlike the sea air is on our city! There is no dust in it at all, it is clean and saturated with salt, it breathes so easily. Yes, it’s a pity that you can’t live here all your life. However, local residents say that in winter the sea is not at all attractive, it is dark and cold. So, perhaps, it is good that my dream is still only a dream.

And, of course, in the summer I read a lot. Electronic books helped me out on the road, and real at home. They say that today the young read little, but this is not so. We are different, and among us there are many who want to learn new things, plunge into the past, think and cry. This, of course, is possible with the help of films, but still I prefer books, because only with them you can give free rein to your imagination, imagine the images of heroes, and not look at them, as in a movie. You can postpone the book on the most intriguing page and give yourself the pleasure of waiting and anticipation. Therefore, over the summer I read two dozen new books, having received a great pleasure from what I read.

I spent the last days of my summer at home, helping my mother, mastering new recipes from culinary books. After all, very soon an adult life awaits me, and I need to enter it prepared. Cooking is our family hobby, my grandmothers, mom are very tasty, and I also want to keep up with them.

That was the last summer of my childhood. Bright, saturated, left warm good memories.

Video: How did I spend the summer?

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