Composition on the painting of Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Composition on the painting of Levitan

Levitan painted a beautiful landscape, the characterization and creative description of which you will learn from the article.

The work of the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan made a significant contribution to the emergence of landscape painting. Against the background of famous landscape painters, Levitan was distinguished by its writing technique. He not just portrayed the beauty of Russian nature, but gave the paintings an emotional shade. Each landscape feels its own unique mood. Pacified nature is filled with special magic. The artist’s works are as close as possible to reality, which attracted the attention of his contemporaries.

Levitan's story "Golden Autumn"

Numerous paintings by Levitan are recognized as perfect. His creative manner is an example for many artists. Special magnetism has work with the image of autumn landscapes. A colorful time was an inspiration for many artists, but not everyone managed to convey the mystery and mood of nature.

Each painting written implies a laborious creative process. In order to convey all the entertainment of what he saw, Levitan painstakingly sorted out hundreds of various shades and many all kinds of angles. The artist analyzed each of his work and, despite the work done, was not always pleased with the final result. Levin's creative stubbornness helped to achieve that golden middle that did not leave indifferent a single viewer.

  • Each picture of the artist intersects with the events of his life. At the end of the 19th century Levitan writes the picture "Golden Autumn". The mood inspired by the author allows you to name the picture of a lyrical work.
  • The canvas has quite impressive dimensions - about 80 cm in height and more than 120 cm in length. On the landscape, a birch grove along the coast of the river was displayed. On this masterpiece, he was inspired by the autumn landscapes of the Tver province.
  • This area was famous for its natural beauties and did not go unnoticed by the spiritualized artist. For a full -fledged work process, an art workshop was built near these beauties.

A winding Autumn landscape was added by a winding river of Razezha.

  • A cold blue shade of water dilutes warm colors of autumn. A winding river, like a mirror, reflects the outlines of vegetation. The author emphasizes warm clear weather with the help of blue sky and bright shades of trees.
  • The water in the river, like the nature itself is calm and peaceful. If you look closely, you can notice a small movement of water.
  • The tops of birches hint at a light autumn breeze. The river divides nature into two shores. It can be assumed that the author wanted to show how the summer still lingered on one of the shores and the green foliage on the trees was preserved.
  • In folk art, green willows are a symbol of sadness. But in this picture, they rather remind of the overwhelming summer. The turn of the river leads our gaze deep into the picture. Running around along the current, we seem to swim along the picturesque nature. Thus, the author draws our attention to all the details of the canvas.

In the background of the picture, the green field is full. Most likely these are the seedlings of winter crops. Following the field there are several huts. Surely they belonged to ordinary peasants.

The first thing that fascinates is a look is Bright yellow color of birches. Thin trunks of trees and rare foliage indicate their youth. The birches are one of the first to change into gold outfits and convey a festive autumn mood. The orange-yellow colors dilute the reddish foliage of the shrub. Such a bright color always attracts special attention. The combination of yellow foliage of birches and sunlight fills the landscape with fiery light.

Great landscape
Great landscape

According to Levitan, “Golden Autumn”, one can imagine the emotions and feelings experienced by the author. Creating such a masterpiece can be experienced simultaneously both joy and sadness. Golden autumn days delight with their beauty not for long. Yellow outfits become a reminder of the last warm days. Very soon, a rainy gray autumn will replace. With a wilting foliage, life seems to freeze.

Each autumn month has its own special character. If the first half of autumn pampers us with bright colors and warmth, then the second half is filled with gray rainy days. The artist prefers golden autumn. Levatin tried to present the picture as a holiday of autumn colors. Filling it as much as possible with light and warmth. Any time of the year is wonderful in its own way, the main thing is to be able to notice all the charms of nature.

The correctly selected angle allowed Levitan to accommodate the endless expanses of the Russian land in a small landscape. Fields and steppes are also full of autumn paints. Juicy green grass is just starting to turn yellow and still reminds of the recently missed summer. Very soon, fallen foliage from the trees will cover it.

Thanks to Levitan, we have the opportunity to move to another atmosphere for a moment. Looking at the picture, I want to break out of the bustle of the city and plunge into this rainbow autumn day. Inhale the smell of autumn foliage, warm up the last warm rays of the sun. The river has a leisurely walk along its shores, beckons to touch her hand. You can look at the water for hours, inspired by new ideas and positive thoughts. Such a landscape helps to gain mental balance. This picture can only be supplemented with birds of bird and blowing a warm autumn wind.

The autumn landscape of the artist is saturated with love and attracts his energy. Looking at the picture in the head, the poetic lines of famous Russian writers and sophisticated classical music pop up. The admiration of the autumn landscape will warm even in the coldest weather. It evokes wonderful memories. Each new look opens up new beautiful details. You involuntarily think about what trees are depicted in the distance, who lives in village houses and that hides behind a birch grove. Any viewer who does not know the name of the picture will definitely think about golden autumn. The picture leads to thoughts that the most beautiful is near us. Autumn nature invites you to plunge into your bright warm fairy tale.

Different games with color
Different games with color

Levitan critically reacted to his masterpiece and after some time rewritten her in calmer tones. However, the picture has lost its expressiveness and did not cause much interest. The advantage of the first picture was the manner of writing unusual Levitan. It was bright colors that attracted increased interest. The artist’s stormy personal life was reflected in this picture. Artistic techniques used by the author emphasize his skill.

The picture was first presented at an exhibition in St. Petersburg. In the future, the work was bought by collector Pavel Tretyakov and took a worthy place in the Tretyakov Gallery. In the process of moving, the paintings of the picture were significantly damaged. Thanks to skillful restorers, the masterpiece returned the original appearance. Levatin’s picture is very popular and easily recognizable.

You need to not just look at any creation of art, but be able to see. Painting makes it possible to look into the hidden corners of your soul. Raises a love of nature in man, helps to feel the beautiful. Levitan wrote: “ This is what the landscape painter needs is to understand the conversation of water and trees, hear how the water tells. What a great happiness it is! ”. Thanks to the artist for another opportunity to touch the beautiful.

Video: composition-review to the picture "Golden Autumn"

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