Working on summer: summer nature, entertainment, holidays, rest at sea in the summer, summer signs

Working on summer: summer nature, entertainment, holidays, rest at sea in the summer, summer signs

A great time is summer. Let's look at it from all sides.

The seasons have a great influence on our life and on the state of the body as a whole. High daylight length regulates our biological processes and our mood. Each time has its advantages and disadvantages. Important events have a great influence on our preference for a particular season. When a person is happy, he rejoices in any weather outside. Many joyful and happy moments are happening in the summer.

Summer nature

Summer is a great time to relax. After winter frosts, I want warm sunny days even more. Comfortable weather opens up many opportunities for an interesting vacation. Adults make plans for the long -awaited vacation, children enjoy three months of vacation. The beginning of the summer pore brings with it a feeling of lightness and freedom. You no longer need to wear bulky warm clothes. In summer things, you feel much more comfortable.

The most important character of the summer is a warm and active sun. Heat creates a favorable environment for plants. Thanks to the Sun, we have the opportunity to grow useful products and stock up on vitamins for the whole year. The long -awaited fruits and berries cheer up. No one will refuse to taste strawberries, raspberries, apricots. Faller flesh of the berries gives a feeling of freshness. In August, aromatic watermelons and melons ripen. Without them, the summer feast would not be quite complete. The useful and sweet corn matures.

Summer nature
Summer nature

Parked by the sun, water bodies open the bathing season for us. Water becomes salvation on hot summer days. Transferring on the beach brings unforgettable emotions. Older people prefer a passive rest and take solar baths for days. Young people play active sports on the sand and have fun in the water.

Sometimes the summer heat is diluted with rains and thunderstorms. The sultry day is replaced by coolness. Fresh air opens a second wind. The plant world is gaining new forces. Sitting in the gazebo, you can hear how the rain drumming on the roof.

It is not very comfortable to be in the city in the heat. Hot dusty air exhausts and brings discomfort. Therefore, it is advisable to spend summer vacations outside the city. Rest in the country, in the village or on the coast will help to favorably endure the hottest days. The early sunrise has morning fishing. The more catch, the stronger the interest in such an occupation is manifested. Being in nature, you can read your favorite book lying in a hammock under a tree. Many enjoy working in the garden and garden.

The animal and natural world leads a very active lifestyle in the summer. The environment is overwhelmed with melodic sounds. Far from the bustle of the city, the singing of birds is well audible. Sparrows are noisy on the trees. A crow's crowns high in the sky. The woodpecker taps his melody on the tree trunk. At night, sweet singing of the nightingale or shaking of the cricket is heard. Near the reservoirs, screams of gulls and croaking frogs are reported. In the flower garden, insects do not stop buzzing. With a blow of the wind, the rustle of the foliage of trees is heard. All these sounds fill us with bright joyful emotions.

Warm time
Warm time

The summer sunsets are especially beautiful. Approaching the horizon, the sun acquires extraordinary colors and shades. At sunset, nature seems to freeze. Day bustle goes into silence and peace.

Summer entertainment

Summer provides many opportunities for an interesting pastime. Each child, having at his disposal three months of vacation, asks the question - how do I want to spend the summer? When the street is warm and sunny, I absolutely do not want to stay at home. The weather allows you to be in nature all day.

In the summer, the number of available sports entertainment is increasing. Many athletes are moving from sports halls to summer stadiums. A lot of interesting competitions are held in the open air.

Summer time
Summer time

Summer is a great time for football. Summer championships begin, and city residents have the opportunity to attend football matches. Good weather conditions open new opportunities for athletics. Today, the popularity of marathons of various topics is growing.

With the beginning of the summer holidays, children begin to actively use bicycles, rollers, skate. With such an inventory, time runs unnoticed. Many are amused by the game of badminton or table tennis. The number of children in the yards and at the sites allows you to organize games with a large number of players. In the summer, various campaigns and excursions are made. Vacations or vacation can be devoted to acquaintance with new attractions.

Walks on a boat or a ship are very popular. In such a trip, the city landscape appears in a completely new perspective. Fresh air charges with positive energy. A water trip becomes an unforgettable adventure.

Some children go to the camps, where they start new pleasant acquaintances and have fun. Competitions, discos, competitions become the brightest summer events. A trip to the camp is a great opportunity to improve his health before school classes.

Entertainment on the holidays
Entertainment on the holidays

In the summer, city parks are actively visited. In such places you can rest in different ways. The benches near the fountain have a pleasant conversation. Children's carousels for a long time carry away the children. Rope parks offer extreme tests for people of different ages.

Many are resting with their souls, sitting in the clearing. Summer allows you to arrange picnics in nature every day. In the park you can ride a horse. Such a trip will perfectly relieve fatigue after a working day. Street artists offer to draw a portrait and keep warm memories of a summer walk. In summer theaters, entertainment events and concerts are often held. Also in the park you can participate in interesting master classes and reveal your new opportunities.

Summer holidays

Spring and meet summer with a folk holiday The Holy Trinity. On this day, it is customary to decorate their homes with herbs. By tradition, in the morning you need to visit the temple and consecrate a bouquet from the branches of trees. As a rule, a birch, willow or oak is cut for a bouquet. There is a belief that birch branches protect the house from evil forces. A beautiful bouquet symbolizes a fruitful year. In the old days on this day, every girl complemented her outfit with a wreath of greenery. For unmarried girls, it was a symbol of attracting strong love. Rainy weather on the Trinity is considered a blessing.

Feast of the Trinity
Feast of the Trinity

Every summer generously gives us crops of all kinds of fruits. In August, it is customary to celebrate the holidays of the first crop - Honey,  Apple, walnut saved. It is believed that from this day the first seasonal changes begin from summer to autumn. It is customary to go to the church on the apple saved and illuminate a fruit crop. The main symbol of the Savior is an apple. The illuminated fruits bring recovery to the patient and wealth to the owners. On this day, you should refrain from swearing and lush celebrations. Mistresses should postpone the work on the household. Home pastries will be a great addition to the holiday.


In early August, a holiday celebrates prophet Ilya. St. Ilya is considered the patron saint of the crop. This holiday brings the first autumn coolness. Water begins to cool. According to numerous signs and customs from this day, it is not recommended to swim in reservoirs. Everyone heard the expression: "You can’t swim from Ilyin’s day - Ilya wrote into the water.” On this day it is customary to visit the temple and pray.

Rest at sea in the summer

Summer vacation is always associated with a trip to the sea. Sea air, sunbathing and affectionate waves heal our body. The sea coast fills us with special energy. A change in the usual environment allows you to distract from home worries. The noise of the surf and the cry of sea gulls help to acquire mental harmony. On the beach is so comfortable that I want to be there from morning to evening. Warm sand pleasantly warms the body. The skin acquires a golden sea hue.

The endless sea is fascinating and hypnotizes vacationers. The blue sky seems to merge with the waves on the horizon. Lying in the sand, it is impossible not to look at the curly clouds. The sea spaces are difficult to clasp with a look. The beauty of the sea cannot be saturated. Each dawn and sunset create unique landscapes. Watching the sea from a height, you can feel all its strength and power.

When the sea is calm, the rays of the sun give it a special brilliance. A quiet whisper of waves has a pleasant pastime on the beach. Emerald color beckons to touch as soon as possible. Pure transparent water makes it possible to consider the seabed and see some inhabitants. Small flocks of multi -colored fish flash before my eyes. Among the sand bottom there are shells and stones wrapped in water. Souvenirs of shells can be considered sea jewelry. The sea keeps many unsolved secrets.

Sometimes the gentle sea is replaced by huge waves and causes mental excitement. Water reaches a few meters in height and with destructive force drops to the shore. In such weather, it is better not to play with the sea. During the storm, the waves acquire a formidable look and have a destructive effect. In a matter of seconds, raging water easily knocks down. The unbridled sea is also unusually beautiful. In such weather, I want to sit on the shore and watch the sea vortices.

Rest at sea
Rest at sea

The sea has its own special aroma of salt and iodine, which for some time persist on beach things. Differents of the sea have a unique taste.

For the sake of the sea coast, people travel great distances. Unlike vacationers, local residents are absolutely indifferent to water attractions. The mysterious and immense sea cannot be ignored.

Summer signs

Since ancient times, people have used folk signs. With the help of various phenomena, many important events can be justified. Carefully observing the summer phenomena of nature, the behavior of animals and insects, you can determine what the weather will be expected in the next season. Consider the most popular signs that have not lost its relevance until now.

Summer weather predicts many events:

  • If the plants are covered with dew in the evening, then the next day there will be clear weather.
  • If by evening the wind changes its direction and intensifies, then you should expect bad weather.
  • High curly clouds portend a night thunderstorm on a summer day.
  • The first summer fog is a signal of a mushroom harvest.

Summer nature can predict the weather on the coming days:

  • Before heavy rain, you can notice a large number of worms.
  • Before the rain, sparrows clean feathers in dust.
  • If in the anthill, the lull is in bad weather. If the anthill is active, the weather will be clear.
  • Loud singing of crickets promises good weather.
  • If there are many insects near the flowers of acacia, then soon wait for the weather.
  • Before rainy weather, the bees do not leave their hives.
  • The low flight of swallows and cuts portends rainy weather.
Summer charm
Summer charm

Summer signs about winter:

  • Frequent summer rains portend the snow winter. The drying summer is the harbinger of frosty and low -snow winter.
  • Good harvest of berries harbinger of frosty winter.
  • If the leaves on the trees turn yellow early, then the winter will be early.
  • A good wheat harvest for harsh winter.
  • Before the harsh winter, mammals are abundantly stored food.

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