What to take with you on a trip: a list of necessary things. What from things to take with you on a train, on a road by car, bus, with a child?

What to take with you on a trip: a list of necessary things. What from things to take with you on a train, on a road by car, bus, with a child?

The article will give tips on the training camp on the road, lists of necessary things are given.

Traveling is always a pleasant adventure for the whole family. But the fees, usually, bring a lot of trouble. So that there was everything necessary on the trip and, at the same time, there is no abundance of things, use the advice:

  • Make a list of things that you need to take on the road. It is convenient to do this on papers, and, as you collect, delete the things folded.
  • Think in advance what you need on the way. After all, some things may have to buy.
  • Evaluate how much you go on vacation. Sometimes, it is advisable to transfer personal hygiene products into small jars. This is how the place in the baggage is saved and the weight is reduced.
  • If you are children, even adolescents, you need to think in detail what can come in handy on the road.
  • Consider the wishes of all members to the families. But at the same time, remember that it is worth taking only the most necessary.

Assistance will provide an approximate list of things that will be given in the article. Add things to it as necessary.

What to take with you on a trip: List

The list of things will vary, depending on what type of transport you move and who is traveling with you. But there is a basic set of necessary things.

  • The documents. These are all the necessary documents on the way: passports, automobile rights, birth certificates, medical insurance. Collect all the documents in one place, for example, in the folder.
  • Travel documents (tickets). If you have an electronic ticket, it is recommended to print it before the trip.
  • Keys from the house.
  • Cash and credit cards. Sometimes it is better in your country to exchange the required amount of money from the country to which you are going. After all, the airport is not a good course.
  • Records where the phone numbers and address of the embassy of their country will be indicated.
  • A printout of the hotel armor to present in cases of necessity.
  • The necessary technique (phone, player, camera, laptop, tablet, etc.).
  • Recharge for technology. It is better to put recharging in special bags so that they are not injured during transportation.
  • The necessary first aid kit.
  • Personal hygiene items.
  • Mirror and comb.
  • Clothing and shoes.
  • Additional items that can be useful on the way. It can be something from dishes (cup), toothpicks, watches or a road knife.

A simple rule that you need to remember when collecting things. Keep in your head the phrase “Money, passport, tickets”, and then you will not forget the most important.

List of things on a trip
List of things on a trip

What to take with you on a train?

To facilitate your journey, even a long -term, on a train, it is recommended to take:

  • A little dishes: a cup and disposable devices (spoons or forks). In trains, you can type boiled water and do tea when you want.
  • Tea and coffee packages.
  • Food. In the train itself and at stops, food is not too good quality. Therefore, if possible, take a snack with you. It can be fruits, nuts, sandwiches.
  • Water. Even if you prefer to drink soft drinks, the water on the train must be mandatory.
  • Wet and dry napkins.
  • Socks, even if it's hot during the day. At night, the air temperature decreases and this greatly affects the air temperature in the train.
  • Basic list of things (indicated in the previous section).
List of things on train
List of things on train

What to take with you on the road by car?

The trip by car is good in that with a long crossing you can make stops at roadside motels and cafes. But some things still need to be taken

  • Documents (driver’s license, technical passport, passport, insurance)
  • Necessary clothes
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Tools that can help in case of breakdown: a jack, a set of keys, cable, pump
  • The neck pillow. It is not too convenient to sleep in the car. To relax at least somehow, take an orthopedic pillow with you
  • Plaid. Come in handy in the cool season
  • Food and water. You can not always stop on the road. And there are such areas of the highway where there are no shops and cafes for many kilometers at all

What should you take on a long journey?

In addition to a basic set of things, additional ones may be needed on a long journey that will make the trip more comfortable. So, on a long trip you need to take:

  • All the necessary documents, tickets, hotel armor
  • Equipment and charging devices
  • Money and cards
  • Watch
  • Replaceable clothes
  • Shoes for the street and rooms. For example, slippers will save you from the need to constantly lace shoes. This is especially convenient on the train
  • Some dishes (cup, spoon)
  • Jackknife
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Sewing accessories (threads and needle)
  • Mirror and comb
  • Napkins
  • Entertainment (for example, a book or decoration - anti -stress)
  • A first -aid kit
List of things on a long road
List of things on a long road

What to take with you on the road by bus, to the bus tour?

Mandatory things when traveling on the bus are:

  • Pillow under the head. She will help to better survive the move
  • Folding light plaid
  • Warm socks
  • Water and snack. Even if you make stops in a cafe, always have a pack of cookies, nuts and dried fruits with you. In case of unforeseen circumstances, they will be appropriate
  • Jackknife
  • Berushi, a mask on the eyes of the sun
  • Necessary medicines (not all drugs can be in the bus medicine cabinet)
  • The basic list of things that includes documents, clothes and shoes, money, personal hygiene products

What to take on the road with a child on a train, a car, a bus?

Complete information on how best to organize a vacation with a child can be found in the article " All about trips with young children«.

A list of things that will be needed on the road with a child includes:

  • Documents for the child
  • Insurance
  • The clothes are light and warm. Even in the hottest summer, the temperature may decrease. So take a sweater or windbreaker for the baby
  • Shoes for street and rooms
  • The car will need a car seat for a child
  • Children's cosmetics and personal hygiene products
  • Napkins
  • I'm going for a child for a few days
  • Entertainment for the baby: books, decoons, board games
What to take on the road for a child?
What to take on the road for a child?

What to take for a baby on the road?

  • Documents for the child and insurance
  • Nipple, bottle
  • Children food
  • Children's cosmetics
  • Clean spoon
  • Napkins
  • Diaper and oilcloth
  • Clothing, shoes
  • Medicines that may be needed for the first time
  • Light stroller or argon
  • Diapers (at least for the first time)

Before you go on a trip with your child, find out how far from the place of residence will be the hospital. Write down the address and phone number of the nearest hospital.

You can learn more about the transportation of young children on the train in articlehttp: //heaclub.ru/proezd-rebenka-v-poezde-vozrast-dokumenty-bilet-lgoty-soprovozhdenie-doverennost

What to take from food on the road?

There is a lot of tasty and healthy food, which, moreover, has a decent shelf life.

  • Vegetables. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled potatoes in a uniform
  • Fruits: apples, pears, oranges and bananas
  • Dry fruits and nuts
  • Cookie
  • Snings
  • Canned food
  • Bread
  • Sandbones from dry sausage. Do not make sandwiches with oil or mayonnaise, this will reduce their expiration date
  • Drink: water, juice, soft drinks
  • Yogurt or kefir

Products are preserved better if they are transported in plastic containers or wrapped with cling film.

More about food that can be taken on the road and recipes on the road you can find out here.

What medicines, pills take on the road?

Even if you have no diseases, the minimum first -aid kit should be taken on any journey.

  • Antipyretic drugs. For example, "Aspirin", "Koldrex", "Analgin"
  • Colds for colds. "Amizon", "Fervets", nasal drops
  • Digestion "Mezim", "Linex", "activated carbon"
  • Bactericidal ointment
  • Peroxide
  • Iodine
  • Bandage and cotton wool (or cotton pads)
  • Remedy for bruises. For example, "Doloben"
  • If you go to the sea, take a tool for burns. For example, Panthenol or Rescuer
  • Anesthetic agents. Such as Nurofen or Spasmalgon.
List of drugs
List of drugs

What to take to read on the road?

There is nothing better in traveling than reading about travel. Take one of the proposed books, and a good pastime is guaranteed.

  • Homer "Odyssey". If you like to travel, then this is the best book to join ancient literature. Incredible adventures, mythical creatures and historical events. All this can be found on the pages of this book.
  • E. Gilbert "Eat, pray, love." Have you already watched the movie? Well, now it’s time to read the book. The plot is the same, but filled with deeper details.
  • J. Krakauer "In the Wild." An interesting, but somewhat difficult book about the possibilities of survival in the wild.
  • I. Ilf, E. Petrov "One -story America." Want to plunge into the life of America of the 30s? Well, with the help of famous writers of the USSR, this is possible. The book has not a hint of Soviet propaganda, a lot of fun points, and a grand route for the United States of that time is described.
  • J. Keroac "Tramp Dharma." In my personal opinion, this is the “traveler’s Bible”. The book is so filled with a philosophy of free travel that everyone who strives for the discovery of a new and unknown will appeal.

What to take a pregnant woman on the road?

During pregnancy, avoid taking heavy suitcases with you. Before any trip, you need to consult a doctor. In addition to the main list of things, a woman needs to have:

  • Safe high -quality food that does not cause allergies and digestive disorders
  • Medicines and vitamins
  • A large supply of water (especially if you can’t buy on the way)
  • Own personal hygiene items
  • Napkins
List of things for a pregnant woman
List of things for a pregnant woman

Set of toiletries on the road

  • Toothbrush, pasta or powder
  • Dry and wet wipes
  • Shampoo
  • Shower gel
  • Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Gum or hair clip of hair
  • Mirror or comb
  • Washing tool
  • Face and body cream
  • If you wear contact lenses, then the solution and container

Going on a trip for a short time, pour the shampoo and shower gel into small jars.

What to take on the road from clothes?

  • Smooth underwear
  • Socks
  • Shorts and pants
  • A couple of T -shirts
  • Shirt or dress
  • Sweater or windbreaker
  • Contemporary clothing for room
  • Shoes (open and closed, slippers for the room)
List of necessary clothes
List of necessary clothes

Where to get boiling water on the road?

  • In the train, boiling water is located at the beginning of the car, near the compartment of the conductor. You can ask him how and when you can type it
  • If boiling water is needed in the car, it can be dialing it in a thermos
  • Also, boiling water can be asked at gas stations, in roadside stores and cafes

Travels will be more fascinating if you approach them responsibly. Use the advice to organize your rest yourself here.

Video: What to take on a trip?


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