Quotes and phrases about love at a distance: short with meaning, philosophical and wise statements

Quotes and phrases about love at a distance: short with meaning, philosophical and wise statements

Quotes about love at a distance will help to express their feelings in correspondence. Look for options for beautiful and wise statements in the article.

AT 21st century Close relationships with people who are at a different point of the planet (with whom a person may not see one person) is not uncommon. That is why virtual love ceased to be a rarity. Of course, love at a distance is much more difficult than having a romantic relationship with a person living in the same city - after all, in this case, the inability to hug, kiss and stay nearby is very burdened.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "36 questions after which people fall in love, love is inevitable". You will find a list that will help find the desired question and answer.

In this article you will find beautiful quotes about love at a distance. With their help, you can remind yourself of your dear person. Choose and write original personal messages or set statuses. Read further.

Beautiful quotes about love at a distance to the guy to tears: short with meaning, girl love quotes

Love is at a distance
Love is at a distance

With a relationship at a distance, zealous thoughts arise more often, because it is completely unknown what the person he liked is doing when entering offline. Perhaps he is not as honest as he writes in correspondence? Nevertheless, love at a distance is far from always - it is stupidity and pampering. There are situations when having met on the Internet and starting to experience virtual sympathy, people transferred this relationship to reality and created strong families. Below you will find beautiful quotes about love at a distance to the guy to tears. These are short statements with meaning, love quotes of a girl.

These words about love at a distance will necessarily affect the souls of those who found themselves in a similar situation:

Phrases about love
Phrases about love

Of course, feelings for a person who lives in another city (or even a country) is always a lottery. Sometimes it becomes incomprehensible whether a person “at the other end of the wire” really experiences the same sparking of feelings, or for him it is just a game that is bored in a couple of months - and he will write about love in social. The network is already a completely different girl.

Here are a few more beautiful words:

Beautiful quotes about love at a distance
Beautiful quotes about love at a distance
Beautiful quotes about love at a distance
Beautiful quotes about love at a distance
Beautiful quotes about love at a distance
Beautiful quotes about love at a distance

Quotes about love for a girl at a distance: short with meaning

It is believed that people created for each other never live in the same city. Moreover, the relationship at a distance is much easier to start. After all, for this you do not need to have self -confidence or high income. That is why many guys begin relations on the Internet. How to support your beloved if you are at least a hundred kilometers between you?

Here are quotes about love at a distance to the girl - short with meaning:

  • Honey, the distance means so little if you mean so much.
  • My native, strong love is tested by time, and weak love - by distance.
  • Close is not the one who sits at a neighboring desk at the university, but the one with which you want to be near.
  • You can see dozens of beautiful girls on the street, but at the same time dream of the one with which the distance shares.

Since in most cases it is the guy who will be the first to go to another country or city in order to finally see the girl with whom romantic correspondence is conducted, some young people (due to uncertainty or lack of funds), do not dare to meet the first real meeting. Sympathy (or even strong feelings) over time fade and die, without going beyond the Internet. This is sad, but still, if a real meeting does not work out, then continue to correspond.

Here are a few more beautiful phrases:

Quotes about love for a girl at a distance
Quotes about love for a girl at a distance
Quotes about love for a girl at a distance
Quotes about love for a girl at a distance
Quotes about love for a girl at a distance
Quotes about love for a girl at a distance

Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance: philosophical, wise statements

If the love of a person from another city or country is so great that it is simply stupid to throw it out of your head, you should be patient and optimistic. The philosophical attitude to this issue will not interfere. A little “pearl of wisdom” in this case - sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance:

Sad phrases about love
Sad phrases about love

The easiest way not to torture yourself with a relationship at a distance is to understand: that “yours” will not go anywhere in a year. And if a guy or a girl did not have the patience to wait for a lover, a betrayal occurred or a person began a relationship in reality - it means that love from the Internet, in fact, was just a fleeting sympathy and this person was never yours.

Here are still philosophical, wise statements:

Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance
Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance
Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance
Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance
Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance
Sad quotes about love, separation and life at a distance

Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance: love quotes

These relationships are of two types: in the first case, there is a couple who has a relationship in reality. But for a certain period (territorially) they are not together: for example, the guy goes to serve in the army or someone alone is leaving on a business trip. In this case, the task is to wait until the separation ends (as a temporary phenomenon) and people will be nearby again.

Another case: when love is felt by people who met on the Internet and saw each other only from photo and video communications. However, the value of the latter case should not be understood - it is possible that this is really love.

Here are aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance:

Aphorisms about love
Aphorisms about love

Naturally, love at a distance is always a test. Moreover, for both people. This is a chance to determine whether the Lord really sent sincere feelings. Or is it just a fleeting intrigue that will be forgotten soon.

Here are a few more love quotes:

Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance
Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance
Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance
Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance
Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance
Aphorisms about life, love, relationship at a distance

Bazarov's statements about love and relationships

Being a nihilist by nature (and far from a romantic), Bazarov He treated love (including at a distance) quite cynically. This can be seen in some of its quotes. Here are statements Bazarova About love and relationships:

  • “A man who put his whole life on a map of female love, and when he was killed by this card, Crosses and sank to the point that he was not capable of anything, a man is not a man ...” - Good anti -support for a friend who fell in love with a distance.
  • “You like the lady - try to get sense. You can’t, well, get away - not the light of the wedge came down " - There is already a more philosophical approach. But Bazarov It practically does not manifest itself as a person who is reverent of love.

In this way, Bazarov It was a person who is quite critical. He did not sing a feeling of love, but considered it the same need for a person as food, clothes or the need for communication. Love for this literary hero is pure physiology. Ironizing, Bazarov He calls reverent feelings to complete Beliberda and heresy.

Quotes in English about love

If you need to send a message in English, then you should prepare - translate your text into English, and then send it. We will help you. Here are quotes in English about love with translation:

Quotes in English about love
Quotes in English about love
Quotes in English about love
Quotes in English about love
Quotes in English about love
Quotes in English about love

Choose words that the best reflect your state of mind at the moment, and send your lover or lover. He or she will definitely appreciate it. After all, such words will be written with the soul, and therefore with love. Good luck!

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