The strangest taxes around the world are old, acting

The strangest taxes around the world are old, acting

In our article you will get acquainted with information about the strange taxes of the world.

The strangest taxes

The strangest taxes
The strangest taxes

The strangest taxes:

  • Sex

One thousand yuan per year - a similar amount is required to pay Chinese couples for living without registering their relationship. However, this “marriage” payment is currently operating exclusively in one town of Tianjin. He was introduced by the local authorities as a struggle for moral traditions - so to speak, love should be official. In matters of family and marriage, the Middle Kingdom was constantly distinguished by extreme perseverance - close relations of a man and woman should be legalized as soon as possible. Over the past 60 years, times have changed, and with them customs. The number of unions falls, but the number of divorces is growing. Whether the payment for marriage on the spiritual scrapers of youth has influenced is unknown. But it turned out that the fact of the general residence of the couple still needs to be proved, which is more conscious of Chinese citizens, reporting the authorities about egregious cases of illegal cohabitation. But you can’t keep track of everyone. Therefore, not all Chinese immediately run to legalize their relationship, and some generally prefer to pay a fine and feel free.

  • Artificial fee on the shadow

Italy continues to be the leader of the European Union in the number of amazing, and even ridiculous taxes. Every year, about 60 thousand tax decisions are released here. One of them is a payment for a shadow for owners of restaurants and cafes who have open terraces with sun tents. It is necessary to pay for the collection when the shadow from your sunscreen falls on the municipal land. An even greater stunning is caused by the fact that the payment must be paid in any case, regardless of whether the day has fallen good or cloudy. Therefore, some enterprising owners in advance indicate the boundaries of their site, and monitor the sun illuminates the cafe building. If they see that the shadow is approaching the “border”, the tents are simply cleaning. Guests during this period are accepted exclusively inside.

  • Frank dance fees

The belly dance, according to various estimates, gives to the Egyptian treasury up to half a million million bucks annually. That is, this dance is the fifth most important source of income in Egypt - it costs immediately after the profit from the resolution of shipping through the Suez Canal, the tourist cluster, the export of oil and cotton. No less, but this spectacular dance helps to develop other branches of the state. Consequently, the puzzled artists of the tummy dance were obliged to contribute to the national treasury - all the dancers, without exception, at the end of the month give a certain percentage of the state, and receive a check about that confirms that they are conscientious citizens. However, a similar payment for Egyptian people is not a novelty. Street dancers from time immemorial paid a specific submission. In the XIX century, believers affected that in order to prohibit public dances. When they were allowed again, they also remembered the tax.

The strangest taxes in the world

The strangest taxes in the world
The strangest taxes in the world

The strangest taxes in the world:

  • Payment for gas exit from the stomach of cows. This, of course, is one of the most ridiculous taxes that you will somehow hear about. Such a strange taxation occurred to the leadership of Estonia. It approved a resolution on the introduction of fresh tax for breeders of cows. According to officials, these animals with their gases are very polluting at the planet’s atmosphere. It is interesting that this “protective” payment did not touch the breeders of other animals, which also make their “considerable contribution” in the form of gases that have a greenhouse effect. Apparently, it is from the cows, according to Estonian officials, the most poisonous gases.
  • Payment for employee skills. Similar tax in South Africa was covered by all entrepreneurs who have hired workers. The amount of tax is one percent of the payments of all employees. The purpose of this tax is owed - the formation of professional skills of employees. But employers do not really like that they need to pay part of their profit to the treasury, so a large number of such people simply underestimate the official salary of workers to the very minimum rate, and the rest is simply paid in the “envelope”. Doesn't it remind you?
  • Payment for the presence of a pool. In Greece, a reservoir in the courtyard of a private house is considered a luxury. Therefore, any owner of the house with the pool must pay for a payment in the amount of 800 euros per year. And this despite the fact that the state does not deal with the pool’s maintenance, the owner pays for everything from his own pocket. Some residents of Athens who do not want to pay this tax cover their reservoir with a tarp - flowering of grass. And when the check comes, she does not see her own water oasis, but a green lawn.
  • Payment for the use of gypsum. Austrian Alps is an exemplary place for those who like to travel skiing and snowboarding. But such a pastime is very traumatic, and a large number of adherents of skis fall into Austrian clinics with fractures and other injuries. For this reason, they allowed to install the so -called payment for gypsum for tourists, what the owners of hotels and boarding houses take, so as not to pay from their pocket for hypnched arms and legs.
  • Payment for sunlight. All tourists who call on Mallorca, Menorca and other Balearian islands should pay a payment in the sun. The price is low, only 1 euros per day. The accumulated funds of the local authorities spend on improving the tourism infrastructure. For information, in 2012, the ballets visited more than 10 million tourists, so the income from this tax is a good article of the regional budget revenues.
  • Additional payment for eating sticks. Every year in China it is used for food near 45 billion disposable sticks, for the manufacture of which a quarter of a million trees are cut down. According to this root cause, the authorities established a separate 5 percent payment when purchasing disposable bamboo sticks for food. This is done so that residents are more willing to use reusable sticks made of plastic. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problems, the Chinese love their wooden sticks so much that they are ready to pay more, but not to eat plastic ones.
  • Additional payment of harmful food.Chipsn tax entered into force in Hungary from September 1, 2011. They are taxed by different packaged foods, like chips, salty cookies, sweet cookies, cakes in packaging, and also energy drinks, lemonade. Thus, the leadership of Hungary, tried to help the country's citizens ate healthy food, since it is cheaper.
  • Barbecue use fee. The population of the Belgian region of Wallonia is obliged to pay a payment for the use of grills. It can be endlessly assumed, in connection with which the authorities have decided to establish such a strange tax, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to guess the true cause. The fact is that in a similar way, the leadership of Belgium fights global warming. In their opinion, whenever the inhabitant of Wallonia, finges the coals on the grill, a huge abundance of carbon dioxide is thrown into the atmosphere, which, in turn, affects climate change. For each application of the barbecue in his site, a person is forced to pay the country 20 euros.
  • Payment for the presence of a dog. This payment was used in Poland, but subsequently canceled. Although, after a couple of years, civil servants in Krakow again returned this stupid payment in the amount of about $ 10 per year. The owner of the dog had to not only pay tax, and be sure to buy a pet, and make all vaccinations. If he did not do this, he paid an additional payment - a fine.
  • Trading payment of your body. Although prostitution is legitimate in some regions of Germany, officials did not forget to tax this activity. In some large cities, prostitutes who work under the contract are required to pay 150 euros per month, and those who work for a part of the week - 6 euros for 1 working day. Larger cities also do not graze the rear, and without fail introduced taxes on prostitution. Probably for someone, this taxation will not be strange, but absolutely normal.
  • Surcharge for eating sausages sitting. In Germany, a very interesting, if not strange, concept of taxation. German state food - fried sausages - are taxed by various VAT rates, depending on whether you eat them standing, or sitting. On the sausages used standing, there is a 7 percent VAT price, and if you are chewing them-19 percent. And only you choose how to eat a sausage ...
  • Additional payment for tattoos and piercing. This payment was introduced at the very beginning of the two thousandth in the American state of Arkansas. After that, tattoo services were risen by 6 percent, and became very expensive for certain segments of the population. Such a resolution was adopted as part of the struggle against the amateurine salons of tattoos and piercing, in which unsanitary conditions reigned and people became infected with various diseases.

The strangest and most unusual taxes

The strangest and most unusual taxes
The strangest and most unusual taxes

The strangest and most unusual taxes:

  • In America, a special attitude towards delicious pants. So, unlike the whole, the cuckling, which are cut before the implementation, or pre -prepare different fillings for them - are taxed from sales. It is believed that more time and effort are spinning on them, which means that you need to pay more for them.
  • In Illinois, all sweets can be taxed. The exception is those sweets that contain flour. The law states that if the product includes flour, or requires cooling, then it is not considered candy, and taxation occurs according to a normal scheme. Perhaps that is why in this part of the country they add flour to most sweets. Thus, manufacturers are trying to reduce their expenses.
  • In one of the states of America, they are very worried about the elderly. Those who are already 100 years old, at the legislative level, get rid of taxes. It is believed that for their long life they have already paid the state for their maintenance.
  • Payment for illegal drugs. It is used for illegal substances, including cocaine, marijuana and others. Drug traders must pay this payment by an nameless government fund, where they acquire a certificate confirming the payment of tax in case of arrest. If the intermediary with drugs is taken red -handed, and there is no evidence of tax payment, the country will be able to take this original payment from him in a triple size.
  • In the state of Connecticut, the diapers of small and infants for children are subject to additional sales tax. It is believed that it is quite possible to do without them, and those who use them must pay for their disposal. This rule does not apply to diapers for adults, they are sold without additional charges.
  • Colorado takes a payment from “insignificant” parts of packaging for food. This means that cardboard cups and napkins are taxed with tax, which are free of charge to customers. The payment is taken even if a person took a glass without a lid.
  • Companies that provide striptease services must pay ten percent of their annual earnings for the fact that their employees are very exposed to their body. This payment is considered a fee for morality, everyone who can prove that this type of activity has caused moral damage.
  • In some American cities, the service of decorating a New Year tree is taxed. In addition, a payment for services for creating wall -like ceremonial paintings is charged.
  • In California, absolutely all fruits are not subject to additional fees, but all because they are most often sold by special machines. If a person does not want to pay an additional tax, he can buy fruit fruits in any large chain store.

The strangest taxes in history

The strangest taxes in history
The strangest taxes in history

The strangest taxes in history:

  • Dutory for the use of the toilet

This, to put it mildly, an interesting method of taxation arose in the 70s of our era in Rome. The ruler-monarch Vespasian introduced him. The only one who dared to file a claim for this occasion was the son of the ruler Titus. The young man really did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bhis father, he believed that earn on the natural needs of people inhumanly. He argued this by the fact that social toilets, like baths, were used in Rome as places for meetings of citizens. But this latter still did not convince the greedy monarch. He believed that money should be earned in any way, even so extraordinary.

  • Duties for cowardice

In the old days, men were legally “mowed” from the army. Such an original way appeared in England of the 12th century. According to the tax, any military man’s liable for the country, as well as the respectable knights, who performed exploits day after day, had to unfasten the money into the treasury, if they did not want to fight. Yes, and it was not so expensive to pay off. This probably caused that almost the entire state unconditionally filled the treasury, legally keeping its lives. Because of this, the payment has grown three times, and so that the receipt of funds does not run out, to recover it in a calm time. The natural reaction was the discontent of the people, the coup and the emergence of the Great Charter of Frequencies.

  • Duty by the ears

You probably think that the most strange laws have invented in the middle centuries and antiquity. But no. Amazing, if not ridiculous, tax - Tibet distinguished himself at the very beginning of the 20th century. The peaceful and serene Buddhists have raised funds from their inhabitants due to the fact that they had ears. And all accumulated finances went to the aid of the army. This concerned not only men, women and children, but livestock. Of course, people opposed such legal extortion as they could. But for such behavior they had to pay their ears. How? Everything is very simple and terrible at the same time - the hearing organ was cut off to the defaulter, and this exempt him from tax for the rest of his life.

  • Duties for sparrows

Often the leadership of states tries to increase the resources of their funds with the support of not only people, but also animals. No one knows what the tiny city birds have finished in Germany. The power ruled that each resident is obliged to kill 12 sparrows, earning 1 cruiser for each lifeless bird. And if he did not, he had to pay the same amount to the treasury. Naturally, Sparrow's death did not seduce anyone, and there was a lot of time to use a lot of time for this. Therefore, some residents of the country killed birds with their own hands, and then sold them with a small margin. Such a "business" helped them live better than others.

  • Duture by the nose

And again, the inventions of the monks from Tibet. They say that this payment was introduced approximately at the same time with tax on the ears. But in this case, not everything is so scary, their noses were not cut to defectors, but they came up with something else. Although, who knows, maybe such information is simply hidden from an impressive modern person. Judging by the information, people with a small nose did not have to pay. But if the nose was large and long, then the procedure was quite interesting. Any payer was measured his nose, and who he had more, he, accordingly, paid more than the snub -haired residents. People with large noses suffered very much from this state of affairs - they felt like outcasts, and also paid for it.

  • The duty for freedom

Now talk about Rome. With such an amazing and strange tax, the empire’s leadership tried to restrain as many people like as possible to use them for their own purposes. The fact is that this resolution was extended exclusively to slaves. People who have been injected all their lives in order to be independent and pay their owner for freedom, having accumulated the right amount, found that they were also obliged to the state. Of course, this greatly exacerbated the situation, so living the life of a slave is very difficult to save up large funds.

  • Duties for the eyes

Distinguished by this fundraising Peter the Great. It is believed that he came up with such an absurd tax, because he did not know how to fill the treasury. So people had to enrich the great ruler simply for possessing their eyes. The blind in this case were very happy. The oddity was still that the tax rate depended on the color. People with black eyes paid 3 kopecks, with grayish - 24. Probably Peter the Great considered gray eyes more attractive? How else can you explain such a difference in payment.

  • Duty for life

Now let's recall the oddity of the British. Four centuries after the fear of fear of fear, they invented this, probably the most strange. He caused bewilderment and irritation, but that you will not go for the sake of his enrichment. And the worst that no one could get away from paying. As soon as a person was born, he was registered and began to charge a fee. It was the same for all ages, sexes and classes. True, such a law did not operate for a long time - a coup was organized in the country, and the payment was canceled.

Strange taxes in Europe

Strange taxes in Europe
Strange taxes in Europe

Strange taxes in Europe:

  • In ancient times, the slaves, whom their owners were released, had to pay a single fee to the benefit of the emperor. Most slaves who lived in modern Europe were absolutely affected. And this despite the fact that there is a myth, that slaves have always been very poor. Among them were also those who worked extra, and were richer than the rest. It should also be borne in mind that they lived in the owner’s house, and were minimally spent on food and clothes, which means they could calmly save their money.
  • In the middle centuries, in most European countries, a payment for soap was opened. It was read not the most necessary object in a person’s life, so those who bought it had to pay additional funds. It was canceled by his payment very reluctantly, very “sweet” to get rid of from scratch.
  • At the beginning of the 16th century, in most states and “enlightened” (at this moment - not very), Europe was instructed to pay for playing cards and bones. For almost two centuries, he remained moderate, however, at the beginning of the 18th century in the UK, they decided to significantly increase it, which, however, did not lead to raising fees, but to ... the appearance of an entire industry to create fake cards and playing bones. The tax in the UK, by the way, was canceled only in 1960.
  • A strange and slightly wild “air tax” was used in different states at different times and under different guises. In the UK, for example, a payment for the windows was adopted - the more it was in the building of the windows, the more payment it was necessary to pay. This led to the fact that people began to build buildings with a minimum number of windows, and those that were simply laid with stones, or scored with boards.
  • Sometimes the rulers go extremely far - a payment for food salt recognized in France has become one of the root causes of the Great French Revolution. At first, people paid for this food supplement, but when the percentage of fees became higher, they began to rebel, and demand the abolition of such a strange law.
  • In the UK, hats tax was adopted. For this reason, manufacturers of this accessory stopped calling their products “hats”, and in such a tricky way they moved away from paying tax. But the state develops manufacturers, and tightened measures. It was necessary to pay for any thing called a headdress. In 1811, however, he was canceled.
  • As we all know in Europe there was a fashion for wigs - both among men and women. But the love of wigs quickly disappeared when a strict payment for aromatic powder was instituted in most states. Namely, with this means, wigs were put in order. Fashionistas and fashionistas of that time did not really want to pay for such a trifle, so they chose to abandon wigs.
  • In the UK, to this day, a payment is valid for speeches by skilled athletes - without exception, athletes, even foreign ones, must pay the state payment with prize money. For this reason, some high -class athletes avoid participating in competitions in the UK - English sports payment and athlete’s homeland can “eat” all prize money. Because of this tax, the 2012 Summer Olympic Games were put under danger-many athletes threatened to refuse to participate if their prizes are taxed. So the state parliament had to adopt an independent law, which included “tax holidays” for athletes during the Olympic Games.
  • Even vegetable oil was taxed and, moreover, it could only be purchased in "state" institutions. It could be bought for their own needs only from people close to the "top". Of course, for an additional fee.
  • In Europe, at one time, they took an additional fee for whiskey. Its size depended on the fortress of the drink. Therefore, some manufacturers began to reduce the contents of alcohol in whiskey, diluting it with water. This began to lead to the fact that the drink lost its taste, and people refused to buy it. Therefore, the tax was quickly canceled.

Strange taxes in Germany

Strange taxes in Europe
Strange taxes in Germany

Strange taxes in Germany:

  • Duties for loneliness

If you are not married or not married, or are not going to marry at all, then you will have to pay more. Meritable couples also pay more than couples with children. The amount of taxation for unmarried/unmarried and childless is about 42%.

  • Radio and television duty

In Germany, a person, regardless of whether he has a TV or not, must pay a tax for him. For non -payment, a fine of up to 1000 euros is charged. Funds received from citizens of the country are transferred for the development of television and radio companies.

  • Duties for fishing

We are all used to the fact that we can take fishing rods and go to the nearest river to catch a fish. And in Germany you cannot in this way. To do your favorite thing, you need to purchase a certificate of the armor. To get it, you need to take courses and pass the exam. Then you need to buy a license that will provide you with the right to legally catch fish in a particular reservoir. Despite the fact that the fishing powers are lifelong, from time to time you need to pay for their fitness.

  • Duties for the rain

This excise tax is paid by the owners of personal houses. It can be more than a hundred euros per year, and is designed to carry out warning and repair work - cleaning, renewal of drains. The fact is that rain moisture from private sections flows into public sewers, because of this the level of sewer water rises, and storm systems can not always cope, public services come to the aid of the owners. And they, as you know, do not work for free, and someone must pay for their work.

  • Duties for a chimney sweep

In Germany, a huge number of people rent an apartment, but private houses are also enough. Many of them have fireplaces, the installation of which, of course, is consistent with the state. After installation, each fireplace needs a continuous check of fire safety with a chimney sweep. His robot is precisely paid by this tax.

  • Church duty

According to the law, the spiritual tax is paid exclusively by Catholics and Protestants, supporters of other faiths from taxes are exempted. The church payment is 9 % of the income tax and is charged from the salary. If you are an atheist, then you must notify the state of this. When applying for work, you usually fill out a questionnaire for the personnel department, where there is a question about church affiliation.

  • The duty of solidarity

Until the recent period, all the inhabitants of Germany paid the tax that was introduced after the combination of Germany - in order to revive the lands of the former GDR. This was necessary in order to bring the GDR to the norm, but at the same time not to spend on them what was already planned for other work. Now 90% of the inhabitants are exempted from this tax.

The strangest taxes in Russia

The strangest taxes in Russia
The strangest taxes in Russia

The strangest taxes in Russia:

  • Around 1941, a payment for childlessness was introduced in the Soviet Union. Using such a strange tax, the country fought with a demographic decline. And in such an original way I found funds to support those couples who had more than three children. The collection was paid for men 20-50 years old, and women 20-45 years old. Privileges for families who could not have children for health reasons acted. Also, people whose children died in the war were exempted from the board. And a delay for the newlyweds was also given - within a year after registration of marriage.
  • Under Khrushchev, a payment for fruit trees, cattle and gardening activities were introduced. After the war, Stalin allowed the peasants to start livestock, to engage in normal village work. And soon the population of the country began to breed goats, cows, pigs, trade in meat and milk, vegetables and fruits from its own areas. Khrushchev did not like all this, since all the profit went past the treasury.
  • In the mid -seventies, a payment for parasitism was introduced. This collection was primarily concerned: Farcers, unheated and childless women operating at the house of citizens, poems and writers, architects and actors. Since they did not contribute to the development of the socialist state, they should have beaten the tax. Thus, officials stimulated people officially employed.
  • In two thousand thirds, the government wanted to introduce TV taxes. It was assumed that if the apartment has more than three TVs, then the owners are required to pay three percent of the minimum wage (minimum wage). Moreover, this collection would apply not only to ordinary people, but also to the organization.
  • The head of the social organization “For Spirituality and Morality” Alexei Komarovsky in the two thousand fifth year proposed introducing a tax on celibacy. Such a measure was to support the spirituality and morality of the people of the Russian Federation. ”
  • Not only deputies differ in the level of inadequacy, but also folk initiators - bloggers. They proposed to introduce a tax on faith. This was supposed to help strengthen the true faith, and such a fee would help reduce the percentage of claims for insulting the feelings of believers.
  • Deputy Vladimir Petrov proposed to introduce a “barbecue tax” in the two thousand fifteenth year. Citizens are obliged to pay a certain amount of once a year in order to have the right to breed bonfires in the forests, and go to picnics. It was assumed that those people who came to the forest to collect herbs, or pray, would be free.

Extraordinary taxes in Russia

Extraordinary taxes in Russia
Extraordinary taxes in Russia

Extraordinary taxes in Russia:

  • Military reorganization

The main reform carried out in the Russian Federation by Peter the Great was, as you know, a military. Before Peter, the Moscow army consisted mainly of nobles. They received estates for the service, and later armed and purchased horses for personal funds received from these lands. However, the armed nobility was quite dangerous for the king himself. After all, the nobles could at any moment ask the ruler to leave the Kremlin. Peter understood this well. Under his reign, in return, the nobles began to recruit representatives of the lower classes in return. The soldiers were armed now at the expense of the treasury. They paid salaries to foreign military specialists from the treasury, ships, shipyards, and foundations built state money.

  • Extraordinary taxes

Accounts from payments were sent mainly in order to quickly carry out military reform. To obtain constant new sources of financing, the king even established a special university of profiters. Their duties included inventing new taxes and providing the king with their justification. They fantasized a lot, and some of their strange taxes really helped Peter the Great to realize their ideas in life

  • Beard tax

Peter the Great took the course towards rapprochement with the West from the very beginning of his reign. In a visual way, this was manifested in the desire of the king to give the Russian nobility an appropriate appearance at that time. The beginning of the transformation of a Russian person into a European was laid by Peter after the first trip abroad. At the end of the summer, one thousand six hundred ninety -eighth year, the young king in a collection of boyars asked the servant to bring him scissors. When the instruction was made, he himself cut off the beards with several famous boyars. And he warned that those who do not cut down the beard will pay tribute to the state.

  • Non -working capital tax

Many taxes introduced by Peter really looked stupid. In Russia, people lived well. Now people were obliged to give the latter, or to transmit the law. But for one of the taxes-for “non-working capital”-the tsar-reformer can even be praised. After all, the money lying in a dead cargo in the cube does not bring income to the owner. And investigatively, and do not enter the treasury. Investigatively, Peter considered that the cubes harm the 1st stage to the state. Thanks to this, the tax, therefore, could not be any offshore and secret accounts during the time of Peter I.

  • Pluging tax

In the end, Tsar Peter I nevertheless abolished the lot of strange taxes introduced by him. In return, all of them were introduced one large pillow tax. Prior to this, the inhabitants of the state paid the so -called courtyard tax to the treasury. And in order to save on it, simple hard workers often lived in huge families in the same house. After the incidence of the tax tax, such savings became unimaginable. This allowed to replenish the treasury even more efficiently.

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