What to cook on the road from food so that it does not deteriorate? Snack on the road by car, train, bus: recipes

What to cook on the road from food so that it does not deteriorate? Snack on the road by car, train, bus: recipes

What food is best for a long way? What to cook for children and families on the road?

Food on the road by car, by train, bus for children, dietary, sandwiches: food list on the road

The question of the selection of the road menu always becomes an edge before the trip, because most of the products that are bought are capable of quickly deteriorating from the heat, direct hit of the sun, moisture, dry air, and also have expiration date.

The taste preferences of passengers play a large role when choosing food on the road, which often becomes the main mistake, because products such as crackers or chips, despite resistance to weather phenomena are not the best choice for eating in the road. They can deprive further appetite, can strengthen hunger, and can also not be digested at all.

Instead, it is worth recalling that there are more long -term products, namely sausages and cheesesthat can be stored on the road of plastic containers. Also, to maintain the quality of products, you can use fabric or paper in which you need to wrap food, this will help save products for up to two to three days.

Place food in plastic containers, this will help save the quality of the products
place food in plastic containers, this will help save the quality of the products

The absurdity of the road menu is expressed when choosing especially unpredictable hard, flour dishes or even vice versa soft, for example, such as stewed beef clipping or zucchini stew. These and similar dishes are strictly not recommended to cook on the road.

Absolute counterweight flour and solid dishes are fresh vegetables and fruits. With their help, you can prepare delicious salads and desserts and desserts, which will quickly learn in the body and for some time, will help get rid of hunger for some time.

  • It is recommended to take with you from vegetables to the road: cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, carrot, and from fruits you can take apples and pear any colors, citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines and containing a lot of fiber - bananas
  • You can also add unsalted to the road menu nuts, dried berries, dried fruits, murilic bars With different additives

On the road, you need to avoid spoiled food, as well as harmful food, such as fast food, it may not be digested by the body or completely poison it, making the trip truly unforgettable.

Fast-food affects the empty stomach especially hard
fast-food affects the empty stomach especially hard

What products do not spoil in the heat: list

The heat is one of the most detrimental factors for any food that contains moisture and the more moisture, the faster the product will deteriorate under the influence of high temperature, that is, home -made products for the type of boiled sausage or meat cakes automatically fall into the category of not recommended.

It is difficult to withstand the heat, so it should be careful about the products that you take with you on the road, and create the right conditions for their storage.

Vacuum dishes for food storage
vacuum dishes for food storage

Not all products are capable of stored for a long time, and some are completely enough for a couple of hours to deteriorate. You can take with you on the road:

  • Raw -made products
  • Dry snacks: snacks, bread, crackers, cookies, drying
  • Bread
  • Yogurt
  • Canned food (with the exception of sprat in oil)

You can also take cooked food with you:

  • Boiled eggs boiled
  • Potatoes in the uniform
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Soft meat (for example, fried chicken fillet)

It is recommended to eat cooked food for 6-8 hours of the trip, because it deteriorates faster than other products.

For quenching light hunger, a snack of an apple and juice is perfect
for quenching light hunger, a snack of an apple and juice is perfect

Video: "What can you take a useful snack on the road?"

What products can you take on the road by car?

Traveling by car can rightfully be considered the most comfortable way of moving, and all this is due to the fact that having a car, you can freely lay routes through public catering or supermarkets.

In order to determine the first assessment of the institution, it is worth paying attention to parked cars at the institution. Most often, truckers feed on selected institutions with good food and maintenance.

In order to decide what food you need to take with you on the road, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  • first of all, you will need a lot of drinking water, it can be either ordinary water without gas, as well as a thermos with tea or coffee, the main thing is that there is always something at hand that you can quench thirst in the heat.
  • based on the background, it is worth focusing on light food, which most often suits taste, it can be sandwich, obble products, for example sausages in the test.
  • if you have a thermal drum, this makes it possible to store dairy products for some time on the road - yogurtsor even milkwhich can be used for cooking Clap.

The main advantage of movement by car is the ability to make stops during which you can cook food. With the help of a gas burner or primus, boil water and cook the food, such as a quick -cook soup or fry the fried eggs in a pan.

It is especially difficult for children to configure the diet on the road, so you need to eat as often as possible
it is especially difficult for children to configure the diet on the road, so you need to eat as often as possible

Ready food on the road by car in the summer: recipes

Sometimes on the road you just need to take home food with you, because you can be confident in it - it is tasty, useful, and most importantly proven, that is, you can not worry about food poisoning.

A large role is also played by the difference in the cost of food - in comparison with the finished store food, it can decrease by two, or even three times.

Muffins with bacon, chicken, sweet pepper and herbs
muffins with bacon, chicken, sweet pepper and herbs

In order to cheer yourself up and your family with a pleasant pastime on the road, you can make a completely typical menu.

  • As something unusual, you can take home spring rolls, they are prepared from vegetables, rice paper and shrimp, which can be replaced with crab sticks. In order to prepare enough to deploy rice sheets, moisten them with warm water, put the ingredients on the surface and twist them in a tube. Add bright notes to taste will help the chili sauce or nut sauce.
  • It's hard to believe, but it is pasta They can be a great snack on the road. They are capable of being in containers, do not spoil even with a strong exposure to the heat for the first half of the day, they take up little space, they can be eaten cold, and most importantly they are satisfying and, having eaten even a small portion for some time, quenching hunger for a while.
  • Fans to wrap everything in pita, you can also make it happy, because the food, wrapped in pita, pete, tortil It is able to be stored longer, but you can wrap anything in your taste.
  • A great snack on the road can be muffinsThey are universal because they can be both sweet and salty. As a filling for muffins, you can use bacon, fragrant herbs, fried onions, cheese, sausage and much more.
  • Sandwords with meat - This is a great option for fans of nutrient food, if you cook such sandwiches without sausage, oil and mayonnaise using only chicken, turkey, zrubif, and as a base, baguette and vegetables. Choosing sandwiches, you guarantee yourself a delicious snack on the first day of the trip. In order to like the kids, you can take buns with sesame seeds instead of the baguette and make sandwiches in the form of a hamburger.
Appetizing Spring Rolls
appetizing Spring Rolls

Video: "What products should be taken on the road"

Ready food on the road by train: recipes

If we talk about the advantages of the train over other transport, then, first of all, a convenient table comes to mind and the opportunity to ask the conductor if necessary.

It is precisely because of the presence of a table that you can organize a normal meal, and taking into account the fact that hot water will be at hand at any time, you can use the advantage of fast-cooking food and take porridge, noodles and mashed potatoes with you on the road.

Food that is recommended to take with you on a train
food that is recommended to take with you on a train

On the first day, the roads can be prepared very tasty sandwiches with cheese, cucumbers and smoked salmon. This will need:

  • Square bread
  • Cold smoking salmon or little salted fish
  • Cream cheese
  • Onion frying pan or ordinary onion
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Lemon

The sandwiches will not deteriorate for several days, but it is still recommended to eat them on the first day, because nutritional value is still lost over time.

  1. First of all, you should cut bread into 8 pieces and make toasts out of them.
  2. Then you need to make a sandwich filling: finely chop the onion, grate the zest of lemon.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of cream cheese, onion, lemon zest and lemon juice in dishes.
  4. After the filling was prepared, you need to cut the edges from the bread and spread all toasts evenly.
  5. On 4 toasts, carefully put fish, cucumbers.
  6. Cover the toasts with the remains of other toasts and sprinkle the edges with onions.

You can also take with you: Free potatoes, in a uniform or cut into pieces; pies with berries or fruits; Vegetable salads.

Sandwiches with cheese, cucumbers and smoked salmon
sandwiches with cheese, cucumbers and smoked salmon

What products are better to take on the train in the summer?

Before you go on a train, it is necessary for yourself to designate several features of mass transport, in a closed room, pungent odors to spread especially quickly and immediately disinfect them, so say no "food with a pungent odor, even if you really like it.

Do not use cellophane bags and do not put the products together, so they will spoil faster.

The refrigerator bag is able to get rid of the problems of the road menu
the refrigerator bag is able to get rid of the problems of the road menu

From finished products you can take with you on a train:

  • Fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers
  • Hard fruits: grapes, bananas, apples, oranges and pears
  • Raw -legged sausage
  • Cookies, sweets
  • Bread
  • Water without gas
  • Jam in a sealed jar
  • Tea and coffee in sticks
  • Quick pouches
  • Children's fruit puree in sealed jars
  • Juices and nectars in small bags of 200 grams

With the help of some tricks, you can also not worry about the fact that the meat will deteriorate and cook on the road: a chicken, an ideas, a veal and a bujenin, which then needs to be wrapped only In parchment and foil.

Food wrapped in parchment can last double and hold the smell
food wrapped in parchment can remain twice as long, and hold the smell

What to cook on a long road by car?

Going on a long road by car you, thereby depriving yourself of some amenities that need to be compensated, in this case the cooler bag is simply necessary, because it is not always likely to find snacks along the path, as well as it is not safe to make long stops.

Strudel with cherries
strudel with cherries
  • By storing practical experience, you can immediately use it by preserving life, we love dishes in likeness cheburs, pizza or khachapuriWhich in parchment and bag-cooler I feel quite comfortable.
  • You can take it with you baked potatoesShe is hearty and holds on for a long time.
  • Or cook baking on the road, for example strudel with cherries or charlotte with apples.
  • You can also cook for the first time belyashiwhich will also be well preserved.

You should take with you the food cooked immediately before the trip, since any other food that has passed thermal treatment will quickly deteriorate.

Charlotte with apples
charlotte with apples

What to take to eat on the road by bus, bus round?

The bus mode is very similar to a railway trip, as it also requires limiting itself from food with pungent odors. And as in the case of the train, the bus can also be equipped with a boiler with hot water or even a microwave.

  • The rule of the tourist number one - take a lot of water with you on the road. Thirst may appear suddenly, and in conditions of movement by bus, this can even become a problem, so it is worth stocking up with ordinary drinking water without gas, you can also take a thermos with tea or coffee on the road.
Proper nutrition is the key to a great mood on the bus round
proper nutrition is the key to a great mood on the bus round
  • It is recommended to take yogurts with them for the first time, they will help stabilize the metabolism in the body, and they will also maintain appetite.
  • A practical solution for those who need to eat several times a day - take soup on the road, it can be easily placed in a thermos, while it will always be hot and most importantly will not deteriorate.
  • For the road, sandwiches, sandwiches, sweet to drinks - for example, cheesecakes or cookies are perfect.
  • Of course, another decision will take a lot of fruits on the road, they are able to withstand from 1 to 3 days and contain many nutrients.
  • Take a lot of nuts and dried fruits on the road.

Some tour operators include in the assortment of their menu services offered on the bus, so before you go on a trip, find out on the account of the provision of services and the availability of a microwave boiler.

Dinner on the bus
dinner on the bus

What to cook a child on a road from food?

Children are especially difficult on the road, especially if they go for the first time. They are motionless, scared, sick, they bother to sit in one place and food can play an angry joke with the body of the child, especially if it is fat food and there are a lot of it.

You need to often occupy children with some business, for example, with a decoration or a tablet with cartoons.

You can distract children with games on the road, for example, such as
you can distract children with games on the road, for example, such as "steam locomotive"

Children are recommended on the road, there is only when a feeling of hunger appears - not to overeat. On the road for a child, you can assemble a menu from several simple and satisfying dishes:

  • For example, take a little liquid with you soup-puree On the road, it is quickly mastered and quite tasty.
  • You can cook hot with potatoes and meat, you need to eat it in small portions.
  • As you know, porridge can resist the heat for a long time, so buckwheat porridge on the water can be perfectly approaching the road, and you can take canned food, for example, stew.

And in the intervals between meal, you can give the kids small bags with juice, buns, sweets, including marshmallows and even pastille.

The main thing is that the children feel good on the road
the main thing is that the children feel good on the road

Video: "What is better to eat on the road?"

Dietary food on the road

It is due to the fact that the most important problem of the quantity and quality of products appears in the road, because most dietary products are quickly spoiled by the road. It is difficult to find an alternative and for this you will have to go around several catering and shops in search of a suitable dietary food and it will be difficult to do, because, as you know, most often such food contains a lot of fat, taste amplifiers and artificial calories.

To begin with, from the road menu, portions of potatoes and bread should be excluded, and then double the portions of vegetables. Combining them with ready -made salads, you will be on the way to creating a good dietary road menu.

The main dietary food is vegetables
the main dietary food is vegetables

The next step will be the selection of a list of products that are suitable on the road. In your menu, you can safely include milk with a reduced percentage of fat content, it will help replace the need for sweet drinks.

  • Sea food is perfect as appetizers - oysters, mollusks or mussels prepared on steamed. There are a lot of protein in such products and they will support your figure in good shape.
  • When you cook salads, use olive oil with lemon juice as a gas station. The same refueling can perfectly approach fish or red meat like fillet, clipping, the main thing is to choose meat that contains the least fat.
  • From the first on the road you can take vegetable soup, sour soup, chicken broth and, on the contrary, abandon soups with a high starch content.
  • And from meat, you can take the road to a turkey breast or chicken meat in any form, preferably without using oil with frying.

In the end, you can choose a menu with different diet for every day on a long road for 1-4 days.

Grill mollusks
grill mollusks

Sandwriters with you on the road: recipes

Sandwiches are most suitable for the summer - practical, they are easy to cook and their exceptional ability to fly off the table simply fascinates.

The first associations that cause sandwiches associated with a picnic and entering nature and this is an justified association, because you can often notice as friends, couples, family go out into nature and eat their original food with happy faces. But the question arises, which sandwiches are most suitable for the road and which sandwiches are easier to cook, this will be discussed.

Sands with chicken and cucumber
sands with chicken and cucumber
  • A delicious road solution will be to choose several good recipes, the first of them will be a recipe sandword with chicken and cucumbers. In order to prepare it, you need a chicken fillet weighing 400 grams, which first needs to be washed and cut into thin plates. Then salt, pepper and fry these pieces on both sides and cool after cooking. The loaf is cut in half and lubricated with a layer of store mayonnaise, then chopped chicken fillet is laid out on it, and chopped canned cucumbers on top of it. The final stage must be closed on top with a sandwich with a different piece of the loaf and wrapped in parchment.
  • You can cook sandwords With a fish, for example with herring and carrots. They are prepared from ordinary products that can be found in the refrigerator. First of all, herring is cleaned and cut on the fillet - in total 1 fish will be needed, then three carrots are boiled and cleaned of the skin. All these ingredients are placed in a meat grinder, and is finely twisted to a state of homogeneous mass. Then the loaf is cut and evenly smeared with this mass on top. Now it remains to decorate the sandwiches, and for this, the remaining herring is neatly placed on sandwiches and is finely decorated with herbs.

Such sandwiches will be a delicious symbol of the start of the trip, and will bring pleasure even to those who do not like carrots.

If you have already decided on what food you will take with you, it is worth checking the list of things that you may forget to take with you on the road.

Video: Preparing food on the road

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Comments K. article

  1. An amazingly illiterate article! It seems that the author found somewhere a list of smart words, but he does not know how to handle them at all !! Half of the sentences are simply not agreed! It is impossible to read -____-

  2. What a nonsense! The article is not just useful, but harmful. It is scary to imagine what will happen if you follow the author’s example and treat yourself on the road with pasta, who lay in a sealed container in the heat of half a day. And grind everything with yogurt. The journey is really unforgettable)))

  3. A curious article! I want to supplement) recently from the trip. I was advised by the conductor a rather suitable way of food on the train !!! Mobile application for ordering food to Foodball. It was surprised that you are in general) you choose the station, choose an institution, choose food and at this station the courier brings your order directly to the car))) how do not twist, there is a fresh and hot pizza in the compartment, but very cool
    I hope it was not in vain that I wrote this comment and it will be useful to someone) all the pleasant trips)

  4. Often I go on business trips when by train, when on an airplane. And for our Russian person, this is a directly tradition: get on the train, get a bag of food, pull out all goodies from there. Kura, eggs, salty cucumbers, bread and eat all this on the way))

  5. Oh yeah. I directly smelled this chicken (grill) and peeled eggs))

  6. Last year we went by train, tickets were only in a reserved seat car. In the evening, a drunken grandfather with a knife ran along him. There were completely unforgettable impressions. Therefore, this year we will go south by car. There are fewer problems with food then, you can go into the cafe along the way. I was very praised pompom. There are very tasty donuts and chebureks, but you can eat dumplings and hot soup. And with food on the road you can not bother.

  7. And I ordered food under the Delilabs brand. Real homemade food and not dry, you can always keep where it can always be heated. Moreover, it is convenient not only on the trip, they made repairs in the kitchen, there was no stove, duck simply threw packages into the sink for hot water and voila. As a result, a delicious dinner and a bunch of saved time for cooking.

  8. Hello everyone, my name is Olga! :)
    I want to tell you my story about how I successfully bought coffee !!!
    I was very late for a flight to the airport, but of course the prices are not at all pleased at the airport, to give 300 rubles to me for one cup of coffee for me, especially for some 3 in 1)))
    And I decided to order the first time in front of the application, the restaurant of the sail showed the restaurant (honestly I hear about such an institution), but I was very pleased and for the first order they gave me a 10%discount, but the most huge plus that I didn’t even I had to get out of a taxi, they gave coffee straight to the car !! I advise everyone!

  9. I prefer to take dry cookies without filling or protein bars. Now on the TNT website you can win a whole basket. Drinking without gas compote, tea and always water without gas. It depends on, of course, how long the road lasts, but for 8 hours there is enough.

  10. great, an article about what can be guaranteed to be poisoned on the road (boots of chicken with cucumbers on mayonnaise, yogu, and seafood with pasta and yogurt), and in the comments there is one continuous advertising.

  11. I liked the article. The only thing that the words "decorating" do not exist. There is the word "coloring".

  12. I do not like to stole a bunch of everything on the road, I usually limit myself to fruits, turboslim protein bars (I order them on the website of the phytomarket, by the way, their other products also have an excellent option with me on the road so that without unnecessary troubles), nuts and maximum simple useful sandwiches. Everything is simple, without unnecessary dishes and as immodest as possible))

  13. at short distances I take only coffee and something sweet. A week ago, before the train, I bought Berlinks with a taste of chocolate with mint and realized that this is an ideal addition to coffee. And the packaging is comfortable, at least for the train, stable.

  14. i take on the road (we eat porridge in the morning) in lunch thermos soup (potato), chicken or turkey baked, cucumbers, apples, carrots, pepper for dinner, there is nothing to spoil with children for 24 hours

  15. and I liked the article Muffins this time prepare, thanks

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