All about trips with a child. How to travel with young children? What to take the child with you on the road?

All about trips with a child. How to travel with young children? What to take the child with you on the road?

How to collect things for a child on a trip, what to take into account in the preparation of documents. Tips to parents.

Pregnancy and childbirth, you safely survived and plunged into an amazing and completely different world of life with the baby.

Dreams of rest, new travels and places visit you more and more often. But the question is - how to implement them with a tiny hand? Let's talk in more detail.

At what age is it better to travel with a child?

  • There are so many opportunities to travel and expand your horizons in our time. And the kids on trips seem to be growing faster
  • They have new skills, they see the variety of landscape and sincerely rejoice at their discoveries. The main thing is that a native person is a mother or dad or both are nearby
  • Only you know the story of your pregnancy, childbirth, the state of health of the crumbs. Therefore, you can decide from what age a child can safely go on vacation, where and for what time is the time
  • In the first months of life, crumbs, perhaps psychologically, it is difficult for young parents to even allow the idea of \u200b\u200bdistant trips. But already closer to six months after the appearance of a little man in the family, they decide to travel
  • Until the moment the baby does not walk, you completely control the situation on the road. And then be ready to actively move along the interior of the aircraft or make long stops, traveling by car, and satisfy the need for your baby to study the world
  • Probably the most difficult for long trips is the age of 1-2 years. When the baby needs to be in time everywhere, try everything, express his discontent and sometimes exhaust the parent completely. But be patient and train calm if you are still going to relax with children of this age
  • Let those around strangers make comments and grumble, do not miss the line at the airport - this will all end soon. And it is more important to preserve your nerves and not break into your beloved baby. Remember - on trips with kids problems either easily solve, or simply pass

How to take children on a trip?

Traveling1When collecting suitcases on a trip, pay special attention to children's bags, namely toys and means of entertainment of crumbs.

Possessing a natural interest in the knowledge of the world and all surrounding objects, children in most cases entertain themselves. Therefore, parents should not bother hard.

Take your favorite toy or rattle of a child with you, a book with stickers, a small set of magnets. And on the way back, please him with something new that you bought in advance at the vacation spot. All the same, it will be more interesting for him to play with:

  • remote control
  • headphones
  • your tablet
  • slippers on an airplane
  • plastic dishes
  • newspapers and magazines
  • trucks

So do not puzzle on the topic of toys for the crumbs during the trip. And save a place in the suitcase.

Or, for a grown child, put at your discretion:

  • coloring with pencils
  • a small notebook
  • lotto, large puzzles
  • checkers/chess on the magnet

In general, everything that is small and light, but already interesting for specific childhood.

Games for children on a trip

TravelIn addition to toys, a tablet with cartoons and audiobooks/songs, kids need to be entertained by games.

If you play a lot with children, then you are filled with the arsenal of games. But sometimes fantasy fails and write them well in a notebook:

  • game of cities, associations
  • "Cow" or pantomime
  • "Who am I?" - On the leaf, you write the name of the animal and attach to the hair the participant of the game so that it does not see. He asks questions to the rest, receiving the answer “yes” or “no”. The one who guessed. Similar game “What is this?” When a subject is made in sight
  • we count objects outside the window, for example, of the same color or the same animals
  • silenka is relevant when the parents shortly exhausted from an active baby
  • finger games and theater
  • ladushki, Magpie-Vorona-for the smallest travelers
  • cross-knits, naval battle
  • funny picture - draw on a sheet of paper in turn and wrap the drawing. When the sheet ends, unfold and laugh
  • games with a bag or bag - we put different objects inside and take turns, lowering your hand inward, guess them. Or we come up with different funny tasks, write them on pieces of paper, take turns from the bag and perform
  • what has changed - on a flat surface we lay out everything that is at hand, the participants look and remember the location of objects. Then they turn away, the leader changes objects, everyone turns and guess
  • guess the melody, singing your favorite songs
  • tongue twisters and poems

The list of games is far from exhaustive. Use with pleasure and invent/add yours.

What to take a child on a trip?

Travel2We start collecting a children's suitcase for a trip to warm countries. We will need:

  • clothing, including linen, warm sweater and pants in case of rain or cool weather
  • shoes are 2-3 pairs
  • distributes for a couple of days, buy the rest in place. But if you use a rare brand, which is not where you are going, you will have to take the desired supply with you
  • dry and wet children's napkins
  • nipple for the baby
  • sling, an ergonthry, a light stroller, a baby car seat
  • children's cosmetics, including children's sunscreens
  • a first -aid kit
  • baby food for 2 days. Buckwheat, semolina, barley in cereals, if they are assured that you can cook them.
  • armometer for water, circle and other means for safe water fun
  • diapers, litter on a changing table for kids
  • medical insurance
  • documents for the child

Be sure to study the addresses of the nearest clinics in case of emergency circulation. Choose a place of residence during rest closer to the city center or to a round -the -clock hospital.

Patch on the trip: medicine for the child

If you are used to traveling with a minimum of medicine or without them at all, then for traveling with children it will have to be equipped thoroughly:

  • ear sticks, bandages, patchings
  • means for the processing of wounds (Miramistin, Zelenka, Bepanten)
  • antipyretic (for example, Nurofen)
  • anti -allergic drugs (drops and cream)
  • preparations for stomach and dehydration (reidron, smecta)
  • from a cold (Nazivin, Aquamaris)
  • for teething (Kalgel)
  • electronic thermometer
  • nibulaiser
  • other specific drugs that the baby takes.

What to take with you on a trip from food?

Airlines allow you to take food for children to the salon. Therefore, prepare a bag with food in advance. Take:

  • rice cookies
  • corn sticks
  • chupa-chups
  • fruit
  • baby food in bottles
  • dried fruits
  • juice
  • bulk cookies

Driving children abroad

  • With kids, they go abroad almost from the moment of their birth. You only need a little more time to prepare and plan a trip
  • Young parents should describe in detail the route of the trip, stops, attractions that they want to visit
  • And, of course, be patient and not succumb to psychological provocations from the people around them. Because the baby feels perfectly your mood and broadcasts it
  • In preparatory cares before traveling with a child abroad, an important place is collected by all the necessary documents
  • To cross the border, to obtain a visa, to stay with a child in a foreign country - sometimes for each of these cases you should arrange a package of documents

What documents do the child need for a trip

  • birth certificate
  • permission from the second parent to leave the child
  • a copy of the passport of one of the parents, certified notarized
  • medical insurance

The first two documents are best translated into English and assure from a notary. They can come in handy in another country.

Parents' consent to a child

A minor child can travel without parents, for example, with a group of children, with relatives.

In these cases, it is mandatory in the package of adult documents accompanying the child, there must be documentary consent of both parents to his trip with the designation of dates, deadline, and place of travel.

This document is translated into English and notarized.

A trip with a child by vacation by car

Travel3For some parents, the car travels are more attractive in that there is no need to adapt to graphs, schedules, planned stops, and other people.

  • You make yourself a route and go, enjoying the landscapes. And its car is more accurate and familiar to the child
  • A special children's car seat is convenient for sleeping and wakefulness. Only sometimes stops for warming muscles are required to all travelers

From unpleasant moments:

  • the child may be angry
  • he can just get tired and begin to be capricious
  • suddenly throw a tantrum for no obvious reason

In these cases, stopping is necessary. And sometimes it is better to find a hotel or remove the apartment and stay until the next day. There will be time to get acquainted with the terrain and the child will take a break from driving, sleep and calm down.

How to travel with a baby?

Travel 4

  • With an infants, especially when it is completely on breastfeeding, travel to pleasure. All his food is nearby, easily accessible, the desired consistency and temperature. In addition, the breast will calm down when it is scary, and will sleep, and wake
  • It is more difficult to go on artificial nutrition with artificial food children, but possible. Just not all modes of transport will fit the baby. And mom needs to think over all the options with the organization of his nutrition
  • It is convenient to wear a baby in an ergotyukzak or sling. So he hears the warmth of his own person, his voice, the knock of his heart and remains calm

How to travel with a child to a year?

  • When the baby is already crawling or starting to walk, air travel and car trips require more patience and attention to parents. In addition, the child needs to give the opportunity to go there and touch what is interesting to him
  • Well, if you travel the whole family. Parents can take turns following the baby. And if possible to take a grandmother with him, the task is even more simplified
  • She will help you out on the spot, it will stay with the baby in the evening, and you, for example, calmly go to the restaurant, to the embankment or to the theater
  • In the absence of such an opportunity, just think through the entertainment program for all participants so that everyone is interested in

Trips with children: tips and reviews

Travel5Each family with children who traveled at least once has its own individual travel experience. Therefore, it can share his observations and tips. However, we denote some:

  1. sleep and wakefulness time - develop a sleep mode for a child. Relevant if you are going to the country with a big hourly difference
  2. aclimatization and reactionization should take place according to a gentle scheme, when 5 days you are not with your child for too long on the street
  3. vaccinations should not be done to the baby two weeks before and after the trip
  4. think about the nutrition of the crumbs - not all hotels provide separately the children's table, some of those that they offer are stake, fries and chips. Better remove the apartments with the kitchen and cook food yourself
  5. study the range of children's goods of another country - are there diagrams and baby food in banks that suits you. Save the place in the suitcase and the amount of baggage
  6. do not save on charter flights. Transplants are not as terrible as they seem, and a walk at the airport with the child will distract him, and will give you a respite before the next flight
  7. rest with a child will cost you more
  8. provide yourself constant access to the Internet
  9. find out the addresses of the nearest hospitals in the places of your stops
  10. turn up for positive and good rest with children.

Olga, happy mother of three children.
The husband’s work is connected with frequent and long business trips abroad. And he almost always takes us all with him.
At first, she worried how we will fly with children, rebuild the regime due to time difference, eat, live. But all trips were better than the previous one. Already there was experience, and Zen was growing.

Victoria, the owner of the restaurant network.
Despite my dense work schedule, I regularly get out with my daughter to other countries twice a year. She's 4 years old. She has already visited 20 countries and we do not stop there.
I was helped out by the sling and a light stroller when it was small. How has grown - games and coloring. It seems to me that thanks to travel, she became more independent than her peers.

We examined the main points of traveling with children, replenished our arsenal with games and entertainment, studied the list of things for the children's suitcase.
Enjoy the rest and unforgettable moments spent with children!

Video: Traveling with a child: what to take

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