Travelers' tips. 10 useful tips for independent travelers in Russia, Europe, India

Travelers' tips. 10 useful tips for independent travelers in Russia, Europe, India

How to travel yourself? Tips for experienced travelers.

In the crisis, few have money to buy a tourist ticket. But I always want to spend a vacation in distant parts. How to be? Experienced travelers have long abandoned what the travel agency offers.

After all, relaxing on a ticket, you can visit only special “reservations” for tourists. If you want to see the real life of another country, you need to travel yourself.

10 tips for an independent traveler from an experienced experienced traveler for beginners

Planning an independent trip only seems difficult. On the Internet there is all the information that will help to make a route, learn about the condition of roads, take note of popular and rare attractions. So, what can we advise more experienced travelers?

  • Make a route. “A trip to Lake Baikal” or “Traveling through the Czech Republic” is just a direction. How many interesting places are there along the way and around!
    Test guidelines. The standard of quality is the foreign series "Lonely Planet".
  • Read on the Internet eyewitness reviews. The best source is the legendary Vinsky forum. By the way, having compiled an approximate route option, you can post it on this forum for criticism. Travelers who are in these places will make you comments and give advice.
  • When compiling a route, make a “allowance” - a gap of several free days. It always turns out that there are more attractions in the country. Having a couple of free days, you can see the maximum.

Travel map

  • Book in advance. Having decided on places and dates, start looking for tickets and rooms in hotels. There are sites that allow you to compare tickets for flights and choose the cheapest ones.
  • If you plan in advance, you can almost always save a decent amount. A rare exception is incredible prices for flights on the eve of the departure. But this option is suitable only the most desperate
  • If the price of a hotel room confuses you, pay attention to the hostel. This is something like a hostel where you can rent a separate room or bed. The latter, of course, will cost cheaper. If money is completely tight, you can find an option of free residence. But about that - below.
  • Distribute the money. The main amount is better to keep on a bank card. Even better - distribute them to two different ones, and keep them in different places. Before the trip, do not forget to inquire the bank if their card will work in a foreign country, and what will be the commission.
  • But have the habit of always holding a “living wage” at hand for a couple of days in cash. If you are abroad, let it be dollars, euros or local currency. Buildings should not be too large, because for cash they most often buy something inexpensive.

Wallet with money and card

  • Prepare the language base. This does not mean that you need to learn the language of a foreign country, or at least English. Well, if you manage to remember the main words: “Hello”, “Thank you”, “I need help”, “Taxi”, “hotel”, “food”. The rest will make a phrasebook or online translator in your smartphone for you.
  • By the way, recently there has been a fashion for illustrated multilingual translators. They are a book without a single word, but with many pictures.
  • You can open it on the desired page and show the foreigner the image of the service table, the Eiffel Tower, toilet or station, and he will understand what you need. You can even buy a T -shirt with such pictures.


  • Reset all the superfluous. Do not drag unnecessary baggage.
  • Firstly, the cheapest flights will not allow you to transport multi-kilogram suitcases.
  • Secondly, without unnecessary cargo you will be more mobile.
  • Thirdly, you are not going to flaunt a dozen different dresses on a tourist trip.
  • Fourth, it’s often easier to buy the necessary things on arrival, because there they are cheaper.
  • Use hospitality sites. On these international sites, people are registered in order to accept travelers. Is free. Some want to find out about a distant country, others-to practice English, others were once guests, and now they want to pay tribute.
  • You can register on these sites and ask about the necessary help: about the night, about the excursion, about the information. People respond with pleasure. You do not have to place someone at home later. Only if you want.
  • Highway or blah blah car. If you do not have enough money for tickets, you can try to go on a hitchhiking. This is a very specific option, but people go in this way tens of thousands of kilometers. If you are afraid to go alone, find a companion. Put on a bright T -shirt and clothes with reflective stripes so that you can be seen from afar. Interesting the driver with a conversation, because often fellow travelers are selected so as not to fall asleep at the wheel.

Boy and girl go hitchhikingIf the hitchhiking seems to you too extreme, use the Bla-Bla-Kar site. The driver, going on the road, registers his route on this site, indicating the time and place of departure. You can ask for his car, throwing yourself on gasoline. The price is much cheaper than public transport.

  • Look for "non -tourist" places. Having reached the place, you will find that they sell everything to tourists several times more than local. Try to find hotels where the local population lives.
  • Eat in a cafe where the inhabitants of this place eat. As a rule, such institutions are located on the periphery of the city, and not next to the main attraction. Sometimes it is enough to wrap around the corner of the main pedestrian street.
  • Do not be afraid of the local color. Once in Shanghai, it is ridiculous to go to McDonald's. You need to try local food. Once in Uzbekistan, do not ask for tea from Piala you poured into a familiar glass. Feel how they drink it here.

Croatian cuisine Octopus

  • Seek for help to local residents. Do not be afraid to ask people how to get to the square, where the most delicious food is how to get to the station. People love tourists. They will help you with pleasure, and you will get to know local customs and customs closer

So these are the most general advice. But each region has its own specifics. Consider this when choosing a country for an independent trip.

Travelers in Russia

It would be unusual for the European traveler to be in our province. There are no information racks for tourists, it is difficult to get a map of attractions, there are no English -language signs leading to the historical center through the entire city.


  • This is familiar to us. Nevertheless, be prepared for the fact that we are in abundance, but the tourist infrastructure is completely ineffective.
  • Therefore, it is better to carefully prepare in advance: develop a route around the city, inquire about public transport, find a suitable cafe nearby.
  • Take a note that the role of information boards typical of any European capital can be performed by all -knowing taxi drivers. They are definitely aware of how to get, where to eat inexpensively, where it is profitable to spend the night.

Do not forget to download a city map with a reference to your phone. And make a list of attractions that you would like to see.

Tips for travelers in Europe

Europe is a great place for cultural tourism. Nature in our understanding there is almost no word left there, but museums and attractions are full.

When drawing up a trip plan, go with the schedule of the work of museums that you want to visit. It often happens that once a month they make free days for everyone. They may have discounts and promotions for students or pensioners. Try to find an audio guide on this museum on the Internet. Often it is physically impossible to inspect all exhibits, so highlight those artifacts or halls that are most interesting to you.


A good option for acquaintance with attractions is a sightseeing tour on the first day. You will quickly examine all the most standing places, and choose what you want to return and get to know more.

Travelers in India

  • Asian tourism causes many concerns in those who are afraid of infections and food poisoning. Before you go to the resort, consult your doctor: perhaps he will advise you some kind of vaccinations or make a list of first-aid kits.
  • Locals successfully avoid food poisoning in hot climate. They profound food abundantly with spices, and they, as it were, disinfect the dish. Therefore, all the food in India by default is very acute.
  • If you are not used to eating too pepper, tell the waiter when ordering “No Spitses” - “without spices”. Most likely, you will not achieve you to be brought at all without seasoning. But at least she will not be terribly sharp.

Indian food

Car travelers

Before you go on a trip to a car, look at some information on the Internet.

  • Is there any gasoline in the country. Some prefer gas, and the entire local population has long equipped their cars with gas equipment. For example, in Uzbekistan, gasoline gas stations are a rarity.
  • How much fuel costs. Gasoline prices can significantly differ from ours. This expenses will eat half your budget for rest. For example, in Turkey, gasoline is 3 times more expensive than in our liter.
  • Are there any special rules in the country regarding foreign motorists. Some generally prohibit crossing their border on a personal car, such as, for example, in China. By the way, you can only move in this country in a rented car, accompanied by a specially appointed guide-Chinese.
  • Attitude to the rules of the road. In Asian countries, drivers act on the roads, rather, in intuition than according to the rules. Oddly enough, this does not increase the accident rate. But a foreign driver in this stream will be very difficult.
  • Additional documents. Somewhere they are forbidden to drive a car by proxy, somewhere they do not recognize international rights, somewhere they demand to issue additional insurance.

Jeep at night under the stars

Harmful tips for travelers

If you want to be known as the grief, follow these tips. If you want the rest to work out well, foreigners recognize and love you, and the world seemed open, do the opposite.

  1. Fear every person oncoming. In each passer -by suspect the bandit. Stell yourself by self -defense. You know, if you have a gun, it will definitely shoot.
  2. Listen to the news: it is restless, they shoot there, they do not like Russians there. You guess that the TV always exaggerates the TV. There is one small secret: tourists love everywhere.
  3. At the first opportunity, express your political and ideological views. Focus on the foreign policy of your countries, especially if the relationship between them is intense. Indicate to foreigners where their ruler was wrong, and what political mistakes they constantly repeat. Remind you that Russians are always stronger than anyone.
  4. Tell a new acquaintance about your well -being. Give a large salary. Take only the most expensive things on the trip: the last iPhone, a heavy professional camera, a new laptop. Keep common money with large ones. Subtage a bank card and documents there.
  5. Photo more. Try to make at least twenty selfies against the background of each attraction. It is not necessary to inspect her itself, you can do it at home in the photo.
  6. It will be especially successful if you manage to make your portrait against the background of a picture in a museum where it is forbidden to photograph. At the same time, do not forget to turn on the flash.

Video: Travelers' tips

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Comments K. article

  1. The journey will only then bring pleasure and benefit if it is correctly planned and organized. And there can be no trifles. It doesn’t matter whether you are traveling or went to a cruise with friends or family. You need to think over everything from the route to hand luggage. It is advisable to book tickets in advance (back - back) and places in hotels. If a long move or flight is assumed, the minimum supply of food products for this time will not be superfluous.

  2. I completely agree with Alexander I can add, do not forget hygiene and medicine.

  3. Do not take the excess, write down the numbers of the phones of relatives, friends are not a lot of money with a plastic card and a navigator on the phone.

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