What is critical thinking and why it is needed: concept, signs. How critical thinking is formed and how to develop it: methods

What is critical thinking and why it is needed: concept, signs. How critical thinking is formed and how to develop it: methods

In this article, we find out what is critical thinking how to develop it and how it differs from other types of thinking.

Today, people more and more often have to deal with such a concept as “critical thinking”. Even in an announcement with a proposal of work, you can find it in mandatory requirements. And not only. They talk a lot about him in the media, the Internet, the field of education. Why is it so relevant? And what kind of thinking is this? Let's find out.

What does critical thinking mean simple words: concept

Critical thinking
Critical thinking

Critical thinking is one of the most important skills in the modern world. It allows you to analyze information, draw conclusions from it and make decisions. What is equally important - a person is in this way capable of forming his own opinion and defending a position.

In the modern world, every day a person receives a huge amount of information from a variety of sources and he needs to somehow comprehend it and check for reliability. Due to critical thinking, we can note the contradictions in the information, clarify what is not clear and highlight the main facts.

Many do not understand why critical thinking is required. It may be required in a variety of areas of life:

  • Studies. A person is able to choose sources of information, determine the causes and investigation, and also connect the data among themselves and distribute it. The study of subjects requires not just knowledge, but also orientation in them. For example, there are objects in which there is no clear correct answer to questions. They can be interpreted differently. For example, philosophy. So, it is critical thinking that allows you to find answers.
  • Work. It is important for any employee to be able to not only engage in routine, but also solve various problems, as well as develop. They are very appreciated by those who can competently restore and prove their own point of view. Critical thinking allows you to look at the situation from different angles and find the most effective solution.
  • Everyday life. Every day we have to make decisions, while having incomplete or even false information. This may concern everyday life and relationships. A person with critical thinking easily selects the most optimal way of action and thereby avoids, or effectively solves errors.

What signs characterize critical thinking?

Critical thinking in humans can be defined by several signs:

Signs of critical thinking
Signs of critical thinking

When a person has critical thinking, he is capable of:

  • Determine causal relationships
  • Determine which information is important and outplay all unnecessary
  • Admit and respect someone else's opinion
  • Evaluate events, information
  • Argument your own opinion
  • Take responsibility for your choice
  • Identify errors in information and delicately talk about them
  • Solve problems in a certain sequence, which is most effective

By the way, employers really even want to have such employees, because they are able to quickly solve any problems and work with information. It is only important to understand that an objective assessment of such people suffers regarding the actions of the authorities. So they are not always simple with them, you have to match your position.

How is a critical mindset formed?

Modern people always have to feel the pressure of public opinion. There is a lot of information, it is simply impossible to completely learn. To form a critical opinion, a person must doubt everything that they are trying to impose on him. Often, marketers, propagandists and agitators do something only for personal benefits, and therefore they can deceive.

What gives critical thinking?
What gives critical thinking?

It is important to learn how to separate the truth and lies, as well as form your own future, competently analyzing the situation. To decide on an action plan, it is recommended to analyze yourself. Assess adequately what you can do and what potential you have. After that, start developing yourself, gaining new knowledge and skills. In the modern world without this, nowhere.

Often, the formation of thinking is affected by traditions and unspoken rules. When a person finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, he tries to quickly study it and collect as much information as possible. Thus, actions will be correct for a specific situation, as well as actions.

It is very careful about non -verbal communication. Analyze how a person has facial expressions, gestures, poses. Always compare what they say with well -known facts, and only then analyze the information received. Do not draw quick conclusions and are in no hurry to make decisions. Always rely on your opinion, not public. This is all determined by critical thinking.

In addition, critical thinking takes place in three stages:

  • Call. All knowledge and experience are updated. This allows you to form a certain mindset and motivate for further work. By the way, from here there is an interest in information. The main goal of the stage is to form their goals and objectives.
  • Information analysis. It consists of two stages. First, data are analyzed that were obtained and new ones are still acquired in the process. And already on the basis of the synthesis of old and new data, adjustment of already formed tasks and goals is carried out.
  • Reflections. New knowledge is correlated with those that are already known and add -ons are made in them. If you constantly engage in research, this will stimulate creative potential and interpret new information. Ultimately, new goals and objectives are set.

This approach to reflection helps to learn how to work with information, develop and form your own thinking.

How to train, develop critical thinking: methods

To develop critical thinking, you need to learn how to reason logically and consistently, as well as quickly make complex decisions and find non -standard decisions for difficult tasks. There are several ways to develop proper thinking.

Characterization of critical thinking D. Kluster
Characterization of critical thinking D. Kluster
  • Agenda. Using this method, you will learn how to find the main information and trace patterns. Try to open any Internet media or take a simple newspaper. Read the headlines of the articles, determine which of your opinion the main ones. After that, take a closer look at how they are distributed by headings. By the way, for greater efficiency, it is better to take publications in which there is no rubricator. Then it will be more difficult for you to train. Find a common topic for them, and then look at the agenda. Find several main news that the media speaks. It is not necessary to watch only one day, you can take a week or a month. Maybe there are some topics that are stable? This method will help to find certain patterns in the stream of information and identify what points of view are promoting certain media.
  • Go to the other side. This will allow more objectively perceive data. That is, you must study not only your own, but also other people's points of view. For example, your friend considers global warming fiction. He even comes with a dozen arguments. But still he wants to develop critical thinking. In this case, he needs to find information with other opinions and analyze it on his own. It is important to understand that this refracts views, and it is not too comfortable to study what contradicts your opinion. But this is the only way to check the objectivity of the information. The opinion may not change, but the information must be able to analyze.
  • Structure arguments. You must learn to think logically, as well as build arguments. The very first thing that you must understand that there is content that is simply designed to report something, and there is one that imposes its point of view. The latter always has a thesis, message and conclusions. The thesis is a short statement, and the second part is the arguments in its favor. Well, at the end, a conclusion is drawn confirming the initial statement. It is important for you to learn how to find these components and check them for correctness. Read any article and find all three parts in it. Check how logical and reliable information is.
  • Imagine cognitive distortion. So you will find thinking errors and avoid them. Cognitive distortions are understood as errors of the brain when it incorrectly determines reality. That is why some seek confirmation of their own beliefs, but arguments in favor of a different opinion ignore. Find a few distortion and try to recognize them. First, try on others - it’s easier, and then you will already notice.
  • Reflection. It helps to train self -criticism and learn how to make decisions rationally. Today Anton bought a new TV, quarreled with his wife, but exceeded a double plan at work. He had to make decisions all day and they led to victory or defeat. But could it be avoided next time or repeat success? This is possible, the main thing to allocate time to critically rethink actions. Think about such questions as:
  1. What did I do in this situation correctly and why?
  2. What did I do wrong and why?
  3. What influenced when I made this or that decision?
  4. What will I do in a similar situation in the future?

All the above methods allow us to develop critical thinking. This is a rather complicated skill, but practiced. It can be trained gradually, and many classes are great for this - the same reading, articles and detection of errors.

How to develop critical thinking in a teenager?

The action of critical thinking
The action of critical thinking

For children, critical thinking can also be developed, but only a little differently. Let's look at several ways how to do this.

  • Pay attention to the explanation of actions. This method is suitable for children over three years old, because they can better explain what and why they are doing. It is better to do drawing. Often parents do not see anything in the drawings, maybe these are just stains. Or something is not clear from the designer. But this is how you can see as the child thinks. Especially when he begins to explain what it is.
  • Help creating and teach to present. Usually the child has not much space for creativity at home, because he has to do the same thing. Try to diversify the game of the child. For example, he builds a house, and you suggest thinking who will live there. It is important that the child can imagine what he did. The idea of \u200b\u200bunattractive may seem to you, but the correct presentation will make it more interesting. Keep in mind that not all children like to speak in public. The task of the parent is to make the child overcome shyness.
  • Learn to ask questions and ask yourself. Critical thinking can be developed due to curiosity, that is, asking questions and finding answers. Do not be afraid to ask a child about something. This is very good if he learns to talk about what he did. Even in a simple drawing makes sense. Learn to ask the child. So he understands that he has the right to doubt that he already knows.
  • Remember emotions and beauty. It is customary to divide children into humanities and techies. The first are often rational and unemotional. In fact, children should be able to define and express any emotions. Offer to draw a little man, and ask to describe his emotions. Always ask about the emotions of the child. Even in the exact world there is a concept of beauty.
  • Let the child play freely. So the child is socialized and developing. You can never impose it, you just need to offer and, if necessary, organize, but not lead. In addition, it is important to show, and not to do for the child and not try to achieve his under pressure. Maybe today he is not particularly interested in playing, and tomorrow he himself will ask.
  • Teach robotics from preschool age. During programming, everyone thinks about mathematics and codes. In fact, already at the age of 6, children are able to master simple programming. After all, the ability to read, and letters are also symbols. So, at this age, children can collect a frog model and make it jump. At the same time, they will find out how exactly she does it.

By the way, all these principles will be useful in adulthood.

How to get rid of critical thinking?

Receptions of critical thinking
Receptions of critical thinking

Everyone is a victim of their perception. Critical thinking sometimes gives a person problem. For example, he is worried about something. He hung up on the problem.

  • No wonder they say that our thoughts are material and therefore fears are often implemented. To change this, you need to get rid of the chaos of bad thoughts and relieve internal tension. So you will free yourself from critical thinking
  • Of course, it is difficult to solve complex tasks, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Just do not think about the problem - the solution will come on your own. It will arise by accident when suitable conditions come
  • No matter how doubted, always try to convince yourself of the opposite. Remember, "Everything that happens is for the better"
  • Switch to positive thinking, ordinary things. Do not give yourself a negativity. You will see that the situation is allowed by itself
  • The less you worry, the better your life will be. Only when you achieve calm and composure, then success awaits you
  • In addition, work on your self -esteem. When a person loves himself, he is less influenced by critical thinking

7 attitudes of critical thinking according to D. Halpern: Features

Critical thinking tools
Critical thinking tools

To get a complete picture, which is critical thinking, we give the main attitudes according to D. Halpern:

  • Any knowledge is relative and inaccurate. That is, there is always something to doubt, since absolute truth does not exist
  • Purposefulness and planning. Critical thinking is not skepticism. This is a specific action to solve the problem or achieve the goal with the fulfillment of certain conditions
  • Flexibility, conservatism, rigidity
  • Persistence and systematicity when a person seeks to get complete information and "lay out on the shelves"
  • Willingness to recognize and correct your own mistake
  • Observation of yourself and understanding what is done and how. Moreover, it is a metaunity that allows you to learn how to know and develop yourself
  • The ability to compromise. It happens that the right decision is not the best way out

How does critical thinking differ from analytical?

It is important to understand how critical thinking differs from analytical. So, critical suggests that it necessarily has an analysis of the perceived information, as well as a test of its reliability and correctness. Moreover, all advantages and disadvantages are taken into account, as well as errors and only then an assessment is given. Perhaps hidden intent is found and in conclusion everything that can be dangerous or harmful is distinguished.

As for analytical thinking, it simply implies an analysis and search for the shortest solution to the solution. At the same time, no consequences and dangers are evaluated. In any case, this is similar to the execution of orders in the army - everyone knows how best to do this, but only one will ask the question whether this is correct.

The difference between critical thinking and domestic: features

Ordinary and critical thinking
Ordinary and critical thinking

Critical thinking differs largely from everyday. So, the latter suggests that a person completely trusts information and unites the concepts of associations. At the same time, he makes assumptions without enough information, and groups randomly. In addition, he can express simply an intuitive or spontaneous assumption. In other words, there is no system and verification of facts.

At the same time, critical thinking is always accurate and definite. It involves an expression of thoughts with accuracy and gives specificity. Any banality and superficiality are not applicable here.

Video: Critical thinking. How not to stay in fools?

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