What to answer: "Why are you not sleeping?"

What to answer:

Answers to the question: why not sleep?

Sleep is vital for health, mood, mental activity, quality of work and social life. During sleep, the restoration of tissues, cells and organs occurs. Sleep helps to process and save the information received during the day. 

How much you need to sleep: 

  • Adults are recommended to sleep from 7 to 9 hours a day. 
  • Children and adolescents need more sleep, from 8 to 10 hours a day. 
  • Elderly people can be enough 6-7 hours of sleep. 

How to improve sleep quality: 

  • Create a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping: ventilate the room, adjust the temperature and lighting. 
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time. 
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. 
  • Take sports regularly, but not before going to bed. 
  • Relax before going to bed: accept the bath, read the book, listen to calm music. 

Why can people be interested in why you are not sleeping? 

During sleep, the immune system fights viruses and bacteria. Sleep helps regulate mood and reduces stress. Sleep helps to improve concentration and memory. The lack of sleep can lead to the development of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. 


  • A person can worry about your health and well -being. He wants to know if you need help. Your experiences are not indifferent to him. 
  • A person is interested in what prevents you from sleeping. He wants to understand if you have problems that require solution. He himself can experience difficulties with sleep and seeks advice. 
  • It may just be a way to start a conversation. A person wants to find common topics for discussion. He wants to know you better. 
  • Some people are just interested in how other people live. They may not know about sleep problems and want to know more. They may not understand why you are not sleeping, and want to get an explanation. 
  • In rare cases, a person may be interested in why you do not sleep in order to manipulate you or use your information in your interests. 

Answers to questions: "Why not sleep?" 

Answers to the question "Why not sleep?": 

  • I can’t fall asleep, my thoughts interfere. 
  • I feel anxious. 
  • I can't relax. 
  • Too many things in the head. 
  • I worry about ... (indicate the reason). 
  • I want to finish an important matter. 
  • I enjoy the night silence. 
  • I want to watch a movie/read the book. 
  • I just don't want to sleep. 
  • An uncomfortable bed. 
  • Too hot/cold in the room. 
  • Hunger/thirst. 
  • The noise interferes. 
  • I recently drank coffee/tea. 

Comic answers: 

  • I am an owl. I am supposed to be awake at night. 
  • I sleep standing like a horse. 
  • Leading a night lifestyle, like a vampire. 
  • I am preparing for the exam/defense of the diploma. 
  • I am waiting for the prince/Princess on a white horse. 
  • I think sheep, but they do not want to fall asleep. 
  • I compose poems/songs. 
  • I save the world from villains. 

Philosophical answers: 

  • I enjoy the moment. 
  • I think about life. 
  • I am looking for answers to eternal questions. 
  • I appreciate the time I have. 
  • I feel unity with the night nature. 

You can add a few details to your answer to make it more interesting. You can use humor if it is appropriate. Do not be afraid to be original. 

Cool answers: 

  • “I can't fall asleep. Thoughts about work haunt me in any way. " 
  • "I do not want to sleep. There is such a beautiful night outside. " 
  • “I am waiting for a call from an important person. I can't fall asleep until I find out the news. " 
  • “I sleep standing like a horse. I can't find a convenient pose. " 
  • “I lead a night lifestyle, like a vampire. In the afternoon I just lack energy. " 

Why don't you sleep, what to answer the guy? 

Options for answers to the question “Why don't you sleep?”, With a hint of a relationship: 

  • "I can't fall asleep because I think about you." 
  • "Dreams about you are so sweet that I don't want to wake up." 
  • "I'm waiting for your message to fall asleep with a smile on your face." 
  • "I can’t fall asleep, remembering our last meeting." 
  • "I miss your warmth and smell." 
  • "I can’t fall asleep, because I look forward to our next meeting." 
  • "I dream that we are near." 
  • "Your image does not come out of my head." 
  • "I want to dissolve in your arms." 
  • "Waiting for you to dream of me." 
  • "I can't tell you, but this is connected with you." 
  • "Dream does not go when feelings are raging in the soul." 
  • "The night is fraught with secrets that I can only tell you." 
  • "The stars today are especially bright, and they remind me of you." 
  • "In the silence of the night I hear your voice." 
  • "I compose poems about you, and inspiration does not run out." 
  • "I am looking for you in my dreams, but I just can't find it." 
  • "I want to dissolve in the night and become your shadow." 
  • "I think the stars, and each of them reminds me of you." 
  • "I keep a secret diary where I am writing about my feelings for you." 


  • Choose an answer that corresponds to your character and mood. 
  • Do not be afraid to be original and add a little intrigue. 
  • The main thing is that your answer is sincere and intrigue the guy. 

Why don't you sleep, what to answer the girl? 

Playful answers: 

  • "I can’t fall asleep because I think about your eyes." 
  • "Your voice in my head does not let me fall asleep." 
  • "I remember our last meeting, and from this the heart beats more often." 
  • "I can imagine how we could spend this night together." 
  • "I miss your warmth and tenderness." 
  • "I can't fall asleep because I want you." 
  • "I dream of being near you." 
  • "Your image does not come out of my head." 
  • "I want to dissolve in your arms." 
  • "Waiting for you to dream of kissing you." 
  • "I can't tell you, but this is connected with you." 
  • "Dream does not go when passions are raging in the soul." 
  • "The night is fraught with secrets that I can only tell you." 
  • "The stars today are especially bright, and they remind me of your eyes." 
  • "In the silence of the night, I hear your voice beckoning me." 
  • "I compose poems about you, and inspiration does not run out." 
  • "I am looking for you in my dreams, but I just can’t find it to hug." 
  • "I want to dissolve in the night and become your shadow to always be near." 
  • "I think the stars, and each of them reminds me of your spells." 
  • "I keep a secret diary where I am writing about my feelings for you, and how I want you." 

Why don't you sleep: what to answer a man? 

He can worry about your health and well -being. He wants to know if you need help. Your experiences are not indifferent to him. He is wondering what prevents you from sleeping. He wants to understand if you have problems that require solution. He himself can experience difficulties with sleep and seeks advice. 

Answer options: 

  • "I finish urgent work for our new project." 
  • "I am preparing for an important interview that will take place tomorrow." 
  • "I am studying a new topic for an article that interested me." 
  • "I edit the text to make it as accurate and concise." 
  • "I spend the review of materials for the magazine." 
  • "I can not disconnect from the work process, since there are many tasks for today." 
  • "I feel responsibility for the quality of my work, so I can not relax." 
  • "I strive for self -improvement, so I read professional literature at night." 
  • "I plan future publications and seek inspiration." 
  • "I analyze the data obtained to draw the correct conclusions." 
  • "I am looking for inspiration for a new article, and it comes to me exactly at night." 
  • "Thinking about new ideas that can change the world." 
  • "I am writing poems that reflect my feelings and experiences." 
  • "I read the book that captured me, and I can not tear myself away." 
  • "I am watching the stars and reflect on the secrets of the Universe." 

How to answer the question: "Why not sleep?" with humor 

A person can use this issue as a preposition to begin a more intimate conversation. He wants to know if you have sympathy for him. He wants to make you a compliment. 

Answers to the question "Why don't I sleep?" with humor: 

  • “I lead a night lifestyle, like a vampire. In the afternoon I just lack energy. " 
  • “I sleep standing like a horse. I can't find a convenient pose. " 
  • "I think sheep, but they do not want to fall asleep." 
  • "I am waiting for the prince/Princess on a white horse." 
  • "I compose poems/songs, and inspiration does not run out." 
  • "I can’t fall asleep because I have crossed pancakes before going to bed." 
  • "I drank too much coffee, now I’m turning all night." 
  • "Neighbors are noisy, it is impossible to sleep." 
  • "Mosquitoes bite, haunt." 
  • "Boring, nothing to do." 
  • "Keep a secret diary where I am writing about my insidious plans." 
  • "I am looking for answers to eternal questions in the night silence." 
  • "I train my willpower, struggling with sleep." 
  • "I enjoy the starry sky, lying on the roof." 
  • "I'm talking with the ghosts that roam at night." 
  • "Waiting for my money tree to sprout." 
  • "Learning to fly in a dream." 
  • "I am collecting a collection of night butterflies." 
  • "I read the book on how not to sleep." 
  • "I play hide and seek with myself." 

Read on the topic:

VIDEO:How to answer the question: "Why not sleep?"


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