How to answer when they say “well done”, “smart” - rude, with sarcasm, in rhyme: options

How to answer when they say “well done”, “smart” - rude, with sarcasm, in rhyme: options

How to answer "well done" if you want to do this with sarcastic or rhyme? Look for options in the article.

We constantly acquaintances, friends or close relatives say some phrases. For example, praised in words "Well done", "Clever" etc. Of course, many people like it, but others are not very good. Therefore, of course, I always want to answer such words. Someone answers with good, while others want to say words with sarcasm, or even rudely.

Read on our website another article on how witty respond to the word "why", "why, explain". You will learn how to say correctly with humor and original.

In this article you will find answers to the word "well done" in different forms. Read further.

That you can answer the words "well, well done, I am proud": options

The words
The words "well, well done, I am proud"

Not all people are only able to envy other people's successes. Some sincerely note them. That is why you need to know how to respond to praise. Even if you really did something very well and talented, you should never lift your nose. After all, nobody will like arrogance. Nevertheless, you should not understand your virtues.

In general, for the praise of a person should be thanked. After all, he could well did not express her. What can I answer the words "well, well done, I am proud"? Here are the options for answers:

  • Thank you, I tried.
  • Thank you! I am very glad that you appreciated the fruits of my work.
  • Thanks a lot! I'm very pleased!
  • I am very glad that you are proud of me! From now on, I will try to do even better to justify your trust.
  • Thank you, but in fact, I still have where to grow.
  • Thank you so much! But without your help, I would not have managed.
  • Thank you, it's all thanks to your support!
  • Thank you very much!
  • Thank you!

Below are even more options that can be used for answers on social networks. Read further.

How to answer the message, commentary on social networks "Well done"?

Praise on the Internet is the same often a phenomenon as in reality. You can call a person “well done”, both for a well-groomed appearance or for his act, which he described in correspondence, and for any fruits of his creative activity-such as video and photos of works, audio recordings, articles, etc. In general, positively You can even celebrate a successful avatar - the main thing is that these are sincere words of approval, and not undisguised flattery. How to answer the message, commentary on social networks "Well done"? You can write something like this:

  • Thanks It's nice.
  • I'm glad you like it.
  • Thank you for your positive feedback!
  • Thanks for the positive assessment of my work.
  • Thank you so much! For the sake of such people and comments, I want to continue to do this!
  • Thank you great! I have been doing this not so long ago, so I rarely hear good reviews. But since you liked it, it means that I have potential! I will try to please you with my work and next time!
  • Thank you, but I did nothing like that.
  • Thank you, but for me this is a couple of trifles (with similar options it should be more accurate that the second participant in the dialogue does not think that an arrogant person in front of him).

Here are some more answers:

Answers to the message, comment on social networks
Answers to the message, comment on social networks "Well done"

What to answer the phrase "well done" rude?

Despite the fact that this word means a friendly and approving attitude, some in response prefer to be beautifully rude. This is partly due to a not quite decent rhyme for the word “well done”. What to say or write if you want to have a conversation in a similar vein? What to answer the phrase "well done" rough? Here are the options:

  • Well done in the stable stands, and I am smart.
  • You underestimate me! What kind of well done to you? I'm just a genius! Do not see, or what?
  • I hear from the well done. Do you generally know what the well done are doing?
  • Well, of course, I'm well done! I'm not you!
  • Well, now, when you admit that I am well done, agree - you are mediocrity, which will never succeed.
  • For you, I tried to try.
  • Himself like that! I am just a fruit of uniqueness with incredible talent. This is the work of the Lord. And dad and mom tried.

Of course, it is unpleasant to hear or see such words, for example, in a message. But each person himself chooses the manner of communication, and if for you it is acceptable or at the moment I want to speak like that, then dare. Below are other answers. Read further.

How to respond to "well done" with sarcasm?

Answers to
Answers to "well done" with sarcasm

In some cases, use the hackneyed phrase “Thank you, nice” is very boring. I would like to say something more porigin. Wit in this case - best friends. How to answer "well done" With sarcasm? Here are the options:

  • Everyone says: "Well done, smart!". And who would take the money to the card?
  • To the "fellow" to me, of course, as to China with a goose step. But I agree - I did a good job.
  • Why is it so modest? Call me just - God!
  • Do you want to become well done too? Ask me how!
  • Oh, thanks! Do you want me to become your guru in this lesson?
  • I’m so well done that the horses, seeing me, will just die. Hot huts are extinguished by themselves. And men - fall with stacks. That's what I am! Learn!
  • Yes, of course, I'm better than you. But you are also nothing.
  • Here, study while I am alive (a)!
  • And who is interesting, such beauty and talent will go? Isn't it to you?
  • This is Beethoven well done. He wrote deaf music! And so, I torment the program on the computer after work!
  • Yes, I'm well done! And also a beauty, a needlewoman, an excellent cook. And, most importantly, a modest!
  • This is not me well done. I just successfully rafting.
  • Of course, I know what the fellows are doing. But I think that you didn't mean that? Okay, what a sin to hide? Of course, I am pleased that you have become my fan. He always believed that you would take up the mind. By the way, you have good taste! Hold on people like me - will not be lost!

It will turn out even more interesting if you answer in rhyme. Read further.

When they say “well done” - what to answer in rhyme?

In rhyme, it is always more interesting to answer. The lines seem more original and memorable. When they say "well done" - What to answer in rhyme? Here are the options:

  • Well done, like a salty cucumber.
  • If I'm well done, eat jelly on the shelf.
  • If I'm well done, my friend, take a pie in the kitchen.
  • Wouldn't you send us a messenger for a prize for a young man?
  • And also - a male, a swimmer and a good seller.
  • I, of course, well done! The conqueror of a hundred hearts!
  • I am well done in life! Because I am Sagittarius!
  • I’m well done at work, my father taught me.
  • For you, am I great? Where is my ladder sword?
  • Do you think well done? Give at least a lollip!
  • Why am I good fellow? You are also a liar!

Beautiful and worthy answers to the word "well done" a lot of. Choose your favorite option and always keep it in reserve to show off with intelligence at the right time. Good luck!

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