How to answer the word "thank you": with humor, beautiful, after eating

How to answer the word

It is important to correctly respond to the word "thank you". Beautiful phrases will help strengthen friendship and relationship.

Gratitude is always nice. But how to answer a word "Thank you"? And whether it is necessary to do it. After all, we are used to not saying anything if someone thanks us. At best, we just smile and throw a simple phrase-something like "Please".

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to answer the words" Good morning "," Good afternoon "?". You will find interesting options, cool, original answers.

This article describes how to correctly respond to gratitude, and whether it is necessary to say something at all. Read further.

Do I need to answer the word "thank you"?

The word
The word "thank you"

From an early age, people are taught to thank others for their location, congratulations and gifts. The word itself "Thank you" It is a mandatory norm of politeness. As a rule, it suggests that a person is courteous and brought up, he knows how to accept signs of attention, and is aware of their value. Nevertheless, some respond to words of gratitude. And some simply pass them past the ears, pretend that nothing happened. What to do in this case? Do I need to answer something if you were thanked for something?

  • In fact, it all depends on the situation.
  • In some cases, there is enough air kiss, handshake or just a kind, fleeting smile. A person will understand that you heard his gratitude and he will be pleased.
  • But remember also that the word "Thank you" It is far from always talking with kindness and sincerely. Sometimes this is a sign of mockery ("Well, thank you, made friends"). If the word is used in a negative way, it will be more reasonable to just keep silent. And pretend that no one noticed the interlocutor's knees.

Generally accepted versions of the response to "Thank you":

  • "You're welcome"
  • "Thank you to you"
  • "Do not mention it"
  • "Nothing, do not pay attention"
  • "Glad you liked"
  • "Glad you were pleased"
  • "I was glad to help you"
  • "I was pleased to make you pleasantly"
  • “You still need help - turn” and so on

It all depends on the specific situation. Nevertheless, answer "Thank you" need to. Why? Phrases "Turn", "Always please" And they are like it, we, as it were, strengthen our psychological contact with the interlocutor, friendship is stronger.

In some cases, it is worth emphasizing that it was easy and even joyful for you, a pleasant person. Then he will understand that you treat him very well, and he will want to communicate with you more often. You can also notice how important a person is. Main thought: "For such, dear to heart, it is not a pity for neither means, nor material wealth, nor treats, nor time". As the saying goes: "Praise and honor of a respected guest"!

However, psychologists do not recommend using the option "My pleasure". In their understanding, it means lost benefit. And minimizes the significance of the efforts that a person makes. It is best to say:

  • "Always to your service"
  • "Contact"
  • "I'm glad you had it to your taste"
  • “I was glad to help”, etc.

Naturally, in this case, it is worth contacting with a good smile and peacefully - and not as if you were doing a favor to the interlocutor.

Also good options:

  • "This is the lesser that I could do for you"
  • "Closure"
  • "These are trifles"
  • "Always glad to cooperate"
  • "That's what we are friends to help each other"
  • "Do not thank, today I helped you, and tomorrow - you" you "
  • "For such trifles and you should not thank"
  • "There are no problems", "Velkam!"
  • "I can do everything for you!"
  • "To be good!" etc.

Now you know that you need to answer the words of gratitude and know how to do it. Below even more useful information. Read further.

How to answer the word "thank you" after eating?   

The word
The word "thank you"

Having fed with dinner or dinner, a dear guest, the owners will be very pleased to hear the words of gratitude from him. After all, they were preparing for the arrival of a man in the house, cleaned and cooked. That is why to speak "Thank you", getting up from the table after a meal, is considered a sign of good education.

Moreover, in many families "Thank you" For meals, they also say to the relatives: let's say - the husband to the wife, children - parents, etc. It is also considered quite normal. After all, preparing food, a person spends his time and effort, he puts his mental warmth and love in cooking. And sincerely hopes that it will be delicious, he will like others. That is why the eaters should not be indifferent. They are obliged to thank the culinary culinary. But it will be embarrassed if, after this phrase (“thank you”) there will be a tense pause. What can the mistress can answer in this case? How to answer a word "Thank you" After eating?

Many use phrases such as:

  • To health! (Universal phrase, both unfamiliar and with relatives).
  • Let him go for good! (This refers to the benefit of the seedlings from the dish).
  • We are glad that you appreciated our (or mine) culinary efforts! (The phrase shows that the cook really wanted to like his dish).
  • Eat, do not chop (more negative option, mockery).

If you want to answer with humor, then look for phrases below in the text. Read further.

What word to answer "thank you" with humor?

Often, it is humor that becomes the key to ease in a friendly conversation. If a comrade-novel speaks "Thank you", you can say something like:

  • "You will not get off with one thank you"
  • "Closure"
  • “What thanks? You are $ 200 with you "
  • "You will not be full of gratitude"
  • "Is it possible something more significant?" etc.

Naturally, it all depends on the degree of proximity between friends. In the case of a long -known person, you can use the frivolous forms of words “with a joke”, and if it’s just a good familiar, it is better not to sharply sharply in the answer, because it is not always clear how he can react to this.

How to answer the word "thank you" the girl?

In the case of a girl you like, you can always turn the situation in your favor. How to answer a word correctly "Thank you" in this case? Here are a few options:

  • “Thank you” - this is of course good. Can you even a kiss on the cheek?
  • I hope I have earned at least one date?
  • You don’t need to thank you here, it smells like a hug!

But how can I answer on behalf of the girl, if she needs to say words to gratitude? Of course, there are banal options:

  • "I'm glad you liked it"
  • "I'm glad I made you pleasant"
  • "I'm glad I helped you"
  • "It was not difficult for me to help you" (universal option)

In the case of flirting, you can answer: “Just thanks? And I thought you would kiss me/invite me on a date ”, etc. It all depends on the presence (or absence) of sympathy between thanks to the guy and gratitude to the girl.

How can you answer the word "thank you" beautifully?

The word
The word "thank you"

If you like to speak with beautiful words, then you need to answer gratitude in a special way-interesting and original. To do it is simple. How can you answer the word "thank you" beautifully? Here are a few options:

  • Use your health.
  • For a good person, nothing sorry.
  • Well, what are you, this is a lot, I can’t convey so much.
  • Do you think I deserve it?
  • You are so generous!
  • Oh, do not embarrass me with your generosity.
  • And you are my respect.
  • Yes, do not stand, we have mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • Thanks to say early, let's see what will come of it.
  • Do not rush to thank you, I will still come in handy.
  • Yes, a trifle. Although, I see, you are pleased.
  • Know of problems! Always at your service!
  • Do not thank, I think, and you would help me in this situation.
  • Thank you, of course, this is good. Well, is there anything?
  • You have overdo it with "thank you", there would be enough kiss.
  • No ceremonies, kiss on the cheek and forget.
  • I see, you incorrectly appreciated my services, “thank you” you will not get off here. Here, "thank you."
  • Wow, but I did not count on "thank you." Well, you are split.

It is worth noting that the answer can be not only in the form of words. Gestures - this is a great possible to communicate also beautifully and original. Read further.

Answer to "thank you" with gestures

The dumb language has its own version of gratitude. Understanding and making this gesture is very simple. First you need to squeeze a fist, and then - attach it from the forehead to the chin. So you can thank anyone: a friend, a mentor, and a stranger. But, how, answer to "Thank you" With gestures?

  • You can make exactly the same gesture with your hand - then a person will understand that you “heard” his gesture.
  • As for speaking and hearing people, an answer to "Thank you" There may be a touch to the shoulder, shaking hands, a smile and even an air kiss.

It all depends on the degree of kinship, proximity, affection.

"Thank you" for congratulations in your own words: what to answer?

The word
The word "thank you"

When we are congratulated, you need to answer without fail. After all, people try and give attention. What to answer "thank you" for congratulations in your own words? When a person thanks for warm words, one can say this:

  • “For a good friend, congratulations are never sorry.”
  • "I would like to wish you and do much more for you."
  • "You're welcome! Do not forget that I am your friend, so I am always glad to wish you happiness. But also help in practice, in which case. ”

You can also answer:

  • "You're welcome! Today is your day!".

Thus, the birthday person will understand that it is he - the hero of this evening. And it will not feel clarified from the fact that he received a gift and a huge amount of attention.  

The word "thank you": what is unacceptable?

Responding to the word "Thank you"should not be said "My pleasure". Indeed, through such an answer, a person devalues \u200b\u200bhis efforts, his help and labor. That is why it is better to say "Please" or "Happy to help". However, one should not hyperbolize your virtues: “Where would you be, if not for me! So I always help you - and you never " And so on. What else is unacceptable?

  • Also, one should not emphasize what titanic efforts to do this help to you.
  • Because in this way you can drive a person into depression and depressed state.
  • He will constantly scroll through your words in his head and think that he is now very owed to you and will not be able to pay for attention to him until the end of his life.

In other words, the answer to "Thank you" It should not be rude and should not make a person feel awkward. It must be built in such a way that a person understands that no “mutual gestures” can not be done. After all, they helped him honestly and disinterestedly. Of course, after the word "Thank you" You should never hint at a material reward (except in a comic tone). Otherwise, it is simply unethical.   

But one should not show that you reacted to the problem of a person as some kind of nonsense. Yes, help could really be a couple of trifles for you. But for a person it was something important, insoluble. And only you helped him get out of the situation.

Advice: Be prudent, polite and tactful. Look for a line between self -confidence and self -confidence. Do not allow unnecessary boasting. Show that you have helped a person sincerely - and not for your own good.    

What to answer with the word "thank you" if they gave a gift: what else to say?

The word
The word "thank you"

If you were handed a present, then by the way "Thank you" You can add a few more phrases. This will show that the donor is dear to you, you value your friendship or relationships. What to answer with the word "thank you" if you were given a gift, what else to say?

When choosing an answer option, the degree of proximity to a person should be taken into account. In any case, it makes sense to say:

  • "I am glad that my gift to you like"
  • "It's nice that you liked it"
  • "I really appreciate you as a girlfriend, so for you I do not feel sorry for anything!"
  • “Velkam! I love you so much that I would give you 1000 such! "
  • "Let this gift reminds you of our friendship"
  • "You're welcome! Use/wear it with pleasure! "

Now you have many beautiful and suitable phrases for an answer. Select several, memorize and use at the right time. Good luck!

Video: Why, “thank you” should not be answered “for nothing”?

Video: when to say: “Thank you” and how to answer “thank you”?

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