How to correctly and beautifully respond to the word "thank": options

How to correctly and beautifully respond to the word

You need to answer the word "thank you" correctly and beautifully. Look for options in the article.

There are practically no people in the world who would never have heard words of gratitude. And representatives of such professions as doctors, police officers, firefighters, rescuers, and completely hear the word "thank you" or "Thanks" everyday.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to answer the words" Good morning "," Good afternoon "?". You will find interesting options, cool, original answers.

What should you answer words of gratitude? You will learn how to write in a comment on social networks or what to say orally. More details are described in this article. Read further.

That you can answer "thank you": options

Answers to
Answers to "thank you"

Answer to "thank you" It is depending on the situation. In some cases, the answer depends on the degree of favor or complexity of the help that is provided to a person. Banal on "thank you" and "Thanks" There are such answers:

  • Please
  • My pleasure
  • Do not mention it
  • This is my job
  • Come again (if you work as a sales manager)
  • Happy to help
  • Contact more

In some cases, you can emphasize your location to a person and name him by name. Some specify the answer:

  • "Always please, do not hurt."
  • "Happy to help! But next time be careful. ”
  • “Everything is in order, this is my job. But next time do not launch the tooth so strongly. The smaller the lesion, the easier it will be to cure it. ”

Sellers can say:

  • "Do not give gratitude, use health"
  • "Always please, let it last long"
  • "My pleasure! Pleasant use/wearing "
  • "Please! Wear with pleasure! "

But some psychologists believe that the answer "It's my pleasure"Too faceless. The interlocutor may have a feeling that this is a “duty answer”, specially created for him to get rid of. It is best to say: “There is no gratitude”, “I was glad to help”, “For me it is a couple of trifles” etc.

How to answer "thank you", "thank you"?

There are situations when it is simply unacceptable to speak on duty phrases. Therefore, you need to give a detailed answer. Thanks to this, it will be more pleasant to talk to you. How to answer correctly "Thank you", "Thank you"? Here are the options:

  • Do not mention it! Contact!
  • I was glad to help you!
  • It was not at all difficult at all. I will be glad to do this again if you need help.
  • That's why we are friends to help each other.
  • One good turn deserves another. Today I helped you, and tomorrow you will help me out.
  • Buddy, these are trifles! To health!
  • You are welcome!
  • Ours to you with a brush!
  • Come on, forget (peer, friend).
  • I was very glad to provide you with assistance.
  • You're welcome! Be healthy!
  • What do you! These are trifles! The everyday business!
  • You can always rely on me. Happy to help!

Below even more original options. Read further.

How beautiful to answer "thank you"?

Answers to
Answers to "thank you"

 Gratitude should be positive. After all, a person is always happy when he says such words, as they helped him, came to the rescue. How beautiful it is to answer "thank you"? Here are the options:

  • Let your gratitude that you express to me transform in a good mood that will accompany you all day. Good luck, do not get sick, be always happy and healthy! And if anything, come! I will always help you with joy.
  • For such a kind, sweet and sensitive person like you, nothing sorry. I'm glad I helped you. May you have no problems anymore in your life!
  • No gratitude, my dear friend. After all, I helped you not for "thank you" but free of charge. I really hope that my efforts were not in vain. Be happy!
  • Help you - a couple of trifles for me. You are really a very good person for whom nothing sorry. And a piece of my soul will always remain next to you. She will protect you from winds and adversities and will become a guiding star on your life path.

If you need to say the answer to a good person and you want to surprise him, then do it in a humorous form. Read further.

How to answer "thank you" funny?

Sometimes it’s so difficult to find suitable words. Especially if I need to say the answer to gratitude. When choosing an answer, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances at the moment, as well as the mood of the interlocutor. And if you want to make him laugh, then “get” humor. How to answer "thank you" funny? Here are the options:

  • Thank you - a beaver/carpet to your nostril.
  • Thank you - I am here ... I am burning ...
  • Thank you - I will idolize you.
  • Thank you-now I will persuade you to something.
  • Thank you - like a bird in heaven.
  • Thank you - he repeats the forty capercaillie.
  • Thank you-better you give me some material good.
  • Thank you in your pocket you can’t put it. Better with money.
  • Of course, there is nothing. But here is the number of my card.
  • What kind of "thank you"! Do you know how much you owe me now?
  • Do not mention it. I will send you the details.
  • Well, now you are in debt in front of me and I can do anything with you. Within reasonable limits, of course.
  • You're welcome! And now on the knees, slave, and kiss the legs of your lord!
  • All of you say "thank". At least one keys to Mercedes presented! Here are the men went!

A very interesting dialogue will turn out. Try and you will see how the interlocutor will be much better to treat you.

How to answer "thank" in writing, in social networks?

Answers to
Answers to "thank you"

It is scientifically proven that in the 21st century, a person spends most of the day on the Internet. There you have to accept congratulations, thank and respond to gratitude. In fact, there are always a lot options for answers - it all depends on the context of communication. How to answer "thank you" In writing, in social networks?

In most cases, you can send a ready -made postcard or make a certain “general post” in style:

  • “There is no gratitude, my friends! It was not at all difficult for me to make you pleasant. After all, you are my best in the world. You are the kindest, faithful, cute and caring. I value you very much. Therefore, I appreciate your words of gratitude. Remember, you are not just friends for me. You are my family".

If you have to answer gratitude in messages, you can use it as banal “Not at all”, “always glad”, “and thank you”, “I was glad to help”and original options:

  • "Of course, I am not Superman, but for your sake I was ready to make the impossible."
  • "Do not mention it. I helped you simply because I was on the way. In fact, I save the Universe from Martian. And this is a much more dangerous activity. ”

Often it all depends on the imagination of the user. The main thing is that people understand that original answers are comic and harmless. You can also answer briefly:

  • "Do not worry"
  • "Never mind"
  • "Do not mind it"
  • "Forget"

In cases where the help was rendered, not even standing even long correspondence and conversations, you can answer just one word, one of the options higher.

How to answer "thank" the girl?

In this case, it is important to understand whether you like the girl or not. If she feels sympathy, then banal "Always happy" It will not be enough. The girl will wait for something more original and inspiring. Imagine yourself a knight on a white horse (even if you are not). How to answer the girl? Such turns will be effective:

  • I'm ready for you for everything.
  • Beautiful girls may not thank.
  • What are you, I can only help you in joy.
  • For your sake, I am ready to get a star from the sky.
  • You are too charming. So that I might not say “thank you”.
  • Actually, I didn't want to help you. And then he looked into your eyes - and everything turned out by itself.

If the girl is unfamiliar and you helped her in transport or on the street, just answer "It's my pleasure" or "you're welcome". That's enough. The main thing in communication with the representative of the opposite sex is not to speak with stamps and cliches. You can “hone” your sense of humor, mix it with romance and get an ideal answer in the case of one or another pretty special.

How to answer "thank" for the help?

Answers to
Answers to "thank you"

Having received timely assistance, the “victim” is ready to drown everyone in their thanks. But the "saviors" are far from always ready for such an pressure. How to answer "thank you" For help?

  • Thank you, this is my job - the option "without emotions." They are used in the case when this is an ordinary visitor in your institution that you see for the first and last time.
  • I was glad to help, contacting - already a more sincere option. It involves further cooperation.
  • I was very glad to provide you with timely consultation/assistance/helped make a choice. If you need it, you always know where to find me. By the way, here is my business card.
  • Do not mention it. For me, this is a trifle business.
  • Do not thank. The safety of civilians is my direct duty.
  • Any self -respecting person in my place would have done the same.

If you helped and thanked you, then you need to answer. Learn a couple of options so that at the most crucial moment you do not get confused.

How to answer "thank" in the zone?

As a rule, in prisons they do not likeunning politeness. For help, decent prisoners expect not verbal, but material benefits: as a rule, this is tea for the production of chifir or tobacco, which is considered a very valuable resource. How to answer "thank you" in the zone? If there are no special traditions in a particular zone, then we can say this:

  • Do not worry, brother. Everything here is their own roots. The prison way is one!
  • Not at all, brother! From the heart!
  • For "thank you" you run in the wild. And then think about how you will be useful to us.
  • One "thank you" you will not get off! The customer should be organized (and here the newcomer will think about what should be presented to his “benefactor” block of cigarettes or packaging of tea).
  • You say, you are giving? And where? (And again, it should be made to understand that you need to thank you with something significant and food).
  • Where is it, your “good” was when they received garbage? Okay, we count. For such help of the dachshund, I have simple - 2 packs of Prima and 3 packs of tea.

A few more options below. Read further.

Answer to "thank" according to concepts

There is an opinion that options "Thanks" and "To health" In places “not so remote” are not used. For the first, sometimes even cruelly punish. That is why the prisoners use options: “Sincerely”, “sincerely”, “thank”, “thank” etc. What answer should be to “thank” according to concepts?

  • As mentioned above, the answer is most often “material” in the zone: these are tea, cigarettes and other values \u200b\u200bthat are very difficult to get.
  • In some cases, the “Service for Service” rule works.
  • You stay in front of your "benefactor" in debt.
  • And the next time you will need to help this person out of a difficult situation.

Some use options such as “We’ll count your people”, “I won’t put thanks to your pocket”, “Three packs of tea and we are Kvits” etc.

Below are even more different options for various situations. Read further.

Answer to "thank" for the service

In this case, everything is simple. We must answer: "I serve the Fatherland!", "I serve Russia!" (or another state in which the military serves). Moreover, this rule is relevant not only for ordinary, but also for officers. As for the expression "Thank you for the service", it is used by a representative of a higher rank when awarding or oral expression of praise for combat merits.

What to answer the word "thank"?

Answers to
Answers to "thank you"

This word is not much different from "thank you". Therefore, the options will be similar. What to answer the word thank you? Here are a few options:

  • "Do not mention it"
  • "Oh, what are you ... empty"
  • "Not at all, it was not at all difficult for me."
  • "To health"
  • "Let it serve for the future"
  • "Always happy"

And you can just nod your head so that the interlocutor understands that you have heard his gratitude.

Video: Good manners. How to answer gratitude?

Video: 3 Secrets of the word thank you

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