Nutrients: what is it, which products are contained, instructions for use

Nutrients: what is it, which products are contained, instructions for use

The state of health directly depends on how high -quality food a person eats - while eating, we think that it will fill us with energy and give a good mood. All products that are eaten are consisted of energy and nutrient density.

Nutrients are divided into two categories - macronutrients (food value of products) and micronutrients (vitamins and mineral components). In this article, the instruction for the use of nutrients will be described in detail.

Macronutrients: What does it apply to them?

The World Health Organization calculated the optimal number of macronutrients that a person should use every day:

  • squirrels - no more than 14%
  • fat - up to 30%
  • carbohydrates - up to 56%

But, the ratio can be changed, depending on the physique of a person. More about this will be described later.

Nutrients in products
Nutrients in products


  • The optimal daily amount of protein for humans is about 14%. But, if you are a professional athlete, then you can increase this figure to 30%. After all, the protein is involved in the structure of muscle tissue.
  • The composition of the proteins - amino acids that are connected in one chain. Some of them synthesizes the body independently (about 12). But, 8 amino acids should enter the body through food.

Proteins that are easily absorbed by the body are contained in such products:

  • eggs
  • meat
  • seafood
  • fish
  • dairy

Considering that plant foods contain only 1-2 amino acids, it is necessary to make your diet so that the ratio of animal and vegetable protein is 1: 1. That is, during food, use an equal number of products of animal origin and plant foods.

According to information published by the World Health Organization, a person must use every day at least 0.7 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Protein is an important component in the structure of the body. It synthesizes enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Squirrels also transport beneficial substances to the cells of the body.


Food fats are a complex consisting of glycerol and fatty acids that are divided into several groups:

  • saturated
  • mononasized
  • paul -saturated

Saturated fatty acids are contained in coconut oil, animal fat, solid varieties of cheese, ghee oil and butter. Mononasized fatty acids, which are called omega 9, are found in avocados, nuts, olive and soybean oil.

Sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are called omega-3 and omega-6, are:

  • sea \u200b\u200bfish
  • meat
  • eggs
  • flaxseed seeds
  • avocado oil
  • seaweed
  • green vegetables

If you want to feel good, then use fatty acids so that the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 is 1: 4. Try not to use purchased sauces and refined oil. These products do not allow the body to absorb omega-6, which leads to poor digestibility of omega-3.

An important component in the human body - cholesterol. It is necessary for the formation of a cell membrane and the synthesis of hormones. Cholesterol also synthesizes vitamin D, without which calcium will not be absorbed. The human body is able to produce 75% cholesterol. The remaining 25% must be obtained from food.

It is necessary to clearly understand and know the number of minerals and other important components for the day
It is necessary to clearly understand and know the number of minerals and other important components for the day


  • An adult should use daily before 60% carbohydrates. They are complex and simple. The first group is more useful for humans, because it is slowly absorbed. But, during the day you need to use, both complex and simple carbohydrates. Their ratio should be 1: 1.
  • If you want to lose weight and save a sufficient supply of energy per day, reduce the number of simple carbohydrates. These include bakery products, sugar, cereals, potatoes, sweets. These products quickly penetrate the body, and are excreted for several hours. Therefore, after 1-1.5 hours, you will again feel the feeling of hunger, and the energy will end very quickly.

Glycemic index

  • When choosing products, it is important to look at their glycemic index. You can see the table with values \u200b\u200bon the Internet for free.
  • The glycemic index is an indicator of how many carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood system per unit of time.

All products can be divided into several groups:

  • with low index (less than 30 units)
  • with an average index (30-60 units)
  • with a high index (more than 60 units)

Try to give preference to products with low glycemic index. It is advisable to use the third group of products as rarely as possible. If you have difficulties with carbohydrate exchange, then it is better to abandon them completely.

We have prepared for you a table with a glycemic index of all products. Be sure to study it to form the right diet.


  • A large amount of fiber is contained in vegetables and herbs. Every day you need to use at least 30 g of fiber. Therefore, give preference to vegetables, which include the minimum amount of starch. They do not need to be thermally processed, because then the number of useful elements will decrease.
  • The main purpose of fiber is reduce the glycemic index food, and control the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Try to eat some vegetables and greens during each meal. This will feel more satiety after eating.
Pay attention to greens
Pay attention to greens


  • As you know, a person cannot without water. For each 1 kg of weight, you need to drink at least 30 ml of pure water. Coffee, tea and soups should not enter this volume.
  • Every day, 250 ml of water is released through the skin, and through breathing - about 0.5 liters. The higher your activity during the day, the more water you need to drink. Otherwise, dehydration of the body may occur, which will negatively affect all internal organs.

Micronutrients: what is it, groups

  • The human body simply needs to receive a sufficient amount of micronutrients daily. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and phytochemicals. They are contained in food in milligrams and micrograms.
  • If the body lacks micronutrients, then well -being can worsen. You will constantly experience weakness.


The purpose of vitamins is to split proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They also synthesize hemoglobin, which positively affects the circulatory system. If you lead an active lifestyle, you should increase the number of vitamins by 30%.

The human body needs vitamins A, B, C, D and N. their daily norm for an adult:

  • Vitamin A - 900 mcg. It is contained in carrots, pumpkin, milk, liver, broccoli and peaches. A lot of this vitamin in seasonings is basil, paprika, curry and sage.
  • Vitamin B-300-400 mcg. Contained in barley porridge, cabbage, offal, buckwheat, bananas, red meat, whole grain bread and eggs.
  • Vitamin C - 90 mg. Contained in lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, rosehips, currants, parsley, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper and Brussels cabbage.
  • Vitamin D - 100 mcg. Contained in sea fish (herring, salmon, tuna, cod), egg yolks, milk and mushrooms.
  • Vitamin H-30-50 μg. Contained in beef liver, chicken, cheese, flounder, egg yolks and milk.
  • Vitamin PP - 20 mg. Contained in the liver, nuts, dairy products, fish, green vegetables, legumes and buckwheat.

Mineral components

Minerals that the human body needs are divided into several groups:

  • Macro elements to which magnesium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium and sodium, magnesium.
  • Microelements to which belongs iodine, fluorine, manganese, copper, iron, zinc and selenium.
Rich in potassium
Rich in potassium
Pay attention to these products
Pay attention to these products
  • Magnesium - This is a macro element that is necessary to control hormones and the work of the central nervous system. It helps to improve the quality of sleep, and also prevents the occurrence of thyroid diseases. The more you eat coffee, sugar and salt, the less magnesium will remain in the body. To make up for this trace element should be entered into the diet Fish, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and herbs.
  • Zinc - This is a trace element that is not delayed in the body. Therefore, every day you need to eat products that contain it (pumpkin and sesame seeds, seafood, eggs, poultry meat and lentils). Zinc is an important mineral that strengthens the immune system and controls the acidity of the stomach.
  • Iodine - This is a trace element that retains the health of the thyroid gland. In the modern world, almost 60% of people lack this component. It is not absorbed if you eat a lot tomatoes, eggplant and soy. Most iodine is contained in seafood.
  • Sodium - This is an important macro element that improves metabolic processes in the body. Together with the fluorine, it retains the optimal water-salt balance, and also controls the functioning of the nervous system. Every day, a person should use no more than 5 g of salt, To make up for sodium reserves in the body. If you exceed this indicator, then you can provoke heart problems.
Additional classification
Additional classification

Nutrients: Recommendations for a healthy diet

If you decide to adhere to proper nutrition in order to make up for nutrients in the body, follow the following recommendations:

  • Each week, introduce a new product into the diet that you have not tried before.
  • Give preference to whole products.
  • When adding fiber, follow the rule of the palm - At each meal, use at least two palms of greenery.
  • Use more products with high nutrient food density (Green vegetables, greens, wild berries).
  • Refuse refined foods and sweets, because they do not bring any benefit to the body.
  • Reduce the likelihood of mineral loss. To do this, eat more seeds, legumes, nuts and cereals. It is better to refuse coffee, tea, sweets and alcoholic beverages, because they remove micronutrients from the body.
  • If you enter dietary supplements into your diet, then do this after consulting a doctor.
  • Regularly visit a gastroenterologist to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract. This will allow increase the absorption of nutrients.
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

So, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in proper nutrition. Using healthy foods rich in nutrients, you benefit your body. This will reduce weight, get rid of diseases and improve well -being. Remember that your health is in your hands. But, you should not self -medicate. Previously, you need to undergo an examination by a doctor, and take tests. So you will understand what nutrients do not have enough for the body.

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