What is better mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands?

What is better mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands?

Every woman should follow her health, especially - celebrating the forty -year -old anniversary. It is after this mark that the risk of malignant formations in the mammary glands, which cause rather painful sensations, deforms the chest and without the correct, and most importantly, timely treatment, can lead to death.

To prevent this from happening, it is extremely important to diagnose the disease in the earliest stages, and mammography or ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands will help in this representatives of the weaker sex. How they differ from each other, which of these varieties of research is more effective - let's understand together.

Mammography of the mammary glands - what is it?

  • For this research is used x-rays - That is, an X -ray is performed, for which the woman is fixed between the walls of a special apparatus, carefully fixing the chest in the right place. After all, if you accidentally move during the session, then the picture will lose clarity and you will have to redo it.
  • Because the x -ray radiation It harms the human body, in front of the session, the patient’s body is covered with a special lead apron that stops dangerous rays.
  • Mammography is actively used for diagnosis of cancer formations, since it allows you to carefully investigate the condition of the breast both vertically and horizontally, which makes it possible for the most effective diagnosis.
Mammographic research
Mammographic research

Types of mammography of the mammary glands

Thanks to the rapid development of medicine, today several types of mammography are used, among which:

  • digital, in which the resulting x -rays are preserved on electronic media;
  • analogwhen the image remains on the film;
  • tomosynthesisthanks to which you can create an image of the studied breast in 3D format, collected from a large number of pictures performed around the gland;
  • galactography or dactography, for which it is necessary to use special substances-contrasts, which are introduced into the ducts of the glands.

When is the mammography of the mammary glands?

Mammography will most likely be prescribed to you if:

  • in the mammary glands (one or both) is clearly Palp the formation
  • the breasts became very painful
  • you have a failure endocrine system
  • it is known that there is a pathology in the chest, but it is necessary to accurately establish its location
  • one breast suddenly became much more
  • now is the time systematic annual examination by a doctor
  • the nipples were modified
  • appeared pain in the chest
The appointment of mammography
The appointment of mammography

Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands - what is it?

  • For this variety of studies, ultrasonic waves produced by a special device are used. Various tissues in the human body vary in its density, and this information “read” the waves, penetrating through them and withdrawing data to the monitor.
  • Studying the resulting image, experts draw conclusions about the state health of the mammary glands of a woman.
  • To get the most truthful picture, the woman is laid on the couch and asked to hold her hands thrown behind her head, accompanying Ultrasound of the mammary glands Inspection of the nearest lymph nodes.
  • It is worth noting that to conduct ultrasound examination of the mammary glands It is not necessary to additionally protect the body of a woman, since this type of waves is absolutely harmless to the human body.
View and examination of the breast
View and examination of the breast

When is the breast ultrasound should be done?

As a rule, an ultrasound of the mammary glands is prescribed by a specialist if:

  • You have a history of hereditary problems with the mammary glands along the female line, such as malignant formations and large -scale malfunctions hormonal system.
  • For incomprehensible reasons, nipples on the chest change their shape or color, inexplicable problems with the skin in the chest area appear.
  • You implants, and their condition must be constantly monitored.
  • There were doubts in the state of lymph nodes and ducts.
  • In the chest (one or both) you feel pain or even just unpleasant sensations.
  • In the mammary glands, obscure are felt on palpation sealsarises swelling.
  • During pregnancy or feeding the baby, for any reason, you need follow the health of the chest.

The difference between ultrasound and mammography

  • The main difference between mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands lies in the technology of research. One of them uses x-rays, in a different - ultrasonic waves.
  • In addition, prescribing this or that study, the doctor focuses on indications in each case.
The difference in research
The difference in research

When is it better to do mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands?

  • Both mammography and ultrasound are done in the same period of the menstrual cycle - from 5 to 14 days from the first day of bleeding, since it is at this time that the breast tissues are homogeneous, without false cysts, with good echogenicity.
  • If a woman entered the period of menopause, then you can undergo an examination at any time convenient for you.
From 5-14 days
From 5-14 days

Mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands: which is better?

  • Since these two methods are not too different from each other, let's analyze in detail pros and cons of ultrasound and mammographyTo understand what is really preferable if a woman has no contraindications for each of them.
  • Ultrasound procedure  mammary glands - Absolutely painlessly and does not carry any danger to the body, so it is carried out even by pregnant women without fear, as well as after injury or in inflammatory processes. During the inspection, you can consider breasts under different angles in real time, study the lymph nodes, evaluate blood circulation in healthy tissues and tumors, localize a place to take puncture. Quite high efficiency - about 90%, and absolutely does not depend on the size of the studied breast.
  • But at the same time, according to the results of ultrasound, it is impossible to accurately establish a diagnosis without examination of tissues (puncture). In addition, great importance plays the human factor (qualification of a doctor conducting an examination) and the quality of the equipment.
It is important to choose the best research method with the doctor
It is important to choose the best research method with the doctor
  • Mammography of the mammary glands Allows you to identify even the smallest pathologies in both breast tissues and in the ducts of the glands, even accumulations of salts. It makes it possible to see the most complete picture regarding the neoplasms: localization, size and shape with an accuracy of 5% higher than ultrasound.
  • But at the same time you need to remember about the destructive effects of x -ray radiation on the human body, because of which the procedure should not be often repeated. It is not recommended to prescribe mammography to patients under the age of 40 due to increased density of breast tissues. By the way, you will not learn about the condition of lymph nodes based on the results of this examination. And - yes! Mammography will have to pay much more than for an ultrasound.
  • In fact, an unambiguous answer to this question simply does not exist. Summing up the foregoing, we can summarize that ultrasound is much safer and cheaper, and mammography is 5% more precise and clearly more expensive.
  • Therefore, provide the right to choose a research method for your attending physician - he, as a specialist, will make the most effective appointment. You may have to go through an ultrasound of the chest and mammography so that the doctor can make the maximum a complete picture of the condition of your mammary glands.

Tips before the passage of ultrasound and mammography.Going to an ultrasound examination of the breast or mammography, do not apply antiperspirant, lotions or cream with armpits or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, since these substances can become an obstacle to x -rays or ultrasound and the resulting picture will be fuzzy.

If you have previously been subjected to such examinations, then be sure to familiarize yourself with their results of your doctor - this will allow him to correctly assess the condition of the mammary glands and track changes in them.

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