When is it better to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, after the transfer of Eco embryos? The first screening ultrasound during pregnancy: for how many weeks do they do, what does it show? At what time, after a delay, can an ultrasound scan show pregnancy?

When is it better to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, after the transfer of Eco embryos? The first screening ultrasound during pregnancy: for how many weeks do they do, what does it show? At what time, after a delay, can an ultrasound scan show pregnancy?

First ultrasound.

In anticipation of the baby, the future mother has to go through a number of examinations, including screening in the first trimester in the first trimester. So what does this term mean? The material below will help to understand this.

The first planned ultrasound, screening during pregnancy in the first trimester: when appointed?

In medicine under screening It is understood to be a set of different studies that are aimed at determining a group of increased risks. Screening is prenatal - This is a prenatal examination of a woman during her expectation of a child, designed to determine the factors of intrauterine development of the fetus, the probability of the presence of congenital malformations, as well as possible complications of pregnancy.

Given the high information content and the safety of such procedures, each trimester is prescribed, and in certain cases more often. Usually the appointment of the first screening is assigned to a woman for a period of 11-13 weeks. In addition, indicators that were obtained in the period of 11-14 weeks can be considered reliable.

Nowadays, screening in the first trimester is recommended to all women. However, a number of factors make such an examination not just desirable, but compulsory:

  • more than two cases of miscarriages in the past
  • during the previous pregnancy, the fetus was faded
  • infection of the future mommy bacterial or viral infections
  • the presence of family and chromosomal pathologies for family
  • taking drugs that are prohibited during the expectation of a child
  • the presence of blood relations between the father and mother
  • alcoholism and drug addiction in a mother or father
  • harmful production conditions
  • the woman in labor is over 35 years old
  • shortly before conception, parents (or one) were irradiated



Ultrasound is a study that allows you to assess the condition of the female uterus, as well as the embryo. The basis of this method is the principle of echolocation, in which ultrasound passes through the fabric structures, is reflected, and then the image is displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that the first planned ultrasound is an extremely important stage in medical monitoring of pregnancy. Indeed, it is during this period that the organs of the future man are laying, and the first examination can show strong violations in the development of the embryo. Therefore, the terms of the first ultrasound are strictly regulated in domestic medicine.

This informative diagnosis includes such types of research:

  • abdominal (drive a sensor on the outer side of the woman’s bosom)
  • transvaginal (the sensor is introduced into the vagina)

When conducting the first scanning with ultrasound (as a rule, this occurs at 12 weeks), the future baby is evaluated:

  • the presence of all limbs
  • how the spine develops
  • the condition of the brain (symmetry of the hemispheres, their structure)
  • body length from the coccyx to the number
  • the width of the cervical region
  • head parameters
  • vessels in the umbilical cord
  • blood speed
Possible anomalies
Possible anomalies

It is important to note that the identification of these risks does not mean the obligatory presence of diseases in the baby, but is simply the basis for additional examinations and consultations. That is, the screening results not indicate the disease, but to the presence of typical markers. In order to refute or confirm the proposed diagnosis, a doctor may be prescribed:

  • specialist consultation - genetics
  • a prenatal non -invasive DNA test, which is today one of the modern diagnostic methods of very high accuracy and is based on a molecular study
  • invasive diagnostics (study, placenta and amniotic water tissue). Such methods are prescribed for fairly high risks of the presence of pathology (1: 100), because they can cause a number of complications (embryo infection, miscarriage)

There are frequent cases when, despite the screening risk of a high level, children are born absolutely healthy. And some women believe that such examinations in the early stages should not be carried out to avoid a stressful state due to the negative results. After all, many families are ready to educate even an unhealthy child. However, it is still better to know in advance about possible problems and be prepared for them. But according to the law, the future mother has the right to refuse this examination.

In addition to the main parameters of the development of the embryo, during the first ultrasound determine:

  • the number of embryos that are in the uterine cavity, as well as the condition of each of them
  • the place of placental attachment relative to the pharynx of the uterus, which allows you to identify the risks of premature birth
  • indicators of the quality and number of amniotic fluid (normally their volume is approximately 50 ml, and they are updated daily)
  • the condition of the ovary
  • what tone the uterus is in
  • the presence of insufficiency of Istmic-cervical (loose closing of the cervix), which increases risks
  • premature birth
  • exclamation of the placenta
  • the degree of placental aging
  • the alleged birth date is calculated
  • possible presence of tumors and cysts

According to the results of the screening, the doctor decides on a more detailed examination of the future mother. You should not refuse early diagnosis, as it is very important for the following reasons:

  • the most reliable information about the health of the female organs and the embryo is determined at 12-13 weeks
  • some indicators are informative only at an early gestation (for example, measuring the thickness of the soft tissues of the cervical region, which allows us to judge the presence of genetic anomalies)
  • in case of confirmation of the forced need to terminate the pregnancy to the female body, less significant damage is caused than within a later date
  • there is an opportunity to provide a woman with timely assistance and, thereby, avoid complications
First ultrasound during pregnancy
First ultrasound during pregnancy

In some cases, the first ultrasound scan by the expectant mother is prescribed earlier than a 12-week term in the following indications:

  • uterine bleeding
  • in the past, there were miscarriages or fading pregnancy
  • the pain in the lower abdomen, which is pulling
  • fertilization due to reproductive auxiliary technology (IVF)
  • during periods of previous pregnancies, various vices and anomalies were observed
  • the probability of multiple

The biochemistry of venous blood during screening in the first trimester makes it possible to determine the following parameters:

  • the amount of chorionic gonadotropin, directly confirms the fact of pregnancy (beta - hCC)
  • the volume of plasma protein providing the condition and work of the placenta (RARR-A)

The first planned ultrasound, screening during pregnancy in the first trimester: how to prepare?

Usually in the first trimester, the prenatal screening consists of three stages:

Stage 1. Examination General

The questionnaire is filled out for a woman where her certain data is indicated:

  • number of years
  • the presence of chronic diseases
  • body weight
  • possible bad habits (smoking)
  • method of conception
  • the results of preliminary tests

These data are entered into a special computer program.

Stage 2 ultrasound research

If the examination is held in the district clinic, prepare:

  • diaper that creeps on the couch
  • slippers or shoe covers
  • a towel or a napkin that will be needed to wipe the gel applied to the stomach from the abdomen
  • a condom that will be put on a sensor for examining a vaginal

In private clinics, as a rule, all this is given to a woman by medical workers.

Preparation for ultrasound
Preparation for ultrasound

How to prepare for the specified procedure:

  • for a couple of days, exclude food from your diet that promotes the formation of intestinal gases, as they can distort the results of the diagnosis
  • an hour or two before the survey procedure, drink 0.7-1 l of non-carbonated fluid. This is necessary in order to increase the volume of amniotic fluid, the number of which is insignificant at these terms. And it is good to consider the fetus precisely thanks to the liquid
  • before a vaginal examination, a woman needs to empty the bladder

Do not worry about the influence of ultrasound waves on the health of the future baby of the child or his mother's condition. Doses and intensity of the procedure do not have any negative effects on pregnancy.

Stage 3. Blood test

After the ultrasound (the next day is usually), a woman donates venous blood for biochemical analysis. In order to obtain the most accurate and reliable results, it is necessary to prepare correctly:

  • refuse for a couple of days from products that can cause allergic reactions (chocolate, seafood, smoked meats)
  • blood is taken on an empty stomach, so the last meal should be 5 hours before the fence procedure
  • try to exclude excessive mental, emotional and physical activity on this day

The first planned ultrasound, screening during pregnancy in the first trimester: what are the norms?

In order to decipher the results of ultrasound scanning, the doctor compares the identified parameters of the embryo with the normative for a specific period.

Average indicators
Average indicators

The coccygeal-dark size is the length of the embryo from the point of its number to the coccyx, the size of the legs is not taken into account. Too small testimony KTR can indicate, as a rule, about the following factors:

  • the fetus is likely to genetic deviations
  • the embryo lakes behind in its development in view of the diseases of the woman herself or with insufficient hormones
  • when calculating the terms of pregnancy, an error was made

The thickness of the collar space is the same area in the cervical region where the liquid accumulates. And the larger the thickness of these tissues has, the stronger the probability of the presence of pathologies. In such cases, a repeated procedure is prescribed (at 14 weeks), and a woman is recommended to conduct genetic analyzes of amniotic fluid.

It should be noted that before the 10th week, the study of this zone is non-informative, since the size of the embryo is too small in this period. And after 14 weeks, the lymphatic system has already been formed and takes excess fluids from the cervical spine. Therefore, the examination will also be inaccurate.

The biparietal size of the embryo head is an indicator that measures the space from one temple to another. Too much its value may be a sign:

  • large weight and size of a child
  • hydrocephalus of the brain in the fetus
  • spasmodic nature of the growth of the embryo
  • tumors or hernias

Low indicators are, as a rule, a consequence of deviations in the development of the brain of the head in the future baby.

Along with the first examination by ultrasound, other indicators are also evaluated, for example, or not a nasal bone (the pathology of this area can be caused by mutations of chromosomes).

Normative indicators
Normative indicators

Beta-HCH is considered the main hormone of pregnancy.

The reasons for its increase are usually as follows:

  • the period of pregnancy is incorrectly determined
  • chromosomal abnormalities (determined only taking into account other indicators)
  • the future mommy diagnosed diabetes mellitus
  • tumor or a bubble -shaped tumor at the embryo
  • there are several embryos in the uterine cavity
  • early toxicosis
The reasons for the decline
The reasons for the decline

Protein RARR-A is associated with pregnancy, and increases weekly. Its indicators are evaluated in comparison with the results of hCG and ultrasound.

It should be noted that the values \u200b\u200bin this analysis can fluctuate significantly, since they depend on the individual characteristics of the body. Additional examinations are prescribed for severe deviations from the norm. In this case, certain pathologies can be diagnosed.

In cases of reduced rap, there is a great probability:

  • the presence of chromosomal mutations in the embryo
  • threats of miscarriage or freezing
  • monogenic syndrome

Exceeding the norm of this protein is less dangerous and may be a consequence:

  • wrong pregnancy
  • increasing uterine tone
  • improper placental position (very low)
  • too large fruit

Based on the obtained screening results, the coefficient of MOM is determined, indicating the level of risk of deviation from the norm. It is calculated by certain formulas. The average in the trimester under consideration is 0.5-3 (and if the pregnancy is multiple, then the parameters increase to 3.5).

Ultrasound during pregnancy
Ultrasound during pregnancy

It happens that the examination provides false results. The reason for this can be the following factors:

  • fertilization by eco
  • the presence of several embryos in the uterine cavity
  • obesity or diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman
  • the psychological state of the examined
  • amniocentesis

It is extremely important to do a scheduled first study at the deadline appointed by the doctor. The fact is that the indicators can change further, and the picture of the child’s development can turn out to be very distorted, which will interfere with the correct and timely forecasting of possible deviation.

We draw your attention: the article is only an introductory nature. Doctors categorically do not advise deciphering the result of screening on their own. Only a qualified specialist should do this.

The first ultrasound after IVF, after the transfer of embryos: terms of conduct, norms

Unfortunately, some married couples are faced with a problem in conception of a child. A unique technique can help in its solution - IVF (extracorporeal fertilization), the essence of which is that the egg is fertilized outside the female body.

IVF procedure
IVF procedure

The proof that the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred is the result of the analysis on the hCG, which is carried out 10-14 days after the procedure. Usually the HCG level in the future mother in this case is higher than in women fertilized naturally.

The first ultrasound after IVF is prescribed earlier than in a conventional pregnancy. As a rule, in the case of a positive result of hCG, ultrasound is carried out 21-28 days after transplanting embryos.

The study procedure is ordinary:

  • transvaginal - allowing to examine the uterine cavity and embryo in detail in the early stages of pregnancy
  • transabdominal - conducted through the outer wall of the abdominal cavity

It should be noted that after IVF, the first ultrasound should be transvaginal, since it is carried out 3-6 weeks after the embryos transplant, which during this period are too small, and it is difficult to consider using an external examination.

The first ultrasound scanning is an extremely important stage in observing a woman, as it allows:

  • confirm the fact of pregnancy
  • see the localization of the fetal egg
  • clarify the number of gravity embryos and their vitality
  • check the tone of the uterus
  • detect pathologies in development, as well as cases of frozen or ectopic pregnancy
  • explore the condition of the ovaries in order to correctly adjust hormone therapy

In the future, in cases of normal pregnancy, a woman is prescribed ultrasound according to the usual graphics:

  • at 11-14 weeks
  • at 18-21 weeks
  • at 30-32 weeks

However, the attending Doctor can prescribe an ultrasound study more often - every 2 weeks.

It is known that the IVF procedure gives positive results in 40-60 % of cases. And if the pregnancy did not occur as a result of artificial insemination, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound examination in order to determine the cause of failure.

The first ultrasound for confirming pregnancy: when can I do, for what period, after a delay, can an ultrasound show show pregnancy?

Many women who have received positive results of a pregnancy test and are impatiently awaiting motherhood are interested in when you can conduct an ultrasound study to see the future baby.

To answer this question, we recall how the conception process goes:

  • the sperm fertilizes the egg (usually this happens during ovulation)
  • the egg of the phallopium pipes moves to the uterine area for 5-6 days
  • after 10-14 days, the embryo is fixed in the mucosa
  • the production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins with the female body, thanks to which the tests diagnose pregnancy already 1-2 days after the delay in menstruation

However, ultrasound will confirm the fact of pregnancy much later, since with a period of less than 6 weeks it is difficult to find a fetal egg due to its too small size:

  • a transvaginal way-starting from 4-5 weeks after conception (6-8 days of delay), when the size is 2-4 mm
  • a transabdominal way-starting from 6-7 weeks after conception (21-22 days of delay), when the embryo reaches a length of 5-7 mm

It must be said that before a period of 12-13 weeks, the doctors consider the conduct of ultrasound it is optional, since during this period it is not possible to consider in detail the organs and the system of the future fetus. This procedure may be prescribed if a pathology is suspected.

Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound examination

A vaginal examination can identify:

  • furious fruit
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • other deviations

In order for the ultrasound in the early stages to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

  • lack of inflammatory processes in the uterine region, since due to edema of the mucous membrane may be unnoticed
  • sufficient time after conception
  • modern equipment on which the examination is carried out
  • experienced qualified doctor

Can the first ultrasound not show twins?

Multiple pregnancy today is not uncommon. The determination of the number of embryos is possible already in the first trimester. In cases where the uterus of a woman is larger than it should be in this period, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound.

During ultrasound scanning, the quantity is determined:

  • heart rate
  • amniotic fluid
  • reservoir

As a rule, such a procedure shows twins already at an early gestational age - at 5 - 7 weeks. The probability of determining the first ultrasound of the bilingual twins is especially great. And in cases of one-yat, multiple pregnancy is usually confirmed at 9-12 weeks.

However, it happens that the first ultrasound study does not show the presence of two fruits in the expectant mother. Possible reasons are:

  • the old device, in which the length of the beam reaches only 18 cm. In such cases, the uterine cavity during scanning is partially visible, so the second fruit can not be detected
  • inexperience of a medical worker conducting a study

In cases of suspicion of pregnancy, a multiple woman is recommended to conduct 3 d or 4 d ultrasound. The resulting volumetric image will give a more accurate picture.

Multiple pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy

Often in the early stages, the doctor, with an ultrasound examination, reveals two embryos, one of which does not listen to the heartbeat. After some time, due to unclear circumstances, such an embryo dies. That is why the presence of multiple pregnancy with confidence can only be discussed after a 12-week period.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that when confirming multiple pregnancy, a woman will need to pass more ultrasound (on average, monthly). This will allow you to find possible problems of mother’s health and the development of babies in time.

Ultrasound on the first day of delay, the first week after conception: what will it show?

On the first day of menstruation delay, ultrasound scanning will not be able to show the fetus. The embryo during this period is still too small in size and is only an accumulation of dividing cells. 3 weeks after conception, the embryo reaches only 1 mm in length and is not a full -fledged embryo, but only a fetal egg. Therefore, the sensor of ultrasound equipment will simply not find it.

It becomes possible to see the embryo when scanning only 4-5 weeks after conception, usually on the 7-10th day of delay. In this case, the study should be transvaginal, since it is more informative in this case. At a very early stages of pregnancy, you can recommend a modern 3 d ultrasound, which is more accurate and detailed.

On the monitor during ultrasound you can see:

  • a small round or drop -shaped formation, surrounded by a shell and located in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus (under normal uterine pregnancy)
  • the yellow body, which is considered indirect evidence of the fact of pregnancy, since with the onset of menstruation, this iron usually regresses

However, it is impossible to talk about the onset of pregnancy at such an early stages, since there is a probability of anembrion - pathology in which there is no embryo inside the fetal egg.

In order to avoid unnecessary experiences, it is more advisable to conduct the first ultrasound after 5 weeks from the moment of conception, when the heart of the embryo begins to contract, that is, from about 10 days of menstruation delay. According to statistics, during this period, the results of the study are reliable in almost 100 percent of cases.

Video: ultrasound and pregnancy. Screening


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