The dimensions of the prostate gland in men after 50 years: Ultrasound norm

The dimensions of the prostate gland in men after 50 years: Ultrasound norm

This article describes the diseases of the prostate gland. You will also learn how the diagnosis of pathologies of this organ is performed.

Female health is directly related to the health of the pelvic organs. In men, health depends on the state of the prostate gland. Its sizes are important, which may begin to change at a certain age. Inflammation, hormonal changes and other factors affect this process. Read more about the diseases of this important organ and how treatment is performed in this article.

What are the dimensions of the prostate gland in men after 50 years: Ultrasound norm

Prostean gland in men
Prostean gland in men

Deviation from the norm is the growth of the prostate gland. To determine if there is a pathology, you need to know the established norms for a certain age.

The value of the organ by age:

  • From 16 - 20 years - prostate volume 18 - 20 cm³.
  • From 20-30 years - volume of 20 - 25 cm³.
  • From 30 - 50 years - volume 25 - 30 cm³.
  • From 50 - or more years - volume from 30 cm³.
  • For men over 50 years old, the size of the prostate gland can be 30-35 cm³.

An increase in the organ is noted with adenoma, chronic prostatitis and the development of other pathologies. There is a special formula for determining the size of the prostate by age:

  • V \u003d 0.13*in+16.4, where: V - the volume of the prostate gland, AT - age.

By indicators Ultrasound You can measure the volume through the abdominal cavity, rectum, urethra. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the symmetry of the proper gland. Normal software Ultrasound Usually they have a homogeneous structure.

It is worth knowing: The growth of prostate after 50 years is II surge in hormones, with an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone.

If problems with urination at this age occur, regular examinations of a doctor are necessary. Therefore, in case of any health problems, immediately seek help from a doctor-a urologist, therapist, surgeon.

Adenoma, prostate hyperplasia in men after 50 years: how to do massage?

Prosteance gland in men: massage
Prosteance gland in men: massage

Benign prostate hyperplasia is often found in men after 50 years and older age. New cases of prostate adenoma are recorded annually. The search for effective and low -traumatic methods of treating such diseases is becoming more and more relevant. Massage belongs to methods that give an effect in the early stages of the disease. How to do massage correctly? Here are the tips:

  • With adenoma and prostate hyperplasia, a mechanical rectal effect of a finger is indicated.
  • The patient should be in the knee-elbow position or on the side with pressed knees.
  • The doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to the depths 3-5 cm, gropes the seal on the front wall of the rectal ampoule and performs manipulations.

During the massage, three techniques are used:

  1. Circular movements from the edges of the prostate to the center.
  2. Longitudinal manipulation from the edges to the groove of the gland and from top to bottom.
  3. Massage movements in the form of "eight".

You can use one of these techniques or all three sequentially.

It is worth knowing: At the beginning of the massage, the action on the organ is minimal. At the first signs of discomfort, the massage stops. Then manipulations can become longer and intense.

Rectal massage with prostate adenoma at the beginning of the development of pathology, brings tangible relief, relieves pain. In the later stages of the disease, such a treatment methodology is considered ineffective, and its use is fraught with increased pain and even greater impaired urination.

Prostate massage to a husband woman: video

Prosteance gland in men: massage
Prosteance gland in men: massage

The effectiveness of massage in the disease of the prostate gland has been proven for a long time. This is an unpleasant procedure that no man does not like to do. Usually such manipulations are performed by a urologist directly at the reception. However, men often experience awkwardness and constraint. What to do? Health is more important and therefore, if the doctor prescribes such a procedure, then it must be passed.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare:

  • Make your husband a cleansing enema. Lubricate its tip with petroleum jelly, pour 200 ml of cool water and enter it into the intestines.
  • He should drink 30 minutes before the start of massage 1 liter of pure water. The bladder before the session should be complete.
  • Put on sterile latex glovesIn order not to bring infection into the anus.

The technique of execution and tips on how to do prostate massage is described above in the text. It is not recommended to perform this session if there are such pathologies:

  • Urolithiasis of the kidney disease
  • Tumor or cysts in the prostate gland
  • Haemorrhoids
  • The crack of the anal passage

Advice: Before the procedure, be sure to consult a doctor. He will tell you whether such a massage can be done and how to perform it correctly.

If a man still refuses to go to the urologist and do a massage in the hospital, there is an alternative-the prostate massage to her husband, his wife. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to understand how to do it right. In many pairs, a woman makes prostate massage to her man for pleasure. Watch the video on this topic:

Video: prostate massage at home. Doct's recommendations.

If a man is shy and his wife, then you can do such a massage yourself. In this video, everything is told in detail:

Video: prostate massage with prostatitis - independently at home. To increase potency

Prostate treatment: how is it?

The form of treatment of the prostate gland depends on the degree of disease. There is no universal way. There are three classic methods of treatment:

  • Surgical
  • Medication
  • People's

Drug treatment It is prescribed both at the initial stage of treatment, and in a parallel with the surgical method. The most common forms of drug treatment:

  • Antibiotics
  • Spasmolytic drugs
  • Anti -inflammatory drugs

Folk method - Treatment at home, improvised natural methods.

  • After consulting a doctor, you can determine the most convenient method for yourself.
  • The most common is the treatment of pumpkin seeds.
  • By including them in your diet on a regular basis, you can saturate your body with the necessary zinc, which helps the body cope with impaired gland.

Remember: Before choosing a drug from traditional medicine methods, be sure to consult a doctor. Self -medication is dangerous to health and life!

In what cases the organ is completely removed or when the surgical method of treatment is used, read below.

When is an operation to remove the prostate gland in men?

Prostean gland in men
Prostean gland in men

Surgical method - This is the treatment of the prostate gland with the help of surgery. When is an operation to remove the prostate gland in men? Here's the answer:

  • It is prescribed in case of neglect and exacerbation, for example, with the formation of a cyst, cancer, bleeding, purulent wounds, pathological narrowing of the uretail, stones and so on.

Surgical treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist. The most popular operational method is transurethral resectoscopy and laparoscopy:

  • Transuretral operation It implies partial or complete removal of the prostate gland by introducing a resectoscope (special pipe).
  • In this case, the patient himself is necessary before the operation.
  • If, as the removal of the pathologies of the prostate gland, it was chosen laparoscopy method, Then the operation will take place according to modern methods, using microscopic incisions.

It is worth noting that laparoscopy is the least traumatic way of surgical intervention.

Symptoms of inflammation and other diseases of the prostate gland

Prostean gland in men
Prostean gland in men

The prostate is a male gland located under the bladder, covering part of the urethra. The prostate gland produces a secret that promotes the movement of sperm. In addition, this body regulates the work of the urethra. What prostate pathologies are found in men? These are the symptoms of inflammation and other diseases of the prostate gland:

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate.

  • It can be acute and chronic, bacterial and non -bacterial.
  • First, an acute condition occurs in the absence of proper treatment can go into a chronic form.


  • Far -hearted urination.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Discharge.
  • Pain.
  • Irritability.

Prostate adenoma - tissue hyperplasia. Visually looks like tissue growth.


  • Multiplying urination for a short period of time.
  • A weak stream of urine.
  • Pain.
  • Selection in the form of drops.

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor.


  • Insufficient pressure of urine.
  • A sense of constant fullness of the bladder.
  • Burning and pain during urination.

The prostate abscess is a serious infectious and inflammatory disease.

  • A very dangerous condition, as the occurrence of sepsis or peritonitis can entail.


  • Increased body temperature.
  • Chills.
  • Tachycardia. Cardiovascular deviations may also be observed (for example, increased blood pressure and so on).
  • Pulsating pain.
  • Difficult urination.
  • Bugorus above the pubis.

Sclerosis or prostate fibrosis is the last stage of prostatitis.


  • Difficult urination
  • Pain in the perineum
  • Painful sensations during urination
  • Problems with an erection
  • Decrease in libido
  • Impotence
  • Drinking blood in the urine.

All these diseases are dangerous and need timely treatment. Therefore, with the manifestation of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Video: Prostatitis

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