How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys to a woman, man, child? Is it possible to drink water, there is an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys?

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys to a woman, man, child? Is it possible to drink water, there is an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys?

Instructions for preparing for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

The ultrasound procedure of the abdominal cavity is absolutely painless, allows you to find out the presence of ailments of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and spleen. In this article we will tell you how to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity?

In general, it is desirable 5-6 hours before the procedure is nothing. That is, it is necessary that manipulation is carried out on an empty stomach. Experts also advise that when manipulating the intestines be empty. If there are difficulties with emptying and the act of defecation, it is necessary 12 hours before the diagnosis, drink a special tabletized agent.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:

  • If, even after taking the medicine, defecation did not occur, then it is best to make a cleansing enema. The full intestine can significantly distort the results. The use of some drugs is also of great importance.
  • The fact is that no-shpa is an antispasmodic, that is, a remedy that relieves spasm. After taking it, the smooth muscles are usually relaxed. This can be identified during the ultrasound.
  • Do not take aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid before testing, as these agents thin the blood can cause a condition that is similar to some pathologies.
On the ultrasound

Can I eat before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity?

Regarding food intake, it is advisable to use anything from the very morning before diagnosis. Ideally, you need to come to the diagnosis of on an empty stomach. 

However, there are exceptions to the rules: 

  • Pregnant. The fact is that women often have heartburn, unpleasant sensations in the stomach in case of hunger. Therefore, pregnant women are allowed before the manipulation early in the morning to drink ugly tea, eat cracker. 
  • People can afford a modest breakfast, patients with diabetes. Indeed, in the case of this disease, in no case should a critical fall in the level of glucose. It is with the help of crackers that you can increase the level of glucose. 
  • Children and babies.However, it is still recommended to skip one feeding and carry out the procedure about three and a half hours after the last meal. Of course, this can significantly affect the condition of the child. Most often, diagnostics are carried out when the child shouts very much from hunger. 

Diet in front of the abdominal ultrasound

Doctors advise 3-4 days before the upcoming examination to sit on a characteristic diet. This does not mean that you need to limit yourself very much, or completely exclude some products from the diet. 

Diet in front of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:

  • It's believed that legumes They are able to cause bloating, which will significantly complicate the course of the examination. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse to take beans and peas. 
  • Refuse flour and confectionery. This applies to yeast bread, butter buns. They contain many yeast that provoke fermentation processes in the stomach, which also cause increased gas formation. 
  • Exclude milk from the menu. Sour -milk products are not included in the list, since they do not cause bloating. Basically, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, increased gas formation is noted when taking ordinary milk. 
  • Frying and fatty dishes. These products significantly affect the condition of the pancreas and liver, increasing the load on them. Therefore, in order to obtain adequate and true results, it is necessary to adhere to these rules. 3 days before the diagnosis, you need to sit on a diet, using exclusively stewed fruits and vegetables. Crustful fiber, in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, should also be excluded.
  • You can not drink natural juices, Since they contain fiber. It is allowed to eat boiled and baked fruits. All types of proteins are included in the menu, that is, it can be meat, eggs, sour -milk products. Take low -fat types of meat, such as chicken and beef. Pork, lamb, as well as duck, are excluded, since these types of meat are very fat and can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and pancreas. 
At the doctor's
At the doctor's

Water in front of the abdominal ultrasound

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink water before conducting an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. There are several manipulations, for example, as an ultrasound of the uterus, or bladder, which are carried out with a large amount of fluid drunk.

Water in front of the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:

  • This is necessary so that the bladder is filled with water. Regarding the ultrasound of the liver, as well as the pancreas, and spleen, then you do not need to drink water. If, together with the abdominal cavity, diagnosis of kidneys and bladder is carried out, then fluid consumption is necessary.
  • The main task is that there are no gases, bubbles in the intestines, which may affect the results of research. After all, gas bubbles can stretch the intestines, so the doctor will not be able to adequately assess the diameter of the organ, as well as some subtletiesresearch.  

Do you need an enema in front of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity?

Do I need to make an enema before such a study? It is desirable that the intestines be empty. That is, so that the colon does not have feces. But drinking is a laxative, or you are not necessary to make an enema. It is enough to go to the toilet before manipulationin a big one. In most cases, such emptying is enough to conduct adequate studies of the intestines and organs of the abdominal cavity. 

Do you need an enema in front of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity:

  • It is recommended to make an enema only if a person suffers from constipation, but laxatives that are taken inside help weakly. It is worth noting that it is best to conduct a cleansing enema 12 hours before the manipulation.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity can be carried out both in the morning and after lunch. But this does not mean at all that food should not be eaten until 15 hours. In this case, a light breakfast is allowed from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning. Later it is impossible to eat.
  • Very often, before the manipulation, so that the bubbles of air and gases do not interfere with the study, 2 capsules of Simeticon are prescribed three times a day. This is a silicone -based tool that absorbs gas, and removes it from the body. It is not recommended to chew chewing gum before manipulating, as this enhances the release of saliva, can cause the intestines in the idle.
  • It is not recommended to conduct an ultrasound after radiography or colonoscopy. If an ultrasound is carried out at the hospital without fail, it is necessary to warn the doctor that appropriate interventions were carried out, such as colonoscopy, x -ray.
On the ultrasound

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to a man?

Preparation of men, such as women. There are no special indications or rules.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to a man:

  • Recommend consuming cereals such as buckwheat rice, bread fromwholegrain flour. It is advisable to completely abandon fatty products, and take exclusively lean meat dishes. It is not allowed to eat sausage, meat processing products, as well as smoked meats and saltydishes. 
  • It is worth noting that candies, as well as chewing gum, can lead to stomach spasm, which will affect the results. It is not recommended to smoke before manipulation. If the patient takes any drugs for treatment, it is necessary to notify the doctor, as this can affect the results and cause an incorrect diagnosis.
  • Doctors recommend using products that improve the pancreas and stomach before conducting manipulations. That is, these are enzymatic drugs, such asMezimFestal. 
A man on an ultrasound
A man on an ultrasound

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys?

It is also necessary to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys in a certain way. This procedure is absolutely painless, and allows you to identify violations in the excretory system. Typically, the indications for manipulation are painful, frequent trips to the toilet in a small way, a change in urine analysis, the presence of protein, mucus or blood. Swelling on the face and legs, injury in the back. During pregnancy and chronic ailments of the kidneys. 

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys:

  • Regarding preparation, it is also necessary as before the diagnosis of the abdominal cavity to limit the consumption of products that enhance gas formation. That is, it is legumes, whole milk, fatty products, confectionery, as well as pastries containing a large number of yeast.
  • But at the same time, it is also necessary to fill the bladder. That is, the intestines should be empty, and the bladder is complete. Only with such preparations it will be possible to get true results.
  • This is due to the fact that ultrasonic waves should penetrate through free space and liquid and reflect from voids. This will be if gas accumulates in the intestine and air bubbles. Accordingly, such voids and air in the intestines can affect, distort the test results. A couple of days before the procedure, it is best to takeEnterosgel, as well asSmectu.
  • Remember that these drugs must be taken at different times of the day toEnterosgel I did not absorbSmectu. Have dinner no later than 18:00, do not pass it. In the presence of chronic ailments of the kidneys, intestines and constipation, it is necessary to make an enema or take a laxative. 1 hour before manipulation, you should drink a liter of water and not go to the toiletuntil Do not pass the examination. 

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to the child, how to prepare?

The main task of parents before preparing young children for ultrasound is to configure them in a positive way. The fact is that the kids can be very nervous, be upset, so you must first tell the child how the procedure will take place.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to the child, how to prepare:

  • In no case should you say that it will not be scary, or it will not hurt. The child simply does not hear a piece of not, and it will be even more scared. Just tell us what the doctor will initially lubricate the skin of the child with a cold gel, and will drive a special nozzle on the tummy for 15-20 minutes.
  • It is also worth preparing a child. An ideal option for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of the baby is an early morning. The kid will not have time to get hungry, he will feel good, and calm down. It is necessary to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach. An hour before manipulation, you should not even give water.
  • The day before, one day before research, in no case do not give the child fiber. Exclude fresh fruits and vegetables, soda and dairy products. It is best to give the child yogurt cottage cheese, or boiled eggs. Porridge is also suitable.
  • Before the manipulation, early in the morning, in no case give the child sweets, candies and chewing gum. This can cause the esophagus and stomach spasm, which will adversely affect the test results.
  • If the child is inclined to constipation, did not go to the toilet in a large way for 2 days, you can make him a cleansing enema, in the evening before the manipulation. The main task is to configure the child, and to persuade that he does not be nervous, does not worry, and calmly reacts to the touch of the doctor.

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On the ultrasound

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