What to do with a sleeping tea leaf?

What to do with a sleeping tea leaf?

Many people love cozy evenings behind a fragrant cup of tea, which certainly warms and brings a special charm, calmness and a feeling of comfort. And what happens after - a tea bag, the brewing is sent to the garbage bag.

Maybe otherwise, is there a chance for a second life in a sleepy tea? Let's figure out what tea is a sleep and what is its benefit.

How to use tea in cosmetology and medicine?

Inf.: What does tea mean by a sleep? Spit - aya, oh (expanse). About brewed tea: diluted many times, having lost the fortress.

A spite of tea favorably affects the skin of the face, due to the high content of tannins and antioxidants. It can serve as protection against UV rays, has an anti -inflammatory effect, tones, smoothes and evens out the tone of the face.

  • How to lighten freckles with sleepy tea?It is enough to mix the brewing of green tea with lemon juice and honey. We apply the resulting consistency to the skin of the face, you can have a neck and neckline for 10 minutes, then wash off with water, comfortable temperature. If you use the brewing of black tea, you can achieve the opposite effect - tanning, wiping your face daily in the morning. With all this, you will saturate the skin with the necessary vitamins.
  • We remove the edema under the eyes of the sleepy tea.Dended tea is used for the eyes - we put the tea in the refrigerator after tea drinking until complete cooling. After laying it out on your eyes, lie down on the sofa and withstand up to 10 minutes. This is a budget version of patches, no less effective
  • From advanced pores and black dots, tea will help sleep.Green tea has anti -inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which in tandem with ice will help to cleanse it, dry the inflamed acne, narrow the pores. But do not expect the result from the first application, it is important to observe regularity. Let this procedure be your morning and evening ritual.
  • Spite tea with oily skin. Mix the tea leaves of strong, sleepy black tea, with lemon juice and oatmeal. Apply to the skin of the face, start with 5 minutes, it is important to control the reaction of your skin to lemon. If the skin reacts normally, there is no redness and you can increase the time of pinching. Using this mask in the morning, you can achieve an even skin tone and get rid of oily shine.
  • To get rid of the cracks on the legsDilute sea salt and sleep in hot water. Keep your legs in the container until the water cools down. After dry, wipe and spread with a nutrient cream.
For beauty and health
For beauty and health

Spitu tea and cooking

  • There is a special way to get rid of the smell of fish. Some people do not tolerate its smell in fish dishes. To achieve such a result will help soaking in jasmine sleep. The fish loses its usual smell and acquires a light aroma of jasmine. In some countries, jasmine tea is used to prepare broth for the first dishes.
  • Spite tea for preparing desserts. Grind bergamot brewing and add a little to the cream, dough. You can prepare various cupcakes, pies, ice cream or cream for a cake. Do not be afraid of experiments.
  • Some types of blocks can be added to salads. For example, the Chinese add a spit to Gekuro tea to salads. It gives the piquancy to the dish and saturates with useful vitamins.

The benefits of sleepy tea for the garden

  • Using sleepy tea, like fertilizers. Compost is a fertilizer that can be obtained from plant and food waste. With its help, you can improve the soil and make up for the missing trace elements, for example, nitrogen. No need to confuse compost with humus, humus - this is manure, it will take from 2 to 12 months to decompose it. Therefore, it is much easier to use tea brewing, it in compost is an additional element that accelerates the decomposition process. Because of this, it surpasses much faster.
  • Spite tea for seedlings. You can grow seedlings in a sleepy tea leaves, instead of peat pills. First brewing, after the soil and plant the seeds. When you need to transplant the plant into the ground, you can also sprinkle with tea leaves on top, this is an alternative to fertilizers.
  • Dended tea, like fertilizer, is happy to be used in the country, because it emits nitrogen. For a long time, he also distinguishes beneficial substances as the plant grows. Before planting, you can dry the tea with sleep and pour into the place of landing, the hole.
  • You can feed the roots of plants with sleepy tea. We brew strong tea, let him brew and drink time. After that, the contents are re -pour with warm water and water the flowers. You can also wipe the flowers by brewing - so you will remove dust and saturate the plants with the necessary trace elements and vitamins, save them from parasites.
Like fertilizer in the garden
Like fertilizer in the garden

Where to use sleep in cleaning?

  • After tea drinking, you can wash the windows. Pour water and wipe the windows and glass into tea. For a better effect, use glass washing fabric, now shine cannot be avoided.
  • You can also clean the carpets and fireplaces with a sleep. For the first option, the brews are poured onto the carpet, and not allowing it to dry, they sweep away. Dust and small pollution go with it. In the second version, so that the ash does not fly around the entire room, tea is filled into the fireplace with a wet sleep.

Sometimes it is worth giving a chance to used products or objects. They can bring to our lives a lot of benefits and a minimum of costs, both physical and financial.

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Video: fertilizer from sleepy tea

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