What to do if the husband constantly yells to his wife, how to react to the cries of her husband: a psychologist's advice

What to do if the husband constantly yells to his wife, how to react to the cries of her husband: a psychologist's advice

When marriage, people should be prepared for the fact that disagreements and misunderstandings may arise in family life. If everything is smooth in the family, it will not develop.

Quarrels can arise for various reasons, among which different education, the material situation of families and life principles. From this article you will find out for what reasons the husband screams at his wife, and how to deal with it.

Why does the husband constantly yell at his wife: reasons

If earlier your husband was calm, and only recently he began to behave aggressively (screaming, bursting with trifles), it is necessary to determine the reason for the change in behavior. First, think about what you said or did wrong. You should not blame yourself, look for a source from which a quarrel occurred.

The main reasons why the husband is constantly yelling and is dissatisfied with everyone, attribute:

  • Difficulties at work or lack of finance;
  • Stress related to psychology;
  • Cooling of feelings;
  • Lack of self -esteem. Often, if a woman is more successful, earns more or even looks better - for a man with low self -esteem or psychological problems, this becomes the cause of discontent;
  • Irritability;
  • Bad habits and gambling. When men begin to drink alcohol or drugs, their behavior is changing. This is due to the fact that changes in the nervous system occur;
  • Heredity. Very often, men behave as their fathers behaved.

Resentment and fatigue:

  • Society, unfortunately, does not accept men who can express resentment and fatigue. When they have negative emotions, they cannot throw them out, which is why excessive irritability appears.
  • If a man returned home from work, and began to behave aggressively, do not take his anger at his own expense. Do not try to answer him malicious remarks, so as not to enjoy negative emotions even more.
  • You can ask how the day was at work or ask about well -being. This will allow him to understand that he is not alone with his problems. Often, men themselves do not understand why they begin to behave aggressively. After your leading questions, the husband will be able to figure out his emotional state, apologize for the inconvenience caused.
  • When the emotions are subsided, you can talk to him that you do not need to bring all the negative home. Speak rules for the conduct of the house in case of trouble at work.


  • Quite often, husbands return home, and project the behavior of their boss, friend or mother on their wife. If your husband is calm, he will not answer maliciously to the man who “patted” his nerves. Therefore, he will bring all anger and negativity home. If you notice that your husband, having come home, begins to yell, do not perceive it at your own expense. His anger is not addressed to you.
  • Ask him who caused such a flurry of emotions. When the man tells everything, it will become easier for him, and all the negativity will leave.
Why can a man scream at his wife
Why can a man scream at his wife

Requirements of approval and gratitude:

  • In society, such a rule is made that a man should take care of the family. Given that he works for the benefit of his wife and children, it is important for him hear the words of gratitude and recognition. He will not be able to directly ask about this, because he is afraid to show weakness.
  • Learn to thank your man for providing his family. Tell him that you love, even if he is without a mood. After all, you understand that he is trying for the sake of the family and gets tired. This will arouse in him the feeling that he is understood and thanks. This is not only to allow to reduce the degree of anger, but will also push it to new achievements.


  • If all of the above reasons are not suitable, and the husband continues to scream at his wife and child, it is likely that the problem lies in his character. It is possible that screams and aggression - This is a manifestation of his temperament.
  • It is impossible to help cope with this reason if the man himself does not want to change. If you do nothing with this, the wife and children will have a state of the victim. Often this leads to divorces.

The husband constantly yells at me and the child: what to do, the tips of the psychologist

You must immediately understand that it will be difficult to correct the situation right away. We'll have to stock up on. If you try to actively deviate from the former behavior, this will cause even greater aggression and dissatisfaction of your husband.

So that the screams do not switch to the stage of the assault, it is necessary to act in stages.

If the husband is constantly yelling and is dissatisfied with everyone, the wife must learn to work on her emotions, because it will be much more difficult to change the behavior of another person, in this case.

If the husband constantly yells and boorish to reassure a man, adhere to such recommendations:

  • Do not provoke conflict situations.
  • Do not “saw” him for not paying attention to you or brings not enough money.
  • Do not raise your voice First. Learn to control your emotions, even if you know that you are right.
  • Treat the claims to you calmly. Do not run to do whatever husband wants. And do not try to ignore claims so as not to provoke an increase in claims. Learn to calmly pronounce everything.
  • In case of conflict situations, talk calmly.
  • If the man is the only one who works in the family, do not force him to do housework. Let him relax after a hard working day in a calm atmosphere.
  • Meet a man from work. Prepare dinner in advance, get out in the apartment.
  • Say words gratitude and praise. Hug your husband more often so that he feels care and support.
  • Analyze your behavior. Perhaps it was your words or actions that caused the scandal.
  • Do not think that such a strained relationship is the norm. Try to develop them and change them for the better.
Try to talk calmly or consult a specialist
Try to talk calmly or consult a specialist

If the above recommendations have not given the proper result, contact a specialist. Experienced psychologists, already several sessions, will be able to point out the true reason for the aggressive behavior of her husband.

The husband constantly yells and freaks out: the correct reaction to screams

  • If constant quarrels caused the poor health or emotional stress of children who constantly observed the quarrels of parents, it is likely that your relationship has become “toxic”. Trying to establish them with persuasion, threats or tears is pointless. A person will not be able to change if he himself does not wish.
  • Many families, in order to save the family, turn to specialists for help. To establish relationships, it may take years. If you are afraid to leave your husband due to financial dependence or affection, be prepared for the fact that you will have to suffer for a long time. Only a small percentage of women who suffer from her husband’s screams decide to submit to divorce.

There are several reasons why wives are decided to divorce if the husband constantly yells to his daughter, son or her:

  • depression due to constant stress;
  • lack of mental strength;
  • health problems.

All these factors do not allow to continue the salvation of marriage. Often, couples are served for divorce, which have lived in marriage for more than 10-20 years.

  • Some women do not dare to divorce, because they do not want to leave children without a father. However, this can negatively affect the future of children. They will adopt the behavior of the father and mother, and will adhere to such a model when they have their own families.
  • Think about maintaining the psyche of children. Do not let them adopt such a model of behavior in the family.
  • If you decide to fight for the safety of the family, learn to support your spouse. If you can’t establish a relationship yourself, contact specialists. Perhaps a psychologist is not required for family relationships.
  • Let the spouse visit a specialist at the beginning, who will help to understand his personal problems.
You must understand that this is not a healthy relationship
You must understand that this is not a healthy relationship

The husband constantly yells: what to do, reviews

  • Alexandra, 28 years old: Men who cannot show emotions in public often splash out their negative at home. It is not customary to do this in our family. Before the wedding, we agreed with my husband that we leave all the problems behind the threshold of the apartment. Therefore, we do not shout at each other, and we negotiate all misunderstandings in a calm tone.
  • Renata, 34 years: When she got married at 20, the husband seemed adequate. However, after 2 years of life together, he began to constantly scream at me. I tried to calm him down, envelop him with care, etc. Unfortunately, it was not possible to change it. After 2.5 living together, we divorced. Now I have a new family in which everyone respects each other, and no one raises his voice.
  • Maria, 40 years old: In our family, which is already 22 years old, it is not customary to scream at each other. We leave all the problems that are not related to the family outside the perimeter of the house. In case of misunderstanding, everyone calmly expresses his opinion, and a compromise is being seen. Our parents and I taught our husbands, who will soon celebrate a golden wedding.

As you can see, the husband can scream at his wife not only because of cooling feelings. It is possible that he is now experiencing not the best period of his life. Encourage him with care, support, and learn to find compromises in the family. This will preserve marriage, your psychological health and calmness of children.

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