What to do so that weeds do not grow on the site? How to water that to plant so that weeds do not grow on the site?

What to do so that weeds do not grow on the site? How to water that to plant so that weeds do not grow on the site?

Ways to combat weeds on the site.

Weeds impoverish the soil, sucking out useful components from it, which reduces the crop, worsens the growth of vegetable crops. To get rid of weeds, there are a lot of chemical and mechanical methods. In this article we will tell you what to do so that weeds do not grow.

What to do so that weeds do not grow?

The easiest way that does not require cost is machining. It is necessary to tear out and weed out weeds. The method is very laborious and familiar to all summer residents. However, this method is not always successful, because the efficiency of weeding often depends on the variety of weeds. If you tear out cultures with weak roots without remnants, then this will help. However, plants with a developed root system are very difficult to completely destroy, because particles of roots that provoke their repeated growth remain in the Earth. You can download weeds, but this is too frequent manipulation. 

What to do so that weeds do not grow:

  • It is best to manipulate at the very beginning, when the first shoots appeared, and the root is not yet strong. 
  • For weeding and digging, it is recommended to use not a shovel, but a fork. This is due to the sharp end of the shovel, which crushes the roots, as a result of which the rest of the root system can remain in the ground, which will provoke re -growth. 
  • The better the roots are removed, the less the risk of repeated growth. It is necessary to remove weeds until the seeds appear. 
  • It is best to carry out mechanical removal of weeds after the rain, when the land is wet, very supple. This allows you to extract weeds along with the roots. 
Mechanical methods
Mechanical methods

What material is needed so that the weed does not grow?

Many gardeners against weeds use mulch. This covering material that covers the soil around garden crops does not allow light to enter the weed zone. Without the influence of sunlight, plants cannot grow due to stopping the process of photosynthesis. This process affects not only the growth of the ground part, but also the roots. Since there are no processes of metabolism of juices of the upper and lower parts of the plant, the roots die. There are folk remedies and fabrics specially designed for mulching. 

What material is needed so that the weed does not grow:

  • Agrofibre 
  • Agrotkan 
  • Film 

Agro -fiber is made of polypropylene, with the formation of threads. During the process of manufacturing threads, fibers are rafting, creating monolithic material. Stabilizers are included in the composition that improve the properties of the material, preventing the appearance of cracks and ruptures. Thanks to this, the fabric can serve from spring to autumn. Due to the presence of synthetic fibers in the composition of synthetic fibers, the material does not rot. Due to the dark color, soil heating is ensured in the spring. This significantly accelerates the growth time of crops, increases productivity. Due to the porous structure, plant roots can breathe. 

Types of fabrics so that weeds do not grow

For mulching, soil processing is carried out, followed by surface coating with a fiber or film. After that, small holes are made inside, inside which cultures are planted. 

Types of fabrics so that weeds do not grow:

  • Agrotkan is a material that is similar to agriculture in properties. The composition contains fabric made of high strength textile fibers. This material can be used several times, covering the landings in the spring, removing the fabric in the fall. 
  • Film. This material was used for several years, before the appearance of agricultural and textiles. PVC material is characterized by low cost, dark color. The material does not pass the sun's rays, so weeds do not grow. However, the main disadvantage is that the film is very poorly missing. Therefore, condensate is formed under it, which can cause fungal ailments. 
Point processing
Point processing

Remedy so that weeds do not grow: an overview of herbicides

One of the most effective ways to combat weeds is herbicides. Sold in the form of solutions for irrigation and spraying of crops. They can be divided into continuous and selective drugs. Continuous means are used if it is necessary to free the site from any vegetation, regardless of its type. The tool kills all living things on the site, including vegetable crops. However, drugs are absolutely useless in relation to the seeds, so in a few years the growth of weeds may resume. These means include tornado. Electoral means, only weeds kill, without affecting the growth of garden crops. These include a hurricane, lapis lazuli and round. 

The tool so that weeds do not grow, an overview of herbicides:

  • Roundal. The drug does not harm people and animals, so there is no need to use all means of protection. Designed for processing cereals and two -bottom weeds. For processing it is necessary to prepare the solution. It is applied by spraying. Thanks to good absorption, the drug applies to the underground part, so after 10-12 days the grass dies. The principle of action is that the drug does not allow synthesizing amino acids. 
  • Glyft BT - The drug that is used by summer residents and is able to inhibit the formation of protein inside the weed at the cellular level. Due to this, the juice inside the plants does not function, weeds fade. It is advisable to use the product during the intensive phase of growth. 
  • Tornado - A good remedy that helps to get rid of weeds for a long time. The main drawback is a continuous effect, since the tool kills not only harmful herbs, but also garden crops. Therefore, it is advisable to use only at the stage of processing of areas that are prepared for planting. 
  • Umbrelra. This is a tool that is used for tomatoes and potatoes, other nightshade crops. The main advantage is that it is not absorbed into root crops, and also does not harm the soil. It is recommended using the drug to carry out pre -regional processing by watering the soil. As soon as the cultural sprouts are risen by 5 cm, re -processing is carried out by spraying. 

What to plant so that weeds do not grow?

Fighting weeds can be with the help of siderates. They prevent the growth of weeds. 

What to plant so that weeds do not grow:

  • Mustard 
  • Rape 
  • White clover 
  • Alfalfa 
  • Buckwheat 
  • Wheat 
  • Rye 
  • Oats 

These crops grow faster than weeds, displacing them from the soil. They enrich the soil with organic substances. After the growth of the siderates ends, they make them mowing. After that, straw and plant residues are not removed from the site, but mulched the upper layer of soil. They can simply be left on the surface. This is a good type of fertilizer. 


Than to water so that weeds do not grow: a review of folk methods

To combat weeds, you can use folk methods that do not require significant time and money. 

Than to water so that weeds do not grow, an overview of folk methods:

  • For these purposes, you can safely use food soda. This substance that has an alkaline environment destroys the most persistent weeds. For a good effect, the solution must be concentrated. It is not allowed to carry out processing if garden crops are at a distance of less than 30 cm from the processed area. Soda can not only be watered, but also sprinkled unwanted crops. The zone near the roots should be 100%covered, and the substance should be on the surface of the leaves. More economically use the solution. To do this, the powder is dissolved in hot water with a temperature of 55 degrees, treated with a spray of weeds pointwise. 
  • Salt. This method has been used for several centuries, destroying weeds. It is necessary to add 60 g of stone salt on 1 liter of boiled water. After that, it is necessary to wait for the dissolution of the crystals, and in hot form pour in the growth zone of roots of weeds. You can use a dry tool, sprinkling areas with weeds. 
  • Vinegar. It is better to use a solution with a concentration of 9%. When it hits the leaves and stems, it is possible to destroy the weed along with the root. Such a tool is safe for people, animals and soil. Indeed, when exposed to sunlight, vinegar is split into water and carbon dioxide. 
  • Soap solution. There are several options for using the solution. Now it is very convenient to use liquid or laundry soap, preliminary grinding it on a grater. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to a liter of vinegar, with a concentration of 9%, pour in a cap of liquid soap. This mixture is thoroughly shaken, plants are sprayed. 
  • To eliminate weeds for a long time, you can use ethyl alcohol. It is diluted in a ratio of one to ten, and the areas between the rows are processed. It is believed that such a way to allow you to maintain the effect until next year. 

How to avoid the appearance of weeds?

You can burn the grass with fire. This is a rather strange way, during which in parasitic plants, even before the seedlings of cultivated plants, they go through a sliding flame from a soldering lamp. The main condition is to carry out processing before the first shoots appear. Do not hold the nose of the burner for a long period of time in one place, so as not to overheat the soil, not to prevent the shootings. 

How to avoid the appearance of weeds:

  • Summer residents believe that the best option for the fight against weeds is to prevent voids. Therefore, if the bed is released after harvesting onions or greenery, it is recommended to plant any siderates, other garden crops. It is recommended to compact landings so that there is no room for the growth of weeds. However, it should be borne in mind that in a wet climate, this increases the risk of fungus, rotting of roots, and the lower layers of shoots. 
  • After removing weeds, the main task is to prevent their repeated appearance. To do this, you can use several ways. One of the good options is soil freezing. Immediately after harvesting, it is recommended to dig the soil, remove the roots of weeds and other crops, without leveling the soil. It is necessary that it remains open. During frosts, the remnants of the roots of weeds will die.
  • It is worth devoting a lot of time to prevention. After harvesting, you can sow soil with gidrats, such as radish or mustard. For prevention, it is best not to leave the soil open. Immediately after harvesting, it is necessary to close its surface. The best option is to grow plants - the use of agricultural fiber or a special film that does not pass the sun's rays. Be sure to remove weeds around the site so that their seeds do not fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden and the growth of vegetable crops. 
Herbicides processing
Herbicides processing

A lot of interesting things on our website:

It is recommended after harvesting to cover the soil of mulch so that the sun's rays do not penetrate the soil, do not contribute to the process of photosynthesis. The best option to prevent weed growth is to use drip irrigation, bringing it exclusively to the zone of garden and vegetable crops. Thus, due to drought, lack of moisture and nutrient components, weeds will not be able to grow. When preparing compost, in no case do weeds with seeds and roots. For compost, it is allowed to use only the ground part, that is, stems and leaves. Alternate planting vegetables, changing them every year. 

Video: What to do so that weeds do not grow?

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