The food of the nursing mother in the first days and in the first month after childbirth, Caesarean: menu, recipes. Proper nutrition of the nursing mother by month, by the age of the child: table

The food of the nursing mother in the first days and in the first month after childbirth, Caesarean: menu, recipes. Proper nutrition of the nursing mother by month, by the age of the child: table

In order for the baby to receive only benefits from breastfeeding, the feeding mother needs to eat properly and fully.

Breast milk is the most valuable thing that a newborn from a mother can get, except, of course, her love, affection and care. The composition of breast milk is such that for up to a year to be the main food for the baby.

The main component component of breast milk is water (about 87%). The rest is all kinds of beneficial substances that give the child everything necessary for full physical and mental development.

Breast milk is very important for the baby
Breast milk is very important for the baby

However, the young mother should not apply to her milk, as an absolutely natural process that is happening without her knowledge: the quality of milk, so that the baby receives everything necessary, can and should be adjusted depending on the needs of the baby.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth and in the first days: Menu

The immunity of the baby who was born is zero, and for the body to cope with the attack on the external environment, he needs mother's breast milk.

Important: the baby’s digestive system is still very delicate and imperfect, so the young mother in the first month of feeding should adhere to control in the choice of food products so as not to provoke the appearance of allergies, colic and diarrhea in her newborn child.

So that breast milk benefits the baby, the nursing mother should eat right
So that breast milk benefits the baby, the nursing mother should eat right

The main rule of nutrition of the nursing mother in the first month is not to fall into extremes:

  • you can’t eat everything in a rowhoping to saturate the child's body with all the substances he needs
  • you can’t limit yourself to everything

Need a golden middle.

Important: food in the first weeks after childbirth is the most stringent, and the diet is the most difficult for mom. The regime established during this time and the image of eating become a kind of foundation on which the nursing mother will gradually build the most healthy and proper nutrition.

So what should eat and what a young lactation in the first week of lactation can pamper herself:

  • all porridgeboiled on water or milk
  • boiled, stewed or baked vegetables: zucchini, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, onions
  • boiled, stew, steam low -fat meat: chicken, beef, rabbit
  • soupsboth vegetable and meat
  • low -fat cottage cheese
  • bread, bellies
Nursing mothers can eat any cereals cooked on water or milk
Nursing mothers can eat any cereals cooked on water or milk

Be sure to drink:

  • compotes From dried fruits
  • water without gas
  • herbs on herbsIncreasing lactation
  • optional - ryazhenka with a small percentage of fat content

Important: unacceptably nursing mom to eat fried foods, legumes, alcohol, factory juices, carbonated drinks, yogurts with berry additives, coffee.

In the diet of a nursing mother after childbirth, there should not be fried and spicy food
In the diet of a nursing mother after childbirth, there should not be fried and spicy food

The menu of the first week may look something like this:

1st day

  • for breakfast you can eat buckwheat or oatmeal prepared on water, tea or compote
  • for lunch It is recommended to eat vegetable soup, bellies and compote
  • for dinner - macarons made of hard varieties of wheat with cheese, baked apple, tea
Macarones from hard varieties of wheat may be present in the menu of a nursing mother
Macarons from hard -wrap varieties may be present in the menu of the nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

In the breaks between the main food, you can drink ash, eat cottage cheese.

Important: drinking should be abundant, but not too much, since in a day colostrum will be replaced by abundantly in milk, which will be a lot for crumbs and will need to be accumulated all the time. Then the amount of milk will be controlled by the body and produced depending on the needs of the baby.

Food 2nd day It will look about the same as the first. You can diversify it by drinking more fruits.

3rd day:

  • for breakfast In porridge, while still cooked on water, you can add butter
  • for lunch - pasta or potatoes with boiled or steam fish
  • for dinner It is worth giving preference to vegetable honeycomb or stew

Important: if there is too much milk, you need to observe the drinking regime so that the amount of fluid consumed per day does not exceed 0.7 liters, otherwise it will be difficult and not excluded by the surgeon. So that the feeling of thirst is not very strong, you need to drink fractionally on a teaspoon. The sucking of a slice of lemon or parsley root helps a lot in such cases.

Boiled potatoes with greens can diversify food
Boiled potatoes with greens can diversify the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

4th day:

  • for breakfast You can pamper yourself with mussels with kefir
  • dinner may consist of meat sauce or stew
  • for dinner It is advisable to eat cottage cheese with a baked apple or banana

Drinking should still be dosed.

5th day:

  • breakfast - oat or buckwheat porridge with butter
  • dinner - Fiction soup and stewed or baked vegetables
  • dinner, light, but nutritious can consist of ordinary muesli with kefir or home yogurt

The amount of liquid can be increased to 1 liter per day.

6 day: You can combine the menu of the 4th and 5th days.

7 day: The amount of fluid can be increased to 2.5 liters, in the diet, rice, boiled egg, apple in fresh form.

Approximately such products, but in various combinations, will be the basis for nutrition of the first month of feeding.

Drinking a nursing woman in the first month after childbirth should be strictly limited
Drinking a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth should be limited

You need to introduce something new very carefully and monitor the reaction of the baby. If suddenly the problem of constipation arises, which is a very frequent occurrence, you can add seaweed, fruit compartus, boiled beets, prunes to the mommy menu.

Important: since the amount of milk consumed by the baby gradually increases, the feed frequency and the amount of food of the nursing mommy can be increased.

Food nursing after cesarean in the early days

Surgical intervention in the form of cesarean section requires compliance with certain nutritional norms so that no complications arise and the restoration of the body has passed as quickly as possible.

Important: since in the course of the operation, in addition to the uterus, the intestines and organs of the urinary system are advised, doctors recommend that on the first day limit themselves to non -carbonated mineral water diluted with a small amount of natural juice, for example, lemon.

Food nursing after cesarean has some features
Food nursing after cesarean has some features

If the operation has passed without complications, then on the second day The menu is largely replenished. You can eat a woman in labor:

  • chicken or beef broth with a small number of vegetables
  • kurin or beef puree
  • yogurt without home -made additives
  • from drinks should be preferred by tea, fruit drink, compote or jelly

On the third day You can replenish the diet with harder food:

  • steam chicken cutlets
  • liquid porridge on water
  • baked apple

Important: if constipation begins, then the doctor adds kefir to the nursing mother menu.

You can start introducing new foods from 4 days in the nourishment of the nursing after cesarean
You can start introducing new foods from 4 days in the nourishment of the nursing after cesarean

On the fourth day Food becomes the same as the mothers who independently produced babies.

Food nursing mom first month: recipes

We have decided on what products you can eat, but we do not always know how to cook this or that dish so that in addition to its beneficial properties it pleases with taste qualities.

Let us give a few recipes for a nursing mommy in the first month of lactation.

Very useful for the baby and the nursing mother is chicken soup with fennel and zucchini. For the preparation of 1 liter of soup, you will need:

  • one chicken breast
  • average zucchini
  • two fennel roots
  • a small bulb
  1. First we make chicken broth
  2. Then we pull it out breast, finelyher Shink and again put in the broth
  3. The zucchini and the roots of the fennel are cut into small cubes
  4. Shallow we cut the onion and blanch in lean oil Almost to readiness
  5. Add fennel and fry 4 minutes
  6. Add zucchini and fry under the lid for 6-7 minutes
  7. After that, the received pour the mixture into the broth and boil for 5-7 minutes
  8. Finally beat everything in a blender, season with herbs and voila - you can eat

The meat cooked in the oven is very useful, so beef in pots - A delicious option for dietary nutrition.

  1. We take it for this beef pulp and cut thin plates across the fibers
  2. Salt, pour olive oil
  3. Leave for 20-25 minutes insist or pickle
  4. Thereafter fry in olive oil 1-2 minutes, the main thing is not to dry
  5. Then fold in layers in a pot, sharing each layer of meat with sour cream
  6. On top is mandatory put the bay leaf and several peas of black fragrant pepper
  7. Bake in the oven for 60 minutes
Beef in pots for feeding a nursing mother in the first month
Beef in pots for feeding a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

You can bake apples as a dessertBy adding cinnamon. We will prepare for one portion:

  • apple
  • cinnamon
  • sugar
  • butter
  1. From the apple neatly cut the core. It is important not to cut the apple through, otherwise, in the process of preparation, the filling can leak out of there
  2. On the bottom of the formed apple pot put a little butter
  3. Add cinnamon to sugar (approximately 10: 1 or to your own taste)
  4. The resulting sugar mixture we fall asleep into the apple, on top of the oil, to the very edges
  5. Nafeed apple put in a baking sheet or pan with a small amount of water at the bottom
  6. We bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes (time depends on the size and apple variety)
Baked apples to power a nursing mother in the first month
Baked apples to power a nursing mother in the first month

You can also use nuts and raisins for the filling, but honey first after childbirth, it is better not to use a nursing mommy, in order to avoid the manifestation of allergic reactions in the baby.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother for colic in a child

Since the digestive system is imperfect in the newborn baby, intestinal colic may have. They usually begin at three weeks of age and end approximately 3 months (sometimes by six months).

Important: in order to facilitate the well-being of the baby in this period as much as possible, the mother’s mother needs to observe a strict diet, as in the first days after childbirth.

If this problem occurs, it must be excluded from the menu of the nursing mother:

  • kefir
  • compotes
  • morse
  • juice
  • cucumbers
  • legumes

Apples need to be eaten only in baked form and without a peel. More boiled white vegetables are recommended. Add fennel to tea, or drink special purchased tea for nursing.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother with colic in a child should exclude fermented milk products
Proper nutrition of a nursing mother with colic in a child should exclude fermented milk products

Proper full nutrition of a nursing mother by month, by the age of the child

We decided with food in the first month - the choice of products and dishes is not particularly large, but very nutritious and useful.

It makes no sense to paint in detail the menu for a further period, because each family has its own budget.

The main thing is that you need to adhere to certain rules and during breastfeeding do not use:

  • fry food
  • fatty meat and fish
  • allergenic berries and fruits
  • first vegetables, fruits, berries

Every one or two weeks you can enter a new product from the permitted, carefully tracking the baby's reaction.

From four months Increase the number of calcium products.

For six months You can slowly begin to introduce fried food, chocolate, nuts, honey in small quantities in the diet, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body to each new product in the mother's menu

Honey and nuts can be entered in the diet of a nursing mother after six months
Honey and nuts can be entered in the diet of a nursing mother after six months

After a year Mommy can begin to eat in the mode that was before pregnancy

A full -fledged nutrition diet of a nursing mother: Product table

The nursing mom should eat no less 5-6 times a day if possible freshly prepared food with general calorie content 3200-3500 kcal. The daily diet should include:

  • up to 0.2 kg meat or fish (ready for use)
  • up to 30 g cheese
  • 120-130 g cottage cheese (preferably home cooking)
  • up to 0.6 l milk
  • 20 g butter
  • up to 15 g vegetable(better olive or corn) oils
  • 0,5 eggs
  • up to 600 g vegetables
  • 250-300 g fruits
  • up to 300 g of bread
  • 35-40 g krup

This is an ideal option for a balanced diet for a nursing mommy, which you need to try to adhere, but it all depends on the material capabilities of the family and responsibility of the mother itself.

A full -fledged nutrition diet of a nursing mother: Product table
A full -fledged nutrition diet of a nursing mother: Product table

What categorically can not be eaten by mom when breastfeeding?

As the Roman playwright Terentius said "how many people, so many opinions." Many experienced mothers claim that they did not adhere to any diets during breastfeeding, and everything is absolutely good with their children.

Others insist on the gradual introduction of new products into the diet and strict observance of a diet, especially in the first days of the child’s life.

However, there is still a list of products that, in a unanimous opinion, a nursing woman should not be consumed:

  • alcohol, because it directly enters breast milk and destroys the liver liver
  • legumes, since the gaziks begin to accumulate in the intestines and the baby suffers from colic
  • use sharp, bitter or too spicy seasonings when preparing, because the fermentation process, which begins as a result of consuming mommy of such food, causes terrible pain to the baby
  • citrus fruits, berries and vegetables of red color, as an allergic reaction in the form of rashes and peeling is possible
  • seafood
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, raw milk
Alcohol is strictly prohibited by mother when breastfeeding
Alcohol is strictly prohibited by mother when breastfeeding

Important: you need to remember that any reaction is individual, and you need to focus only on your baby.

Is it possible to feed baby food?

This is not the best option, since the baby food is very gentle and is intended for the non -enhanced digestive system of the child.

Important: an adult should eat adult food. It strengthens the gums and teeth, makes the stomach work on digestion of solid food. The use of baby food by an adult leads to a gradual degradation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Baby food is not recommended for adults to eat
Baby food is not recommended for adults to eat

And no matter how praised children's canned food and dry porridge, natural freshly prepared food is the most useful for both mommy and the baby.

Video: Nutrition of a nursing mother. Komarovsky E.O.

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