Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation: proper nutrition, a list of permitted and prohibited foods, menu for a week and every day, recipes for dishes

Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation: proper nutrition, a list of permitted and prohibited foods, menu for a week and every day, recipes for dishes

After surgery, patients should follow a diet. In this article, you will learn in detail what is included in the dietary table No. 1, which dishes are allowed for use and which are not.

Most often, after surgery, patients have a deficiency of protein products, vitamin components and dehydration. In order to get rid of these problems faster and the patient went to the recovery, he is prescribed dietetherapy, which adjusts metabolic disorders, gives the necessary nutrition to the body to increase the immune system and stimulate the wound healing.

For this, the diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation is most often used. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients after surgery on the abdominal organs. Next, we will study in more detail the question of what is part of the permitted products of this diet, and what can not be consumed, which menu is suitable for the patient.

Diet table No. 1 after surgery: proper nutrition

Of course, after any type of surgical interventions, one cannot immediately begin to eat like a healthy person, especially if the patient was undergoing surgery on the abdominal organs, intestines. When the patient wakes up from anesthesia, it is advisable for him to use anything at all. If there is a thirst, then it is enough to moisten your lips with purified water without gas. As a rule, at first, nutrients are administered parenterally (using droppers).

Diet after surgery
Diet after surgery

After the first day of such a strict regime, it is allowed to introduce diet number 1. On this diet, you have to hold out until the fifth day. In the diet liquid food is present In the form of a decoction of rosehip berries, low -fat broth and rice decoction. More Kisseli, jelly, compotes are allowed. You need to eat often and little by little up to 5-6 times a day. Also, the patient is prescribed droppers to replenish the body with the necessary substances for the fastest recovery.

After four days, the patient is transferred to the dietary table No. 1a, this is a sparing meal for the patient for another 10 days. It is allowed to eat liquid, wiped foods. Fractional meals are divided into six meals, at a time you can eat no more than 350-400 grams. The patient is already it is allowed to consume semi -liquid cereals, fish, low -fat meat, mashed potatoes, souffli, omelettes, first dishes on vegetable broths and not fat meat meat. From drinks you can drink: jelly, compote, jelly. You can’t: juices from grapes, vegetables, dairy products, sour cream, soda.

Such diet table No. 1 after surgery It looks like the following cut:

  • In the morning - porridge with rice, chicken egg, boiled soft
  • Three hours later - Kisel from fresh berries
  • For lunch - soup made of oatmeal, souffle from chicken
  • Three hours later - Fresh fruit jelly
  • Dinner - porridge from buckwheat, souffli from sea lean fish
  • Before bedtime - Tea from rose hips.

When the patient is already on recovery after surgery, you can switch to table No. 1. The third stage of recovery most often occurs in ten days.

Food after surgery. Diet table No. 1
Food after surgery. Diet table No. 1

Basic rules of diet # 1

To avoid unpleasant sensations in the stomach, intestines, a person will need to use not only pills, but also observe a certain diet and daily mode. Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation is observed about half a month. It is already allowed to switch to boiled low -fat varieties of meat, fish. Divide the meal into six meals.

The dishes taken by the patient should be warm, slightly dried bread is allowed, but in no case fresh pastries, you can eat all the same soups, cereals, also enter the diet of vermicelli, steamed meat, paste and other products. To improve taste, butter or vegetable oil is added, you can not transplant dishes.

Diet Rules No. 1
Diet Rules No. 1

IMPORTANT: It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty foods, pastries, fatty milk products, especially fast food, acidic fruit varieties. We will also have to abandon carbonated drinks, naturally alcohol, smoked meats, canned food.

Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation: to whom it is shown - prohibited, permitted products

Dietary table No. 1 is shown to patients who underwent surgery as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also useful to people who have diseases associated with the abdominal organs. Thanks to observing this rational nutrition, people with excessive body weight can lose weight.

At the same time, a person will not feel much hunger. Fractional nutrition will eliminate all the problems associated with this issue. The essence of dietary table No. 1 is that only liquid or soft dishes need to be consumed, and hard food should be excluded so that there is no injury to the abdominal organs.

Liquid nutrition. table number 1
Liquid nutrition. Table number 1

Thanks to this diet after surgery on the intestine, you will quickly feel relief, because the diet is aimed at preventing the intestinal bloating. If you use permitted products and eat according to plan, then a patient will receive 2800 kcal per day. Notice - despite the benefit of fruits, some of them will have to be limited in use. You can not use citrus fruits, cherries, sour apples, red currants and other sour fruits.

Separately, it is worth mentioning salt. Salt is a necessary mineral for the human body. But his consumption after surgery was minimized. Only seven grams per day of this mineral is allowed.

Of the drinks, as already mentioned above, the patient is allowed to drink only water without gas, tea, compote, jelly. Moreover, it is undesirable to immediately get drunk with a large amount of liquid, it is enough to drink a cup of any of the above drinks at a time. From coffee, strong tea, fatty milk, juices, cocoa, carbonated drinks will have to be refused.

Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation: what are on the list allowed products?

  • Yesterday's bread - It is allowed when the patient is already recovering and then only yesterday, dried. You can also use slightly dried biscuit products.
  • Light soups - They are allowed on vegetables, broths and meat, but low -fat. Cereals need to be boiled well.
  • Low -fat meat - Only boiled or steamed. Most often made of chicken, veal, beef and other low -fat meat varieties are prepared.
  • Low -fat sea fish - From boiled fish it is necessary to carefully remove the seeds, then you can only give it to the patient. You can also make souffle from it and cutlets.
  • As a side dish - Vegetable mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, rice, vermicelli are suitable.
  • For cooking porridge - It is important to use water, you can not cook side dishes in milk. Salt is added for taste, quite a bit.
  • Low -fat dairy products You can use a little, but it is undesirable to choose milk with a lot of salt. For example, cheese (Brynza, etc.)
  • Chicken, quail eggs They will be useful to patients if they are prepared in the form of an omelet or a softener.
  • Salad From boiled vegetables with beef tongue or herring, soaked in low -fat milk, you can also pate From a soft liver.
  • From sweet dishes Allowed - compotes, marshmallows, just not freshly prepared and the same meringue, jam from non -acidic fruits, berries, jams, sweet puree with jelly.
  • From drinks - Compots, cocoa, weak coffee with low -fat milk, green tea, rosehip decoctions, jelly.
Recommended products on diet No. 1
Recommended products on diet No. 1

What products are prohibited:

  • Strong teas, soda, coffee. You can not use strong beverages.
  • Fat, rich broths from fish, meat products.
  • From krup It is forbidden to eat rough foods (such as: millet, pearl barley, corn cereal, yachka).
  • From bread products You can not use fresh, just baked products. Calory cakes, other baking of a similar nature are prohibited.
  • From vegetables It is not recommended to eat onions, radish, radish, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach.
  • From dairy products You can not drink acidic varieties of kefir, fatty milk, cottage cheese, cheeses. Strong kefir, fat cottage cheese and milk of high fat content, spicy cheeses are prohibited.
  • It is not allowed to use in any way mushrooms.

Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation: menu for a week and every day

Diet table No. 1 after a surgical operation includes the following dishes:

So, diet menu No. 1 for a week:

  • Mondayfor breakfast Boiled rice plus tea with milk and cheese. In the second breakfast It includes in its menu baked sweet apple stuffed with a sweet strawberry. At lunch Eat a casserole of potatoes and fish, drink compote with sweet pears. Afternoon snack - Drink compote, for dinnerprepare pudding from cottage cheese with fruits plus steam omelet and a decoction of rosehips. Before bedtime Drink low -fat milk.
  • Tuesdayfor breakfastprepare vermicelli in the form of casserole with cream and grated cheese. Drink a hearty snack with milk. Lunch - mashed puree made of steamed carrots and peach. For lunch - Prepare a cabbage soup with boiled beef, prepare a fruit drink with strawberries as a drink. On the poldprepare a jelly with strawberries. On the dinner - Roulet with carrots, rosehip broth, before bedtime It is useful to eat finely cut fruits - dried apricots and cream.
  • Wednesday - for breakfastprepare rice porridge, add prunes, egg, yogurt to it. Lunch - Puree from apples and peaches. For lunch - Eat a salad with carrots and a banana and soup with vegetables plus tea. On the afternoon snack- Drink milk with marshmallows. Dinner with a roll of vegetables of carrots, drink compote. Before going to bed, drink low -fat milk with honey.
  • Thursdayfor breakfast Make pudding from decoy plus milk. Lunch - Eat mashed potatoes with a banana. At lunch -Eat the chicken fillet, Puree soup plus compote. On the afternoon snack - Fruit puree. Have dinner Potato puree with a salad of crushed boiled beets and carrots. Before going to bed, drink warm milk.
  • Fridayin the morning Prepare an arranges with cottage cheese, boiled oatmeal plus kefir. Lunch - A decoction of pharmacy chamomile plus crackers. For lunch - Steaming buckwheat cutlets, paste plus green tea. Afternoon snack - Milk jelly. For dinner - Soup with rice, cheese. Before bedtime - warm milk.
  • Saturdayin the morning Eat an omelet and drink not very strong tea. Lunch - Eat berry jelly. On the dinner Prepare the soup on the chicken broth plus compote. Afternoon snack - Fruit jelly, prepare a paste for dinner, and drink compote. Before bedtime - Low -fat kefir.
  • Sunday- For breakfast, prepare buckwheat, cheese with yesterday's bread, tea. Lunch - Cottage cheese with vegetables. For lunch, eat soup with oatmeal and meatballs + compote. Give dinner with boiled vermicelli, grated cheese + yogurt. Before going to bed, drink green tea.
Menu for a week - diet table No. 1
Menu for a week - diet table No. 1

Diet table No. 1 after surgery: recipes

Below you will find simple recipes for diet table No. 1.

  • Pate 

This dish is suitable for consumption for different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, pantcreatite).


  • Beef - 120 g
  • Milk - 115 ml.
  • Potatoes - 135 g
  • Carrots - 75 g
Dietary paste
Dietary paste

Cook all the components of the paste, and then chop in a blender. All ingredients should be passed through a meat grinder alternately. Then mix everything and pour boiled milk. Put a container with ingredients and milk on the fire, let it boil for three minutes, sunbathe when it will be warm can be consumed.

  • Zucchini soup


  • Tsukini - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - half the bulb
  • Broth - 725 ml
  • Low -fat cream - 120 g
  • Refined oil - 25 g
  • A little salt, parsley
Soup with zucchini
Soup with zucchini


  1. Cut the finely peeled part of the bulb, slightly sap.
  2. Place zucchini, thyme (leaves), parsley in an enameled pan, pour a broth and cook on a small gas flame.
  3. After boiling, add onions, low -fat cream, cook until the ingredients are boiled.
  4. Also add a little salt to the broth. Beat the finished mass in a blender to get a homogeneous puree.

If you have digestive problems and the production of a protective layer of mucus is impaired, then cook cabbage broth. It prevents the occurrence of inflammatory reactions and normalizes the work of the internal walls of the stomach and intestines in the production of the mucosa.

  • Oven


  • Low -fat sea fish - 1 pc.
  • Lemon,
  • Vegetable oil - 35 g
  • Carrots, zucchini, salt.
Fish in foil
Fish in foil


  1. Wrap the products in the foil, send it to a preheated microwave. Use the mode Convention For baking, temperature 200 degrees.
  2. First, lay out fish fillet on the foil, then beautifully spread the vegetables, pour the juice from the lemon and vegetable oil, sunbathe.
  3. Prepare the fish fillet, spread the foil on the baking dish.
  4. Cut vegetables, preferably in stripes.
  5. When it passes for 15-20 minutes, get fish with vegetables from the microwave. Give me a little cool and serve. The dish is in harmony with potato mashed potatoes or rice porridge.

Video: Diet table No. 1 after surgery

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