Chiabatta: recipe, features of cooking. How to cook chiabatta at home with milk, in a bread maker, oven?

Chiabatta: recipe, features of cooking. How to cook chiabatta at home with milk, in a bread maker, oven?

Recipe for the preparation of Italian Chiabatta.

Chiabatta - this is Italian pastries, which fell in love with Slavic customers. Italy produces a large number of different varieties of bread, but in our area it has become popular preciselychiabatta, Thanks to unusual taste and crispy crust. In this article we will tell you how to cookchiabatt At home. 

Chiabatt's bread composition

This bread is not distinguished by a rich history, and an interesting legend. In fact, everything is very prosaic. Bread appeared in 1982, and the founder of the French baguette helped to prepare it. As a result of a large number of tests and studies, it was possible to achieve delicious bread with crisp, golden crust, and soft, delicate and airy crumbs.

Chiabatt's bread composition:

  • The composition is not much different from the usual bread. This is yeast or leaven, flour, water, salt. Depending on the region, spicy herbs, milk and olive oil are added to the dish. The main difference is in cooking.
  • The peculiarity of this bread is that it differs in a large period of fermentation. Initially, the academic is prepared, which wanders for 18-20 hours. Thanks to this, a huge number of bubbles of different sizes are formed in the structure.
  • Despite the fact that the homeland of Italy bread, it can be prepared in our conditions, since it does not have exotic components that cannot be purchased in Russia.
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What is the difference between Chiabatta bread and classic?

Unlike all the usual bread, in which bubbles are approximately the same, inchiabatt You can find a mass of small, and large bubbles that reach the diameter of a pea or beans.

What is the difference between Chiabatta bread and classic:

  • The formation of such large bubbles is possible due to prolonged growth of yeast mushrooms. In fact, in Italy this bread is also very popular, but in each region it is prepared in its own way.
  • If we take into account the bread that is made in Tuscany, then the product is not at all large, air bubbles, but small ones. In general, the bread is dense, but with a hard crust.
  • It is worth noting that exists in Italychiabattawhich is prepared fromwholegrain flour, or in milk. Most often in our area is preparedchiabatta in the oven. 

How to cook Chiabatta bread: classic recipe

To get a huge number of bubbles of different sizes, you will have to divide the preparation into two steps. The first is the process of making dough or leaven, and the second- this is kneading the dough. 

For the starter, you will need: 

  • 280 g of hard wheat flour 
  • 280 ml of water 
  • 2 g of dry yeast 

For the second stage: 

  • 600 g of flour 
  • 350 ml of water 
  • 3 g of yeast 
  • 10 g of sugar 

How to cook Chiabatta bread, classic recipe:

  • First, it is necessary to prepare a starter, which will be a liquid dough. By consistency, the mass is like pancakes. It is best if the water warms up to a temperature of 35 degrees. Pour the flour and add yeast. It is necessary to knead everything with a wooden spatula, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • After that, it is advisable to cover with cling film or towel, leave for 3-4 hours. Do not be surprised if your kitchen fills the aroma of yeast. Now is the time to proceed with the batch of the dough. It is necessary to add the remaining yeast, water, sugar and leave the mixture separately for 15 minutes. It is necessary that a foam form on top of the mixture. Next, it is necessary to mix the liquid with the original sourdough, and gradually administer all flour and salt.
  • Nand the initial stages are best kneaded with a spoon, and then with a hand. Make the dough for a long time, due to a large amount of water. In fact, it is very watery bread, which makes a delicate structure and large bubbles. Therefore, on average, it is necessary to mix for about 20 minutes. After that, cover with a towel and leave for about one hour.
  • The final preparation allows you to multiply yeast, and evenly distribute in the entire layer of dough. Divide it into 10 parts. It is necessary that the weight of each cake is about 150 g. Form small sausages, cover with a film and leave for an hour and a half forwalkings. Before putting the mass in the oven, it should grow by about 2 times. 
  • With the help of palms lubricated with olive oil, slightly flatten sausages, and give the shape of rectangles. Put in the oven at a temperature of 240 degrees. It is best if there is a fan in the oven. Be sure to spray bread with a sprayer 6 times with water. Thus, you will prevent the rapid formation of the crust.
  • The fact is that the temperature in the oven is quite high, so a dry roller crust forms very quickly, but the crumb can remain raw. To prevent this from happening, spraying with water is carried out. It is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature every 10 minutes. At the very end, it is necessary to partially open the oven to lower the temperature. Due to this, a soft, but at the same time crisp, as well as an air crumb is formed. 
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Bakery products

Italian bread Chiabatta: Features of cooking

The main mistake that is made by women of our country is the addition of a large amount of flour.

Italian bread Chiabatta, cooking features:

  • The peculiarity of this bread in a large content of water and a sharp increase in bubbles. Therefore, if you add flour, make the dough very dense. It will not be able to rise sufficiently in the oven.
  • Despite the fact that the mass is very sticky, it must be cut, treated without flour. To do this, keep a bowl of water next to it. Wet your hands in the liquid, or rub with olive oil. This will not pour flour, and prevent sticking. Do not worry if the products are flat before baking, and will resemble the sole.
  • Due to the fact that the yeast stood and wandered for a long period of time, their activity decreased slightly. However, it is worth putting them in the oven, the bread instantly grows. At the initial stages, to speed up the process, it is best to knead with a mixer or bread maker. It is difficult to knead such bread with your hands because of its stickiness and a large water content.
  • It is recommended to store finished products for 2-3 days in fabric bags or covering with a towel. Already finished products can be frozen. They defrost bread in the oven or in the microwave, leaving for a couple of minutes. 
Italian bread
Italian bread

Chiabatta bread recipe at home with milk

A rather unusual recipe ischiabatta on milk. It turns out airy, with a pronounced creamy taste. In addition, unlike classic bread, the crumb is very soft and resembles a butter.

Below is a list of ingredients: 

  • 20 g of fresh pressed yeast 
  • 300 ml of milk 
  • A teaspoon of salt 
  • 290 g of flour 
  • 10 g of sugar 
  • A little Italian herbs 

Chiabatta bread recipe at home in milk:

  • At the first stage, you need to prepare Opra. To do this, dissolve the yeast in the water, having previously crushed them. Stir and let stand for 10 minutes. After that, pour yeast into milk, mix thoroughly, add half the flour.
  • After that, the mixture must be covered with a film and put so that the mass grows. It should increase 2.5 times. Pour the remains of milk, add flour and sugar, as well as Italian herbs, knead thoroughly.
  • It is best to carry out mixing for 20-30 minutes. Leave the mixture for 3 hours so that it grows up. During this time, it will rise 3-4 times. If in 3 hours the dough has not grown enough, leave another 2 hours. After that, knead the mixture again, and leave for two more hours. 
  • This is the final stage of kneading the dough. Now it is necessary to select small lumps with wet hands, and form rollers. It is necessary to bake for 40 minutes in the oven, with a temperature of 170 degrees. It is best to put a small container with boiling water under the bottom. This will allow the bread not to dry, to be soft enough and airy. 
On milk
On milk

Chiabatta - recipe at home in a bread machine

You can easily cookchiabatt In a bread maker or a slow cooker. The main advantage of the bread maker is that it conducts mixing on its own, and much better than hand. 

For the preparation of the lazychiabatt you will need: 

  • 220 g of white flour, wheat 
  • 40 g rye flour 
  • A little salt 
  • 10 g of dry yeast 
  • 20 ml of olive oil 
  • 150 ml of serum or milk 

Chiabatta - recipe at home in a bread maker:

  • Download all the ingredients into the bakery container, and enable the main mode. In this mode, the dough is mixed at a time, but at the same time due to the presence of serum,chiabatta It turns out quite airy. 
  • Additionally, the “crust” mode should be set. On average, the amount of pastries will be 400-500 g. The recipe may vary, depending on the brand of the bread maker. In some of them, for example, inMoulinexPanasonic The process of kneading is carried out in two stages.
  • Therefore, the number of products can vary. After the first batch, the dough is often liquid, so you need to add flour additionally. The main feature of baking in the bread machine is that the air bubbles are not large, but small. It is better to bake in the oven.
  • The fact is that this allows you to adjust the temperature, regardless of the program, as in a bread maker. The main subtlety of bakingchiabatt The fact that the dough is installed immediately in a very hot cabinet to form a golden crust, then the temperature decreases to 180-200 degrees to bake the crumb.
  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the temperature in the bread machine during baking. That's whychiabatta In such a kitchen technique, it turns out more like a baguette or loaf. 
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Bakery products

Chiabatta: Recipe at home quickly

The main featurechiabatt in prolonged dough preparation, as well as the propagation of yeast. However, there are fast recipes that allow you to achieve delicious, crisp bread. Of course, it will not work to achieve large and large bubbles, but in principle the bread turns out quite tasty. 

For these purposes, you will need: 

  • 500 g of flour 
  • 7 g of dry yeast 
  • 380 g of water 
  • A little salt 
  • 10 ml of olive oil 

Chiabatta, recipe at home quickly:

  • It is necessary to mix warm water with yeast in a separate vessel. Next, it is necessary to leave yeast to reproduce. After that, add flour, olive oil and salt to the prepared mixture. Please note that you do not need to knead the dough, just mix it with a spatula.
  • At the initial stage, the mixture is more like shreds. Do not try to achieve a perfectly even and smooth lump. It is necessary that the yeast grow quickly. This is possible just due to the fact that there is practically no gluten in the mixture, it grows very quickly. Leave for 30 minutes, only then knead. Divide with wet hands into two cakes, do not try to give them a perfectly flat shape.
  • It is necessary that the dough is as little as possible. Place the cakes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and bake at a temperature of 230 degrees. Be sure to put a pot of boiling water to the bottom of the oven.
  • It is necessary that baking is carried out in a humid environment, because the temperature is quite high. Bake for 30-40 minutes. The color of the crust should be dark brown or even grayish. It is worth cooling on a bars, you do not need to cover with a towel or a napkin. 
  • After you detach a piecechiabatt And press on it, after removing the load, the shape of the dough will be completely restored. This mixture can be added to rye flour in the amount of 50 g. This will give additional piquancy. 
Porous bread
Porous bread

Rye chiabatta recipe at home

Ryanaya is very popularchiabattabecause of your sour taste. Often it is supplemented with seeds of sunflower and pumpkin.


  • 220 ml of milk 
  • 120 ml of warm water 
  • 10 g of fresh yeast 
  • Malt extract 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • Salt 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 
  • 150 g rye flour 
  • 400 g of wheat flour 
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds at will 
  • Bulgarian pepper powder
  • Dry Provencal herbs 

Rye chiabatta recipe at home, recipe:

  • Baking is very tasty and saturated. It is necessary to mix water with milk in a separate container, dissolve yeast, add salt and sugar, vegetable oil and malt. You will get downs.
  • It is necessary to add sifted wheat flour to this mixture, as well as seeds and grass. The dough is only 3 minutes with a spoon or wooden shoulder blade. It turns out thick, but completely loose, and even wet. 
  • After that, it is necessary to place the mass in the bowl, which is much larger in size. Cover it with cling film, and make a few punctures. It will turn out a kind of greenhouse. Now it is necessary to leave in a room with a temperature of 17 degrees. It is necessary that the mixture is quite cool. Leave the mixture for swelling for about 12 hours.
  • It is best to knead at night, and put the dough on the balcony. It is at this time that the temperature drops to about such a level. Afterwalkings The dough will increase several times. Start mixing the dough, sprinkle the surface with flour for this, and lay out the dough, spreading its hands. It will stick strong enough. Form rectangles size 30 by 40 cm.
  • Next, fold the layer several times. The result is an envelope. Divide it with a knife into two parts and put it on a sheet greased with oil. Put onwalkthrough About one hour. Pre -heat the oven to 180 degrees, put a bowl with a glass of water to the bottom. As soon as the water begins to evaporate, and steam appears in the oven, you can place blanks. The baking lasts about 25 minutes. After that, the water must be removed and the temperature is reduced to a mark of 160 degrees. Leave for about 20 minutes. Cook on the grill, previously covered with a towel. 
With herbs
With herbs

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