Cheeric water in gardening and everyday life: instructions for use from aphids and ants, fleas in cats and dogs, bugs, ticks, mosquitoes

Cheeric water in gardening and everyday life: instructions for use from aphids and ants, fleas in cats and dogs, bugs, ticks, mosquitoes

If you need to get rid of mosquitoes, bugs, ticks, aphids in a summer cottage and other insects, use Cheper water. Look for instructions for use in this article.

Cheeric water is a solution, which contains the alcohol component of the rhizomes of Cheeritsa and Water. This is an inexpensive, but effective tool with an antibacterial and antiparasitic effect.

  • Such water can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • It is sold in dark glass bottles, volume of 40 and 100 ml.
  • The solution is a muddy liquid, brownish yellow.

All parts of this plant contain a large number of alkaloids, which has a destructive effect on bacteria, fungi, parasites. When it enters them, water negatively affects the intestines and reproductive systems, as a result of which they lose the ability to digest food and breed. This article says about the action of Cheeric water. Here you will find the instructions for the use of ants, fleas in cats and dogs, ticks, aphids. Read further.

Cheeric water against ants: tips

Chemical water helps from ants
Chemical water helps from ants

Any insects, including ants that settled in the apartment, bring not only inconvenience, but also a sense of disgust and discomfort. Having settled on the garden plot, they not only spoil the crop, eating sweet fruits, but also build their dwellings under the crown of fruit trees, eating dew, which the aphid distinguishes. Often, you can see their small paths - the latter, located in the most unexpected places.

Important to remember: Ants live in a large family, the head of which is the uterus - the largest insect that removes new individuals. All other ants work for it, equipping a dwelling, bringing food.

You can get rid of insects only by eliminating the uterus. To remove ants, you can resort to the use of Cheeric water. Below you will find several useful tips. If ants are found in an apartment or house:

  1. If an ant family is detected in their living room, it is necessary to find their nest.
  2. There is a uterus in this nest.
  3. Usually these are warm rooms or places where there is food: kitchen, bathroom, corridor.

Make a solution of Cheeric Water:

  • 100 ml. On a bucket of water.
  • Stir thoroughly.
  • Pour the solution into a spray gun and spray insects in places of accumulation.
  • Also spray near the nest, power sources.
  • Be sure to spray the last leading to the nest.

If the nest is on the garden:

  1. Spray in the early morning in quiet weather plants, dwelling of ants. It is advisable to do this before the flowering of garden crops.
  2. Pour the soil around the nest.
  3. Repeat the procedure in a week.

It's important to know: It is necessary to fight on a garden plot in a comprehensive manner not only with ants, but also in aphids.

How to make a solution to combat aphids, read on.

Cheeric water from aphids: Instructions

Chemical water helps from aphids
Chemical water helps from aphids

Aphids are considered one of the most dangerous pests for the crop. In just a few days, small insects can fill the garden. They destroy the fruits, spoil the plants. It is difficult to get rid of aphids, since its colony is quickly restored, it easily adapts to any conditions. During the use of Cheeric water, you can use several useful tips - instructions:

  • Make a composition for spraying: dilute 100 ml in 5 liters of water. funds.
  • Mix the solution, pour into a spraying spray.
  • Spray the plants, the earth around them.
  • Repeat the process in a week.

Spraying is carried out in the summer, during fruiting. The solution is effective not only against larvae, but also by adult insects.

Cheeric water from fleas in dogs and cats: Instructions for use

Chemical water helps from fleas in dogs and cats
Chemical water helps from fleas in dogs and cats

According to the behavior of pets, you can easily and quickly determine that the animal has been attacked by parasites and needs the help of the owner. The appearance of fleas in four -legged favorites causes them huge inconvenience. The bites cause painful sensations, the wounds do not heal and become inflamed, cause feelings of anxiety and stress in a shaggy friend. Cheeric water is used as a folk remedy for a long time, and is popular due to its effectiveness. Below you will find instructions for the use of an effective solution from fleas in dogs and cats.

To carry out animal processing, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Pour it into a small container of Cheper water.
  2. Wet a cotton pad or sponge in a solution.
  3. Wipe carefully the animal’s hair without rubbing fluid into the skin. During wiping, do not touch the inflamed areas of the skin. Alcohol, falling on the bare areas, can cause itching, burning.
  4. Pay special attention to areas: behind the ears, stomach, neck, skin folds.
  5. Carefully comb the coat of comb for uniform distribution of the solution.
  6. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Make sure that the animal does not lick a poisonous solution.
  7. With the help of shampoo, thoroughly rinse the solution of wool.
  8. Comb the animal to remove dead parasites from the hairline.

It must be remembered that the solution kills only an adult individual without affecting the larvae. Therefore, for the complete disappearance of fleas, it will be necessary to carry out repeated processing in a week.

Cheeric water from mosquitoes: instructions, tips

Chemical water helps from mosquitoes
Chemical water helps from mosquitoes

The smell of Cheeric water scares away mosquitoes. They are very afraid of plants with an intensive smell. To combat blood -sucking insects, the following must be performed - tips, instructions:

  1. Wet a cotton swab with a solution.
  2. Wipe the surfaces in the house.
  3. Pay special attention to the processing of the windowsill, window frames, doors.
  4. Pour a little liquid in a saucer and put it near the bed. This will scare away mosquitoes.

Important to remember: The means of struggle bring positive results as long as its smell will notice. Therefore, for an effective struggle, it will be necessary to use Cheeric water again, updating the protective forces of the aroma.

Read information on our website in another article on what why fight mosquitoes and what is their danger.

Cheper water from bugs: instructions for use, reviews

Chemical water helps from bugs
Chemical water helps from bugs

Bed bugs parasitize on pets and humans, and can also be carriers of infectious diseases. The insect lives 2 years, propagating in hidden, warm places. Prevention against bugs - systematic cleaning of the premises, cleaning carpets, furniture, sealing all the cracks in the walls. To combat them, folk remedies are effective, including hotel water. Here are the instructions for the use of Cheeric water against bugs:

  1. Make a fluid solution: Dissolve 100 ml of Cheeric water in 4 liters of liquid.
  2. Pour a rr into a spray gun or a rubber pear for spraying.
  3. Spray in the habitats of insects.
  4. Carry out processing in the morning by removing pets from the premises, removing food.
  5. After spraying the door tightly close for 6 - 7 hours.
  6. After disinfection, the room is thoroughly ventilated to eliminate the smell.
  7. To increase efficiency, pour an undiluted solution into the container, leave bugs in habitats for several days. Previously, smear all the cracks with gypsum or lime.

The effectiveness of this method of struggle is proved by the reviews of other people:

Irina, 30 years old

Five years ago they bought an apartment. A grandmother lived in her before us, after her death the apartment was empty for several years. Having entered, we made a small cosmetic repairs, but a month later we encountered the invasion of bugs. I called my mother, she advised Cheeric water. To be honest - I was exhausted to get rid of bloodsuckers, sprayed, wiped all the cracks in the floor, skirting boards, and all cabinets put forward in the kitchen. And so several times. It helped, but only with numerous processing.

Peter, 42 years old

Bed bugs ran from neighbors. They used Cheeric water, sprayed, applied to furniture, wiped all the floors. They did not get rid of very quickly, but quite efficiently.

Ekaterina, 38 years old

I ran into this "water", moving to the country with children in the summer. In the house, the old furniture was discovered by the nursery of the bugs. The cottage is far, only a rural store and a pharmacy work in the nearest village. The pharmacist advised to buy hotel water, wipe all the places of "residence" of insects in the house with cotton. During processing, it is important to close all the doors and windows, and take away children from the house. The smell is terrible, I had to ventilate the house several times. But it helped.

Cheeric water from ticks: instructions for use, reviews

Chemical water helps from skin ticks
Chemical water helps from skin ticks

The effectiveness of the use of Cheeric water has been proven against demodex ticks for skin Demodecosis. This subcutaneous parasite ticks, which is more often in the glands of a cartilage, in follicles of eyelashes, eyebrows, hair. Such a tool is used as one of the method of struggle with parasitic insects, in the complex of care of problem skin. As a prevention of the fight against a skin tick - instructions for use:

  1. Wash your face with warm water.
  2. Wipe thoroughly with a dry towel.
  3. Wet a cotton pad with a solution of hotel water.
  4. Wipe the problem areas of the skin.

Reviews from the use of Cheeric water are positive. The solution has positive actions. Here are a few of them:

Vera, 22 years old

I want to share a recipe for the fight against this "beak". When choosing an acne agent in a pharmacy, the pharmacist advised the complex of care: washing water with water infusion of celandine and calendula herbs. Wipe the inflammation with hotel water, cream from acne. A week later, the pimples dried up, the face cleared completely after 2 months.

Tatyana, 19 years old

I wipe my face with it with vicinal water instead of a tonic, every day - in the evening. Redness left, there are no new acne. It dries the skin strongly, I use the cream immediately after use.

Svetlana, 27 years old

Wipe the face with it with viciner water was prescribed together with the diet, the rejection of sweet, fat. The face wiped 2 times a day - morning and evening. I'm going to use water further - a good remedy.

In custody:

Numerous reviews about the use of this tool indicate that despite the low cost, the method is quite effective. The medical solution has established itself not only as a traditional remedy for the fight against lice, scabies, skin ticks, but also in the fight against insects, small parasites. In folk medicine, the effectiveness of the product in the treatment of pathologies of joints, pain syndromes associated with damage to the peripheral nerves is confirmed. Cheeric water has antibacterial, analgesic properties.

Video: Chemeritsa. Useful properties and application

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