What is the difference between bug bites and mosquitoes? How to find out which insect bites? Photos of insect bites

What is the difference between bug bites and mosquitoes? How to find out which insect bites? Photos of insect bites

The difference between the bites of bugs and mosquitoes.

Bed bugs are parasites that cause strong allergic reactions. Often such lesions are confused with mosquitoes, but still, if you look closely, then such skin damage is significantly different. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish a mosquito bite from a bug bite.

How to find out which insect bit: bug or mosquito

Features of bites:

  • Outwardly, if this is summer time, then it is quite difficult to distinguish the bites of these bloodsuckers. Especially if there are a large number in the house of flying insects or you accidentally fell asleep in nature. In this case, a decent amount of red, convex spots that are characteristic of a mosquito bite will appear on the body. But if you notice such bites in the winter, you should think, because it is the mosquitoes in your room that will fly in your room, and do not live bugs.
  • As for the mosquito bites, usually these bloodsuckers bite for places uncovered by clothes, that is, exposed. Bed bugs much more agile, they can bite the places that are under clothing. Because they do not fly, but crawl, and can crawl anywhere, including under clothes, even if it adjacent to the body quite tightly. Accordingly, if you woke up in the morning and found red spots that are under dense clothes, most likely you were bitten by bugs, not mosquitoes.
  • Another distinctive feature of the lesion of the bug is the presence of severe itching. When they bite, they bite the skin. In order for the victim to not feel the bite, she could not discard the parasite, they distinguish a special anesthetic that causes a very strong allergy. Therefore, after 20-30 minutes after the bite, severe itching begins. This place may swell.
  • Very often, small children comb such lesions, thereby bring a secondary infection, staphylococcal or streptococcal. Thus, a combined infection is obtained, which contains traces of allergies, as well as bacterial damage. Please note that mosquitoes are especially females are quite aggressive, so they are very buzzing and can sit on the place from which they are driven away several times.
  • In addition, bugs never dig in the jaws into the skin once. To get enough, they need approximately 7 ml of blood. To get such an amount of liquid, it is necessary to pierce the skin several times in different places. Thus, a peculiar path of bites, red spots is obtained. In addition, such spots, unlike mosquito bites, have a pronounced peak, because the bug has massive and pronounced jaws that pierce the skin quite strongly. Thanks to this, the blood clot on the top remains, the so -called red blood point, which usually resembles the wound after the skin is damaged by blood baking.
Book schemes of different insects
Book schemes of different insects

What is the difference between bug bites and mosquitoes?

Differences in bites:

  • Thus, we can conclude that mosquito bites and damage to the skin from bugs differ primarily by different amounts of wounds and their location on the body. Mosquitoes rarely affect the skin, which is under clothing, and bugs often.
  • In addition, mosquito bites can be located at a decent distance from each other, which can reach 35-50 cm. Bed bugs bit a path, several times in a row, until they are saturated. Bed bugs bite with a certain cyclical.
  • The fact is that usually one bug is saturated for about 7-10 days, respectively, such red spots, as well as itching can be observed with this frequency. Mosquitoes bite daily when they are indoors. It is worth considering that bugs, if their huge population, can bite every 3 days. Very rarely, skin lesions are observed with bugs daily. To do this, it is necessary that the house has a huge number of them and your room in the literal sense of the word teemed with these parasites.
  • Another significant feature of bug bites is a very strong allergic reaction. Especially often it can be observed in children, anaphylactic shock and edema are possible.
  • Blopes defeat severe irritation and allergies that can scratch for a long time. In order to get rid of itching and redness, it is best to use antihistamines that are taken inside or special ointment.

Please note that such bites do not pass independent as fast as hosies. They are delayed in about a week and can cause a secondary infection.

I bit insects
I bit insects

Insect bites: photos of damage from bugs and mosquitoes

In order to get rid of traces of bites, as well as severe itching, ointments with corticosteroids are used, such as prednisone or antihistamine gels, for example, phenystil-peencivir. They have a pleasant gel texture and are well absorbed into the wound, quickly relieve swelling, redness, and itching. If bug bites occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it is best to use tablet drugs that are taken inside, for example, diazolin, Eden or Cetrin.

Since bugs are carriers of hepatitis and a number of dangerous diseases, they must be fought with them. Especially if there are small children in the house. In order to get rid of these parasites, you can use insecticides and drugs absolutely harmless to people and pets. You can find out how to deal with bugs here. A list of effective means that can be used to get rid of parasites is presented. The most safe are powders.

Damage to bugs
Damage to bugs
Bug bites
Bug bites
Bug bites
Bug bites
Mosquito bite
Mosquito bite
Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites

As you can see, the bites of mosquitoes and bugs differ from each other in the structure of the lesion, as well as the size. In addition, the presence of itching and irritation, as well as allergic reactions.

Video: Beded bugs and mosquitoes

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Comments K. article

  1. I really liked the article. Now in the summer it is especially relevant in the summer. And by the way, the Azudol remedy helps with mosquitoes by the way. Quickly heals the place of the bite and relieves itching.

  2. I really liked the article, it is clear where, what and how. I thought bugs, but it turned out that mosquitoes.

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