Why fight mosquitoes or what is their danger? How do mosquitoes penetrate our home? The best ways and folk remedies that will help fight mosquitoes in an apartment, a private house, in a summer cottage? How to quickly get rid of mosquitoes with a homemade trap?

Why fight mosquitoes or what is their danger? How do mosquitoes penetrate our home? The best ways and folk remedies that will help fight mosquitoes in an apartment, a private house, in a summer cottage? How to quickly get rid of mosquitoes with a homemade trap?

In this article, we will consider any methods and means to combat mosquitoes in an apartment, house or in the country.

Insects such as mosquitoes cause many inconvenience fresh evenings in nature or just in the yard. But the real problem arises when these mosquitoes settle in your house. But with the advent of the night, they are actively beginning to remind themselves of themselves. And not only with buzzing, which prevents sleeping, but even with dangerous bites. Therefore, we want to raise such an important topic as the struggle with mosquitoes in our home.

Why should you fight mosquitoes, what is the danger of insects?

With the advent of warm summer days, annoying insects appear, which poison the life of the inhabitants of houses and even apartments. Mosquitoes are considered more irritable and unpleasant, which not only interfere with rest with their buzzing, but also painfully sting.

By the way, few words about their types:

  • there are mosquitoes that do not interfere with the inhabitants of the apartment or at home. In other words, Moskita males do not attack and do not drink our blood. And all because they feed on plant juice that can be found in every house;
  • there are also some giants that scare only their appearance. They are also called malaria insects. But do not be scared, because they absolutely do not justify their name. Moreover, these mosquitoes do not bite at all. They perfectly eat dew and nectar;
  • but females are those mosquitoes that simply will not even let you fall asleep. And all because to endure and feed offspring falls on the women's shoulders of the insect. And for normal development, it is precisely the blood.

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

  • Such pests should be actively fighting, because females of mosquitoes are carriers of various infections and diseases. And the reaction of the human body to the bite of the insect can be completely unpredictable - from a little redness to anaphylactic shock.
  • By the way, itching from mosquito saliva forces to comb the places of bites, and in this way it is easy to bring the infection into the wound. And special enzymes that the mosquito injects so that you do not drive the insect ahead of time, often cause an allergic reaction.
  • Particularly dangerous for a person can be a fungus that transfers a mosquito. Therefore, you should not kill a bloodsucker on yourself, and it is better not to touch the smeared insect at all if you slammed it in another place.
  • Also, these blood -sucking insects can carry parasites. If an infected animal was bitten before, then helminths can settle under your skin.
Mosquito bites can be dangerous
Mosquito bites can be dangerous

How to deal with mosquitoes: the reasons for the entering insects into our house

It is always worth remembering that mosquitoes develop and live in territory with high humidity. That is why most often and in large quantities pests overtake the first floors of houses, where humidity is higher.

  • Therefore, cleanliness and freshness in the room will help to warn the appearance of annoying bloodsuckers in their apartment. But it does not always come out to keep the perfect cleanliness and order in the house, and even more so, control the level of humidity in the room. That is why you can use other methods of combating mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitoes from the lower floors penetrate into our house, namely from the basement, where the conditions are simply ideal for mosquitoes. They can also live in the porches, and get into your house through the front door, flying with you.
  • Another favorite place is a bathroom and ventilation pipes. They are also in the kitchen. And if the house is old, then a whole nest can be concentrated in such places. Therefore, do not forget to clean them and always put special nets on any ventilation holes. There is nothing at hand, then stock up on the usual gauze segment.
  • Even the slightest cracks in the doors and windows are a direct path of penetration simply from the street. It is especially dangerous if the house is old, and such designs have already lost their functionality.
  • And mosquitoes can organize their nest in your home. If you have flowers and the desired humidity (and in dry air it is dangerous for us to be for a long time), then they can even lay eggs. And it will not always be a bathroom, but also the pots themselves with flowers. After all, there is also a lot of water and nutrients.
Mosquitoes need moisture
Mosquitoes need moisture

What means will help to fight mosquitoes in the apartment?

There are some rules that every owner of his home should adhere to. Therefore, consider the most popular methods of combating mosquitoes.

  • Be sure to put a special one mosquito net, which is attached to the windows and serves as an obstacle for pests. And the most important thing is that the mesh is completely non -toxic, and does not bring any harm to a person. In addition, it is quite economical and easy to use. Despite the fact that the grid is small enough and does not allow even the smallest midge to penetrate the apartment, the air enters the room perfectly. By the way, she will still protect you from other uninvited guests.
  • Repellers - Special creams, ointments and sprays from mosquitoes. You can use them extremely rarely and they are more suitable for nature relaxation, but in the apartment they should be used only in extreme cases. Such chemicals are quite harmful, although they are made on the basis of alcohol and essential oils. Frequent use can lead to poisoning or an allergic reaction. In a room where there are children, it is better not to get carried away with them.
  • Fumigator - This is a modern invention designed to destroy mosquitoes and flies. The device operates from an alternating current or from batteries, and with the help of a special plate or liquid spreads harmful “fluids” for mosquitoes.
    • For a person, they are completely safe. The fumigator is designed for reusable use and is quite easy to operate - you only need to change a special plate sometimes.
    • But it is worth being sharp with them, because allergic reactions can occur to some components. Therefore, take into account individual intolerance. Also, they should not get carried away if there are little children in the house.
    • And a few words about the plate-it requires replacement after 6-8 hours. The liquid has a longer service life. But all these drugs do not capture more than 12 meters, so take into account your quadrature.
Fumigator is the most popular weapon from mosquitoes
Fumigator is the most popular weapon from mosquitoes
  • And the new invention - ultrasonic fumigators. They do not require any liquids and do not emit any odors. Their secret in a special sound, which is heard only by mosquitoes. Moreover, it will be simply destructive for them. But also be careful, because there were cases when residents complained about headaches.

Important: All these drugs require careful treatment if there are children in the house, pregnant or clumsy women. After all, albeit insignificant, but some part of the toxic substances in them are present!

Video: Review of an insecticidal lamp to destroy mosquitoes

Scaling aromas from mosquitoes

  • fresh or dry leaves of mint, eucalyptus, lavender or bird cherry;
  • greet nut leaves also do not have many insects to love;
  • various spices are also able to drive unwanted guests, basil and cloves are best suited for this;
  • the smell of tomato leaves. Moreover, you can choose any variety, for example, even small cherry. Put the bush on your windowsill or balcony. You will not only get rid of mosquitoes, but you will also please your family with a fresh crop even in winter;
  • as a repetitant, you can use lavender, vanilla or eucalyptus oil. It is worth applying literally a few drops on a bed or bed, and a calm night is provided to you.

It is not worth relying on only one means of combating the pest, it is best to use them in the complex, while periodically change for the best result.

Try to light aromatic oils in the apartment that mosquitoes do not like
Try to light aromatic oils in the apartment that mosquitoes do not like

How to deal with mosquitoes in the country?

The problem of the appearance of mosquitoes most affects the inhabitants of private home and summer cottages. At first glance, getting rid of annoying bloodsuckers is completely impossible, but this is far from the case. To completely protect yourself from the invasion of pests in the summer will definitely not work, but not to scare away and not let it go into your house - absolutely everyone can do it.

  • First of all, it is worth installing on windows and doors antimoscate nets. Most often, the net is attached to the front door, and is equipped with magnets, which allow it to close it automatically. Of course, this will partially prevent the penetration of bloodsuckers into the house. Therefore, it is worth using several protection methods in the complex.
    • Also, for the use of an effect, you need to treat an anti-mosquito net with any means or aromatic oil that will not allow the insect to even approach your house.
  • Today, the market presents the widest assortment of a variety of means and devices for the fight against bloodsuckers. For example, fumigatorswho are saturated with special poison for mosquitoes. If you need to urgently clean the house from unbearable mosquitoes, then such a tool will definitely suit you.
    • There are electronic and pyrotechnic fumigators. The first is a heating device in which a special plate with poison is placed, and when heated evaporates it. Also popular are electrofumigators that vary directly insecticide, flooded into the tank of the device. Compared to electric fumigators based on plates, such a device is more effective and economical.
    • Pyrotechnic fumigators need to be set on fire, because In various configurations, they are saturated with a poisonous substance for mosquitoes. Mostly on the market they are presented in the form spiral. This tool acts quite efficiently, but so far the plate smolders.

Important: Such spirals in no case should be set on fire inside the house! They contain a high concentration of harmful substances, which can cause poisoning! They can be used next to the front door, but ventilation in the house should be at the highest level.

Spiral can only be used in the fresh air
Spiral can only be used in the fresh air
  • It is worth remembering that such drugs and drugs do not just scare insects, but kill them. In order not to collect dead bodies throughout the house, you can use other means, for example - ultrasonic repugctors.
    • This device is completely non -toxic, but hearing is not heard for a person. Thanks to the small size, it can be placed anywhere, most often in the corner of a mosquito net. It can also be worn on the hand, like a wristwatch or attached with a special clip to any clothing element.
  • Various ones will help to scare away mosquitoes fragrant plants, not only in the house, but also in the area itself. With their strong aroma, they are able to scare away blood -sucking insects mint, rosemary, pelargonium and myrtle. Fragrant oils, which are contained in plant leaves, serve as an unbearable barrier for mosquitoes. And in order to strengthen the smell, plants must be periodically shaken and watered.
  • On the street you can use lamps for mosquitoes. The insect attracts bright light, and if it enters the lamp, the bloodsucker is cauterized. Such lamps can be safely used, even if there are children in the house, because The device is equipped with a special net through which the baby will not stick a finger.
    • Of course, it is best to use a lamp in the evening, when there is not enough sunlight. So the device will be more effective.
The smell of smoke does not like a single insect, and it can easily be kindled in a summer cottage
The smell of smoke does not like a single insect, and it can easily be kindled in a summer cottage
  • The primordial method of combating mosquitoes is bonfire. Not a single insect tolerates the smell of smoke. And for the fallen effect, add a little sage. In the courtyard there will be a herbal aroma, which will have to “not taste” with any flying midges.
  • There are many traps for buzzing pests that can be safely used in summer cottages. The most common of them is adhesive tape. By the way, it can be made independently from improvised means. For this you will need:
    • gelatin glue or ordinary starch;
    • paper ribbon.
  • The algorithm is understandable - placed the glue on the tape and fasten it near the opening. Such a tape is very effective in the fight against insect pests, but it must be changed quite often - 1 time in 24 hours.
  • Also arm yourself with such a frightening tool as flavors. For example, use the essential oil of the leftogram, placing it in a diffuser. After all, it acts as a very fruitful substance from mosquitoes. The diffuser spray oil into microscopic particles, and in the air they remain active for several hours. Such a device will help not only scare away irritating insects, but also destroy bacteria, fungi and refresh air in the room.
Lemongrass oil will not only protect mosquitoes, but also health will increase
Lemongrass oil will not only protect mosquitoes, but also health will increase

How to deal with mosquitoes in your house: Folk methods

Various chemicals and devices that are designed to destroy bloodsuckers, to one degree or another, affect the human body. And with frequent use, this may affect the general state of health. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, you can fight mosquitoes with folk methods, tested by more than one generation.

  • With the advent of simple highly effective tools and devices, home remedies have lost their popularity, but, nevertheless, in their effectiveness they are not inferior to new methods of solving this problem.
  • Since mosquitoes and flies love water and humidity, it costs avoid the formation of moist places With standing water. It is not particularly desirable to leave water in the public domain, so especially make sure that moisture does not accumulate in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
  • Before the appearance of various fumigators and repellents, they used the usual campara. This tool is how disgusting for mosquitoes that after use they will not be able to approach your home. A similar effect gives and valerian. A small amount of one or another substance should be heated above the burner. This tool is suitable even for very large rooms.
  • Essential oil cloves, basilica, anise You need to warm up a little. While in the room there is a smell of heated oil, not a single insect will appear in the apartment.
  • Suitable also tea tree oilbut it does not need to be heated before use. In this case, this oil will help get rid of edema and swelling after bites.
  • Fragrant oils must be periodically lubricated with door and window openings. For an eating effect, a mixture of various oils can be impregnated with a piece of fabric or napkins and put on a window or in front of the front door. So the aroma will stay much longer.
Folk remedies are not so harmful and no less effective
Folk remedies are not so harmful and no less effective
  • There are many other aromas that mosquitoes do not like, for example:
    • garlicthat before use you need to boil in a small amount of water, and with the help of a spray gun, spray this liquid through the apartment;
    • ammonia Unpleasant for mosquitoes. It is not worth using such a caustic remedy for the night at night, you have been provided with headache in the morning. It is worth applying a little funds in the evening, and then ventilate the room;
    • limonnik and lavender used both in fresh form and as essential oil;
    • leaves and branches mint, lemon balm, wormwood, bird cherry etc. The composition of such aromatic plants can be put on the window;
    • a decoction of bay leaves Also used to scare away flies and midges.
  • Using dry herbs To combat bloodsuckers, it is worth remembering that their effect lasts for 2-3 days. Therefore, periodically you need to change old bundles to fresh herbs.
  • To avoid unpleasant bites, you need to apply on the skin of the hands, neck and other parts of the body vanillin solution. It is incredibly simple to cook it: you need to mix 100 g of vodka and 6 g of ordinary vanillin. This simple remedy will help to scare away many unpleasant insects.
  • In the pharmacy you can purchase pyrethrum. This substance is part of various aerosols, fumigators and sprays from mosquitoes and other insects. Pyrethrum (10 g) should be insisted in ethyl alcohol (75 ml) for 7 days. Then strain through gauze, add 15 g of grated green soap and 25 ml of glycerin. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:15 and spray around the house.
  • It has long been used ordinary porey For scaring insects. From the root of this plant, you need to cook the solution and spray it around the apartment.
  • Ordinary cloves with lemon It may safely take the place of expensive chemicals. One lemon can be cut into several rings and stick several clove seeds in them. The smell will scare off insects, and the house is filled with a pleasant aroma. Unlike other methods, the smell of citrus will not annoy other residents of the apartment. Cloves can not be changed to 4-5 times, but the lemon needs to be changed as soon as it dries.
Sensible remedy, which will also decorate your home
Sensible remedy, which will also decorate your home

Homemade trap as the best means to combat mosquitoes in any room

Its main advantage is that it is completely harmless. Moreover, it does not require any financial costs. And even fits if there are small children in the house.

  • You will only need:
    • plastic bottle that is found in every house;
    • a piece of yeast, it is better to take a pressed product of 2-3 g;
    • 1 tsp. sugar to activate the work of yeast;
    • water in the amount of 1 cup;
    • scissors, like an additional tool.
  • Cut the bottle into two parts, cutting off the neck and another 3-4 cm.
  • Water can be taken warm, but ordinary fluid of room temperature is also suitable. Just with heat, yeast begins to act better.
  • Pour water into the cut part of the bottle, pour sugar and throw yeast, stir everything well.
  • Now turn the other part and insert it down with a neck. Just note that it does not reach the water.
The principle of the design of the bait
The principle of the design of the bait
  • Such a trap must be wrapped in a newspaper or cardboard. And to keep the paper better, fasten the ends with a stapler. Or wrap it with island.
  • Put the bait in a dark place, because the yeast will stag and quickly deteriorate from the sunlight. After a while, carbon dioxide will begin to release that mosquitoes love so much. But flying inside, they will not be able to get out.

If you use a complex of folk methods with a mosquito net, then you can forget for a long time about mosquitoes and many other insects. Folk methods, when used properly, are in no way inferior to expensive chemicals.

Video: How to deal with mosquitoes in the house?

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Comments K. article

  1. In the country, I strictly take the smoke processing of the territory “Quiet Evening” twice a year. Thanks to this, my family and my family are not concerned about mosquitoes. I advise everyone!

  2. As for the lamps from mosquitoes, I can recommend one wonderful option. This is a N’OVEEN IKN-20 insecticidal lamp. I use it every summer and do not suffer from these bloodsuckers. The article has a video.

  3. For me, the best lamp against mosquitoes will always be the Noveen IKN910 LED device. I constantly use it every summer and do not suffer from these bloodsuckers.

  4. Comrade Gaidamak, where did you buy this insecticidal lamp, if not a secret?

  5. No secret Galina) This is the destroyer of the insect noveen IKN910

  6. Tell Yuri, where can you purchase the saber you specified? I can't find her anywhere

  7. Comrade Voronin, checker "Quiet evening"

  8. I constantly buy repellents and special sprays to combat mosquitoes. And from their bites I really like Azudol - it quickly eliminates the UZD and treats the bites directly faster than other means.

  9. Olga, and you don’t know where this insecticidal lamp is sold?

  10. Nikolai, of course I know! You can buy the N’OVEEN IKN-20 insect destroyer in the Otpugivatly.com.ua online store

  11. The danger of mosquitoes are that when combing you can bring an infection under the skin. But Azudol, which is mentioned above, effectively disinfects the wound and quickly relieves itching.

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