Why is a mosquito bite, midges, ticks. How to smear, process bites so as not to scratch?

Why is a mosquito bite, midges, ticks. How to smear, process bites so as not to scratch?

Means to eliminate itching insects.

In the summer, many different insects annoy, especially in regions where there are water bodies and rivers. Residents of cities go on vacation in interesting places, while they do not often care about their health. In this article we will tell you how to lubricate insect bites. 

Why is a mosquito bite?

There is a separate category of people who react very sharply to mosquitoes, midges. Strong swelling arises, irritation, and limbs can swell. In this case, people should constantly walk with antihistamines, as well as emergency care products that will help to avoid edema and anaphylactic shock.

Why is a mosquito bite:

  • It's connected With the struggle of the body and its excessive sensitivity to allergens.
  • During a trip to the sea or out of town, be sure to take repellents with you. These are means that impede insect attacks. If you did not use repellents, then it is best to lubricate the bite location with means of healing, and relieve swelling.
  • In most cases, severe irritation, as well as redness and swelling from the bite of mosquitoes and midges occurs in children. This is due to the not quite formed immune system.
  • Therefore, even slight intervention can cause A strong allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to have emergency means.
Comara bite is scratching
Comara bite is scratching

Mosquito bites itch, what to do?

If nothing was found at hand, then you can use the funds that have each in the medicine cabinet.

Mosquito bites itch, what to do:

  • Usually this Rescuer, Board Plus, and even Zelenka. The fact is that in young children, insect bites may not heal for up to several months, causing a bacterial infection.
  • Therefore, if you know that your child reacts very sharply to insect bites, lubricate them with green or iodine. This will prevent the spread of infection. If they are not, you can lubricate the place with sour cream or kefir.
  • As a local anesthetic, ice acts. That is, on a mosquito bite or midges that itch very much and hurt, you can apply a piece of ice, or frozen semi -finished products. 
Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites

How to quickly get rid of a mosquito bite so as not to itch?

You can use other means. Be sure to keep antihistamines in the first -aid kit, suitable  Diazolin, Eden, citrine.

How to quickly get rid of a mosquito bite so as not to itch:

  • These drugs are available at the cost, and in a short period of time relieve swelling, irritation and pain. After taking the drug, edema disappears, and redness goes away.
  • This helps to eliminate pain in a short period of time.Funds are taken inward, in the form of tablets or syrups.
  • What to do with local drugs? The most effective in the affected area are ointments, as well as gels. There are several options for means that help with mosquitoes, midges, insects. 
Mosquito bite
Mosquito bite

How to anoint a bite so as not to scratch?

When choosing one or another means, it is necessary to evaluate not only the allergic reaction of the body to the bite, but also the type of insect. The fact is that scolopenders, water bugs, bed bugs, as well as some species of mosquitoes, cause a very strong allergic reaction. 

Than to anoint the bite so as not to scratch:

  1. Trimistin. This is a combined drug that contains an antibiotic and antihistamine, as well as glucocorticosteroids. Thus, thanks to the combination of antibiotics with hormones, it is possible to reduce inflammation, remove edema, remove the redness and at the same time prevent the occurrence and connection of bacterial infection. The lesion is applied to the scene 2-3 times a day with a thin erasing layer. It is worth considering that children should not be used. 
  2. Prednisone. This is an ointment that contains glucocorticosteroids. The main task is to remove redness and edema. The product is very effective if a person has a strong allergy to insect bites and food products. It gives an instant effect, but it is impossible to use for a long time. Do not abruptly cancel the drug, because a repeated reaction can be observed. 
A bite of an insect
A bite of an insect

Red bites on the body itch, what to do?

In such cases, it is best to use strong ointments that remove edema. Hormonal ointments such as Advantan, and prednisolon ointment. Such an ointment will well relieve swelling, and to prevent the spread of poison during OS bites and other poisonous insects. 

Red bites on the body itch, what to do:

  • If the bite was carried out by a holster, while there is no strong allergic reaction to remove itching better to use ointments that cool.
  • To this end, it copes well Menovazin.This is a liquid that is applied to the tissue and applied to the affected area. Also, for this purpose, you can use Fenistil. It contains components that reduce pain. You can use ointments with anesthetics and painkillers. 
  • With bites of small water midges, very severe itching and pain can develop. In this case, the use of menovazin will be the ideal option. It is impregnated with the fabric, laid out on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion. The product relieves severe itching, pain and unpleasant sensations, quite effective. 
Funds for bites
Funds for bites

How to anoint the midges of the midges, so as not to scratch?

Very often, an infection can be additionally connected at the place of bite of the midges. Therefore, it will be useful after removing edema and inflammation, apply levomekol ointment. It helps healing, and also prevents infection with pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Also, such bites can be smeared with zinc ointment. Funds with zinc are distinguished by good cooling properties. Therefore, an ideal option for OS bites, also bees will be zinc ointment. 

Than to anoint the midge bite so that it does not scratch:

  • You can also use other products that are not intended for this. It copes with severe itching and inflammation toothpaste with mint and menthol. It is necessary for several minutes to immerse the toothpaste in the refrigerator and apply a small ball to the affected area. It prevents the spread of edema, cools, removes burning.
  • You can also use folk remedies for bites. They will not give a effect as quickly as pharmacy drugs, but they also have much less side effects. You can cope with insect bites using tincture of medicinal herbs. It is brewed for this chamomile, sage, as well as a tea tree. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with 500 ml of boiling water, boiled and filtered. Next, the product is cooled and impregnated, applied to the affected area. 
  • You can cope with severe edema, as well as pain using vinegar. To do this, a small amount of vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of one to three. In this tool, cotton pads are impregnated and applied to the bite. You can additionally wrap it with a bandage or fixed with a patch so that the bandage does not move. 
Strong allergy
Strong allergy

Of course, it is best not to allow contact with dangerous insects, so the use of repellents will be an ideal option. Use a tool that corresponds to the age of your child. It is best if it is applied as a spray. It is also better to use special bracelets for infants, which are saturated with means of scarecling mosquitoes. For infants, bracelets can be hung on both sides of the stroller or crib. It is best to prevent the contact of mosquitoes with a child. For this, nets and canopies are used. 

Video: bites are itchy

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  1. With insomnia, the plant drug Edas 111 passiflora helped me well. And in addition to improving sleep, I became much less irritable.

  2. I smeared a lifeguard, you can hormonal ointment.

  3. gel Azudol saves from the bite of mosquitoes well. It immediately removes itching. Edema and redness also quickly pass. I try to smear as soon as I felt a bite then less consequences.

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