What are the beneficial dishes made of beef bones? What dishes of chicken bones can be prepared? Pork bones

What are the beneficial dishes made of beef bones? What dishes of chicken bones can be prepared? Pork bones

Recipes of the best dishes from chicken, pork and beef bones.

The bones are a product that remains after a falling of meat. Many believe that these are waste that will not be able to use in no way. Mostly used for the preparation of soups and first dishes. However, in the dishes of world cuisine there are several unusual recipes that include beef bones, pork and chicken. Many of these dishes are elite and are served in the best restaurants in Europe. 

What are the beneficial dishes made of beef bones?

The main feature is that beef and pork bones contain a huge amount of proteins, mineral salts. If you prepare the broth correctly, then all these nutrients will enter the liquid and bring a huge amount of benefit.

What is the useful dishes of beef bones:

  • The main feature is that the bone marrow contains collagen, which is one of the building materials for the bone muscles. It stimulates the passage of chemical reactions in the human body. Without collagen, a large number of chronic autoimmune diseases, as well as ailments associated with metabolism, can occur. By preparing the bones correctly, you can not only save, but also avoid a large number of ailments. 
  • The bones of different animals are distinguished by their composition, the content of trace elements. In general, they can be divided into sugar and brain. Brain is bones that resemble a tube inside which contains bone marrow. It is he who is one of the most valuable substances for humans. Sugar bones are connective tissue, and cartilage, which also contain a large number of nutrient components, but not the same as in tubular bones.

Pork bones

In order for all nutrients from the bones to fall into the broth, they must be correctly prepared. Several recipes for making bone broth can be found in the article on our website: ""Bone broth benefits, recipe for cooking. How much to cook bone broth for collagen? Bone Aicherb Bousse "

It is recommended to adhere to the following tips.

Pork bones, preparation tips: 

  • Cover the bones with cloth, jam them with a hammer. It is necessary to get fragments. The mass is poured with water and boiled for 8 hours. After cooking, the decoction must be filtered through gauze or colander so that small fragments do not get into the solution.
  • Before you cook bones, it is best to hold them for half an hour in cold water. After 4 hours, 50% of the nutrient components will be in the liquid. Therefore, it is necessary to cook another 4 hours so that the total amount of time is more than 8 hours. Under such conditions, all nutrients will fall into the broth. 
  • If you want to get the most nutritious dish, it is recommended to combine several types of bones: chicken, beef, pork. To improve the taste of the broth, they add vegetables 1 hour before cooked.
  • It can be onions, carrots, as well as spicy herbs. Remember that the bay leaf goes well with the meat broth, but it must be thrown into the solution no earlier than 10 minutes before the end of cooking. If the bay leaf is cooked for a long time, more than 10 minutes, then the broth can be bitter. To give the aroma, enter garlic. It is not passed through garlic codes, but simply crushed using the flat side of the knife. 
Beef bones
Beef bones

How to cook brain bones in the oven?

From the bones you can prepare not only broths for the first dishes, but also interesting, unusual dishes from the bone marrow. The tubular bones can be fried and baked in the oven. To prepare the dish, only tubular, that is, bones with bone marrow are used. The easiest way to cook is to bake the brain bones in the oven. 

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 12 pieces of brain bones, the width of which is 4.5 cm 
  • Olive oil 
  • Garlic 
  • Lemon juice 
  • Spices 
  • Onion 
  • White bread 

How to cook brain bones in the oven:

  • It is necessary that it be quite large, dense bones with a large amount of bone marrow inside. It is necessary to warm the oven to a temperature of 180-220 degrees. And now you need to take the head of garlic, cut off the top.
  • It is not necessary to clean the cloves, it is necessary that a fresh cut appears on top. The garlic is sprayed with vegetable oil, wrapped in foil, baked at a temperature of 220 degrees for 30 minutes. Further, your favorite herbs, finely chopped onions, lemon juice, vegetable oil are mixed. It is necessary to lay out the beef bones in a foil form. It is necessary to make the bones stand like columns in uniform.
  • Bake 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. After baking, the bones are removed from the oven, watered with a mixture of herbs, lemon juice and vegetable oil. The mass is mixed with crushed garlic, which was previously baked in the oven. It is necessary to use a small teaspoon to extract bone marrow. An interesting mixture is formed, which is very similar to the paste. It is removed with a small spoon, spread on bread and eaten along with spices and salads. The dish is very tasty, it resembles a turkey paste. 
Brain bones
Brain bones

How to cook beef bones deliciously?

The most familiar bone is jelly or jelly. For its preparation, it is necessary to put 2 kg of bones in the pan.

How to cook beef bones tasty:

  • It is best if they are different. That is, chicken, pork. They are poured with five liters of water, put on small fire. You can use a cutter for these purposes so that the mass is slightly seething. Next, it is necessary to remove the foam.
  • Before preparing a student, you can soak the bones for one hour in cold water. It is recommended to use tails, legs, pigs. It is believed that the cartilage, which is located in these parts of the animals, contributes to the rapid solidification of the dish.
  • They boil jelly at least 8 hours. There is no need to add gelatin to such a jelly, since there are many it here, due to the large number of bones. 

Four dishes from chicken bones

For cooking, you will need 2 kg of skeletons along with the skin. The rear part that is bought for a broth set is also suitable. Despite the fact that these parts of the chicken consist of bones, they still have some meat. Due to such a budget product, you can cook 4 dishes. 

Soup broth From the bones of the chicken

This is a good basis for any first dishes and sauces. 


  • 2 kg of chicken backs, skeletons 
  • Onion 
  • Carrot 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Soup broth From the bones of the chicken:

  • It is necessary to boil all the bones in salted water, having previously removed the skin, cutting the tail area.
  • It is these parts that contain the most fat. When the broth is ready, it is necessary to extract the bones, and remove the remaining meat from them.
  • Now you can start preparing a soup from the resulting broth. 
Chicken broth
Chicken broth

Pilaf from chicken bones 

Due to the large amount of fat in the backs, it will be possible to prepare a crumbly pilaf. 


  • A glass of rice 
  • 2 carrots 
  • 2 bulbs 
  • Spices 
  • Garlic 

Pilaf from chicken bones:

  • Place the parts with a high fat content, for example, tails in a pan or pan. Fry them so that a large amount of fat will move out. Pour the carrots and onions into the resulting fat grated or sliced \u200b\u200bwith small circles, fry until golden.
  • Pour the third part of the meat that turned out after processing the bones. Cover with a lid and fry for a couple of minutes. Pour water 3 times more than the masses in a pan. Cover with a lid and simmer until cooked.
  • Do not forget about spices and herbs. Salt. Despite the fact that there is little meat in the pilaf, it turns out very tasty. This is due to the fact that chicken fat makes the dish crumbly. 

Chicken roll 

You can make a delicious roll from the skin. 


  • Carrot 
  • Onion 
  • Oil for frying 
  • Spices 
  • A little meat removed from the bones after preparing the broth 

Roulets from chicken bones: 

  • The main task is to boil cabbage so that the leaves are well separated. After that, it is necessary to divide the cabbage, cut off all the seals, as for cooking cabbage rolls. The chicken skin is laid on the table.
  • A cabbage leaf is laid on the skin, on the sides of which small pieces of carrots are placed. A small number of meat residues obtained after preparing the broth is laid out in the center of the sheet. Add salt and spices. If desired, you can add fried onions. They turn the dish with small rolls. As a result, cabbage is in chicken skin along with the filling.
  • A small plate is invested on top of the prepared dish. It should be flat to press the rolls to the surface of the pan. Please note that a small amount of oil needs to be poured into the pan. Fry the rolls on both sides. It is advisable to fry the second side, pressing with a flat plate. This is necessary so that the chicken skin does not wrinkle, does not lose shape. 

Chicken salad From bones

As a result, after preparing these dishes, a small amount of skin, or chicken tails will remain. From them you can make a delicious salad. 


  • 3 boiled eggs 
  • 300 g of Korean carrots 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • Pickled onion 

Chicken salad From bones:

  • To prepare the dish, you need to cut the skin or chicken tails in small pieces and fry to a crispy surface.
  • It is necessary that they get a slope from these parts. Grinded eggs are laid out in a bowl and Korean carrots are added.
  • Drive and season with mayonnaise. If desired, the dish can be supplemented with pickled onions and herbs. 

How to cook pork bones with potatoes?

Pork seeds with potatoes are one of the most affordable dishes. 

The following products are necessary for cooking: 

  • 1 kg of pork bones 
  • One and a half kilogram of potatoes 
  • 2 large carrots 
  • 2 bulbs 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Greens 

How to cook pork bones with potatoes:

  • It is necessary to rinse the bones in cold water, filling them for 30 minutes. Pour the bones into a large pan, pour cold water. It is necessary to cover with a lid and cook for 5 hours. Remove bones from broth, cool them, remove the remaining meat. The broth is filtered.
  • In the pan, it is necessary to put meat removed from bones, peeled potatoes, cut into strips, carrots and onions. The carrots are cut into strips, and the onion is chopped in half rings. The mass is covered with a lid and fried in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Pour the broth and boil for 20-30 minutes.
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt and spices are introduced. Thanks to the decoction with a lot of fat and collagen, the dish is very satisfying and tasty. 

Pork bones with potatoes

Pork bones with potatoes

We will also talk about the benefits:

Nourishing components, as well as beneficial substances with which you can increase muscle mass, are contained in both sugar and brain bones. Therefore, broths are recommended to be prepared from two types of bones. 

Video: bone dishes

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