What is the difference between meat, eggs, condensed milk from ordinary meat, eggs, condensed milk and halal products from ordinary? What is the difference between the halal and the kosher?

What is the difference between meat, eggs, condensed milk from ordinary meat, eggs, condensed milk and halal products from ordinary? What is the difference between the halal and the kosher?

Products marked "Felle" It is more common on store shelves and attracts more and more attention of customers. Such products like not only Muslims, but also adherents of a healthy lifestyle, regardless of religious beliefs.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What permits and bans exist among Muslims?". You will learn everything about customs and traditions.

Freet products from ordinary are permissible in Islam and special strictness to preparation. Read more in the article below. Read further.

Free food, products: What is it?

Free food
Free food

"Felle" - Translated from Arabic - "OK" or "permission" something according to Islam. Not every product on store shelves can be called halal. Products are obliged to comply with the requirements of the Council of Mufties of Russia and receive the appropriate certification that provides for food rabbit.

  • Frescent is food corresponding to the religious beliefs of specific peoples.
  • A Muslim, acquiring food with such a mark, can be convinced of its quality, proper manufacturing technology, composition, lack of harmful additives.

Free foods can be meat, sweet, poultry, sausage and any other food that meets Islamic requirements. The list of such products is extremely wide: different types of fish and meat, berries, fruits, soft drinks, etc. A list of products permitted or prohibited by Islam can continue to last long.

Free meat: What is it, how is it different from the usual one?

First you need to learn about the types of meat permitted by Muslims. This type of product is also called kosher. What is free meat, how is it different from the usual?

Such permitted types of food include the following types of meat:

  • Beef, camel meat
  • Horseman, lamb and goat
  • Buwol meat
  • Rabbit
  • Venison
  • Antelope meat

From birds, Muslims are allowed to eat:

  • Chicken and turkey
  • I tucked and quail
  • Ostrich meat and partridge
  • Duck and goose meat

All products, for example, sausages or dumplings are prepared from these types of meat. Forbidden (haram):

  • Blood and dead
  • Pork
  • Meat of permitted animals that were not scored according to Islamic traditions
  • Meat of predatory birds and animals (wolves, lions, tigers, hawks, falcons, eagles, etc.)
  • Sobachals, mules and donkeys
  • Endocrine glands, bile and bladder, genitals of any animals
  • Free products that touched or lay next to the forbidden. However, it is allowed to thoroughly rinse them or cut off the place of contact.

It is important to understand that halal food should also be prepared correctly. Even kosher meat with improper cooking may not be free. Correct meat corresponds to the conditions:

  1. Animals, whose meat is allowed to eat, from birth to clog, should live in good conditions of hygiene. Those places where animals move and live should always be clean and regularly wash.
  2. Throughout life, cattle should not be fear. It should not be rudeness to him, scare. Science proved that with fear in the blood, a hormone is released, which harms a person when consumed.
  3. Food foods should be environmentally friendly, the feed should be natural. Stimulants of growth, GMOs and any other additives that are often used in store meat are unacceptable.
  4. The health of animals is regularly controlled by veterinarians. The beast should not hurt anything. The animal that suffered the disease is no longer a freebie, even if it is cured of the disease.
  5. During the clogging to the animal, marginal affection is manifested, and before the process it is necessary to utter a special prayer.
  6. The only humane way to kill the animal is the interruption of the carotid artery. Other ways of murder are prohibited.
  7. After clogging from meat, all blood is released. This creates a thin, pleasant taste and aroma, makes meat of a pinkish tint. In addition, the presence of blood biological fluid in the meat helps the development of pathogenic bacteria, which is unacceptable.

In general, all described strict requirements for the maintenance and cutting of animals should be observed, otherwise the resulting slaughter, such meat will not be considered free.

What is the difference between a halal chicken and simple, ordinary?

A free chicken, like meat, is strict selection and control. What is the difference between a halal chicken and simple, ordinary?

  • From the birth of a bird, to packaging and storage, this is followed by supervisors and inspectors who are good specialists in the field of halal.
  • Such meat is guaranteed not to contain bad additives and goes to a person only to the benefit.

For health reasons, such products are used not only by Muslims, but also by representatives of other religions, and sometimes even atheists.

Halal eggs: How are they different from ordinary?

To the eggs, halal requirements are no less strict than to meat. How do they differ from ordinary? Each egg must meet the following requirements:

  • Eggs are demolished by birds, which were fed only with clean grain feed, without harmful impurities, waste of food industry, antibiotics. It is strictly forbidden to give spoiled, rotten food. Meat -bone flour, which is produced from bones, is also prohibited.
  • The surface of the eggs is clean. However, a dirty shell does not make an egg forbidden for consumption. It can be washed. Cleanliness is required.
  • Using a special apparatus, eggs are visible from the inside. Those in which there are blood spots are prohibited for use. Also, eggs with small spots the size of a point are allowed. If you can remove a large spot without polluting the egg, it is also allowed to eat.
  • The taste and yellowness of eggs are formed due to alfalfa, corn, clover and clover flourbut not artificial components.
  • Organic selenium, alfalfa and clover flour present in the diet of birds enrich eggs with antioxidants. This allows you to increase the shelf life, as well as the quality of the product.
  • Production selling halal eggs completely abandoned the use of plastic packages. Preference is given by cardboard.

In general, the most strict attitude when using eggs is to blood spots and nutrition of layers.

Frequent Frequet: how is it different from the usual one?

Frequent Frequet is made of milk, to which some requirements are also applied. How does it differ from ordinary? Here are a few nuances:

  • First of all, attention is paid to the cows that gave milk. They should be healthy, and their nutrition is of high quality, without additives.
  • In the production of a halal condensed milk, it is forbidden to dilute milk with water or replace milk fats with analogues, such as soy, milk powder, palm oil, etc., as well as the use of GMOs.

The pasteurization and ultrapastricization of milk, as well as the use of special fungi and bacteria, will not affect the product of the product to obtain a sour milk.

What is the difference between the halal and the kosher, the meat from the Kosher meat?

Kosher food and halal
Kosher food and halal

Kosher meat is considered to be the meat of any animal that is allowed to eat according to Islam. Kosher - What complies with the rules of Kashrut is translated from Hebrew - “suitable”. Frescent is a permitted food, kosher is suitable for use. Here are some differences in the table:

Free meat, like all other products, before use, is strict selection. Much attention is paid to animal care, their comfort and purity. Only if all extremely strict requirements are observed, the finished meat can be considered free. It is such meat that can be considered guaranteed to be clean and useful. Therefore, it can be said with the confidence that the products are halal from the kosher, the meat from the meat of the kosher - they are practically no different.

Free products become popular. They began to be consumed not only by representatives of Muslim countries, but also by many other people who seek a hen and eat natural products. Such products are not only the only products permitted by Muslim representatives, it is also guaranteed clean, not containing harmful additives, GMOs and antibiotics of food. Thus, halal foods are the most healthy products that can be found on sale.

Video: What is a halal? Very simple explanation | Mufti Menk

Video: Briefly about the prohibited food. From pork to land. Iman

Video: What should be a real halal?

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