What is the difference between food for sterilized cats and usual?

What is the difference between food for sterilized cats and usual?

What is the difference between food for sterilized cats and simple? It is described in detail in the article.

The range for pets in pet stores is quite wide. A variety of manufacturers and price can satisfy any buyer. But sometimes pets requires special food, which will help maintain the functioning of all internal systems and organs at the proper level.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Positions of cats in a dream and their meaning".

The most common in the line of healthy nutrition is feed for sterilized cats. What is so special about them? How they differ from ordinary. Described in detail below. Read further.

Why cast Kotov: is it worth doing?

Castled cat
Castled cat

One of the first animals that a person managed to tame is cats. But, despite the fact that these animals have been living side by side with people for several millennia, they still have natural instincts. Why are they castrated cats, is it worth it?

  • When the cat reaches nine months, instincts wake up in it, which can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owners.
  • Fluffy pets begin to meow loudly, not allowing everyone who lives with them in the same territory, and males also begin to mark the territory.
  • Perhaps, the only way to return to a normal life is to castrate an animal.
  • It should be remembered that with age, the cat’s behavior will not change for the better, if you do not resort to surgery.
  • A favorite pet can choose shoes or even a bed where households sleep as a “toilet”.

Such behavior for a long time tolerate, unable to even the most avid lover of cats, and ultimately, the animal will be either on the operating table or on the street.

How many castrated cats live?

There is an opinion that the animal, subjected to sterilization, lives less than a pet who escaped this fate. However, such a statement is not entirely true.

  • On average, the castrated cat lives the same, or 2-3 years more than his fellow who did not conduct the operation.
  • Of course, each organism is individual, but with proper care and nutrition, the pet will often live a long and full life.

There are real long -livers among castrated cats, some individuals live quite calmly up to 20 years. The case is known when the Cat of the Siamese breed lived to its thirtieth anniversary, but this is a rarity.

What is the difference between food for sterilized cats and usual?

Sterilized cat food
Sterilized cat food

After sterilization in the body of a pet, serious changes occur. So that they do not lead to illness, veterinarians advise to give only special feed to the cat. What is the difference between food for sterilized cats and usual?

  • The composition of such nutrition includes the necessary trace elements and vitamins that are required by the pet.
  • Another important difference between ordinary feed and specialized are low calorie content. Since the animal becomes less active after the operation, its body needs less calories. That is why manufacturers reduced in their products the content of raw oils and fats, carbohydrates, minerals and their remains.
  • Meanwhile, fiber, fats and carbohydrates are present in feeds in the necessary amounts.
  • For the prevention of diseases of the urinary system, sea buckthorn or cranberries are added to them. These berries acidify alkaline urine, which helps maintain the health of the ureter system of the pet.

Veterinarians do not recommend feeding castrated and sterilized pets from the table. The food of the animal should be strictly balanced, but it is very difficult to cook “dishes” that meet all the needs of the body. In order not to risk the health of the cat, experts recommend buying industrial feed.

Video: food for sterilized cats: is it needed or not? What is the best food for sterilized cats?

Video: Nutrition of sterilized cats: tips for choosing food

Video: Is it possible to feed a cat at the same time dry and wet food

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