It is better to get a cat or cat in the apartment: the pros and cons of cats and cats, recommendations on choice

It is better to get a cat or cat in the apartment: the pros and cons of cats and cats, recommendations on choice

Is it better to have a cat or cat in an apartment or a private house? If you have such a question, read the article.

Cats are the most popular pets around the world. Few can compare with them in grace, grace and beauty. The owners forgive their favorites pranks, touching their quick wits and crafty. These animals have conflicting character qualities. At the same time, they are grateful and devoted to their owners. Each cat needs its own approach, because they are all individual.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to go out a newborn kitten without a cat?". You will learn how to feed, how to care for a newborn kitten.

Who is better to get a cat or a cat? This question is often asked by many people who want to buy such a friend in their apartment or private house. Let's figure it out together. Read further.

What are the kittens?


The appearance of a fluffy friend changes the life of all the inhabitants of the apartment. Before you start a pet, you need to discuss the goals and issues of care. Why the kitten is bought: for the soul or for serious breeding. Answer yourself the questions: is there time for games, feeding, hair care and toilet. Discuss with family members financial costs - feed, filler, veterinarian services, accessories and much more.

What are the kittens?

  • Little kittens, and boys and girls, play the same fun, know the world and run.
  • Fluffy babies are very affectionate and shuttle, cause a smile and tenderness among the owners.
  • As they grow older, kittens physiologically change and acquire the signs of a male and female.

When choosing the floor of the pet, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of the cat and cat, so that then there are no serious difficulties. Read further.

Cats: pros and cons of

The cat is an independent person. He allows himself to stroke, play and remove after him, and in return loves his special love. How a born hunterwill hide and attack around the corner, suddenly jump out on a walking tenant or burst into linen. The cat is excessively curious, he needs to know everything that happens on its territory, sniff, examine and participate in all moments of the family life. The male is inclined dominateeither he is a leader in the family, or a family member. You have a pet bring up And to find out with him after another hooligan. Most often, you will not get caressed from the cat, he independent And he does not climb into his arms, does not really like to stroking. An exception, if he needs something from the owner, for example, begging a tidbit.

Cat pluses:

  • There are no problems with viscous and you can get a fee for this.
  • No need to attach offspring.
  • Castration is simple, minimal risk to health.
  • Tied to the house.
  • Control qualities are more bright. Cats are larger, heavier and counted, more beautiful than cats.

Cons of cat:

  • “Walks” not only with unpleasant cries, but also leaves odorous marks.
  • During the rut, it is aggressive and can run away from home.
  • The castrated pet is prone to obesity and urolithiasis. We need specialized food.
  • In a private house participates in street fights.
  • Due to the dominant nature, he likes to hooligate, for example, to chew flowers on the window or clamps with claws. And then run away, hide and not obey.
  • The bowel movements smell stronger than that of cats. Fighting this is extremely difficult.
  • It is more difficult to accustom to the tray and scatter the filler.
  • He doesn’t really follow his cleanliness, he can jump onto the sofa with dirty paws.

The cat is prone to stress and neurosis. Now about the cat. Read further.

Cats: pros and cons of


Kitheki really need a person’s attention. They should feel care and love. The cat is much more affectionate cat. The dominance and establishment of her order is not for her, she will gently rub her into trust, and to change the world around herself unobtrusively. Cat - touching and attached to the owner. A mustachioed friend loves cleanliness and she does not bother to lick her wool to a shine. Favorite classes: climb the knees to the owner, rub and lick, purr and caress. The cat seeks to win the attention of households with its behavior.

pros Cats:

  • He loves cleanliness and more quickly accustoms to the tray. The smell of bowel movements is weaker than that of the cat.
  • He loves affection and stroking.
  • The flexible character will obey the owner, so as not to offend him.
  • Better catches mice, mobile, knows how to sit in ambush.
  • It tolerates easier stress and more optimistic.

Minuses Cats:

  • He likes to sharpen the claws in the wrong place, need to be accustomed to the claws or cut the claws from childhood.
  • Emergency, takes revenge on any offender.
  • When knitting, you will have to take over transportation expenses, services of a veterinarian, pregnancy, childbirth, raising kittens. Search for a male and pay it to the owners a fee.
  • In a private house, starting from 5 months, a cat can bring unwanted offspring.
  • It will be necessary to look for good hands for kittens.
  • During the rut, it screams unpleasantly, can mark the territory out of revenge. He wants this period heavily, sleeps poorly and does not eat, yells day and night, spoils things and wings the wallpaper.
  • There are health risks after sterilization. The procedure and rehabilitation are expensive.

If there is no sterilization and the cat does not give birth twice a year, that is, the risk of developing cancer.

For an apartment or private house - who is better to get - a cat or a cat: recommendations on the choice

If you want to purchase a soft -ladder friend, then you need to decide who is better to start. Because if you live in an apartment, then you should think that the animal is naturally clean and obedient. Here are the recommendations for the choice:

For the apartment Better to choose Cat:

  • Her love of cleanliness will come in handy here.
  • It will not leave tags, scatter the filler, there is no strong smell from the tray.
  • The male can be castrated, but the unpleasant odor will persist due to the work of the adrenal glands.
  • Urban housing limits the cat in walks to the street, which means that there will be no undesirable pregnancy and problems with offspring.
  • The cat does not need a street for happiness, she feels comfortable on the knees of the owner, near the battery or on soft sofas and pillows.

For a private house Suitable and Cats, and Cats any breeds:

  • Males love to run, jump, climb the street.
  • They must control and mark their territory.
  • In the house, cats will feel very comfortable.
  • The cat has a plus - it effectively saves the house from rodents. The cat is not interested in the cat, to his temper - the protection of the territory and fights with other cats.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

For a family with young children: who is better to get a cat or a cat?

Most families with young children prefer to take cat. She is patient and affectionate, will not bite and scratch. The cat is used to dominating and can harm the child. But there is no particular difference. Any animal does not endure torment and pulling by the tail. It is necessary to teach the child to take care of any living creature, otherwise even the most calm cat will respond aggressively.

Toy-Bob cat
Toy-Bob cat

Advice:A good option for the family can be cats toy-Bob breeds. A breed qualities are low aggressive and stable psyche. These cats are involved in the therapy of children with developmental features.

Who to get a cat or a cat for a long -term and busy person?

If you have been missing at home for a long time, for example, you work, but you want to have a pet, then you can have a cat or cat. The animal will wait for you and meet you in an empty apartment. Who to get a cat or a cat for a long -term and busy person?

  • It is more difficult for a cat to live without the attention of the owner, but the castrated cat will calmly endure loneliness.
  • But in general, it is more important that is not gender, but pedigree qualities and character.
Russian blue cat
Russian blue cat

Advice:For busy people with irregular working hours, cats from the breed are best suited - Russian blue or British.

For a home in which there are other pets: a cat or a cat?

It happens that they decided to get a kitten, and other pets live in the house. It is worth studying all the nuances so that the pets do not conflict among themselves.

If at home, there is already another cat:

  • The first couple of days it is better to hold the kitten in a separate room. An adult cat will want to give the supports to a beginner, kittens are more calm about acquaintance. An adult cat will be jealous, and therefore it is necessary to devote time to both.
  • In general, cats have no need to live with brothers. One of the cats will always dominate, choose the best places for sleeping and the first to have food. They try to avoid conflicts, but if someone does not agree to be the second, they can fight a little.
  • Two cats get along hard together. They will fight for leadership, mark the apartment. Castration will help reduce the intensity of passions, but friendship will not work. If there are an adult cat at home, then you can take a small kitten or female, but not the second adult cat.

If the house is dog:

  • A cat and a dog, they live together from early childhood.
  • The dog experiences maternal feelings for the cat and treats it as a family member.

If the house has other pets:

  • Even a small kitten is a danger to small rodents and birds.
  • Therefore, cells should always be closed and not available for cat paws.
  • The hunting instinct is too high and the tragedy can happen.

In all cases, the accommodation of a cat or cat with other pets depends not on sexual, but on the character of the animal. But females are chosen more often, they are easier to integrate into the hierarchy of the family and do not dominate. Males can also be affectionate in nature, get along with the dog and not touch the ferrets.

For allergies: who is better - a cat or a cat?

The cause of allergies is most often a person’s reaction to protein in saliva, which falls on the hair of a cat when licking. Some people develop immunity over time. Allergy is also possible to the epithelium of a cat or cat.

Kornish-River breed cat
Kornish-River breed cat

Advice: Pay attention to short -haired breeds: devon-River, Kornish-Riveror sphinx. From long -haired - siberianand Balinesia.

If there is a tendency to allergies, it is better to take tests and find out the reason before acquiring a pet. If the allergy is precisely to the wool, then you can, on the advice above, choose the optimal options for breeds, and if on protein, then, unfortunately, reactions cannot be avoided.

It is believed that in cats the discharge smells stronger. Therefore, allergic is suitable cator castration of a catthat will reduce the production of allergens. There is still a little -studied study - a cat of a light color is less allergens than brothers with a dark color. But still focus on your own individual reactions and take hygiene measures in everyday life.

For elderly people: who is better - a cat or a cat?

An elderly person needs a pet to get rid of the boredom of gray everyday life and get positive emotions. The choice between a cat and a cat depends on the personal preferences of the future owner.

  • The main thing is that the animal is soft and affectionate.
  • If the person is active, then the cat is suitable.
  • Together, a calm person will be comfortable together on the couch, with the same phlegmatic cat.
  • You can take a cat from the shelter, because the kitten requires more attention and care.
  • It is desirable that the cat is healthy, otherwise the owner will worry, and spend finances on her health.
British cat
British cat

Advice:Ideal breeds for the elderly - british, Russian Blue, Sphinx, Persian, Ragdoll.

But the main thing is the mutual understanding of an elderly person and a pet, and the breed and floor are not so important.

How to choose the right cat or cat?

Consider basic moments, What you should pay attention to When choosing a petEspecially with the breeder. How to choose the right cat or cat? Here are the tips:

  • The kitten at the time of purchase should be at least 2-2.5 months. He was already nourished with mother’s milk and learned to go to the tray. If the kitten is younger, then the excommunication from the mother can be serious stress.
  • Pay attention in what conditions the breeder of his pets contains. The apartment should be clean and no unpleasant odors.
  • When examining the kitten, the wool should be clean, without propelled soup. Eyes, ears and mouth are clear and clean. Without an unpleasant odor. A nose without cracks and crusts. The tummy is soft, under the tail is clean. The breath is even.
  • The behavior of a healthy kitten is also an important factor. Watch his communication, activity and games. The character after the first months is then impossible to change.
  • For a family with a child, it is better to take a kitten from six months. By this age, he will already learn to hide claws and be able to stand up for himself.
  • Learn the features of the breed: qualities, character, habits. What feed to feed, what filler is needed, etc. Check the documents.
  • Take a closer look at the appearance and character of the cat's mother. Often, kittens adopt your mother’s behavior.

Remember: Stereotypes about cats and cats do not always correspond to reality. Not all cats want to be the main in the house, and not every cat loves affection.

Below are other stereotypes about cats and cats. Read further.

Man and the prevailing stereotypes in relation to cats and cats

Family cat and cat
Family cat and cat

There are many different stereotypes in relation to cats and cats. If a person knows about them, then it is easier for him to make a choice in favor of the acquisition of an animal. We list several of them - the most basic:

  • Often the choice of gender depends on the case or own preferences.
  • Cat A person who is not too attached to the house chooses. The male does not require attention, which means that the owner will have more free time.
  • A catthose who are ready to share love and affection are starting to have a need for response positive emotions. Housebuilders, home comfort and family are important, the cat only emphasizes this atmosphere with its presence.
  • We can agree with the phrase that the pets are similar to their owners both in appearance and in character.
  • Exceptions are everywhere. Cats are not all flexible and show wayward character, do not like affection and even bite and scratch their owners. And the cats can be very affectionate and manual. A considerable influence on animals is exerted by habits and educational measures in the family.

Therefore, it is difficult to say: who is better to choose in the house - a cat or cat. Both representatives have positive and negative aspects. In addition, such factors significantly affect:

  • Control qualities
  • Accommodations
  • Age
  • Upbringing
  • Health and communication with masters and other family members, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the article examined the pros and cons of cats and cats, as well as different conditions for living with them. Reply, who is better, just impossible. But still you can evaluate the disadvantages chosen animal and take measures in advance. For example:

  • Cast in time
  • Determine the place for the claw point
  • To study what are the products against the toilet in the modern market, etc.

A cat or cat is not important. The main thing is the animal be in love And do not regret the choice. Responsible to the health and life of the pet, and he will respond with mutual feelings. Good luck!

Video: who is better, cat or cat? Whom to choose

Video: which breed of cats to choose?

Video: 10 reasons do not start a cat

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  1. 1. Cat. Pets help us be happy and motivate us to kindness. And also are heroes of interesting stories.

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