Positions of cats in a dream and their meaning

Positions of cats in a dream and their meaning

What can the pose in which your cat sleeps can tell about? We study cat psychology and learn to understand the language of gestures.

What can the cat's pose during sleep tell? Unfortunately, people do not know how to understand the language of animals. They say that ancient warriors and shamans knew how to understand the language of birds, animals, and even trees. Now people are unlikely to be able to do this. But the poses of sleep of cats will tell their owners a lot about the mood and condition of their beloved pet. If your favorite cat is sleeping, take a closer look at what position she does it.

Sleep poses of cats and their meaning

We have collected typical, and not very typical poses of cats of cats. Sleeping on the back, spreading its paws widely, there will be only a cat who feels in complete safety. But if the animal climbed to sleep in a box or pan, then this is funny. But this means that the cat thus wants to protect himself from the world, which means this is an occasion for the owner to be wary.

The cat sleeps, spreading his paws on his back

Such a cat's pose during sleep suggests that the animal feels quite comfortable. The cat is fed up, she is not cold, or maybe even hot. She is comfortable and safe next to her owners. Usually, small kittens love to sleep in such poses. Their life is absolutely free, they are satisfactory and safe next to a cat.

The stomach is the most vulnerable place in the cat. And if the cat lives in an apartment where a dog can start to scoff at it every minute, he will choose other poses of sleep sleep. What does it mean for the cat to save on your back? Only the full world and complete harmony with all households. If your pet is so sleeping, then you have something to be proud of.

Cat poses in a dream and their meaning
Cat poses in a dream and their meaning

The cat is sleeping, curled up

If the cat sleeps twisting with a kalachik, then it is protected as much as possible from the cold. What is the cat's sleep pose? Perhaps in your house it is really cool or there is a cold atmospheric cyclone.

Many people know that if the cat has found the warmest corner and sleeps there with a kalachik, then there will be cold. And the cat’s pose in a dream, when she also hides her muzzle with his paw - this is even more serious proof of future frosts. The cats seem to be very developed by the senses, and they are better than people can predict the weather.

In general, cats love the warmest, and the softest places for sleeping very much. Soft sofas or loungers for pets are quite suitable for this purpose. But if you buy a “bed” in the store specifically for the cat, then this does not mean that he will like it more than your battery or system block of a computer that is heated.

The cat sleeps on your pillow

Well, firstly, your head is warm. And a cat is a creature that knows its price, and chooses itself all the best. Secondly, in cold evenings, when heating has not yet been included in the apartment, the owners sometimes have no choice but to warm up with a cat.

The poses of sleep of cats when they sleep with the owners is the warmth and emotional and physical. And also this is not very convenient.

What does a cat pose mean during sleep, if she not only occupied the master's sofa, but also took refuge for a master's blanket? This means that the owners are very fond of their cats and are ready to yield their beds, and their comfort.

The cat is sleeping in a box

If the cat is sleeping in a box, then there he can feel safe. Such a pose for sleeping cats speaks of an axiety of the pet. If your house has small children who like to drag your cat, in the box he can look for protection from his offenders. After all, the children seem to the cat with huge giants. And their games can be unpleasant to him.

In general, cats experience a strange craving for cozy places for sleeping. Sometimes it is very funny when the cat has chosen a box, pan or your hat for sleeping.

Some cats bring their owners to hysteria when they climb into clothes on the shelf of the closet. Imagine this: you are looking for your things to the touch, and then suddenly you find something shaggy and living. Sometimes cats find their dangerous places for sleeping, which seem cozy. For example, the stoves in a private house or a wiring shield were blown. Try to make the most dangerous places for the cat inaccessible to him.

Cat poses in a dream and their meaning
Cat poses in a dream and their meaning

If the cat sleeps in a doll crib

Small children can lay kittens and adult cats in cribs. There are already cats of cats of cats in which they were laid in the cribs. Although usually a cat's pose during sleep is chosen only by herself.

If you try to make a baby out of the cat, and wrap it in diapers, then he very cleverly crawls out of them. In this case, even the magician David Copperfield, who got out of the chains, would envy the plasticity of the cats.

The cat sleeps with half -closed eyes

If the cat sleeps with half -closed eyes, this does not mean that she does not hear and see nothing. Such a pose may say that the cat is only asleep and is waiting for a convenient moment to jump up and run to eat or take a walk.

Such cats of a cat of a cat mean that it lay only for 5 minutes.

The cat sleeps on his stomach, paving his paws

The pose of the cat in which she sleeps with her paws says that she is not very comfortable. At any moment, she can wake up and take a more convenient position for herself. It is in such a sad pose that stray cats often sleep right on the street.

But so often cats are sleeping, who have owners. For example, a cat, who climbed into the attic and for a long time guarded the mouse there for a long time, will fall asleep like that. If the cat is guarded by a mouse, but a sausage from the refrigerator, then he can also fall asleep near this magic cabinet with food in such a pose.

The cat sleeps on the table

If your cat fell asleep on the table, then this means that you have to engage in its upbringing. In the next photo, a small kitten, which can still be forgiven for this misconduct. It’s very cool to sleep on a dining table: here you have a salad that you can eat and a convenient place for sleeping.

Usually the owners do not allow their cats to sleep on the dining table. And then cats take a position on chairs near this table. Such poses of sleeping cats allow them to react as soon as possible to the sound of an opening refrigerator or a rustling bag with food.

The kitten fell asleep on the table
The kitten fell asleep on the table

The cat sleeps, stretching out one paw

Such poses of sleeping cats speak of their tension. But if your cat sleeps like this on the heating radiator or on the back of the chair, then it simply holds.

Cats are dexterous equilibrists. If the cat sleeps, stretching out his paw, then it is more convenient for her to fall from this position so as to land correctly. But if such poses of cats in a dream choose on sofas or chairs, then this means that they feel uncertain.

The cat is sleeping in strange places

When there is protection from wind and rain, it sleeps especially sweet. Moreover, the poses of cats in a dream and the places of their rest, people often seem incomprehensible. Did you see the cat who fell asleep in the kitchen sink? And the cats who are sitting on the hoods of cars parked in the yard? That's right, it is better to put the car in the garage, otherwise not only cats, but also pigeons will rest on it.

The cat sleeps, covering his face with his paw

If the cat sleeps, covering his face with his paws, then you will take this means frost. But from the point of view of psychology, such a cat’s sleep pose signals that she does not want to break her sleep and peace.

Cats do exactly the same as you and I. If the light beats in our eyes or the noise interferes with sleep, we try to close our hand from the outside world. The cat can even, like a person to burst under a blanket or hide behind a pillow.

The cat sleeps, covering his face with his paw
The cat sleeps, covering his face with his paw

The cat purrs in a dream

Stroke a cat that falls asleep and purr is a favorite occupation of many owners. The purr is a sign of friendliness and the signal that the cat is good and calm. Positions of cats in a dream, when they purr, are usually very relaxed. They hug the owner's paws or some things. Cats are family members, and their condition can be transmitted to households. Exactly, as vice versa, the mood of the hosts is affected by the feelings of their cats.

Video: cat poses in a dream and decryption of them

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