Onions for intestinal diseases, diabetes - application: folk recipes

Onions for intestinal diseases, diabetes - application: folk recipes

Application of onions to improve the intestines, from constipation: recipes

On onions, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated, in particular, constipation, diarrhea, and intestinal atony. The product improves the digestion process.

Important: it is proved that the plant is effective for stimulating muscles and the secretory function of the intestine.

Onions to improve the intestinal.

RECIPE: Need: onions - 1 pc., Olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Onions are boiled in a small amount of water until it softens. Then, when the broth cools down a little, add olive oil. They eat with the broth before dinner for a week.

Microclism with onion juice from constipation.

RECIPE: It is necessary: \u200b\u200bjuice from onions - 0.3 cups, saline - 150 ml.

The solution is administered through the rectum by means of microclisms.

Onions from diarrhea: recipe

It is possible to fix the stomach with a disorder accompanied by diarrhea, by taking a product with onion juice and egg protein.

Onion-white cocktail from diarrhea.

RECIPE: Need: onion juice - 5 drops, egg protein - 1 pc.

Beat the protein slightly, add onion juice to it. They are divided into two portions, taken in the morning and evening.

Onions from worms: recipes

Some folk remedies for worms are more effective than pharmacy. One of these is onions.

Anthelmintic water infusion of onions.

RECIPE: It is necessary: \u200b\u200bonions - 1 pc., Water - 300 ml.

The onion is finely chopped and poured with boiling water. Insist in the dark and under the lid 12 hours (you can night). 4 - 5 days every time before meals in 20 minutes they drink half a glass of funds.

Alcohol infusion of onions from worms.

RECIPE: Need: onions - 1 pc., Alcohol - 100 ml.

Finely chopped onions are filled with alcohol. The infusion is prepared for 10 days. After it, they drink 1 tbsp. spoon 15 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

Onions in diabetes: recipe

Onions are very rich in beneficial substances. And the people are used to reduce blood sugar in diabetes.

Below in the picture, read the recipe that was published in one of the newspapers.

Read more folk recipes with onions in articles:

Video: Healing properties of onions

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, and if at work, it does not smell so tasty, this onion. It can be effective, but I have not tried it. I drink Olidim vitamins in diabetes, reduces blood sugar, in the composition of taurine, minerals and vitamins. I also do not eat sweets, drink green tea, I can add cinnamon. Sugar is normal, but earlier it rode here.

  2. Since he is rich in prebiotics, I tried to eat it every day when the intestines restored after antibiotics. But as probiotics, I received a tank set of forte. I think that it was all together that helped to solve the problem-now everything is fine with the chair, the stomach does not hurt, there is no heaviness .... I got rid of the consequences))

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