Cleaning of intestines and body with baking soda from parasites: recipes, reviews. Enema with baking soda for cleansing of parasites in the body

Cleaning of intestines and body with baking soda from parasites: recipes, reviews. Enema with baking soda for cleansing of parasites in the body

You can remove worms from the intestines with the help of food. I drink it dissolved in water and introduced into the intestines with enemas.

9 and 10 people living on planet Earth have parasites in the body. Some of them do not make themselves felt at all, others “eat” health. Anthelmintic therapy is often complex, it takes a lot of time and involves taking serious drugs that are harmful liver, nervous and circulatory systems. But there are also gentle folk remedies with pronounced antiparasitic properties. Among them are food soda, which is in every house.

How does food soda affect parasites and removes them from the body?

Unfortunately, the presence of parasites in the human body is not such a rare occurrence. But, on the other hand, many parasites are well studied, and it is quite possible to bring them out.

Important: helminths who live in the intestines take a lot of beneficial substances received by a person with food. In addition, worms poison the body with products of their life. Despite their small size, that there are no external obvious manifestations of their presence in the body, parasites cause significant harm to the body, especially if they do not fight them for a long time.

The person in whose body there are parasites begins to lose weight, ceases to distinguish between the taste of food. His skin color may change. The work of its internal organs - liver, stomach, intestines, which suffer in the first place is violated. With parasites you need to fight, and for this:

  • first of all, follow your hygiene
  • detect the presence of parasites
  • take medications in case of their detection
  • to accept the proven means of improvised means of combating parasites at home, including food soda

Important: if you add soda to the water, you get an alkaline solution. When it enters the body, the acid-base balance normalizes, the excess acid content is neutralized. But it is known that it is the acidic environment that is a favorable source of reproduction of bacteria and helminths. If you wash the intestinal wall with an alkaline solution that it will create such conditions that up to 70% of the parasites in it will be able to leave the body. This also includes eggs and worms of worms.

Soda is a tool that can derive parasites that live in a person’s intestines.
Soda is a tool that can derive parasites that live in a person’s intestines.

There is also an opinion that thanks to the enemas of soda, you can not only get rid of parasites, but also cleanse yourself from toxins and toxins, although it does not have reliable medical confirmation.

If drugs are used to destroy parasites, then after the operation of such a remedy, a cleansing enema with soda will help to get rid of the products of the death of parasites and normalize the body.

How to get rid with baking soda and iodine from parasites in the intestines: Recipe

Sometimes, along with soda, iodine, a powerful natural antiseptic, add to enemas solutions. Iodine is needed very little, but for such an application follows:

  • clearly follow the requirements and follow the recipe
  • take into account the presence of contraindications for such a procedure

RECIPE: Antiparasitic soda solution with salt

  • prepare 2 liters of boiled water, cool it
  • dissolve in water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda
  • aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate again boil
  • add 1 tbsp to it. a spoonful of table salt
  • cool the solution to room temperature
  • pour it into a mug of Esmarch
  • put an enema
  • detain the solution in the intestines for as long as possible, up to 10 minutes
Stage 1: Removing parasites from the intestines with an enema with soda and salt.

RECIPE: antiparasitic soda solution with iodine

  • boil 0.75 liters of water and cool it to room temperature
  • dissolve in cool water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt
  • warm up the solution and cool again to room temperature
  • add a few drops of iodine
  • put an enema
  • try to keep the solution inside yourself for half an hour
Stage 1: Removing parasites from the intestines with an enema with soda and iodine.
Stage 1: Removing parasites from the intestines with an enema with soda and iodine.

RECIPE: Antiparasitic soda solution with lemon juice

A soda-salt solution is prepared similarly to the first two recipes. Next, a few drops of squeezed lemon juice are added to it. The solution introduced by an enema must be delayed inside for 10 - 15 minutes.

Stage 1: Removing parasites from the intestines with an enema with soda and lemon juice.
Stage 1: Removing parasites from the intestines with an enema with soda and lemon juice.

It is very effective to combine all three types of enemas with soda. The latter, with lemon juice, is carried out before bedtime.

VIDEO: An effective way to expel helminths is soda / soda cleaning procedure from parasites

How to remove worms with baking soda: recipe

The habitat of worms in the body is the large intestine, and enemas with soda is one of the means of their excretion.

Salt solutions introduced by an enema into the intestines must be tried to keep inside for as long as possible.
Salt solutions introduced by an enema into the intestines must be tried to keep inside for as long as possible.

As a rule, enemas in order to remove parasites are prepared and set in three stages.

Stage 1 - Washing the intestines with a solution of salt:

  1. The volume of boiled water for an adult is 2 liters, for a child from 12 years old - 1 liter.
  2. 1 tablespoon of salt is added to it so that the water does not absorb into the intestinal walls.
  3. They put an enema, slowly introducing the solution inside.
  4. The salt solution is delayed inside for 10 minutes.

Stage 2 - Treatment of worms with a solution of sodium bicarbonate:

  1. Boiled water is cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the water. spoon of soda.
  3. Introduce the solution inside in the form of an enema.
  4. They delay it inside themselves for 30 minutes.
  5. During this stage, some unpleasant sensations in the intestine are possible.

Stage 3 - Cleansing of the intestines:

Restore the acid-base intestinal balance with an enema with lemon juice (only a few drops are added to the water).

Such phased treatment from worms is recommended 10 times within 2 days with subsequent repetitions.

During enemas with soda in the abdomen, unpleasant sensations may occur.
During enemas with soda in the abdomen, unpleasant sensations may occur.

How to remove pinworms with baking soda: enema recipe

The presence of pinworms in the human body is called enterobiosis. This disease, characterized by the presence of white small worms in the intestines, and especially, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus, can suffer from both children and adults.


Folk remedies for treatment with pinworms offer enemas with wormwood or garlic, as well as soda enemas.
The recipe for an enema with soda solution and the enema methodology is described above and is similar to what is used for any parasites. As a rule, treatment with pinworms is not difficult, especially if you combine medications with folk and carefully observe all hygienic rules.

How to use baking soda from lamblia?

Lambia, unlike other parasites, are localized mainly not in the large, but in the small intestine. There is powerful peristalsis, which does not allow the eggs of parasites to be attached to the walls of the intestine.
Treatment of giardia through an enema is not effective. Soda solution in such cases is used orally, that is, it is drunk.


Children from 12 years old and adults with lambliosis are shown to drink 3 cups (200 ml) of water with sodium bicarbonate (0.5 teaspoon) 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.

With lambliosis, food soda is recommended to dissolve in water and drink.
With lambliosis, food soda is recommended to dissolve in water and drink.

VIDEO: Soda. Cleansing about parasites. How to withdraw Lambia with soda?

Contraindications for cleaning parasites by baking soda

Contraindications are:

  • inflammatory processes and pathologies of the large and small intestines
  • hemorrhoids or gut
  • ulcerative diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract
  • tumors
  • cracks of the rectum
  • age (children under 12 years old)
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • other individual contraindications

Parasite soda cleaning: reviews

People who have cleaned the body from parasites with the help of soda not only share their opinions about procedures with soda, but also give recommendations so that such procedures turn out to be the most effective.
So, among such recommendations, the following:

  • it is necessary to observe the stage of treatment and its methodology, otherwise soda enemas will not have the proper effect.
  • although such procedures are carried out at home, it is still better in each case to consult a doctor.
  • the course of treatment with soda can last 2 to 3 weeks, but during this period, a good intestinal cleansing occurs.
  • if a certain temperature regime is prescribed, it must be observed, since hot water can irritate the intestinal walls, and the cold can cause its cooling and inflammation.
  • in addition, water with a temperature of 38 - 40 degrees helps soda to show its best qualities in the fight against parasites.
  • enemas with soda solution should be made by slow release of the liquid so that its effect in the intestines is full -fledged.
  • the presence of salt in a solution for an enema helps the water not to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, and the lemon drops at the final stage help restore the acid-base balance in the body.
  • treatment of parasites with a solution of baking soda is effective if the parasites are localized in the intestinal area.
  • in the presence of parasites in other human organs, more careful and complex treatment is necessary.
Judging by the reviews, soda effectively removes parasites.
Judging by the reviews, soda effectively removes parasites.

Neumyvakin - Treatment of parasites soda: video

The famous doctor I.P. Neumyvakin believes that there is no disease. There are conditions that will help not only expensive chemicals, but also time -tested folk remedies. He considers food soda to be an effective cure for many diseases, including parasite carriage.

VIDEO: Neumyvakin about parasites

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