Purgation. Recipes for proper intestinal cleansing at home

Purgation. Recipes for proper intestinal cleansing at home

Doctors argue that the cause of most of our diseases, from acne on the face to severe diseases, is in the slagging of the body, that is, in the improper functioning of the intestine. How to avoid them?

Why is it necessary to regularly clean the intestines? Doctors argue that with each meal, a small number of food residues settles on the walls of the intestine and causes the accumulation of mucus in the colon. Over time, this accumulation of mucus leads to the formation of toxins that circulate throughout the body through the bloodstream and eventually poison the body. The intestinal cleansing is also necessary before some medical procedures. It doesn’t matter why you need to clean the intestines, there are several ways to do it yourself at home.

Intestinal cleansing at home

Rapid intestines with apple juice

Cleansing of the intestines with apple juice.
Fresh apple juice is one of the best means to cleanse the intestines. Regular use of apple juice stimulates peristalsis (natural cleansing), breaks down toxins and improves the healthy functioning of the liver and digestive system. Therefore, start the day with apple juice.

  • Prepare freshly squeezed juice with a blender or juicer
  • Drink a glass of juice and wait for about 30 minutes
  • Now drink a glass of water
  • It is necessary to do this procedure several times a day for 2-3 days
  • You can also use fresh apples in any quantity
  • It is recommended to avoid solid food during the purification period

Intestinal cleansing with apple juice

Soft intestinal cleansing with lemon juice

Intestinal cleansing with lemon juice
Lemon has antioxidant properties and high vitamin C content, which helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon, add a little honey
  • Stir the juice well with honey in a glass of warm boiled water.
  • Drink this solution in the morning on an empty stomach
  • Lemon juice will add energy to you, improve defecation and make the skin of the face more healthy. As an option, you can add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of apple juice and drink 3-4 times a day

Intestinal cleansing with lemon juice

Cleaning the intestines with folk remedies. Recipes for intestinal cleansing

Intestinal cleansing with fiber
Food, rich in fiber, cleanses the intestines, removes harmful toxins, makes the stool softer, and the defecation process is easier.
What to add to your diet:

  • Fresh fruits (raspberries, pears, apples)
  • Fresh vegetables (artichokes, peas, broccoli)
  • Cereals, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
  • You can use these products in the form of an additive to any dish.

Intestinal cleansing with fiberCleaning the intestines with water

A large amount of water drunk during the day will stimulate natural peristaltic processes, as well as to wash off harmful toxins and protect the body from dehydration.

  • To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to drink at least 10-14 glasses per day
  • First you can partially replace the water with freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice

Intestinal cleansing with waterIntestinal cleansing with ginger

Ginger not only reduces bloating, but also stimulates the functionality of the intestine and retains it free from toxins and harmful toxins.
Method number 1:

  • Stir in a glass one teaspoon of ginger juice and a little honey.
  • Drink 2-3 glasses per day
  • You can add ginger to any tea on herbs, or use in the form of chewing plates
  • This tool is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing women

Method number 2:

  • Add to a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice on a teaspoon of ground ginger and plantain seeds and stir
  • Use on an empty stomach in the morning
  • After that, during the day it is necessary to drink 8-10 glasses of water to move the plantain seeds through the colon. Plantain binds waste together, while ginger helps to remove toxins from the colon
  • Until the end of the day you can take only light, rapidly digestible food

Intestinal cleansing with gingerMetel salad to cleanse the intestines

Try to eat only raw vegetables and fruits for one or two days. You will receive a natural set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that help break down and remove unnecessary products from the body.

  • Place raw carrots, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, broccoli, beets, parsley in a blender.
  • Mix in mashed potatoes or squeeze the juice
  • To achieve the best effect, such a cocktail must be used at least 3-4 times a day

Intestinal cleansing with raw vegetablesCleansing of intestinal is scarlet

Aloe is well known for its properties to remove toxins and relieve inflammation, which makes it a very effective tool for cleansing the intestines.

  • Cut the aloe sheet, cut it along the entire length and squeeze the juice
  • Add the juice of one lemon, mix well
  • Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours
  • Use this solution on a teaspoon or tablespoon several times a day

Intestinal cleansing using aloeCleaning the intestines with kefir

Yogurt and other sweet and milk products contain probiotics and beneficial bacteria that help get rid of harmful bacteria. It also contains a large amount of calcium, which prevents the growth of cells of the colon mucosa. Yogurt helps with stomach disorder and stool violation.

  • Use a glass of natural yogurt at least 4-5 times a day
  • To improve taste, you can add fresh fruits and muesli

Cleansing the saber-milk productsLena seeds to cleanse the intestines

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 with fatty acids, antioxidants and natural fibers, which helps to cleanse the colon in a natural way. When passing through the large intestine, flax seeds absorb excess water and toxins, increase in size and help in the removal of mucus.

  • Add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds on a glass of water and mix well
  • Drink 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bedtime
  • You can also add ground flax seeds to flakes, yogurt, fruits, vegetable salads and other dishes

Intestinal cleansing with flax seedsCleaning the intestines with salt water

Sea salt stimulates the contraction of the intestines and helps to remove all the harmful toxins that accumulate in the body.

    • Boil a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water
    • Let cool, then drink on an empty stomach in the morning
    • Wait a few minutes until the solution drops through the esophagus and stomach into the intestines, then massage the lower abdomen

This method will help remove all harmful toxins from the colon and digestive tract. However, it is not suitable for those who suffer from heart disease or hypertension.

Intestinal cleansing with sea saltCleansing of intestinal clay: recipe

Blue clay absorbs moisture, absorbs toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted from the body naturally. The husk of plantain seeds when mixing with water becomes similar to gelatin and helps the clay mass to go through the intestines most gently.

  • Mix a teaspoon of blue clay and husks of plantain seeds in a glass of water or apple juice (220-250 ml)
  • Immediately drink the mixture, because Clay quickly becomes thick, and the drink needs to be drunk until thickened
  • Immediately after that, drink another glass of water or juice. During the day, drink a lot of water to dissolve the mixture in the intestines
  • Use only fresh fruits and semi-boiled vegetables on this day

Cleaning the intestines of blue gilina and plantainCleaning the intestines laxative, hay

Senna is a flowering plant that acts as a laxative. The pods and leaves of this plant contain anthrachinons, which are powerful means of intestinal stimulation.

  • Take the crushed stems of Senna or a tea bag with this plant
  • Boil a little water, but let it cool a little, first brew the grass
  • Let tea brew for about 10 minutes, then strain and drink
  • You can also use Senna as an additive to the main tea

Intestinal cleansing of senna infusionCleaning the intestines with lemon

  • Kayen pepper and lemon breaks down the mucus in the colon, lemon juice removes toxins
  • Mix half a teaspoon of Kayen pepper, 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon of honey and 220-250 ml of warm water, mix well
  • Drink a solution on an empty stomach once a week, about 5 times a month
  • If a burning sensation is felt after a solution in the stomach, eat a tablespoon of honey

Intestinal cleansing with red pepper and lemonCleansing of the intestine: tips

  • Drink a lot of water during cleaning to avoid dehydration
  • Avoid frequent intestinal cleansing, as this can lead to anemia, heart failure and other undesirable effects
  • Regular physical exercises help for the normal and natural functioning of the intestine
  • During purification, it is necessary to eat liquid food (soups, herbal teas, vegetable broths, juices, etc.) daily and avoid solid food
  • Avoid fatty, spicy and high -calorie foods
  • Include more garlic, onions and bananas in the diet during the cleansing, they kill harmful bacteria and parasites in the colon, and also contribute to the growth of beneficial bacteria
  • If you constantly take any medicines, learn about side effects and interaction with other drugs in order to avoid complications

Tips for intestinal cleansing at homeA healthy intestine largely determines the health of the body as a whole. So try these home remedies and tips to cleanse the intestines and prevent slow poisoning of the body. However, if the discomfort in the intestines remains, then please consult a doctor.

Video: Intestinal cleaning at home with flax seed

Video: Shock !!! What doctors are silent about

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Comments K. article

  1. I want to throw five kilograms by spring. I have already found a diet, but the girls at work are first advised to cleanse the intestines. And I will lose weight faster and the process itself will not be so difficult. Who carried out this procedure? How is the results of losing weight?

  2. Mila, I conducted and will cleanse the intestines before the diet. This helps a lot more effectively losing weight, and you feel better by well -being. Have you already studied drugs? I buy a lavacco, I like it. And it costs inexpensively and taste neutral. After March 8, I decided to lose weight, now I won’t even try. It's cold outside, hunger is so wild.

  3. How can the intestines be cleaned with chronic constipation?

  4. Olga, good afternoon. You know, alas, chronic constipation, alas. So I used to suffer from pain and bloating in my stomach. I will never forget these unpleasant sensations. The well -known lavacacle advised. I look about him above already wrote. So the intestinal cleansing passed quite well, without painful. And as I understand it - Lavacol can be taken for a long time. What I need is with my chronic constipation.

  5. Enterosgel is well suited to cleanse the intestines. This is an enterosorbent. It cleans only unnecessary, harmful from the body, not harming useful trace elements and vitamins. So to speak - the correct cleansing of the intestine is obtained!

  6. I know that many are now suffering from constipation, so they are looking for ways to solve this problem. I never had problems with constipation, but when I sat down on the diet, it began. True, I did not step back and did not stop sitting on a diet, but began to take the lavaco. Fortunately, a friend told about him. So the girls have in mind with the nichugar diets of constipation is not uncommon.

  7. Anna, how do you accept it, and this tool does not harm the intestinal microflora?

  8. Julia, good afternoon. I accept the lavaco precisely during the diet. I take one, two bags per day. This is quite enough so that constipation is not during the diet. No, this tool does not harm the intestinal microflora.

  9. She herself came to the conclusion that cleansing is sometimes simply necessary, I notice that even well -being becomes better after that. But here you need to choose a safe tool, for example, Enterosgel for these purposes I accept this enterosorbent and disgusting all the dumping and does not cause dysbiosis.

  10. The intestinal cleansing herself became interested in when there were problems with the chair. Sassy water, an abundance of fruits in the diet and phytolax in tablets helped to cleanse. Now. Ugh ugh, there are no problems with constipation .... Yes, and lightness is very pleasant, which cannot but rejoice)

  11. Thank you for the useful recommendations)) when I had constipation, I also arose the question of how to cleanse, they drove phyatomucil norms and water Sassi (it can be done at home, a lot of information on the Internet). So as an option you can use such methods)

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