How does children's drinking water differ from ordinary drinking in bottles? What should be drinking water for baby food according to GOST?

How does children's drinking water differ from ordinary drinking in bottles? What should be drinking water for baby food according to GOST?

How does children's drinking water differ from simple, from a tap? Quality, the presence of useful trace elements and the absence of harmful substances.

It is not for nothing that since ancient times there has been a phrase that water is a source of life. It is necessary for any living organism. A newborn child also needs her. At first glance, it may seem that the baby receives enough liquid with milk, but this is not so. For artificial feeding for children, water is necessary for breeding a mixture.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "What is the value of the human body to ordinary water, and what kind of water is the most useful?". You will find out how much you need and how to drink water for health.

You should figure out whether boiled, tap water or ordinary, sold in bottles is suitable for use in baby food. It is described in detail in the article below. Read further.

What should be drinking water for baby food according to GOST?

Children's drinking water
Children's drinking water

The state standard of quality makes high requirements for water produced for children, strictly controlling its production. Such a product must have a certificate in which it is stipulated that the water corresponds to the name “children's” or “water of the highest category of quality”. You can get it only after checking the liquid according to 93 safety indicators. Issues the documentation of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A. N. Sysin. What should be drinking water for baby food according to GOST?

The rules for which water is produced for children:

  • Finding mineral salts in the composition should not be higher than 250-500 mg/l.
  • For each of the minerals, there is an appropriate norm specified in a special table of content, exceeding indicators is prohibited.
  • Children's water is non -carbonated, carbon dioxide content is unacceptable.
  • The content of silver, which is a preservative, is not allowed.
  • Iodization is acceptable as a prevention of iodine deficiency.
  • The norm of fluoride ion is allowed in a limit not exceeding 0.06 mg/l.

Water should be registered in Rospotrebnadzor. Otherwise, it can even be forbidden to sell.

Why should children not drink tap water?

The quality of the fluid from the tap does not always meet the norms. In most cases, even the use of its adults can be dangerous to health. Why should children not drink tap water?

  • The poor condition of water systems leads to the fact that in water, in addition to the increased content of chemical elements, bacteria may be located that cause not only poisoning, but also severe intestinal disorders.
  • To disinfect it, chlorine is used, which gives water an unpleasant taste and is not a useful element for the body, especially children's.
  • To defend, freeze such water and attribute these methods to effective is useless.
  • It is believed that boiling water water kills all microbes and besieges harmful substances, makes it almost harmless. But it is not always the case. Some types of bacteria need a very long period of exposure to cold or high temperatures. And harmful elements do not always precipitate, remaining an inconspicuous suspension in the liquid.

Prior to the sale in retail outlets and pharmacies of children's drinking water, boiled. Conditionally, such a liquid became a safe for the health of the crumbs, but at the same moment useless. We can say that this is a "dead liquid." It does not have useful minerals and trace elements necessary for the body. Of course, many will say that paying for water, buying bottled in the store is excessive waste. But still it is better to refrain and not give water from the tap for children under three years old.

To drink your child with such water is the decision of the parents. But it is important to remember the responsibility for health in the present and future time of the younger generation.

Where do manufacturers get children's drinking water: can it be done on their own?

Carefully reading the inscription on the label on the package, you can find out where the water was mined. Where do manufacturers get children's drinking water?

  • For the production of "children's water", artesian wells are used. Their drilling is carried out in environmentally friendly areas.
  • These sources are deep underground, between layers of sedimentary rocks of organic origin.
  • Due to the depth of wells and multiplicity of the breed layers, this water is considered clean. Technogenic pollution could not have penetrated so deeply.
  • Then the water undergoes thorough cleaning and antibacterial treatment.
  • The optimal indicator of the mineral composition is checked.
  • The prepared liquid enters the rosllic and clutching.
  • A label and marking are glued to each bottle. It indicates the date, time and number of the production line, as well as the shelf life.
  • It is such water that is suitable for drinking, preparing children's mixtures for babies, starting from the first year of life.

Bright and catchy pictures of natural landscapes on the package can deceive an inattentive buyer. Thanks to such a trick, instead of natural water, a filtered liquid supplemented with chemical components can be hidden.

Is it possible to make children's drinking water at home yourself? The question is quite appropriate based on the cost of quality water. Preparing for the birth of a child, many future parents acquire high -quality home filters. They not only purify water from harmful chemical compounds and various bacteria, but are also able to enrich the necessary trace elements.

IMPORTANT: You should constantly monitor the quality of the resulting water and timely control the cleaning system. If on the label to the filter it is written that it needs to be changed after 2 months, then you should not use longer. After this period, all harmful substances from the filter can fall into the water, and the liquid will become even worse in quality than it flows from under the crane.

In what bottles, bottles to buy children's water: requirements for containers

Children's drinking water
Children's drinking water

There are no less stringent requirements for the container in which children's water should be sold. In what bottles, bottles is it better to buy it?

  • Volume - from 0.5 to 5 liters.
  • A glass bottle is considered the best.
  • The main in the production of water is a container made of polycarbonate.
  • At the bottom of the bottle there should be a sign "Triangle with the number 7".
  • The legislation prohibits on bottles of 19 liters to put the inscription "Children's Water" on the label. If a large family buys such water, then children can be consumed, since it is purified.
  • Limits the use of the shelf life of open containers. In empty containers made of polycarbonate, microcracks appear in which bacteria accumulate. They can fall into the water, as well as particles of the material itself.
  • Water for children is stored in a closed package for no more than a year.

The label also indicates:

  • Category of liquid
  • Date and time of production
  • Shelf life and storage conditions
  • Chem. compound

The number of the well from which the fence was made is mandatory.

How does children's drinking water differ from ordinary drinking in bottles?

Drinking water intended for children of the first year of life can only be the corresponding category of quality. There are no preservatives in it. It differs in chemical composition based on the characteristics of the child's body.

In addition, the difference from ordinary drinking water in bottles is the production of mineral water with a high content of certain chemical elements. Types of such water belong to therapeutic. In baby food, it is contraindicated. And, of course, the requirements for the production of children's water are much higher, therefore, fewer fakes.

Drinking water of the highest category for children: rating

Children's drinking water
Children's drinking water

The quality of the goods is considered high if there are no harmful components in the product if it meets the chemical requirements, origin and the availability of registration. These parameters are responsible for the rating of children's drinking water of the highest category. This is what water for kids is considered the best:

  1. Fifth place received water called "Kalinov Rodnichok". Responsibles of quality categories. It is available in bottles from 0.33 to 6 liters. Make it from an artesian well. Suitable for newborn for drinking and breeding mixtures.
  2. The fourth place is the "Single". Water is taken in the environmental zone from a special well. The water is safe and hypoallergenic. Suitable for children from birth. It has a natural low natural mineralization. It is produced in bottles of different volumes.
  3. Third place Belongs to children's water "Chernogolovskaya". It corresponds to the highest category, extracted from an artesian well. Before entering retail outlets, five stages of training pass. Suitable for just born babies. It is used to breed the mixture, health correction of older children. It is produced by a small volume of 250 ml, and in 10-liter containers.
  4. Second place. The silver medalist is water Fleur Alpine. It passes natural filtration through the limestone layers of the breed. It is mined in Austrian Alps. Water is not subjected to additional cleaning. Due to the low sodium content, the load on the urinary system is reduced. The bottles are made of special material that prevents the effects of sunlight on the contents.
  5. First place. Children's water became the leader among the manufacturers "Firefly". It is recognized as the best by checking Rospotrebnadzor. It is extracted from the natural artesian well, it does not have artificial additives. According to biochemical indicators, it is recognized as ideal water for young children. Suitable for quenching thirst and preparation of soups, breeding milk mixtures and cereals. On shelves in stores with appropriate goods, the gaze will not miss a pink bottle with a bright label. The goods are available in a volume of 1, 1.5 and 5 liters.

Water quality is one of the important indicators that parents should pay attention to before drinking a child. Crystroly clean water will provide the baby with useful components and maintain health.

Video: Which water is better - special children or ordinary? - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: Is it possible to give water to newborn?

Video: Water for children

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