What is the difference between soft, childish, layer, granular, crumbly, low -fat cottage cheese from ordinary? What is cottage cheese product, how does it differ from cottage cheese?

What is the difference between soft, childish, layer, granular, crumbly, low -fat cottage cheese from ordinary? What is cottage cheese product, how does it differ from cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese is a dairy product, a source of calcium. It is useful for people of different ages. When consuming, fruits, jam and other types of topping are added to it.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese and other dairy products?".

In the modern world, there are a huge number of different types of cottage cheese. Let's figure out what are their differences from ordinary cottage cheese? And is there any difference what cottage cheese to buy. Read further.

What is the benefits of cottage cheese - ordinary, natural?

Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese

Ordinary natural cottage cheese is a dairy product. It has a lot of useful properties. These include the following:

  • Promotes weight loss
  • There are proteins, fats and vitamin B useful for the human body
  • There are such trace elements: Ca, Mg, Zn, P, SE

Useful substances from this list help to work the human body in a standard (healthy) mode.

What is the difference between soft cottage cheese and usual?

The so -called soft cottage cheese is produced, like ordinary cow's milk. However, it is previously degreased. Understanding how one cottage cheese is different from another can be easily. It is enough to study the composition on the labels of products.

  • The first and main difference is the amount of protein.
  • In ordinary solid cottage cheese, proteins have a much greater digital value than in the soft. Often it can be 20%. Due to such a large amount of protein, it is very dry in consistency.
  • For ease of use, different toppings are usually added to it: yogurt, water, jam, sour cream, syrups and so on. It should be noted that such additives increase the number of calories eaten, which means that ordinary cottage cheese is not very suitable for losing weight people.

Soft cottage cheese, in turn, contains less than percent protein, not so dry in taste and more convenient for weight loss. It is good to give it to children and use it for the preparation of products with the addition of flour.

What is the difference between children's cottage cheese and usual?

The main factor due to which children and ordinary cottage cheese differs from each other is the manufacturing method. Pasteurized milk is used to prepare ordinary cottage cheese.

The main differences between children's cottage cheese and adults:

  • For cottage cheese, such a percentage of fat content is selected for children that can digest and learn the child's body.
  • Cottage cheese for children should be made only from natural high -quality ingredients.
  • It should undergo special control for the presence of various bacteria and infections.

Production technologies are also different. More requirements are made to create a children's product.

What is the difference between the plastic cottage cheese and the usual?

The plastic cottage cheese from the classic is primarily distinguished by the technology by which it is produced. The usual cottage cheese is mixed after the sourdough and then removed from the container. Next, it is subjected to careful squeezing. The plastic cottage cheese according to the technology is extracted from the capacity of the whole and is not exposed. This allows you to maintain the released serum in the process of leaven.

It is worth knowing:The fat content of the plastic cottage cheese in minimal value is 4%, and in the maximum - 20%.

What is the difference between granular cottage cheese and usual?

Grain cottage cheese has the same useful properties as classic, ordinary. The main distinguishing feature is the appearance in the form of grains and the presence of a cream yushka.

The main differences between the granular cottage cheese and the usual:

  • Appearance. Ordinary cottage cheese looks like a dense mass. Grain is grain.
  • There are also differences in taste and smell. Salt is felt in the grain.
  • In cottage cheese, the usual number of calories per 100 grams of product than in grain.
  • A different production process.
  • Duration and storage methods.

It can be concluded that the granite product is quite different from the usual one and may not come to taste.

What is the difference between a crumbly cottage cheese and usual?

Ordinary cottage cheese has a small structure and high density. Its variety has a larger structure, thereby reduces the stickiness and density of the dairy product. Color can be white or yellow. This factor depends on the percentage of fat content in cottage cheese.

A loose type of product, as a rule, is available with a lower percentage of fat content. Therefore, it will be white. It is popular in the form of an additive when preparing various dishes, for example, salads.

What is the difference between low -fat cottage cheese and usual?

First of all, here it is worth paying attention to the content of protein per 100 grams of product. What is the difference between low -fat cottage cheese and usual? Here are a few nuances:

  • Cottage cheese with reduced fat content contains eighteen percent protein
  • The usual contains sixteen percent protein
  • More fat species are even less - 14 percent

Father -sized cottage cheese will be useful to people with excess weight, as well as those who are faced with regular physical exertion. Also helps the body not to accumulate the fat layer using only healthy protein.

What is cottage cheese product, how does it differ from cottage cheese?

Curd product
Curd product

The curd product is called products made of dairy product using a certain technology. Cottage cheese is often called a product that contains minor traces of milk in the composition. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence in the composition of fat fats (palm, coconut). Their content often reaches half of the entire composition of the curd product.

The composition also includes:

  • Various kinds of preservatives
  • Flavors
  • Stabilizers

All these substances cannot be called useful for humans. These impurities help make such a product more attractive to the buyer. A characteristic sign of such cottage cheese is its sweetness. Ordinary cottage cheese does not have sugar and is more useful.

The difference between cottage cheese and cottage cheese product
The difference between cottage cheese and cottage cheese product

Look at the characteristics of two types of products for comparison:

Characterization of ordinary cottage cheese Characteristics of the curd product
It is a fermented milk product A product that may contain traces of milk
The composition contains only animal fats The composition has vegetable fats
Is a product of natural origin It is made with a large number of artificial impurities
It has a granular consistency The consistency can be varied
Small shelf life Long shelf life
The color of the product is white or yellowish Can have a gray tint
Does not contain sugar in the composition Strongly sweet
Carbohydrates are practically absent Large percentage of carbohydrates
Easily digested Promotes weight gain
Useful for health Unhealthy
Due to natural ingredients, more expensive Low price

Natural cottage cheese made from whole cow's milk, very good for health. It contains a lot of protein and there are useful milk fats. Thanks to this composition, a person receives a protein, without which a useful muscle mass is lost. In addition, nutritionists argue that real cottage cheese even helps to reduce blood sugar.

Video: Obser Cottage cheese. How to check at home

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