How to understand that the children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn: symptoms and signs. What to do if all mixtures are not suitable for the child?

How to understand that the children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn: symptoms and signs. What to do if all mixtures are not suitable for the child?

If a child’s mixture is not suitable for a child, then you need to go to a doctor first. You will find other tips in the article.

Breast milk is indispensable for the health and normal development of a newborn. This is the best and balanced food for the baby. It contains useful bacteria and trace elements, thanks to which the child grows healthy and receives reliable protection of the young organism from harmful environmental factors.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be given to the child at 3 months?". The child feeding mode at 3 months on artificial and mixed feeding

If it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, then you need to choose another food. From this article you will learn how to understand that the children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn and what to pay attention to when choosing. Read further.

What you need to know about the introduction of the mixture?

Introduction of the mixture
Introduction of the mixture

So, there are situations when there is no way to breastfeed. For example, when mom recovers for a long time after severe birth or takes medicines, due to which it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk. Sometimes a mother just lacks milk or you need to go to work. In such situations, the child receives food in the form of artificial mixtures that are closest in composition to mother's milk.

You need to responsibly approach the choice of a mixture for feeding a child. To do this, it is better to contact a pediatrician. It will help to choose the most suitable mixture and will take into account all the characteristics of the child's body.

  • When breastfeeding, the baby is not required strict compliance with the regime.
  • The mixture must be fed after certain intervals of time, taking a break overnight.
  • A similar regime is necessary not to overfeed the child.
  • Some children may need watering with water.

When nothing bothers the child, there are no problems with sleep and chair, there are no rashes on the skin, then there is no need to change the mixture. But sometimes it happens that the mixture is not suitable due to the characteristics of the child's body. What are the reasons and what to do, read on.

Reasons why the children's mixture of the newborn is not suitable

Types of children's mixtures
Types of children's mixtures

Even mixtures of different manufacturers have a more or less similar composition, however, the child can respond to them in different ways. These are the reasons why the children's mixture of the newborn is not suitable:

  • Before doubting whether the mixture is suitable or not, you need to study the marking of products. Most often, manufacturers make compositions intended for various age groups. Basically, their difference is in the content of protein (younger children need more protein).
  • The marking with the prefix “Pre” indicates mixtures for children with a lack of weight and premature babies, the number 1 for the age of 0-6 months, the number 2 for 6-12 months, the marking with the number 3 denotes the mixtures for children older than the year.
  • When buying such a “porridge”, you must definitely watch the shelf life of the goods.

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When feeding a newborn, you need to use only fresh, just cooked porridge. Do not feed him with the remnants of the previous one.

  • During the preparation of the mixture, it is very important to follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Dilute only the required amount of composition to the specified volume of water.
  • Tablespoons should be complete, but not with a hill.
  • For preparation, use only the spoon that went in a set in the box.
  • You should not add one or more spoons of dry powder for a more satisfying nutrition. If you do not comply with the instructions when preparing, there is a chance to overfeed the child, which will lead to problems with the digestive system, and the mother will decide that you need to change the mixture.

Nevertheless, even if the porridge is prepared correctly, it may not fit the child due to the characteristics of his body. For example, when the baby needs a therapeutic product, and it is fed ordinary. Often the problem may appear due to growing up the child. Mixtures of different age categories, even made in one company, have differences in composition and number of nutrients.

How to understand that the children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn: symptoms and signs

Children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn: rash, allergies
Children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn: rash, allergies

When choosing an inappropriate mixture, the baby may have problems with the digestive system, weight gain or skin condition. Changes will be noticeable in behavior. We will analyze in more detail the symptoms that can occur with a “wrong” mixture. So, how to understand that the children's mixture is not suitable for the newborn? Here are the signs:

  • The appearance of a rash on the skin. Rashes in a newborn can be associated with malnutrition, but not always. This can also be an infection, an allergic reaction to washing powder or drugs. If the rash appears with the introduction of a new porridge, this is a consequence of individual intolerance to one of the contained components. Sometimes the child is so allergic to the protein of cow's milk. The appearance of rashes is a serious reason to turn to the pediatrician so that he determines the treatment and, if necessary, selects another composition for feeding the baby.
  • Frequent and abundant regulations. Due to the special structure of the stomach, in newborn regulations are a normal consequence of air swallowing during feeding. It is naturally when the baby brings up 1-2 times some time after feeding. When regurgitation becomes more frequent and abundant, this may mean that the porridge is not absorbed by the body. However, the most often such problems are not associated with the mixture, but with the child’s disrupted peristalt. If regulations violate the baby feeding mode, the doctor must choose an antireflux mixture for an additional or main nutrition of the child.
  • Bad weight gain. When feeding with artificial mixtures, the kids usually gain weight more than those who are breastfeeding. But if the weight does not change or gains very slowly, this means that the nutrition is not absorbed well enough. Appeal to the pediatrician will help to find out if this is related to the mixture.
  • Colic and digestive problems. When the baby has colic, he screams or presses his legs to his tummy, bloating may appear. Such symptoms occur due to an immature digestive system, disorders in the intestines and even an excess of air in this organ when the child is fed. If the colic is strongly expressed and do not pass after therapeutic measures, you can try to change the “porridge”.
  • Changing the chair. When feeding a child, artificial mixtures are normal is a molecular chair from 2 to 5 times a day. If the stool becomes liquid or foam, with lumps, this may indicate a lack of an enzyme in the baby, which should split lactose. After examination by the pediatrician, if the diagnosis is confirmed, the child is prescribed a mixture of low content or lack of lactose. The appearance of prolonged and periodic constipation can also be a good reason to change the mixture.
  • Changing behavior. In theory, if the child is fed with an inappropriate mixture, activity may decrease, and the dream becomes problematic. Before choosing another mixture, you need to consult a pediatrician in order to exclude more likely causes of changes in behavior.

It is likely that the new mixture simply turned out to be the child does not like. In this case, you need to be patient while he gets used to it.

The mixture or allergy to the protein of cow's milk is not suitable: how to understand?

In some cases, a child may have an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. This manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin, often on the cheeks of the baby, on the bends of the arms and legs. The rash causes itching and anxiety in the crumbs, sleep is disturbed. Many mothers immediately think that it is the mixture that does not fit, but this is not so. How to understand?

  • Manifestations of allergies are noticeable almost immediately from the beginning of feeding the mixture.
  • With an increase in the amount of the mixture, symptoms are also enhanced.
  • Problems do not disappear when changing porridge to another, which also contains cow's milk in the composition.

A good alternative can be “cereals” based on goat milk.

What to do if the children's mixture does not suit the child?

It is not recommended independently or, on the recommendations of acquaintances, solve the health problems of the child. What to do if the children's mixture does not suit the child?

  • When a rash and colic appear, it is better to consult a pediatrician so that the doctor determines the feasibility of changing the mixture and determines the cause of the problem.

It is possible that the child will need special medical nutrition or he has other health problems that have nothing to do with nutrition.

What to pay attention to when choosing a mixture: what should not be in the composition?

Choosing a children's mixture
Choosing a children's mixture

You need to select the mixture together with a pediatrician. Typically, the first to be prescribed by compounds, which are based on cow's milk. If the child’s body reacts poorly to this porridge, doctors can prescribe mixtures on goat milk or therapeutic, depending on the nature of manifestations. What to pay attention to when choosing a mixture, what should not be in the composition?

  • When choosing a composition for nutrition, you need to select the appropriate for the age of the child.
  • Such “cereals” contain the required amount of nutrients in order to fully ensure the needs of a child of a particular age.
  • The mixtures containing probiotics have a good effect on the digestive system and immunity of the child.
  • "Porridge" should not contain GMOs, sugar, stabilizers and preservatives.

It is also desirable avoid palm oil in the presence of, it can negatively affect the mental development of the child.

Rules for introducing a new mixture

The new product must be gradually introduced into the child’s diet in order to avoid a negative reaction to the mixture. Here are the rules:

  • For a two -month -old baby, you need to start the introduction of a new mixture with one feeding. The amount of porridge is not more than 10 grams.
  • The next day - two feedings of 10 grams, and so on.
  • To replace the previous mixture, they gradually add a new one during cooking, every day increasing the amount of a new mixture until a complete replacement occurs.

When changes in the stool or other symptoms appear, it is better to stretch the replacement of the nutrition longer so that the baby is used to changes. For an older child-3-4 months-the mixture begins with 20 grams, for 5-6 months-with 30 grams.

How often do you need to change the mixture?

You should not often and unreasonably switch from one mixture to another, all the more so, independently give the child therapeutic mixtures. For the baby’s body, any changes in nutrition are stress.

There should be serious reasons to change the mixture. If everything is fine, no symptoms occur, then the new “porridge” can be introduced as the child grows up when he moves to the next age category.

What to do if all mixtures are not suitable for the child?

If all the mixtures are not suitable for the child, then you need to consult a doctor
If all the mixtures are not suitable for the child, then you need to consult a doctor

When the child has no problems with digestion or other deviations, but it does not work to choose the right mixture, you need to first check whether all the necessary conditions for choosing, preparing and storing “porridge” are met. So what to do if all the mixtures are not suitable for the child? Pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Best before date
  • Compliance with age
  • Storage conditions indicated on the label
  • Feeding should only be carried out with a freshly prepared mixture
  • Deviations from the instructions during cooking - they should not be
  • Using pure dishes for the preparation of the mixture

If no deviations from conditions and rules are identified, and the mixture still causes undesirable symptoms, it is better to discuss this with a pediatrician. Perhaps the child needs specialized nutrition, which is based on soy or goat milk, or it is necessary to switch to therapeutic mixtures.

Video: Is the mixture suitable for your child?

Video: How to go properly from GV to the mixture?

Video: How to change the mixture of a child correctly? Rules for the transition from one mixture to another newborn?

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