Dietary Bad "Cat Claw" - UNKARARY: Therapeutic properties, instructions for use, readings, contraindications, reviews of doctors and patients, links to the IHERB website

Dietary Bad

Cat claw is a useful biologically active supplement to increase immunity and for treatment from many diseases. Read more in the article.


Catfish (UNKARIA) - a tree -like, lyian -like plant that grows in the jungle of South and Central America. The color of the stem is red, the flowers are small, yellowish-white, length 20-50 m, the average ripening period is 20 years. For dietary supplements, the inner bark is mainly used. For decoctions, lotions, suppositories, masks - flowers, leaves, roots.

You can order an environmentally friendly biologically active supplement with Unkaria on the site Iherb. There is a special resource on this resource section "Cat Claw"In which dietary supplements are offered in different convenient forms of reception.

The plant is appreciated due to the balance and complex interaction of alkaloids, acids, flavonoids, tannins. Read more about the actions and methods of receiving dietary supplements with Unkaria described below. Read further.

Catfish: what to choose?

Cat claw
Cat claw

UNKARIA is the only plant in the world that has a wide range of action from strengthening immunity to the destruction of cancer cells, with the possibility of using both immune and autoimmune diseases. UNCARIA drugs are ideal prevention of coronavirus.

Cat claw is part of many dietary supplements. What to choose? Here are a few options for forms that offers site iherb:

Of course, Iherb website offers a lot of different forms of dietary supplements with Unkaria. These are capsules, oils, herbs and much more. In the section on the link indicated above in the text, you will find all this. Now let's figure out how to take such medicines and what effect they have on the body. Read further.

The plant UNKARIA - cat claw: effect on the body, therapeutic properties that increase immunity

The integrated effect of the plant of UNKARIA - a cat's claw on the human body is manifested by the following healing properties:

  • Strengthening and increasing immunity
  • Preventing the formation of blood clots, cholesterol plaques, an action aimed at resorption
  • Fluid selection from unicellular parasites, inhibition of helminth vital activity
  • Normalization of phospholipid metabolism
  • Increasing the efficiency of the assimilation of metals
  • Restoration of the consistency of the thinned mucosa
  • Slow down aging processes
  • Normalization of the rate of cell division - elimination of the uneven regeneration of tissues
  • Strong antifungal effect
  • Decrease in blood pressure due to strengthening the walls of blood vessels, normalization of metabolism
  • Normalization of the composition of gastric juice, bile
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels
  • Removal of inflammation of both histamine and prostaglandine nature
  • Increased fertility, a decrease in the acidity of the seed fluid in case of increasing
  • Reducing the rhythm of the heartbeat
  • Acceleration of the output of toxins, food poisons, obstruction of the formation of difficult toxic toxic radicals.
  • Reducing body temperature (depending on the individual characteristics of the body, by 0.5-1.5 ° per hour, for 3-5 hours after taking, while maintaining an antipyretic effect up to 12 hours)
  • Acceleration of scarring of fabrics during ulcer, minimizing the appearance of scars, uneven fusion of fabrics
  • Preventing the formation of fibrous tissue during the healing of damaged internal organs, restoring their functionality

Alkaloids of the plant fight with the emergence and development of tumors regardless of their etiology. Ellagic and gallic acids restore the filtration function of the liver, contributing to the overall purification of the body, eliminating congestion in cells. Also, decoctions cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus, performing the flow of oxygen to tissues, accelerating the oxidative processes, splitting and removal of carcinogenic substances.

It's important to know:Decoctions for rinsing the throat with Unkaria are indispensable for inflammation of the vocal cords. Poorly concentrated solutions are taken once in 6 hours.

Unkaria is a smart protection of your immunity:

  • Catfish is a leader among plants that have an antiviral effect.
  • Alkaloids of the pteropodin group stimulate antibodies, providing long -term protection against an previously unknown body, virus.
  • The main cells responsible for immune defense destroy foreign agents. Lymphocytes recognize such agents.
  • Pteropodins also accelerate the lymph flow, preventing the phagocytes in the lymph nodes. As a result, the exclusion of autoimmune reactions due to an increase in the concentration of phagocytes in the blood (phagocytosis).

With simultaneous infection by several viruses, a separate group of antibodies is produced against each. Thanks to the debugged mechanism of lymphoregulation, after the destruction of an infectious agent, excess phagocytes, the body of the mitrafillin group is excreted from the body. Antibodies to destroyed or translated into a latent (sleeping) state of pathogenic microorganisms are preserved in the lymphatic system.

Why should you take cat claw: indications for use

Cat claw
Cat claw

Plants and drugs, which include cat claw, are prescribed for many diseases. Why is it necessary to take cat claw? Here is a list of indications:

  • Ulcers, gastritis, colitis
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, reactive immune diseases
  • Bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with impaired consistency of the mucosa
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, infectious and non -infectious nature
  • Venxibolations (as part of complex therapy)
  • Hepatitis - in a complex, steatosis, fatty hepatosis (monotherapy)
  • Sclerotic formations
  • Prevention of cancer, elimination of the consequences of chemotherapy, radiation disease
  • Impotence (not psychosomatic in nature and not related to congenital anomalies), a decrease in fertility, violation of the acid-base balance of the seed fluid
  • Infectious diseases of the kidneys (if the disease has led to a change in the structure of tissues - as part of complex therapy)
  • Diseases of the uterus, female genital organs, thyroid gland that arose due to hormonal disorders
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by increased blood pressure

High efficiency is shown by lotions in comedones, lichen, rashes provoked by viral eczema, psoriasis. Baths gently eliminate the sweating of the feet, palms, are indispensable for hemorrhoids. Rinlets are shown in dandruff. Daily washing with decoctions gradually eliminate stretch marks of the skin, rejuvenating it. Tea gradually destroy stagnant feces, without damaging the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

It is worth knowing:The plant is not an aphrodisiac. Potency increases by eliminating inflammation, strengthening and restoring the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Fly claw: Do I need to drink a lot of water?

UNKARIA contains tannins that connect mucous membranes with dead phagocytes, macrophages, radicals of organic toxins. Excess fluid is released from the thickened mucosa with inorganic toxins, as well as an excess of low molecular weight salts, is excreted through the kidneys within 1-3 hours After taking drugs (drug). Consequently, during therapy with drugs containing cat claw, regardless of additional components, it is necessary to drink a lot of water.

  • Just drink at least 2.5 liters liquid per day in order to avoid dehydration.
  • After completing therapy, drink at least 1.5 liters per day-within 3-5 days.
  • With swelling of the brain - no more than 200 ml, Only when there is a thirst.
  • When accumulating mucus in the kidneys, stomach - at least 3 liters per day.
  • Running helminthiasis - 3.5 l.

Attention:With low blood acidity and reduced blood pressure, the violation of the liquid balance is not always accompanied by thirst. These conditions signal the lack of moisture with a sensation of heat in the oral cavity, slight drowsiness.

Can catfish be given to children?

All parents know that not all drugs can be given to children, even dietary supplements that are not drugs. Can catfish be given to children?

It is worth knowing: Age up to 12 years - Absolute contraindication to the use of UNKARIA.

Here's an explanation why this happens:

  • Polyphenols damage cell membranes, reduce the acidity of the blood that is not fully formed by the child's body.
  • Pteropodins stimulate the production of T-lymphocytes-a violation of the thyroidropic balance-a high probability of an autoimmune thyroid disease.
  • Violation of the formation of a natural mechanism for regulating the liquid and electrolytic balance with tannins.
  • The development of a tendency to hypotension by rinchofillin, catechins.

An increase in immunity in childhood can lead to autoimmune and rheumatoid diseases, premature wear of the body, a decrease in the permeability of the pore of the dermis and walls of the large intestine or thickening of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerated brain function-previously aging due to acceleration of oxidative processes.

It is important to remember:All drugs with this plant accelerate the activity of the children's brain. But, subsequently, they lead to a complete depletion of the body.

Is it possible to take cat claw during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for taking a cat's claw:

  • A sharp increase in the immunity of the maternal body often leads to the rejection of the fetus.
  • The concentration of drugs is sufficient to destroy the fetus or violate the processes of its vital activity.
  • A decrease in progesterone during therapy leads to spontaneous contractions of the walls of the uterus - termination of pregnancy.

After conception, maternal immunity is reduced. Thanks to this, the likelihood of fetal survival even with genetic characteristics increases. In the instructions from manufacturers, it is not recommended to take drugs with Unkaria even in 2 months Before conception.

Catfish: Can it be taken with autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland, with autoimmune thyroiditis?

Cat claw
Cat claw

An independent intake of a cat's claw without complications in the form of a violation of hormonal balance is possible only at the initial stage of acquired autoimmune thyroid diseases.

  • On the one hand, alkaloids of the pteropodin group stimulate the production of T-lymphocytes, not being their substitutes.
  • On the other hand, autoimmune diseases, as a rule, are provoked by macrophages - degenerate leukocytes that attack both alien and own cells.
  • With normal immunity, macrophages are produced to devour large cells, which phagocytes cannot cope with and die after the destruction of an infectious agent.
  • With autoimmune manifestations, macrophages continue to devour healthy cells after the destruction of pathogenic, destroy both healthy and pathogenic cells or form without extreme necessity. To stop macrophages, non-specific proteins are produced, hormonal and acid-base balance changes.

UNKARIA extends the life of lymphocytes and phagocytes, minimizing the likelihood of macrophages or activating the mechanism of their destruction by phagocytes, stimulating the output of dead cells from the body.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a disease of the thyroid gland of a genetic nature, the course of which is characterized by an attack by thyroid cells with non -specific proteins with their further replacement of the connective tissue. A cat claw is not able to cure the disease, but can translate destructive processes into a latent state, reducing the level of hormones TSH. A monthly course of 2 caps. 2 times a day. It is necessary to repeat when the symptoms are resumed if the biochemical blood test shows the growth of TSH.

Does cat claw reduce or increase estrogen?

UNKARIA or cat claw - reduces estrogen levels due to the accelerated splitting of complex fats. Vitamins B12 and B9 The hormone is removed from the fat metabolism:

  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - thanks to the acceleration of metabolism in the body as a whole
  • B9 (folic acid) - normalization of the composition of bile to split complex fatty acids.

It's important to know:The process of splitting fat reduces the load on the ovaries, the thyroid gland, and the pancreas. For 2-3 weeks The level of hormones returns to normal.

Unexplored fatty acids do not fall into the kidneys, respectively, the acidity of urine does not increase - the adrenal glands also participate in the production of estrogen in normal mode. It is worth knowing that adrenal dysfunction is caused by putrefactive processes or high acidity, which are also eliminated by Unkaria.

Does the cat claw reduce or increase the pressure?

People with disturbed blood pressure are also treated with UNKARIA. But before using dietary supplements with this plant, you should consult a specialist. After all, you need to know whether cat claw reduces or increases pressure.

  • A decrease in pressure occurs due to a slowdown in the rhythm of the heartbeat with chitinic acid, resorption of microtromb with rinchofillin, removing spasms with vitamin B6.
  • In the second week, the courses strengthen the walls of blood vessels with cyanocobalamin.
  • Calcium pantotenate provides an uniform distribution of the macroelent along the walls of the capillaries, balancing the effect of chitic acid.
  • At 3-4 weeks of the course, the vessels acquire elasticity by restoring the content of collagen and phosphorus, the density of blood is normalized (the grave effect of rinchofillin is balanced by quercetin), the balance of nutrients is restored due to the improvement of oxygen transportation-simplifying the delivery of beneficial substances.

Unkaria reduces pressure. Therefore, hypertension can safely use dietary supplements with this plant to cure increased blood pressure. Along with a decrease in blood pressure, Unkaria is able to cure chronic diseases of the circulatory system or extend the stage of remission.

Important:During therapy, a cat's claw should limit the consumption of potassium and potassium -containing products. Give preference to milk food, low -fat meat, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits.

In what diseases you can not drink cat claw: contraindications and side effects

Cat claw
Cat claw

Cat claw is a biologically active supplement. Despite this, such drugs have contraindications and side effects. It is worth knowing about them. What diseases can not be drunk with a cat's claw?

Absolute contraindications:

  • Allergy to any of the drugs and herbs
  • Pregnancy
  • 2 months before conception
  • Lactation period
  • Age up to 12 years
  • Tuberculosis
  • Transplantation of internal organs (from the moment of operation to restore complete functionality)
  • Before visiting the dentist

It is forbidden to use UNKARIA for hypertension if it is accompanied by thromboembolism or this condition has led to a violation of the natural regulation of normalization of blood pressure associated with hormonal imbalance or brain disease, in which sharp surges of immunity can cause violation of the central nervous system.

Relative contraindications

  • During the use of drugs to change the density of blood, immunomodulators, hormonal drugs
  • Acute form of any diseases, except for SARS
  • Reactive inflammatory processes until their stabilization
  • Strong gastrointestinal cramps (oral forms)

Side effects:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Dry mouth
  • Convulsions (extremely rare)
  • Short -term focusing attention
  • Pain, tel in the stomach

Before the first use, be sure to conduct an allergy test:

  • Take ¼ from a single dose, wait until 6 hours.
  • If there is no difficulty in breathing, arrhythmias, rashes, itching - start a course.
  • An allergy test should also be carried out for combined drugs, in which Unkaria is one of the components of the ingredients.

Nausea for helminthiasis, as well as for diseases of the liver, pancreas, may not be a side effect. This phenomenon may be the result of the withdrawal of toxins, changes in the liquid and electrolytic balance, the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure. Tablets and capsules - not completely dissolved membranes, thickeners, settled on the walls of the stomach, causing false innervation. With advanced helminthiasis, severe vomiting is possible, with brittle inelastic capillaries - noise and ringing in the ears, with inflammation - swelling. These states also do not belong to side effects.

Fly claw: treatment regimen with endometriosis

Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium (uterine mucosa). The process is accompanied by inflammation, bleeding. If you do not treat, infertility due to the formation of adhesions, intestinal obstruction, a high risk of rebirth into a malignant tumor.

The cause of the disease is the long life of the endometrial cells due to:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Increasing the concentration of lipid peroxides
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Untimely destruction of endometrial cells due to the reduction in the life expectancy of phagocytes (incomplete phagocytosis)

UNKARIA or cat claw, one of the few plants prolonging the life of lymphocytes, eliminates the main cause of endometriosis - incomplete lymphocytosis.

The treatment regimen with drugs for endometriosis:

  • Stage 1 - 1 caps. 2 times per day. - 2 months
  • Stage 2 - 2 caps. 2 times per day. - 2 months.
  • Stage 3 - 2 caps. 3 times per day. - 3 months.
  • Stage 4 - 2 caps. 4 times per day. 3 months, 2 caps. 3 times per day. - Another 3 months

It's important to know: At 3-4 stages, complex therapy with hormonal and enzymatic drugs is required.

Echinacea and cat claw: treatment regimen to raise immunity

Cat claw
Cat claw

Unkaria and Echinacea complement each other. Echinacea - ready -made macro and trace elements necessary for the synthesis of white blood cells and lymphocytes. Treatment scheme to raise immunity:

  • To maintain immunity, you can take complex dietary supplements with a cat's claw 2 caps.
  • Or 3 tablet. Daily for 4 weeks.
  • You can drink separately - dietary booth 2 caps. In the morning for 30 minutes. before eating and 1 tsp. Tinctures of Echinacea Purple 2 times per day. The interval between the reception of these 2 hp is at least 30 minutes.

Important:With the simultaneous use of antiviral drugs and dietary supplements with Unkaria, you need to carefully read the compositions of both drugs. If no component is described in the “Interaction” point in the instructions for the antivirus drug, take the scheme indicated in the instructions. If there are enhancing components, adjust the dosage, guided by the instructions for antivirus drugs or consult a doctor.

In the treatment of endometriosis, cancer, regardless of the stage, autoimmune diseases, it is undesirable to combine echinacea with the “cat's claw”, since the disease is possible, acceleration of cell degeneration. Accordingly, concomitant diseases associated with tissue changes may occur. There is also a risk of developing autoimmune pathologies, hernias, destruction of cartilage, fibroma, uterine fibroids.

Cat Claw with myoma: treatment regimen, reviews

According to statistics, myoma (benign education in the uterus) is recorded in 80% of women. For most, the pathology is in a latent state. With further development, education can develop into a malignant tumor or the process of replacing cells with connective tissue - fibroma will start. Cat claw is able to eliminate the formation or translate the process into the latent stage. Isopteropodes and rinchofillin accelerate the resorption of myomatous nodes. Treatment scheme:

  • Take 2 caps. 2 times per day. Or in combination with another drug, adjusting the dosage based on the instructions in the instructions.
  • With the size of the nodes up to 5 cm, a monthly course is enough. With a myome of more than 5 cm, make an ultrasound after the end of the course. If there is a need, then the course of treatment can be repeated, but after consulting with a gynecologist.

Reviews about UNKARIA.

Alina, 29 years old

Six months ago, long and abundant menstruation began to alarm me. I asked my girlfriends. No one had 10 days with almost continuous discharge. I went to the ultrasound. They discovered 9 knots from 0.5 to 4 cm. The gynecologist recommended the dietary supplement “cat claw”. After a monthly course, I made a second ultrasound. The nodes are gone. The doctor was in shock.

Nadezhda, 30 years old

There were complications during childbirth 5 years ago, but everything worked out, gave birth to a son. Recently, the second birth was passed, the second son had to be taken out through Caesarean. 4 knots were found on an ultrasound, the largest - 11 cm. Verdict - operation. But the husband wants a daughter! A girlfriend advised the dietary supplement "cat claw." Saw: in the morning 2 caps. "Fit claw." I went on an ultrasound in a month - 3 knots disappeared, 1 was dured, decreasing to 3 cm. Now the daughter is not far off!

Drinking lichen and cat claw: reception schemes, reviews

Single lichen is caused by the virus of the herpes family. As a rule, they arise in those who are ill with chicken smallpox. The disease is characterized by one -sided rashes with pain and itching. Thanks to the immunostimulating effect of a cat's claw, the virus goes into a latent shape. The duration of the course of treatment exceeds 3 months. The appointment scheme is prescribed by a doctor - usually 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening, or 2 caps. in the morning.

Reviews about this type of treatment:

Natalia, 41 years old

For more than a month I am tormented by painful rashes on my stomach. It reminded me of the chickenpox. But she seems to be sick in life! I went to the doctor. It turned out - encircling lichen. The dermatologist appointed a “cat claw”, wrote a scheme. Accepted 1 caps. 2 times per day. After 3 months, lichen disappeared, has not been bothering for more than a year. As soon as it appears again, I just repeat the course. Although the dermatologist said that this is unlikely.

Epstein Barr: a treatment regimen to a cat's claw, reviews

Epstein Barr: Cottage Cuttling treatment scheme, reviews

Epstein Barr is the virus of the herpes family, which is the causative agent of mononucleosis. After recovery, the virus goes into a latent state. With the weakening of immunity, the disease resumes, but with a more severe symptoms:

  • Body temperature above 38 ° C
  • Increased lymph nodes more than 2 cm
  • Swelling of the vocal cords, gums - herpes stomatitis

The main danger is the occurrence of an autoimmune disease. There is no particular treatment of pathology. Ordinary antipyretic drugs are prescribed, from pain, interferons, antiviral and immunomodulators.

With a repeated manifestation of the disease, UNKARIA is prescribed in combination with glucocorticosteroids.

  • 1 caps. the drug 2 times per day. In parallel with the course of the main drug for 7 days.
  • After the course of the course of glucocorticosteroid - 2 caps. 2 times per day. 3 weeks.
  • If there is a cough, an additional 1 tsp. Echinacea tinctures 3 times a day.

If stomatitis worries, rinses with a “cat's claw” and or yarrow, mint, plantain are used. Otherwise, teeth teeth may develop due to sagging gums. It is also advisable to drink vitamin C. You can prepare a rinse catfoot bark extract:

  • 20 drops per 100 ml of water. Stir and rinse 1-2 times a day.

Important: UNKARIA smooths out the weaning of the body from the shock 7-day course of Solumedrol or other strong glucocorticosteroid. The doctor may exclude a 2-week rehabilitation course of prednisone, designed to stabilize the functionality of the adrenal cortex.


Valery, 29 years old

I work as a taxi driver. Constant snacks in some places, a 3-hour sleep led to the throat of throat. I thought it would pass. A week later, the temperature did not drop below 39 ° C. He went to the doctor to prescribe something from the sore throat. But I was sent on offices for examination. They found Epstein Barr, and repeated infection. I was upset - how to make money further? The doctor reassured me. She said that in 2 weeks I would be as new. I appointed meta -proprietary in tablets - 1 sutra and in the evening after eating and UNKARARA 1 capsule 2 times a day. She said - after taking the course of the metrum, to continue to take UNKARIA for another 15 days. But you can go to work. He was cured. Thanks to the doctors!

Catfish from cholesterol: treatment regimen


There are 2 forms of cholesterol:

  1. Soft (easily split)-serves as a source of energy, enters into phospholipid metabolism, normalizes the acid-base balance in the digestive tract.
  2. Solid (difficult to split) - the result of not completely split complex polysaccharides and fatty acids, settles on the inner walls of blood vessels, forming plaques.

Organic acids of Unkaria and vitamin A split hard cholesterol, converting it into energy, the remains are excreted through the gastrointestinal tract. There is no standard treatment regimen. Catfoot products from cholesterol It is undesirable to use for quick weight loss. PMs are designed to restore the natural regenerative functions of the body. Here is a treatment regimen:

  • Take 1 caps. 2 times a day.
  • The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks.
  • During the reception, a significant increase in appetite is possible. This is normal, since the body spends resources on burning of difficult fats.

Important:Repeat the course no earlier than after 2 months.

During treatment for high cholesterol, eat low -fat beef meat, fruits, vegetables, juices. Avoid the use of white bread, confectionery, potatoes. You can eat whole grain bread and homemade pastries prepared from any flour, except for the highest grade. As well as with natural sugar substitutes that can be found on iherb - Useful organic syrups, natural coconut sugar, other susl vegetable origin.

It is worth knowing: In mental work - in the diet there should be both meat and boiled fish.

Catfish for varicose veins: treatment regimen

IMPORTANT: With varicose veins, it is strictly forbidden to independently take any vessel -strengthening and vasodilating drugs, including UNKARIA.

A change in the structure of the thrombus can provoke its movement - overlap of blood flow, heart attack, stroke. If the doctor prescribes a cat claw to you, then the treatment regimen will be this:

  • Large blood clots are absorbed when using minor dosages - 1 caps. Once a day for 1-2 months.
  • Small - 2 caps. In day. -1-4 weeks.

During the treatment period, exclude serious physical activity. Mandatory walks in the fresh air - from 15 to 40 minutes.

Catfish with cysts in gynecology: treatment regimen, reviews

The cyst is a benign education that occurs in women of reproductive age, due to hormonal imbalance. In most cases, cysts are absorbed after several menstrual cycles. UNCARI drugs are used as maintenance therapy. Also, the use of a cat's claw can be the main type of treatment, but even at the stage of cyst formation. Preparations with Unkaria eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, minimize blood loss, improve well -being, and restore the rhythm of menstrual cycles.

Promantocyanidines and unkarin (light cytostatics) stop the growth of formations up to 5-6 cm. With large sizes, it is necessary to quickly remove to avoid necrosis, extensive bleeding, blood poisoning during breakthrough.

Treatment scheme:

  • Cyst up to 3 cm - 1 caps. 2 times a day
  • 3-6 cm-2 caps. 2 times a day
  • From 7 cm - 2 caps. 3 times per day.

Take to complete resorption, plus 2 weeks after that. During the course, watch a gynecologist every 2 weeks. The doctor will do a control ultrasound that will help to see the results of treatment.

Attention:UNKARA is not combined with contraceptives - the risk of rebirth into malignant education, a critical decrease in estrogen and extensive localization of ulcers in the vagina.

With the simultaneous admission of hormonal drugs, be guided by the following rules:

  • Reducing the effectiveness of drugs that increase the level of female sex hormones by 1.5-2 times, depending on the dosages
  • Increasing the efficiency of glucocorticosteroids by 1.5-2 times
  • Strengthening the effect of cortisones by 30-60%


Olga, 31 years old

Six months felt the heaviness in the lower abdomen. I did not attach importance, I thought it would pass. Then the temperature rose, the periods stopped, pain appeared. 2 cysts of 5 cm were found on an ultrasound. Since the size allowed to do without surgical intervention, the doctor prescribed UNKARIA for the first 7 days - 3 caps. 3 times per day. After 4 days, menstruation went, the temperature decreased on the second day. Next week I took 2 caps. 3 times per day. Then another 3 weeks - 1 caps. 3 times a day. After 2 months, a preventive course of 1 caps passed. 3 times a day. I forgot about pain and heaviness in my stomach.

Fly claw from parasites and fungi type of candida: treatment regimen, reviews

Cat claw
Cat claw

The antiparasitic and antifungal effects of UNKARIA is due to the interaction of isopteropodin (antimicrobial and fungistatic effects), tannins (reduction of liquid balance in the foci of localization of pathogenic microflora). But about 70% of the work performs strengthened immunity. After inhibition of the synthesis of proteins of the cell membrane, in particular Candida albicans, microorganisms are excreted through the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Treatment scheme:

  • With parasitic invasion, take 2 caps. 3 times a day - 2 weeks
  • If a fungus is affected by candida - 2 caps. 3 times per day. - 14 days. Then 1 caps. 3 times per day. Another 6 weeks.


Yaroslav, 28 years old

I work as a laboratory assistant at the Institute of Biochemistry. Previously, she was frivolous about safety precautions in the disposal of a spent sowing environment, as a result, candidiasis. I turned at an advanced stage. Doctors said that another week and would have to clean the infected blood. UNKARIA was advised. Since the case is heavy - 3 capsules 3 times a day 10 days. After a second examination, the condition was normalized. Now I do not appear without a respirator at the workplace.

Valentina, 42 years old

Either we have such water, or I have a tendency to infect with worms, but again this amoebiasis has been diagnosed. The disease is not so much dangerous as exhausting: the stomach constantly achs, the stool lasts at least 30 minutes, and after a few weeks the head begins to spin. Furazolidone is prescribed in the district clinic. After a 2-week course, it takes several months. A girlfriend advised the dietary supplement "cat claw." She said that you can get rid of adversity forever. Sawed a monthly course of 1 caps. 3 times per day. And for more than a year, amoebiaz has not been borround.

Catfish from papillomas: treatment regimen, reviews

Papillomas are elastic growths on the body that arose as a result of the pathogen of HPV (human papilloma virus). With strong immunity, the virus is in a latent state. Unkaria allows you to get rid of the virus for 2-3 months. Treatment scheme:

  • Take 1 caps. Once a day.

If there are no side effects, the dosage can be increased to 2 caps. daily.


Maria, 32 years old

Recently, several warts appeared on the arm that began to grow rapidly. The ointments did not help. I turned to a cosmetologist. It turned out - papillomas. They suggested that they burn with liquid nitrogen or electricity. My God, what a barbarism! Leaving the doctor’s office, she called her girlfriend. She advised a cat claw, they say, she helped her. And why not, swallow capsules, do not sit under the current. Accepted 1 caps. 2 times a day. After 2 months, warts flew off. A year has passed. There are no new ones. I forgot the way to cosmetologists. Color and hair at height and not a single wrinkle!

Cat claw in oncology: treatment regimen, reviews

Unkaria is an ideal preventive tool of malignant formations. Alkaloids, mitrafillin, isopteropodin prevent oncology. Strengthened immunity kills cancer cells.

Important:Starting from the 2nd stage, carry out treatment with traditional medicine: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgical removal, combined method. Regarding the combination of chemotherapy and taking drugs based on UNKARARI, there is no consensus in medical practice.

There are 2 opinions:

  • Do not take Unkaria during treatment with traditional methods.
  • Combine, since UNKARIA levels the immunity of the destructive effect of fluorurationil and enhances its effect on the cancer cell.

In order to prevent and during chemotherapy, radiotherapy, treatment regimen is this:

  • 1 caps. Once a day - 28 days.
  • The minimum break between courses is 3 months.
  • The duration of the course between sessions is 2 weeks.

Preparations with Unkaria restore the number of leukocytes, replace cells with damaged DNA to healthy ones.


Igor, 28 years old

My relatives suffer from a hereditary disease - blood cancer. A year ago, her leukocytes decreased to 2.4, body temperature fell to 35.8 °. Well. I thought that this fate would befall me too. The hematologist advised to drink a 3-month UNKARI course for 1 caps. 2 times a day. She said that this is a real chance not only to get rid of a genetic disease, but also to interrupt the hereditary chain. Sawed. The cheeks were puzzled. So well, I never felt, but appetite like a teenager.

Catfish for gastritis: treatment regimen, reviews

Gastritis - damage to the gastric mucosa with hydrochloric acid that is part of the gastric juice. The main reason is a violation of secretion due to an increase in acidity. Organic acids of UNKARARI - HIND, ELLAGOY, Gallic, stabilize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the concentration of chlorides. Treatment scheme:

  • Take 1 caps. Once a day. -28-35 days.
  • Combine the product with omeprazol, jelly, decoctions of flax seeds.


Anton, 18 years old

No wonder they say: "Gastritis is a disease of students." Hot dogs and strong coffee did their “black deed”. Thanks to my mother for dragging me to the clinic at the first cutting in my stomach. At her request, I was brought to the ward, where rehabilitation undergoes after removing part of the stomach. I will tell you horror. All my life on liquid porridge. The doctor turned out to be a normal aunt. In order not to stuff the young body with all therapeutic chemistry, it recommended a natural dietary supplement - “cat claw”. I gave a few capsules to the sample so that my mother would not throw out money in vain. It fit. I drink for prevention - once every 3 months, but now the stomach is not pain and sometimes I can afford the charms of fast food.

Catfish with a cold: treatment pattern, reviews

Cat claw
Cat claw

With a cold, it is better to give preference to tea Whole World Botanicals, Royal Cat’s Claw or Onnit, Alpha Brain Instant, Natural Peach. In addition to the extract of the “cat claw, essential oils are included in the drugs:

  • Mint
  • Sage
  • Licorice root
  • Extract of willow bark
  • Sea buckthorn leaves
  • Vitamin C.

Daily dosage - 4 bags. Treatment scheme:

  • Drink for seven days, if your well -being has improved, then stop taking it. If there is still weakness, congestion in the chest, sore throat, then continue to brew and consume for another 7 days.

The mixtures are provided by:

  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Mucolytic
  • Immuno -strengthening
  • Antispasmodic action

The main advantage is instantly smoothed out symptoms. Such teas are also 100% debugging the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. It is indispensable for emissions of bile, colitis, gastritis. They help perfectly as baths for fungi, cuts, lotions - chirs, frostbite of the skin. Doctors are prescribed as a preventive against covid, acute respiratory viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases, hepatobiliary systems, pancreas. Perfectly restores the structure of the gums.


Julia, 45 years old

Together with Klimax, my poor body began to attack periodic sore throats. In winter - almost everyday phenomenon. The mucus settled in the stomach, and the smell from the mouth is very strong and unpleasant. My daughter googled and found - teas with Unkaria. On the second day, a daughter, like our dog, walks and sniffs the air around me. Well, I think - now it will make me live a mint elastic band again. But no, mysteriously smiles. She came up, sniffed and cried. And then I realized - we, saved! There is no smell, the condition has improved noticeably.

Catfish for the liver: treatment regimen, reviews

Based on the chemical composition of the plant, high efficiency in cirrhosis of the liver will be achieved, regardless of the stage. Unkaria accelerates the regeneration of hepatocytes, prevents their degeneration into connective tissue. There is a high probability of a complete cure not only with compensatory, but also with subcompensator form, a significant extension of life at the terminal stage. Cathedral treatment scheme:

  • With compensatory and subcompenser stages - 1 caps. 3 times a day until the start of reverse processes. Further, 1 caps. 2 times a day.
  • On decompensator and terminal - 2 caps. 3 times a day. After stabilizing fibrous processes - 1 caps. 3 times per day. - 1 month. Further, up to 1 caps. 2 times per day. -2-3 months.
  • In the last stages of cirrhosis, the treatment described in the previous paragraph is repeated after 2 months.
  • With steatosis, 1 caps. 2 times a day-1-2 months. Repeat after 6 months.

With hepatitis, in particular, type C, combine with antiviral drugs that affect the CyP3 A3 and CYP3 A4 isoenzyme.

Important: Take UNKARIA, guided by the instructions for the main PM on interaction with other immunomodulators.


Ivan, 46 years old

At one time, hepatitis B was ill with hepatitis B. The disease gave a complication in the form of fatty hepatosis - a “beer” stomach, constant heartburn, frequent pain in the side. The hepatologist appointed UNKARIA 1 caps. 2 times a day. He said - should help. 2 years have passed. The stomach has come down, heartburn no longer bothers, even after fried. I repeat the course every six months. I hope to meet the 50th anniversary of slender, in the prime of male forces.

Catfish with herpes and cytomegalovirus: treatment regimen, reviews

These viruses belong to the herpes family. In a latent state, herpes and cytomegalovirus can be found in more than 90% of the population. With the weakening of immunity: herpes - rashes on the lips, genitals, warts, bubbles, sores are possible. Cytomegalovirus affects the internal organs, the uterus, is often manifested with HIV, hepatitis. The manifestations of both viruses are characterized by sluggish symptoms. They are deeply integrated into the lymph system, destroy soft tissues. UNKARIA transfers viruses into a latent state, eventually enhancing immunity until they are completely suppressed. Treatment scheme:

  • Light flow - 1 caps. 2 times per day. - 1 month.
  • Heavy - 1 caps. 3 times per day. -2-3 months.


Daria, 23 years old

These pimples on the lips prevented me from arranging my personal life. Okay, if they appeared once a year. And then almost every month and 2 weeks do not disappear. That I just did not try. Even expensive antiviral drugs and ointments did not help. Pimples, if disappeared, but after a week they appeared even more. The girlfriend advised the plant's plant faces. Accepted 1 caps. 1 time per day - 3 months. For six months now, no pimples. It is necessary to repeat the course.

Catfish from allergies: treatment regimen, reviews

Cat claw
Cat claw

Allergy, regardless of allergen, occurs due to accelerated isolation of histamine, which damages healthy cells. Histamine is an additional protective reaction of the body, in the event of an inability of the immune system, localize a possible threat from a foreign substance. It is manifested by rashes, itching, swelling, shortness of breath, rhinitis with increased tear.

UNKARIA alkaloids stimulate the production of lymphocytes and monocytes, increasing the ability to recognize “your or foe”. After normalizing the immune response, foreign particles that do not pose a threat to the functioning of the body are enveloped in the mucosa or remain on the skin without provoking the production of histamine.

For preventive purposes, if possible contact with a potential allergen, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  • 1 caps. Once a day
  • With rashes, itching - 2 caps. 2 times a day.
  • With allergic manifestations, accompanied by difficulty breathing, arrhythmias - 2 caps. 3 times a day - 14 days, then, 1 caps. Once a day - another 2 weeks.

Important:The components of Unkaria can act as an allergen. Before use, conduct an allergy test by drinking 1 capsule and observing for several hours to the reaction of the body.


Andrey, 27 years old

For some, the long-awaited spring, and for me an ongoing runny nose. The face swells, tears go from the eyes, lays his ears and so on until mid -July. Doctors shrug: “Pollenosis” - seasonal allergies to the flowering of some plants. There are only 2 options. Move to another place or take antihistamines for a month and a half. No option suited me. My girlfriend advised the dietary supplement “cat claw”. He did, as she said, drank a preventive course of 1 caps. Once a day for 1 month. Oh miracle! Plants bloom, but I have no runny nose and tears do not flow.

Cat claw and black walnut: how to take together?

With a joint technique, black nut provides the body with calcium, fluorine. The walls of blood vessels, tooth enamel are strengthened. The supply of iodine helps to normalize the thyroid gland. Flavonoids of antioxidants allow the body to perform the prolongation of vitamin C. The immunostimulating effect of UNKARARIS AND BLACK, accepted in the complex, increases the efficiency of the assimilation of minerals. "Cat Claw" enhances the antiparasitic and anti -inflammatory action black nut. How to accept these substances together: here are dosages:

  • Epstein Barr, HPV, cytomegalovirus viruses. - 1 caps. UNKARIA, 2 caps. black nut - At least a month.
  • Steatosis, violation of the composition of bile - 1 caps. both drugs with an interval of at least 6 hours - at least 2 weeks.
  • Fungal diseases  type candidate - 2 caps. UNKARIA, 1 caps. Black nut with a 6-hour interval-at least 28 days.
  • Prevention of colds to strengthen immunity - 1 caps. both PM. At least 14 days every day.

Plants cannot be combined with stones (in the gall bladder or kidneys), regardless of their composition, as well as for diseases associated with the formation of blood clots, thin walls of the intestine. It is unacceptable to use after surgery if 1 month has not yet passed since the operation.

Cat Claw for mastopathy: treatment regimen, reviews

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, the main cause of which is hormonal imbalance. In most cases, pain occurs before menstruation, pass 1-2 days after its completion.

Mastopathy is divided into 3 types:

  1. Diffuse: pain, in palpation of education are not diagnosed.
  2. Fibrosocystoz: minor seals, severe pains before menstruation are palpated, gradually fades closer to the end of the process.
  3. Nodular: it proceeds asymptomatic, significant seals are palpated.

Treatment scheme:

  • Unkaria monotherapy is effective only with diffuse form.
  • With fibrous and nodular - combine with iodine -containing and hormonal drugs.
  • With diffuse - 1 caps. 2 times a day - 28 days, or 1 caps. Once a day - 40 days.
  • Fibrous and nodular - the dose is calculated based on the interaction of the components of the main drug with the components of UNKARIA.


Evgenia, 25 years old

They say that the more complete a woman, the easier she tolerates menstrual pain. It's not about me. It seems that the chest simply breaks into pieces. Checked. They discovered fibrous mastopathy. In the clinic, our doctors prescribed to many women a “cat claw” dietary supplement, and I was appointed 1 caps for me. Once a day for 40 days, in combination with potassium iodide - 1 table. 2 times a day. Helped. For six months now there is no pain!

Detox with a cat's claw - Instructions: treatment regimen, reviews

Cat claw
Cat claw

Detox is a cleansing body. You can use any of the detox-drugs on iherb, for example, Zoi Research - support for the excretion of toxins, as well as in addition to take a cat claw. In the morning, drink one capsule of detox while eating, and in the evening - 1 capsule of a cat's claw. Thanks to this technique, in addition to UNKARARI, such useful plants and substances will include: substances:

  • Dandelion - the conclusion of chemical toxins, purification of blood, preventing the development of tumors in the liver.
  • Nettle - acceleration of hair growth, cleaning the hair follicles from fatty contaminants, restoring their structure, removing food poisons from blood.
  • Traibush - Stabilization of blood pressure, sugar level.
  • Turmeric - stimulation of digestion, preventing the occurrence of malignant formations.
  • Heather - Anti -inflammatory, antimicrobial.
  • Shisandra - stimulation of the brain, helping the body's adaptation to other climatic conditions, increased hemoglobin.
  • Burdock root - acceleration of cell regeneration, anti -inflammatory and choleretic, acceleration of the output of toxins, the source of easily split fatty acid (inulin).
  • Peppermint - Stimulation of intestinal motility, eliminates flatulence.

Treatment scheme:

  • 1 detox capsule in the morning, 1 UNKARIA capsule in the evening - 30 days.
  • After a week break, repeat the course.

Advice: Before starting treatment, consult a doctor, as you may have contraindications to the reception of the components of detox or UNKARIA.


Vasily, 52 years old

Bronchitis appeared regardless of the time of the year, as by the hour, on the tenth day attacked diarrhea. 3-5 days did not appear at work. Lost several highly paid posts. But, Georgy Petrovich, my chief, advised detox with Unkaria. I have been working for 2 years. Forgot about sick leave. He became the deputy of my savior. I drink miraculous funds with courses.

Where to buy a cat's cloth, how to choose: tips, links to the iherb directory

It was described above where you can buy a “cat claw” dietary supplement and many links are given. A cat's claw extract is part of many drugs. The compounds are amplified, weaken or complement the components of UNKARIA. In order to avoid fakes, overstated prices, purchase of products with an expired, or final shelf life, it is better to buy on the site Iherb. To make it easier for you to look and choose drugs, here are a few links to the catalog and tips on how to take:

You can choose any of the drugs offered on the website. Just go to section "Cat Claw", and a list of different dietary supplements and extracts will open before you. Press the name of the drug, its description will open. Scroll through the page on the page and see the rules of admission and description of the dosage.

Catfish: Reviews of doctors

Cat claw
Cat claw

Doctors prescribe a cat's bed, taking into account body weight, individual characteristics of the body, examination results. Individual intolerance to certain drugs is also taken into account. Here are the reviews of doctors about drugs with Unkaria:

Alexander Vasilievich, dermatologist

The nature of the relationship between the allergen and the reaction of the body has not yet been studied. Previously, treatment was carried out according to the standard scheme: antihistamines with constant dosage correction, depending on the level of basophiles, anti -inflammatory, if necessary, taking into account possible swelling. Recently I saw on sale an interesting dietary supplement - "cat claw." Judging by the composition, drugs can remove dependence on the allergen. I experienced a wife on a wife who has a cat’s wool. She passed after 2 months! He has already appointed 37 patients with halfleinosis, atopic dermatitis, cold allergies-80% removal of dependence on the provoking factor, 20% decrease in the frequency of relapse by 3-5 times.

Natalia Ivanovna, gynecologist

For 15 years of practice, I can name the most complex category of patients-women of childbearing age with benign formations of more than 5-7 cm diameter. At the same time, they plan to give birth at least once - they say that the tumor is quickly removed. There are more than a hundred such operations on my account, and no one has complained yet. I can give phones of my friends whom I previously operated on. But at the same time, almost every second patient says almost the same thing: “I won’t let it cut, it’s not cancer.” I had to persuade, because without surgery, not how. Once, in continuing education courses, one old acquaintance suggested appointing dietary supplements with Unkaria. I got acquainted with the specialite, decided to try. Now there are no problems for two years. Small formations are absorbed, large decrease to 0.5-1 cm and calcified. As for a doctor, this is very good, because the number of operations has decreased, and women became healthier and happier.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, otolaryngologist

I have 5 patients constantly sick with seasonal sore throat. He directed to the allergy test - I thought that the complications of allergies. There was a failure of local immunity. How else to explain - 3.1 leukocytes at 2 ESR, 1 basophil and, near -allive monocytes - almost on the verge of death! During the exacerbation, I appointed a cat claw of 1 caps 3 times a day. (since morning). The remedy was experimental, scary. After 12 hours, the sore throat passed, the cheeks were puzzled, appetite increased, white blood cells and monocytes stabilized in 48 hours, a miracle! The course lasted 15 days. every 3 months. I am assigning a weekly course by analogy. Prevention gave a stunning result. A year and a half, patients do not know what angina is!

Video: cat claw - healing liana

Video: Cat Claw NSP (NSP)

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