Analysis of the poem "Prophet" Pushkin: plan, questions, comparative table

Analysis of the poem

The poem "Prophet" Pushkin was written using special visual and literary means. Therefore, it turned out so impressive and beautiful. Read more about the analysis of this creation of the great poet, read the article.

Poem "Prophet" Immediately after writing, it gained great popularity. Many writers and followers of Pushkin perceive this creation as a kind of program for actions, guidance in life and creativity. In this article you will find useful material for works on the topic of this poem - plan, questions, basic idea.

Plan of the poem "Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: Questions

"Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

To write an essay, you must first draw up a plan or questions for the material. In the poem "Prophet" Philosophical thought is clearly traced. You must pay attention to this. Here is the plan of this ode:

  1. Introduction: the hero wanders around the desert, he is exhausted by a spiritual thirst.
  2. The hero is a servant of the Lord and concerns his eyes.
  3. The hero feels changes, sees other phenomena and manifestations.
  4. Angel manipulations over a person (can be perceived both in direct and figurative sense).
  5. He lies in the desert exhausted and hears the voice of God.

Questions to the creation of the poet Alexandra Sergeyevich Pushkin:

  1. Who appeared to the lyrical hero at the crossroads?
  2. Whose flight did the lyrical hero watch?
  3. What feelings did he feel?
  4. Why is the poem called "Prophet"?
  5. What did the hero of God say?

The author was a religious person, so he was sure that he received his gift from God. In times Pushkin, he was accused that he praises himself in his creations. But this is a superficial look at the work. If you delve into its essence, then you can understand that this is not at all the case.

A written analysis of the lyrical poem in the literature "Prophet" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: Briefly according to plan, 9, 10 grade

"Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Pushkin wrote this poem, learning about the death of his Decembrist friends. It is quite obvious that the poet experienced very strong mental torment, so he thought not only about the spiritual experiences of man, but also about something high-spiritual. Here is a written analysis of the lyrical poem in literature "Prophet" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - Briefly according to plan for 9, 10 classes:

The main topic can be called the purpose of the poet in the world, as well as the origin of the Divine principle in it, his relationship with eternity. As for the composition, the creation can be divided into 2 components. The first tells how an ordinary person became a prophet. As for stanzas, it is impossible to divide the poem into them.

Regarding genre affiliation is elegy. The size is already familiar Pushkin Four -cost iambic. Pushkin addresses such metaphors:   

  • "Tomim with spiritual thirst"
  • "I heeded the sky shudder"
  • "He clung to my mouth and pulled my sinful language"
  • "Coal, burning with fire, poured a fate into the chest"
  • "The verb of burn the hearts of people"

And epithets:

  • "Six -winged Seraphim"
  • "Mountain flight"
  • "Release vine"
  • "Sinful language"
  • language "Figure and crafty"

As well as comparisons:

  • "Rights are light as a dream"
  • "Outdated the prophetic anti -ansers, like a frightened eagle"
  • "As a corpse in the desert, I was lying"

Methods of versification are represented and used widely - more precisely, almost all existing are present.

Comparative, comparative analysis of the lyrical poem "Prophet" by A.S. Pushkin and Lermontov: Table

"Prophet" of the poet Lermontov

Pushkin Often compared with Lermontov. Their creations are similar, they have a lot of lyrics, almost the same genre and composition. Let's conduct a comparative, comparative analysis of creations A.S. Pushkinand Lermontov on the example of a lyrical poem "Prophet". Here is a table of comparisons of the creations of one poet and a well -known work of another:

Comparison criteria Pushkin Lermontov
Genre, size, composition
  • Uses a four -foot iambic.
  • Lyrical poem.
  • The hero meets God.

Composition: The hero’s wanderings in the desert - a meeting with an angel - gaining a gift - a dying state - a meeting with God and His instructions.

  • Uses a four -foot iambic.
  • Lyrical poem.
  • The hero does not meet with God, he is as if in exile.

Composition: the hero’s life before solitude in the desert - loneliness - return to society, to the city.

Character Narrative manner of presentation of thoughts Information is set out in the tone of confession.
Images and symbols All characters are aimed at using the hero to use his gift, "burned the verb of the heart of people."  The hero (aka the Prophet) is not recognized, opposite the society rejects him.
Topics and problems

Poet and society, the purpose of the poet.

Pushkin clearly does not represent the reader the problem of the poet and the crowd, the nuances of their relationship.

Poet and society, the purpose of the poet. The creation of Lermontov is more intended not to indicate the fact that the poet was elected (unlike Pushkin), but the acuteness of the relationship between the genius and the crowd is shown quite details.
Main idea
  • The Prophet is the personification of the poet.
  • The poet must, first of all, see and hear.
  • It is necessary to carry creativity to the masses.


  • The Prophet is the personification of the poet.
  • The poet in the crowd is always lonely.
  • The crowd does not want to learn, develop, does not want to hear everything that the Prophet carries them.

Means of artistic expression:


Hyperboles + +
Inversion + +
Anaphora + +
Antithesis Life and death Love and anger

A complete, detailed analysis of the poem by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin “Prophet” with quotes for the exam - write an essay: topic, idea, main idea of \u200b\u200bthe verse, lyrical hero

"Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

The shooting of the Decembrists very touched the poet. This bitter loss served as a prerequisite for creating this creation. Below you will find a complete and detailed analysis of the poem Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "Prophet" With quotes for Exam. With their help, you can write a beautiful essay with the theme, idea, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe verse and the description of the lyrical hero.

Sometimes it seems that the poet associates the freethinkers who died, with the creations of the Almighty, immortal and special. Time is not powerful over them, they refute death, whose fundamental mission is to change the world and human creation. But just as Jesus died on the cross, for human sins, and the Decembrists lost their lives - not only for a good deed, but also because this path, the path of the prophets, was given to them by heaven.

An eternal rhetorical question is raised about the purpose of a creative person and creativity. It is believed that the source was the head of the Qur'an about the prophet Isaeh. However, the poet did not blindly adapt the texts of the scriptures, he only borrowed images. But not the plot.

The image of the lyrical hero Combined enough. We can say that he includes a description of the author himself. The hero tells that after long painful wanderings, he met with an angel who turned out to be God's messenger. It was he who made him a prophet.

Style The poet is highly -foul, there are many "decorating" means. "Prophet" was written in 1826 After the news of the execution of the Decembrists with whom Pushkin He was friendly. The topic is considered the origin of the poet, his road in this world. The poem is conditionally divided into 2 parts. This is an elegy written by a four -foot iambic.

As for the thematic component of creation - The author is trying to understand who is a creative person in this world, how he should live and what to put his main priority. He does this with the help of religious images. We can say that the hero is a multifaceted personality by nature. The meeting with the angel becomes fateful for him. The latter, touching his eyes, gives him the gift of the prophet - the man begins to hear the voices of heaven, birds and other inhabitants of Flora and Fauna.

It is worthwhile to separately consider why the angel replaced his tongue with a snake sting. Not at all because he mocked him because of the shortcomings of appearance. If you look deeper, there is a kind of symbol of human wisdom. Or rather, its highest manifestation. This distinguishes the poet from other people who have no abilities. Of course, everything ends with his heart - the poet seems to be flaming coal instead.

Relaxing, the hero feels a breakdown. The Lord saves him. He tells him to get up and go, fulfill his mission, bring people eternal values \u200b\u200b(“verb of the heart of people's hearts.”)

The basic idea - The poet must hear and see all the phenomena of this world, feel deeper. But he must use his gift not for self -love, not to glorify his own ego or himself, but to help people. This is a kind of Messiah. Giving a poetic gift, the Lord expects that he will be used for the good of society.

“I heeded the sky with a shudder”, “Tomim Tomi with spiritual thirst”, “He clung to my mouth and pulled my sinful language” - These are metaphors, there are quite a lot of them in creation. There are also epithets, such as “Six -winged Seraphim”, “Mountain Flight”, “Ferrible and Slye”.

Often Pushkin resorts to comparisons:

  • "Rights are light as a dream"
  • "Outdated the prophetic anti -ansers, like a frightened eagle"
  • "As a corpse in the desert, I was lying"

We can say that the system of images completely and completely depends on the subject - that is why the syllable acquires a certain “churchness”.

Building analysis of the poem "Prophet" Pushkin: Fine means, paths for presentation

"Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin


AT 9th grade In Russian literature, a constructive analysis of the poem "Prophet" of Pushkin is often set. Here is a description of visuals, paths for presentation and building analyzing:

  • "Tomim with spiritual thirst"metaphor, depicting not only physical, but also moral suffering and torment of the hero during his wandering in the endless desert.
  • "In the gloomy desert, I powered"epithet. In fact, it is difficult to call the desert gloomy (if you look outwardly), but since for the hero it is a source of torment, Pushkin “thurses colors”.
  • "And the six -winged Seraphim at the crossroads appeared to me"epithet. Of course, the reader is not fundamentally important how many wings the angel had, the very fact of his presence is important. Nevertheless, Pushkin resorts to this visual means.
  • "Permis light as a dream"comparison. Of course, the movements of the angel are light and weightless. But it was this light touch that handed the poet the gift of the Prophet, which he should use for the benefit of people.
  • "Outdated the prophetic anti -ansers, like a frightened eagle"comparison, with the help of which the poet describes the spiritual state of the hero and his surprise after gaining the gift.
  • "And I heeded the sky shudder"metaphor.
  • "And the dolzu vegetation" - The author uses epithet.
  • "And pulled my sinful language"metaphor. Of course, this event could occur in a figurative sense. It is unlikely that an angel would have been applying to the poet physical muti.
  • "And the idle and crafty" - The author says that having pulled out the poet’s idle and crafty tongue, the angel seems to cleans him, eliminates vices and bad habits. But it gives other properties that are more useful for society.
  • "And a sting of a wise snake"there is a figurative meaning. Replacing the hero’s language with a snake sting, the angel makes him wise. From now on, the poet sees more than everyone else, his awareness is an order of magnitude higher than that of ordinary people.
  • "Treeps Heart"epithet (Like the "six -winged cherub"). As for the replacement of the heart with coal glowing fire, we can assume that this is a metaphor. The meaning is figurative. It means gaining the opportunity to feel more clearly than the rest. After all, the poet should be more sensitive than the inhabitants.
  • "As a corpse in the desert, I was lying"comparison. Displays the hero’s stay unconscious, in complete unconsciousness.
  • "Risen, prophet, and see, and heed" - It is not difficult to guess that “see” is the Old Slavonic version of the word “leader”.

Almost all lines of the poem are dismantled.

Linguistic analysis of the poem of A.S. Pushkin “Prophet”: analysis of vocabulary, stylistic figures

"Prophet" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Such a science of linguistics as linguistics helps to understand how the author wrote, what techniques used. It is very interesting to disassemble the style of creation of such a great poet as A.S. Pushkin. Here is a linguistic analysis of the poem "Prophet" - Analysis of vocabulary and stylistic figures:

Basis in the poem "Prophet" They make up church words of an obsolete type. There is also a specific poetic vocabulary, which overnight with other syntactic, metric, sounds creates an elevated tone. This is no coincidence and so characteristic of Pushkin.

The work can be called meaningful, since it was created during the period of the creative maturity of the poet. Old Slavonic vocabulary is also used, giving biblical flavor.
Many words, let's say "Old", "opened", "crossroads", "see", no longer found anywhere. In the “spiritual thirst”, Pushkin reflects the poet’s passionate desire to gain new knowledge, become wiser.

But in the line "In the gloomy desert, I powered" A certain duality is manifested - a person is aware of loneliness. From the point of view of the Bible, the desert is a place that is abandoned by God and people, that it can be interpreted as the darkness of sinfulness and ignorance, lack of spirituality.

The word "entrust" says that the process of human life is described. Interestingly, that Pushkin He finds a crossroads in the desert, which, in fact, should not be there. However, this is the emotional state of the hero, which is also called “standing at a crossroads” - a person is full of doubts, he tormented them and does not know what to do.

Literary analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Prophet": conclusion briefly

Pushkin sees the poet with a prophet throughout his work. But in the poem "Prophet", written in the mature period, he considers this problem from a more meaningful side. It gives an understanding that the main task of a person endowed with gift is to change the world and give his talent to people. It is also important to force their hearts to tremble and carry their thoughts into the world, which, in turn, will help society stand on the true path.

Video: Alexander Pushkin - Prophet. Poetry

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