Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign: description, characteristics of signs in work

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign: description, characteristics of signs in work

Every woman needs to work, but she does not always choose a work on vocation. To do this, you should study the work that is suitable for the zodiac sign.

For modern representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, work is of great importance. After all, this is not only a way to earn a living. A profession is an opportunity to realize yourself, find your own purpose and gain independence.

All people are endowed with their character, the features of which largely determine their zodiac sign. And the activity that one sign likes may not fit another at all. A horoscope will help to choose a job for a woman by the zodiac sign.

Ideal work for a woman on the sign of the zodiac Aries

Aries are born leaders. Representatives of this sign perfectly realize themselves in both female and male professions

In the work of a woman-naughty:

  • Does not tolerate objections And rarely listens to someone else's opinion. She always has her own vision of a situation that does not always coincide with the opinion of the authorities. Therefore, such a lady is difficult to play the role of a subordinate. Aries always seeks to take leading positions.
  • He does not seek easy ways and always works with full dedication. Competitive And seeks to become the best in his profession.
  • Energy And he loves to feel his irreplaceability. However, she always is responsible for her actions and does not shift responsibility to others.
  • Loves interact with people. Therefore, he feels great in a large team.
  • Often stands at the very source of business. Aries woman enthusiastically takes up the matter and is able to open the business literally from scratch.
The work of the leader
The work of the leader

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac ore:

  • Aries does not stand routine and monotony. A woman of this sign often switches to a new project if the old one has become uninteresting. That is why work is suitable for her, which will often allow to change the situation - Tourism business, trade mission.
  • Thanks to the commercial vein, the girls of this sign are natural entrepreneurs.
  • Lady Aries is sure that she will cope with any difficulties where others will not be able to. That is why often he risks and is not afraid of dangers. The profession is quite suitable for her policeman.
  • Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind, such a girl gets along well with numbers. Therefore, it can realize itself in the financial sector.
  • Artistic "sheep" have a talent for instant reincarnation and can try on a variety of images. These abilities allow achieve success in the field of entertainment.
  • This woman is distinguished rightness and honesty. For her, an objective presentation of facts is not difficult for her. From the representatives of this sign are beautiful journalists and commentators.
  • Aries quickly makes decisions and perfectly copes with situations when you need to act quickly. Especially when it comes to the salvation of human life. Born under this sign - excellent surgeons or ambulances.
  • Such a lady can get out of any situation. Competition and struggle are its element. She is determined and ardently defending her rights. Therefore, it can find its own calling in politics.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac television

Taurus is a symbol of luxury and wealth. Representatives of this sign by nature are endowed with good taste and have incredible grace.

In the work of the woman Taurus:

  • Prone to stability. Lady Taurus does not approve of a frequent change of place of work. A good social package is extremely important to her: vacation, timely salary, paid sick leave. It clearly adheres to the established rules and follows the instructions.
  • It is characterized by high self -organization. She always sets herself a goal, which is fully consistent with her abilities and opportunities. Taurus keeps everything under control, even trifles. Therefore, tasks entrusted to her are always performed clearly on time and do not require improvements.
  • The woman Taurus does not accept haste and impulsion. She also, as a rule, cannot do several things at the same time.
  • It cannot work in a not entirely comfortable atmosphere for himself. She needs to work in a friendly team, in a beautiful office. Taurus strives for harmony in everything. And he creates a good atmosphere herself. In order to create convenient working conditions for yourself, it often opens your own business.
  • Taurus needs to know that her The work is appreciated. In addition, it is very important for this woman to love her profession. Otherwise, she will feel deeply unhappy.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac Taurus:

  • Since the representative of this sign loves luxury and gloss, it can achieve great success in trade of Lux class items: jewelry, machines, elite hours and objects of the situation.
  • Taurus loves to eat deliciously. Therefore, it cooks well. The girl Taurus feels perfectly in the gastronomic sphere and can achieve large Success in the restaurant business.
  • This woman has perseverance, punctuality, accuracy and scrupulousness. She copes with the activity that is related to documents and numbers - Finance and accounting.
  • Lady Taurus has a realistic view of things. She is objective and trusts only facts. Therefore, it can become a good analyst or lawyer.
  • Like many representatives of the earth's sign, Taurus needs to see the specific results of his work. Therefore, such a woman can successfully realize herself in a sphere associated with animal husbandry or crop production.
  • She has an impeccable taste and a sense of style. This young lady is well versed in fashion, subtly feels beauty. The seller’s work will suit her - consultant in a boutique of fashionable clothes or interiors designer.
  • Taurus gets along well with people. Therefore, it is safely engaged in activities related to active communication: in the social sphere, psychology, pedagogy, advertising.
  • Many women of Taurus have a craving for art. They successfully realize their talents in painting, music or on stage.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac sign Gemini

Light and sociable girls of twins have a wide variety of talents and can achieve success in almost any profession.

In the work of the woman twins:

  • He prefers to work using his mental abilities, and avoids physical labor. Thanks to the sharp mind, it can take into account any trifle and copes with work that requires accuracy and jewelry.
  • He gets along in any team. She is able to manipulate people, while remaining friendly with everyone. However, the Gemini girl loves her to have an independent area of \u200b\u200bwork.
  • Often prefers to contribute to someone else's enterprise than to create your own.
  • Not too punctual, so such a young lady is preferable to have a flexible schedule of work.
  • Capable of learning constantly and with pleasure visits all kinds of Trainings and seminars.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac sign Gemini:

  • The twins are energetic, inventive, they have a quick reaction. Such girls are very suitable activities in different media. They enjoy the pace accompanying such activities, and from the opportunity to be in the center of events.
  • A lady twin has a passion for travel and new impressions. She is perfect for her work, requiring frequent business trips and changing the usual situation - guide, translator.
  • The woman of this sign is endowed with the gift of belief. She, like a mirror, reflects the interlocutor. Gemini is a born businessman capable of selling any goods and services. Therefore, great success can achieve in the advertising or trade sector.
  • She is attentive and observant, so skillfully works with information. The girl's girl successfully discovers important information in a pile of secondary facts. In addition, it easily treats words. She has a real talent write texts for performances, reports or articles.
  • Gemini is distinguished by organizational abilities and love of multifunctional tasks. From women of this sign are wonderful managers and administrators.
  • Stress resistance and ability to quickly absorb information allow the girl to be wonderful secretary-Referent.
  • The inquisitive mind and curiosity of the young lady of this sign are indispensable in research work. Therefore, many women of the twins are successful in scientific activity.
  • Gemini can correctly prioritize and have the ability to attract money to themselves. Of these are obtained beautiful financiers.

Ideal work for a woman by zodiac cancer

A girl born under the sign of cancer is a closed nature, but deeply feeling. It is extremely important for her that the profession coincides with her worldview.

In the work of a woman cancer:

  • Aimed at success. She is diligent and hardworking, gives her strength to her work. Cancer is extremely important to be proud of your brainchild.
  • He does not like to leave his comfortable place. Therefore, he prefers to work without changing the office and the team.
  • Does not strive for a leadership. But with a successful combination of circumstances, it does not miss the chance to advance in the service for the sake of material support of his family.
  • Does not like fuss and prefers to stay aside. The nervous situation prevents her from working.
  • It does not endure criticism. She suffers very much from her. Woman Cancer should be sure that no one will make fun of her in the team.
  • He does not like pressure and compressed deadlines. Therefore, the professions are preferred for cancer, in which there is an opportunity to pause.

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign of Cancer:

  • Careful and attentive girls crayfish are created in order to work in the field of people care: educators, nurses, social workers. They can also create quite successful business for the selection of home staff.
  • The woman is distinguished by a love of agriculture. She is happy to bother in the garden. Working on Earth, it is filled with energy. Cancer accurately guesses the right time to plant plants and knows how to care for them. Therefore, she will suit her labor in agriculture.
  • Despite the sensitivity and closeness, crayfish are good businessmen. Intuition, the ability to properly present the goods and the ability to organize a sales system allow them to achieve considerable success in the field of trade. In addition, crayfish are always responsible for the quality of the goods and comply with the delivery time.
  • Representatives of this sign honor the history of their region and ancestors. They are happy to consider ancient objects and study ancient folios. These qualities are indispensable for antiques or historian.
  • Crayfish girls have excellent culinary abilities. Therefore, excellent restaurateurs or cooks are obtained from them. The commitment of crayfish to a healthy diet and the recovery of the quality of the products will surely make the institution in which they work successful.
  • These women are calm and balanced, have internal discipline. Being great mothers, they find a common language with other people's children. Many representatives of this sign become remarkable teachers.
  • Dams of crayfish always have good taste. Therefore, they can achieve success in decorated and design sphere.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac lion

Girls born under the sign of Leo are ambitious and bright personalities. They definitely need to be in the spotlight. They always expect praise and admiration for others.

In the work of a woman lion:

  • Prefers activities that can bring fame or power. Therefore, she cannot work in the service sector.
  • It is a real careerist and workaholic. The lion will not be satisfied with the role of an ordinary worker.
  • It can easily start a crowd and lead people along. Therefore, from the representatives of this sign, charismatic and talented leaders are obtained who can build relationships with subordinates without humiliating them.
  • He never doubts the correctness of the decision. Thanks to the creative approach, the lioness is often it comes up with interesting and extraordinary projects.
  • Rational and loves stability. The girl lion is not inclined to risk for the sake of ghostly prospects.
  • He knows how to serve himself in society, so her career is rapidly going up.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac Lion:

  • Such a girl is distinguished by the desire for popularity and glory. The lioness loves to play "to the public." She subtly feels her and is able to create a special atmosphere. It shows its own perfectly abilities in show business.
  • Lady Lev is able to achieve the goals. She has a pronounced talent of the organizer. Can find self -expression in the role public figure or politics.
  • Such a woman is free from someone else's opinion. She is convinced of her rightness and does not consider it necessary to hide her own opinion. The lioness firmly defends her own opinion and fights for her views. And these are irreplaceable qualities for journalist, writer or publicist.
  • The woman lion loves to actively interact with people, because for self -expression she needs an audience. This young lady has excellent manners, freely holds in public and easily controls her attention. From the representatives of this sign are wonderful trade representatives, advertising or theater agents.
  • Lions are generous by nature. The breadth of the soul and love for beautiful gestures allow a girl of this sign to achieve considerable success in the charity sphere.
  • With a bright appearance and a well -set voice, lionesses can become wonderful speakerscapable of convincing and captivating people.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac sign Virgo

Busy by nature, a neat and practical virgin simply needs to realize yourself in work.

In the work of a woman Virgo:

  • Can't sit idle. Even on vacation, she is always in touch. At any post, the Virgin is impeccably fulfilling its duties. She always achieves the maximum possible result.
  • It requires order in everything. That is why in her work there should be clear terms, rules, frames. Too big freedom in the activity, rather, frighten the virgin, rather than delight.
  • Hardworking and disciplined. The career growth of the Virgin is usually unhurried, but confident. She achieves everything with her hard work and perseverance.
  • He does not really like to come up with something. Work should not require the Virgin a constant creative approach and creativity, since it is more practitioners.
  • Very demanding on itself. The Virgin makes important decisions, carefully weighing and thinking. It does not violate the law and fit in the set dates.

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign Virgo:

  • Virgo seeks to lead a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, she is interested not only in her, but also the health of other people. Thanks to this quality, it can build a successful Health care career or pharmaceuticals.
  • The reinforcing and neat virgin is not afraid of routine work. She enthusiastically engaged in the preparation of catalogs or streamlining documents. Therefore, he can find himself in archival, analytical, statistical or accounting.
  • Such a girl is very attentive to details. She meticulously studies information and with pleasure finds other people's mistakes and inaccuracies. These qualities are irreplaceable in the profession of a tax employee, editor or corrector. In addition, a profession of this type allows you to feel its significance and power, which brings a considerable joy to the Virgin.
  • Representatives of this sign have good organizational abilities, but prefer to be on the second roles. Virgo can not always show the initiative, promote their ideas or defend positions. But they make beautiful consultants, assistants, secretaries and assistants to the leader.
  • Virgin has an tenacious mind, patience and a critical warehouse of thinking. She likes large volumes of information. This sign can successfully engage in research activities.
  • Pedantic and executive women of the Virgin can obey, while maintaining their own dignity. Therefore, they can work quite safely in the service sector. Also, from representatives of this sign are obtained excellent civil servants.
  • The girl is distinguished by decency and morality. Therefore, they honor the laws. Such women can become wonderful lawyers or auditors.
  • Possessing interesting thinking and abilities for writing, girl Virgo can find herself in journalism.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac sign Libra

The creative abilities of the girls of the sign Libra are more pronounced than the rest of the signs. Most representatives of this sign work, since they need a high standard of living and the opportunity to communicate with people.

In the work of a woman Libra:

  • Sociable and diplomatic. She is alive with almost all people and loves to work in a team. For scales, a microclimate in the team is very important.
  • It does not seek to build a career, since the need to make decisions independently tires. Therefore, work is not suitable for scales where it is necessary to make important decisions and be responsible for the fate of people.
  • Does not have a strong business grip. In addition, it does not differ in punctuality. For this reason, a woman of this sign will hardly build big business.
  • For all her femininity, the girl Libra has a male warehouse of the mind.
  • This sign is absolutely contraindicated in physical labor
  • Prefers activities where there is an opportunity to show its creative abilities.

Ideal work for a woman on the sign of the zodiac Libra:

  • Women of the sign of Libra are distinguished by a love of beauty and the desire for harmony. They try to make the surrounding world more perfect. Libra can achieve great success in different types of art - sculpture, painting, music. However, these women are quite practical. Often they choose such a creative activity that can bring a good income - fashion, beauty industry, concert activity or the sale of works of art.
  • Most girls of the scales have abstract thinking. They can successfully engage in research activities that require comparison and analysis. They get good mathematics, physicists, archaeologists.
  • Possessing a powerful creative beginning, Libra loves to dream and look into the future. They strive to bring their dreams into life. That's why they can achieve success in planning and design.
  • Girls of this sign have the ability to soften all conflicts. They are able to objectively consider the situation and understand the position of different parties, find a compromise solution. Libra knows how to negotiate, and on favorable conditions for themselves. Of them are magnificent diplomats.
  • Caring for himself is a natural lifestyle of the girl Libra. She loves perfumes and cosmetics. So it will suit her the profession of a cosmetologist or makeup artist.
  • Such a woman is extremely pleasant in communication. She will suit her work related to communications - Tourist agent, intermediary, stewardess. In addition, Libra likes to benefit people and feel respect for their person.
  • Lady Libra is fair and strives for equilibrium. She argues reasonably and is able to prove her case. Therefore, a profession associated with the establishment of justice may suit her: judge, prosecutor, lawyer.

Ideal work for a woman by zodiac sign Scorpio

Representatives of this sign are so secret and mysterious that they are absolutely not similar to each other. Therefore, it is difficult to determine which work is most preferable for them. After all, a woman Scorpio can achieve success in a wide variety of areas of activity.

In the work of a woman Scorpio:

  • He loves work where it is necessary to apply a lot of effort and perseverance. A woman Scorpio needs a real matter requiring complete involvement, and not just some kind of occupation. For this sign, it is extremely important to realize your personal contribution to the case.
  • He does not like to take risks. It has a firm will and always achieves the goals. It can be called real workaholic.
  • Able to radically change its professional activities. The Scorpio woman will do this until she finds a job that she will like.
  • It has beautiful ones Organizational abilities. Therefore, magnificent leaders are obtained from the women of scorpions.
  • As a rule, he chooses a profession not with his heart, but with his mind, focusing on its prestige and demand in the labor market.
  • Likes to work in a team, to which he can demonstrate his successes, and if possible, and power. She is enough to work alone uncomfortable.
The work of the surgeon
The work of the surgeon

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign Scorpio:

  • Such a lady loves everything inaccessible and complicated. She loves difficult tasks. Scorpio is very curious and meticulous. She puts into question everything. She will suit her profession related to deduction and logic: forensic scientist, investigator, researcher, private detective.
  • This sign seeks to know everything about man: his secret thoughts, sins and secrets. Women of this sign are very insightful and easily calculate the course of thoughts of other people. Therefore, they are able to help a person deal with his difficulties. They get good psychoanalysts, sexopathologists, sociologists.
  • The girl Scorpio is uncompromising and pity is alien to her. It is able to maintain composure and make the right decisions in the most acute critical situations. From representatives of this sign can come out magnificent resuscitators, surgeons, prosecutors, bailiffs.
  • Such a woman feels the mood of people well and guesses their desires. She can become an excellent assistant. Work will suit her secretary or assistant.
  • Lady Scorpio knows how to work with information. Therefore, it is acceptable for her activities related to databases, the administration of computer systems, etc.
  • Fearless girls of this sign love extreme and adrenaline. They can quite successfully work in the funeral business, as they are able to abstract from thoughts about death in order to qualitatively do their work.
  • Woman Scorpio has the ability to influence people. In combination with oratory abilities, such quality can bring a large success in politics.
  • Scorpions like to observe the formation of personality and study the nature of man. Therefore, they will suit them such professions as teacher, instructor, methodologist.

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign Sagittarius

A brave and spectacular girl Sagittarius always attracts attention. Sagittarius has many hobbies. Therefore, such a young lady can prove itself in various fields of activity.

In the work of a woman Sagittarius:

  • Prefers diverse work, as it cannot stand boredom and routine. The work should be interesting. Otherwise, Sagittarius immediately switch to something else.
  • Responsible And always performs the entrusted business. Sagittarius copes well with the duties of both the leader and the subordinate.
  • It has creative thinking. Sagittarius girl often give birth to original ideas. At the same time, she always knows how to bring them to life so that they become a reality.
  • He is a good leader, as he intuitively understands that it can be entrusted to every subordinate and how to properly organize the work of the team.
  • It can successfully work both in the team and independently. But even with teamwork, a girl of this sign needs a sense of independence. The less management intervenes in its affairs, the better.
  • The dangers in the work of Sagittarius are not scared, but, on the contrary, become an additional incentive to action.

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign Sagittarius:

  • Such a woman always thinks globally and is able to see the whole picture. It can be good analyst, planner and strategist.
  • Sagittarius love animals very much. They are happy to take their friends to their pets if they go on vacation. Therefore, they can successfully work in an area associated with animals.
  • The girl of this sign loves traveling. Therefore, enthusiasm is accepted for work that requires frequent moves, especially to other countries. She will suit her the work of a translator, importer or stewardess.
  • The firing are sociable and develop a lot of healthy dating and connections. In addition, they have a sense of word and abilities for writing. These qualities are irreplaceable in journalism or sphere of advertising.
  • Women of this sign are fair and strive for objectivity. They often choose activities aimed at public good. Can successfully serve justice, becoming investigators, judges, arbitrators, prosecutors.
  • The young lady Sagittarius loves to prove himself. She likes to be in sight and cause universal admiration. Therefore, a profession associated with publicity will suit her: advertising, show business or representative office.
  • This sign gets along well with children and loves to carry enlightenment to the masses. Of the archers are magnificent teachers who are able to be friends with their wards, while maintaining the necessary distance.
  • Lady Sagittarius is able to benefit from everything. She can achieve great success in resale and mediation.

Ideal work for a woman according to the zodiac sign Capricorn

Girls born under the constellation Capricorn are distinguished by responsibility and high demand to themselves. They can achieve success in different professions, but strive to choose a field of activity that can satisfy their ambition.

Capricorn woman in work:

  • Not afraid of hard work and difficult tasks. It does not experience irritation from unscheduled work. In any field, the girls of this sign reach high professionalism.
  • It should be the rules and is suitable for everything with responsibility. At work, Capricorn is always complete in order.
  • By nature, the ambitious girl Capricorn is careerist. She strives for leading posts. And for the sake of this it is able to work for days.
  • The team is quite alive. The woman of this sign ground: does not gossip or intrigue. And in conflict situations prefers to go aside.
  • It does not founter in new projects or ideas. As a rule, it is a neat performer.
  • He appreciates his work, but easily replaces it if he does not see the possibility of growth. For her, achievements in work are very important. At the same time, the Capricorn woman prefers work in which the result depends on her, and not on external circumstances.
Serious job
Serious job

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac Capricorn:

  • Neat women of this sign love order, planning and strict reporting. They show their qualities perfectly in work manager, financier or personnel specialist.
  • Capricorn is attentive to small details and prefers accurate calculations. She is practical and carefully calculates all the risks. Therefore, it can successfully work engineer, architect or designer.
  • Lady Capricorn has a strong -willed character and energy. To achieve the tasks, it is able to collect a productive team. It can become excellent manager or administrator.
  • Such a practical girl is always interesting information about the cost of objects of sale. Therefore, Capricorn may work work appraiser.
  • The Capricorn woman is patient and is not inclined to get tired of monotonous work. She can spend a lot of time, counting and checking the numbers and symbols. At the same time, he enjoys when he finds the reasons for the system failure. The lady of this sign is suitable for work in the field of programming.
  • Being extremely frugal, Capricorn treats money with a special feeling. They love to work with cash. They get neatly cashiers and accounts.

Ideal work for a woman in the zodiac sign Aquarius

Gifted and versatile girl Aquarius always finds new hobbies and strives for vivid emotions. It is easy to rise and easily changes the usual occupation.

In the work of a woman Aquarius:

  • Strives to large -scale activitiesWhere you can show your outstanding intellectual abilities.
  • He works great in the team, as he knows how to get along with people and is always ready to reconsider his point of view.
  • He does not like to give tasks and control others. Therefore, he rarely strives for leadership. But at the same time, as a chief is patient and inseparable, capable of explaining the tasks in advance.
  • Is not different constancy and concentration of attention. However, it always works for conscience.
  • Possesses creative abilities and originality. Girl Aquarius adores everything new and always strives for development.
Tour operator
Tour operator

Ideal work for a woman in the zodiac sign Aquarius:

  • Such a young lady is an experimenter in life. She can find herself In technical sciences or natural sciences.
  • Aquarius woman is contacting and loves to communicate very much. She respects someone else's opinion, so intermediary or diplomatic activity will suit her. Success will also bring work related to communications: sociology, tourism business.
  • Aquarius has an active social position. She cannot stand aside if she sees injustice. Such a woman can successfully engage in politics or become a public activist.
  • Lady Aquarius is independent of prejudices and is able to make extraordinary creative decisions. She needs work where you can show her innovative principle and apply non -standard approaches. She can achieve considerable success in creating new lines and projects. In addition, the woman of Aquarius has developed intuition, which helps to think through risks and calculate future profits.
  • Possessing a living mind, Aquarius loves to share knowledge. In addition, it easily finds a common language with people of any age. Such a woman can become a magnificent teacher and mentor, which the students will love and respect.
  • Girls of this sign tend to sympathize with people. They are always ready to help. Aquarius can work in the social sphere or life b assistant manager, With pleasure organizing his affairs.
  • Initiative and talented, Aquarius successfully realize themselves in creative activity. There are wonderful fashion designers, TV presenters, artists, designers.

Ideal work for a woman on the zodiac of fish

The contradictory young ladies of fish, on the one hand, have rationalism and practicality, and on the other, they are extremely dreamy and often hover in the clouds. In principle, a woman of this sign can do any work. Just not every profession can make her happy.

In the work of a woman fish:

  • Cannot work only for the sake of money. She needs a lesson that will be worried. But if the fish is engaged in his own business, he gives him all his strength and time.
  • Plane fish avoids professions requiring stiffness. If for some reason she has to work in a similar place, she always tries to bring humanity and sympathy into her activity.
  • Does not really like to work in the team, preferring independent section of work. However, at the same time, non -conflict and with everyone tries to find a common language. A fish of fish avoids struggle, preferring calm and safe activities.
  • He does not like to lead people. This is difficult for fish, as she is afraid to offend someone. Therefore, often does work instead of his subordinates.
  • It has vital wisdom, and people reach for it. In the team, a woman of fish often becomes an informal leader.

Ideal work for a woman on the sign of the zodiac of fish:

  • The most suitable field of activity for fish girls is art And everything is connected with him. Talented Artists, musicians, writers, sculptors, photographers.
  • Fish are born artists and love to hide behind masks. They can find their calling in a sphere associated with cinema or theater: artist, director, multiplier.
  • Fish always attracts everything mystical and unknown. Many of them find themselves in the field of occultism and become Hiromantes, mediums and astrologers.
  • Women fish have a wonderful memory, so they can successfully engage in scientific activities. It seems especially interesting for them that studies the effect of substances on the human body, for example, pharmaceuticals.
  • Fish girls have developed intuition and insight. They subtly understand the human essence. They are able to see people through and feel emotions. From the representatives of this sign, excellent psychologists, private detectives, teachers.
  • The fish is very kind and compassionate. Her vocation is the service of people. She copes with the work related to the provision of services and assistance: social worker, doctor, nurse, teacher.
  • Fish women are creative and often engage in applied crafts, needlework. Often in this lesson they build a successful independent business.
  • Thoughtful fish are prone to philosophy and constant search for themselves. Many find their calling in helping people to take the true path. They turn to religion and become wise spiritual mentors.
  • Love for new impressions and communication helps women with fish to achieve considerable success in tourism business.

Video: Profession on the Zodiac sign

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