Alexandria dough for Easter cakes step by step: 4 most delicious recipe

Alexandria dough for Easter cakes step by step: 4 most delicious recipe

Very soon, all the Orthodox will celebrate the bright holiday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And this means that it is time to look for the most delicious recipes for festive Easter cakes.

Today we suggest you get acquainted with the incredibly delicious recipe for Alexandria dough for Easter cakes.

How to cook Alexandria dough for Easter cakes?

In order for Easter cake to get tasty and fragrant, it must be prepared taking into account certain recommendations. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the rules for the preparation of Alexandria dough for Easter cakes are not much different from the rules for cooking cakes according to other recipes.

Step by step
Step by step

So, in order to enjoy the delicious cake on Easter, adhere to such rules for its preparation:

  • It is advisable to buy all products home, since they are fatter, tastier and cakes on them are more appetizing, tasty and beautiful.
  • Oil for the test should be used high -quality, fat and fresh. No margarine, spread, etc. For cooking cakes, is not suitable.
  • Of course, all products should be the most fresh and high quality.
  • Put the yeast as much as indicated in the recipe. If you put less, the dough is not suitable, more - the cake will smell and the taste of yeast.
  • You can remove the taste of yeast by adding a little honey to the dough.
  • Use the most high -quality flour - the highest grade, and do not be lazy to sift it several times.
  • You can diversify the taste of Easter cake by adding a little to the Alexandrian dough raisins, dried fruits, cherries, etc.

Alexandria dough for cakes: step -by -step recipe

Following the instructions for this recipe, you will easily prepare the Alexandrian cakes dough, even if you do it for the first time. The dough is airy, beautiful and very tasty.

The dough will be airy
The dough will be airy

Knocking the dough to the cakes and baking these delicious goodies, it is important not only to prepare everything you need for this, but also to tune in to the culinary process, because baking cakes is a whole action. Easter cakes are unlikely to turn out delicious if you cook them in a bad mood, angry at someone or cursing with someone-take it on your note.

  • Also note that according to this recipe, the dough preparation is first prepared - opanwhich should stand at least 5-10 hours. Therefore, it is most convenient to start preparing the Alexandrian dough in the evening, making dough, and continue in the morning when it is already ready.
  • Oil, for simplicity of working with it, take it out of the cold in advance so that it grows. Keep in mind that 600 g of oil is a lot, and such a piece will take at least a few hours in the warmth to soften. When the oil becomes soft, cut it on small pieces.
  • So, in a deep capacity, but it is better to combine heated milk and granulated milk, salt, stir and wait until the bulk ingredients dissolve a little.
  • Put here the yeast chopped by your hands, wait for the min. 15 to disperse.
  • Next, add slightly whipped eggs and yolks, crushed oil to the mass, mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Add a little to it sifted flour, Literally 100 g, mix the resulting semi-finished product again and leave it for 5-12 hours. In the warmth.
  • After this time, add vanillin, flavors, alcohol to the mass to the mass (it can be vodka or more aromatic drinks - cognac, rum, whiskey).
  • After stealing raisins and cherries Rinse them and dry them so as not to add excess fluid to the dough. Add the ingredients to the workpiece.
  • See you all the flour and in parts enter it into the dugout.
  • Knead the dough well. This process for everyone will take different times, but keep in mind that the better it will be mixed, the tastier, magnificent and more tender pastries will be.
  • To prevent strong sticking of the dough to the hands and work surface, lubricate your hands with oil.
  • Put the well -involved Alexandrian dough in the basin and leave until it increases at least 2 times.
  • After that, slightly crush it and leave it for another half an hour in the warmth.
  • During this time, prepare all the molds in which you will bake cakes, grease them oiland also turn on warm up the oven.
  • After the indicated time, put a little dough in each form (1/3 of the form). If you put more, the dough during the baking simply crawls out of the mold and beautiful Easter cakes will no longer work. Layouted by forms by the Alexandrian test, let it come for 10 minutes, then send the form to the oven.

The baking time depends on the temperature regime of the oven, on the size of the form, so focus on the Easter cakes. As soon as the top of the waders begins to be browned, carefully follow the baking. You can check the readiness with a wooden skewer , If it is dry, then the kulich from the Alexandrian dough is ready.

Alexandrian dough for ghee milk for Easter cakes

Have you ever tried cakes on ghee? Not? And here in vain. The Alexandrian dough for cakes on ghee is very aromatic, spicy. Easter cakes are not dry, not crumbling.

  • As in the previous recipe, from the evening you need to prepare a workpiece-semi-finished product. To do this, mix the eggs with sugar, beat slightly.
  • We connect the heated milk to the yeast, let the liquids stand for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes. Combine the contents of 2 containers and add softened and crushed oil to them, beat the mass and leave in a warm place for 10 hours.
  • After the specified time, continue the preparation of the Alexandria dough - add salt, vanillin and any flavorings at will.
  • Then enter the sifted flour into the workpiece and knead the dough.
  • Rinse raisins and dried fruits, pour boiling water and dry. Add them to the dough and continue to knead it for at least half an hour.
  • Now the test is needed for a few hours. To approach. As soon as the mass “grows” by 2 times, Crap it and put it according to the forms.
  • It is permissible not to lubricate the forms of oil, the Easter cakes will not stick to them, but if desired, you can do this.
  • Each form is filled with 1/3, after you will take another 10 minutes. easter cakes rose and send them to a warm -up oven until cooked.
  • From this amount of dough you can bake 2 medium and 3-4 small kuliki.
Another very tasty recipe for cakes on ghee
Another very tasty recipe for cakes on ghee

Alexandrian dough for cakes on dry yeast

The Alexandrian dough is often done on live yeast, however, there is a recipe that provides for the use of ordinary dry yeast. Since living yeast can be bought not everywhere, this recipe is very popular.

  • Pour dry yeast into the heated milk. Be sure to choose fresh yeast that did not stand open, otherwise they will not “work” as well as necessary, and the dough will not work.
  • Beat the eggs with sugar.
  • Now we connect two masses and mix.
  • We flood the oil with a microwave, but be careful and do not overheat it. You can also simply soften oil at room temperature, But it will take a few hours. In this case, just chop the product with a knife, add to the previously prepared mass.
  • Our workpiece is ready, leave it for 10 hours or at night. Be sure to leave it in a warm place.
  • In the morning, add sifted flour and salt to the workpiece, as well as any spices To taste, if you want to somehow diversify the taste of the Alexandria cake.
  • All dried fruits Pour boiling water, rinse and dry, add to the dough and knead it thoroughly.
  • Then leave it covered in a warm place so that it comes up.
  • After 1-2 hours, the dough will be ready for further work. Crap it, divide it into pieces of the desired size and place it in forms.
  • Wait until the dough in the forms comes again and send them In a warmed oven.
  • Bake until cooked.

Aleksandrian estimate dough for Easter cakes

And here is another delicious recipe for Alexandrian butt dough for Easter cakes. According to this recipe, Easter cakes are even more fragrant and tasty, the structure of baking is porous, not dry.

Asso dough
Asso dough
  • AT warm melted milk Dissolve the yeast.
  • Beat eggs with sugar in a separate container.
  • When the yeast is slightly dissolved, connect dairy and egg masses.
  • Add softened oil to the resulting mass, mix the products. Do not worry if the oil takes with lumps and does not dissolve, then when the dough is mixed, it strates.
  • Leave the resulting dough for 10-15 hours in a warm place. If the room is cold, the yeast will “work” much slow and worse.
  • After the specified time, add to the workpiece salt, vanillin or vanilla sugar, cinnamon - If you like fragrant Easter cakes and mix all the ingredients.
  • Next, pour into the workpiece seded flour, knead the dough.
  • Wash the dried fruits, soften with boiling water and dry, add to the dough and continue to knead it for half an hour or an hour.
  • Then leave the dough in a warm place for several hours to fit.

By the way, such an Alexandrian cakes dough is ideal for multicooker. If you have such a device, take a note note. The dough at the last stage can approach directly in the bowl of the device. To make it warm, you can periodically include the device in the "heating" mode.

  • Turn over the dough in size and divide into small pieces for your forms. If you decide to bake the Alexandria cake in a slow cooker, share the dough for 2-3 parts, Given the fact that you need to fill the bowl by about 1/3.
  • Lubricate the bowl or mold with vegetable oil, place the dough in them.
  • Let him come already in forms, it is more than 15 minutes, and then send them to bake.
  • If you choose the oven, send it to an already warmed oven if you bake in a slow cooker, turn on the device on the mode "Bake/Baking", Put the temperature 150 ° C, And time - 45 min.
  • Bake the cakes in the oven to a dry stick, in a slow cooker after a sound signal sounds, turn on the same mode, but set the temperature 130 ° C, And time - 10-15 min.
  • After let the Alexandria cake stand in an open multicooker for 10 minutes. And transfer it to the dish.

Alexandria dough for cakes: reviews


  • Marina, 26 years old: “The first time I baked the Kulichi at home for the first time. I was very worried that it would not work out, for a long time I was looking for a simple but delicious recipe and stopped at Alexandria. The dough turned out to be incredibly airy, fragrant, and cakes of the earnings - all relatives asked for a recipe. I recommend"
  • Angelina, 42 years old: “I bake Easter cakes for many years and always made the dough according to the same recipe. But now I decided to try something new, I chose a recipe for Alexandria dough for Easter cakes. The dough came up well, the Easter cakes turned out to be excellent, porous and yellow, although I did not add any dye ”
  • Irina, 30 years: “I also tried to bake the Easter cakes from the Alexandrian dough - I was satisfied. The cakes are soft, not dry and very fragrant. I tasted cherries and prunes - my home liked it "
  • Anastasia, 55 years old: “I found on the site a recipe for Alexandria dough for Easter cakes with ghee. To be honest, until the last I doubted whether it was worth experimenting, but the result was pleasantly surprised. Easter cakes are incredibly tasty. Who wants to try something new-take a note note "
A very tasty cake is obtained from the Alexandrian dough
A very tasty cake is obtained from the Alexandrian dough

The cakes dough according to the specified recipes are the most delicate, but the Easter cakes themselves are baking, they acquire a beautiful yellow color and a pleasant aroma of homemade pastries. You can diversify the taste of such cakes with a variety of additives - cranberry, cherry, dried apricots or prunes and, of course, raisins.

Easter articles on the site:

Video: Alexandrian dough for delicate cakes

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Comments K. article

  1. in the dough for cakes, add 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric-testi will be beautiful yellow.

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