Front for Easter Easter cake: from sugar, chocolate, sugar-white, chocolate lemon, colored lipstick-the best recipes with detailed ingredients and step-by-step instructions

Front for Easter Easter cake: from sugar, chocolate, sugar-white, chocolate lemon, colored lipstick-the best recipes with detailed ingredients and step-by-step instructions

Easter cake is a huge work and so I want to decorate it beautifully. Let's create a decoration for the cake - a beautiful lipstick according to our recipes.

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, all the hostesses are engaged in baking the main treat - Easter cakes. As you know, there are no not beautiful and not delicious cakes, even the most common with raisins and without decoration will be a delicious treat on the festive table. At the same time, it is worth noting that you can decorate the Easter cakes with a delicious lipstick, which is very easy to cook yourself.

Frint for Easter cakes from sugar powder

This recipe for making a lipstick can be called one of the simplest. To prepare such a lipstick, only sugar powder and water are needed, as well as a little time.

  • Sugar powder - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 10 tbsp. l.
Sugar lipstick
Sugar lipstick
  • If you do not have powdered sugar, do not be upset, take ordinary granulated sugar and chop it with a coffee grinder or rub it manually.
  • Place the powder and slightly heated water in a pan, cook over low heat until the lipstick becomes thick, but boil the mass.
  • If the lipstick is too thick, just dilute it with warm water to the desired consistency, if on the contrary, add a little powder and cook a little more.
  • If desired, you can add food dye or any flavor to such a lipstick so that it turns out even tastier and more beautiful.
  • Keep in mind that such glaze must be covered immediately after cooking, otherwise it will freeze and it will be impossible to work with it further.

Front for Easter cakes from chocolate

Chocolate fondant is one of the most delicious and fragrant. You can cook it from any chocolate, but traditionally use milk or black.

  • Chocolate - 120 g
  • Orange juice - 50 ml
  • Butter - 55 g
  • Sugar - 65 g
  • Lemon zest, mint extract
Chocolate Fronus
Chocolate Fronus
  • Break the tile of chocolate into a saucepan, add the indicated amount of softened oil here.
  • Melt the mass on the lowest heat, but do not bring it to a boil.
  • After add juice, sugar to the pan, stir and cook a few more minutes. Until the complete dissolution of granulated sugar.
  • If desired, add a little lemon zest to the lipstick, it will give it a special aroma and taste. You can also use mint extract.
  • To prepare such glaze, it is better to use high -quality chocolate, but if desired, it can be replaced by confectionery glaze or take the ingredients in equal proportions.
  • It is necessary to cover the cakes with such a lipstick after it cools down a little and thickens.

Sugar-white lipstick for Easter cakes

This lipstick recipe can also be called the simplest and it is, perhaps, the hostesses most often use it. On top of such glaze, various sprinkles can be poured.

  • Sugar powder - 25 g
  • Egg protein - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 7 g
For Easter cakes
For Easter cakes
  • Place the indicated amount of proteins into a suitable container and pour in lemon juice there. With the help of a mixer or blender, beat the mass into a magnificent foam.
  • Now gradually enter the mass of powder, but do not beat it with a mixer anymore, do it with a fork or whisk manually.
  • As a result, you will get a thick, lush protein mass.
  • You need to use the lipstick immediately after preparing it.

Chocolate lipstick for Easter cakes

This lipstick stands out among everyone else, since it is unusual. It turns out the glaze is very fragrant and tasty.

  • Cocoa - 65 g
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml
  • Sugar powder - 270 g
  • Butter - 85 g
With citrus fruits
With citrus fruits
  • Take pre -softened butter and place it in a pan with a thick bottom, add lemon juice here. Melt the oil on the lowest heat.
  • After add the powder and cocoa to the resulting mass, mix the contents of the container.
  • Cook over low heat for another 3-5 minutes. stirring constantly.
  • If desired, you can add flavorings to the mass, lemon or orange zest, mint extract, nuts, etc.
  • The advantage of such glaze is that it freezes quickly on the cake, holds well on it, does not crumble, etc.
  • It is necessary to cover the cake with such a lipstick after it cools down a little.

Color Fronus for Easter Easter cakes

With the help of such a lipstick, you can very beautifully decorate the festive cakes. Using natural dyes, you can cook completely different colors.

We will analyze the step -by -step preparation of pink, burgundy, raspberry lipstick. Using this instructions, but changing the coloring ingredient, you can cook blue, purple, green, orange, etc..

  • Egg protein - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar powder - 220 g
  • Lemon juice - 10 g
  • Beet juice
Bright lipsticks
Bright lipsticks
  • With the help of a mixer or blender, beat the proteins and lemon juice until the foam appears.
  • Next, gradually insert the powder into the mass, continue to whip the glaze until it becomes lush and thick.
  • Wash the beets, clean, grate. Squeeze the juice out of grated beets. How much juice is added to the mass is your business, the saturation of the color of the lipstick depends on its quantity. However, pay attention to the fact that if you add too much juice, then the icing will become too liquid and will not freeze on the cake. Therefore, if you want to get a rich burgundy lipstick, use a little more powder. In portions, enter the juice into the mass, carefully mix it with a fork and apply it to the cake.
  • The green lipstick can be obtained by adding spinach juice to it, purple - blueberry juice, blue, bluish - blueberry juice, very little soda, yellow, orange - turmeric.

A delicious and beautiful lipstick for Easter cake is very simple, you only need a little time, desire and ingredients available to everyone. Covering your cakes with lipsticks prepared according to the recipes described above, you will get the most beautiful, original and delicious products.

Video: glaze for cakes that does not crumble

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