Inhalations for adults and children: benefits and harm, indications, methods and recipes. How to make inhalation without an inhaler or nebulizer?

Inhalations for adults and children: benefits and harm, indications, methods and recipes. How to make inhalation without an inhaler or nebulizer?

With colds, when the nose practically does not breathe, very many instead of instillations in the nostrils resort to cleaning the respiratory tract using inhalation. This procedure has long been known and was used by our grandmothers and great -grandmothers.

Inhalation is available to absolutely everyone, since it does not require special material costs for drugs, drugs and all medical equipment. Inhalation can be carried out without leaving home, comfortably settling in the kitchen or on the couch.

Why do you need to do inhalation?

  • First of all, so that the treatment is targeted. This is because the effects of inhalation procedures are directly and exclusively on the respiratory tract, where the infection is located, After all, the most common way to transmit colds and viral infections is precisely airborne.
  • The second reason is the most a quick path of the medical composition in the body. Inhaling the sprayed composition contributes to its speedy absorption through the mucous membranes, and, consequently, a faster effect.
  • And most importantly, for what inhalation is carried out is Cleaning the respiratory tract. The use of a composition intended for inhalation helps to accelerate the excretion from the respiratory tract of any dust impurities, microbes, etc.
With colds
With colds

How to do inhalations: methods

  • By using Inhalers or Nebulizer. Doctors consider this method the most correct and effective, since the inhaler is created specifically for such a procedure. Therefore, in this case, the maximum effect of inhalation will be achieved.
  • Inhale the steam, bending over the pots. The good old grandfather’s method, which has not lost its popularity and effectiveness. You just need to lean over the pots with a hot “medicine”, cover (along with a pot) blanket or a wide terry towel and breathe with these healing evaporates.
  • With the help of a kettle, for which you need to bend the cardboard in the form of a cone-thorough of such sizes to close the nose and mouth immediately. Through this funnel, worn by a narrow end on the nose of the kettle, and the steam should be inhaled.

Do you know how the Nebulizer differs from the inhaler? By and large, there is no fundamental difference between the inhaler and the nebulizer. The inhaler "works" with drugs that are originally in aerosol form. The nebulizer itself transforms the product that is in a liquid state into an aerosol form. So in the end, in one and another case, the drug enters the body in an aerosol state.

What are the types of inhalation?

  • Natural inhalation It occurs with all people when they breathe sea air, inhale with full breasts of forest or mountain air, which contain natural volatiles, and the air itself is enriched with oxygen.
  • Artificial inhalation It is carried out using an inhaler or nebulizer or simply inhaling vapor over the container.
  • Wet inhalation It is carried out by inhalation of warm vapors (not higher than 30 ° C) mainly of one or another essential oil or phytoncide.
  • Heat-humid inhalation It provides for a pair of about 40 ° C.
  • Steam inhalation (the vapor temperature reaches 45 ° C) is carried out using infusions.
  • Depending on which drug is included in the composition, inhalation can be oil or dry.
  • There is a form cold inhalation, in which volatile and essential oils of chopped garlic, radish, onions are inhaled.
Various options
Various options

How to prepare a solution for inhalation?

  • To cook yourself solution for upcoming inhalation, you can use the following medicinal plants, which you can buy a collection of which in a pharmacy, and some of them-and stock up on yourself. This is well -known to everyone chamomile, linden color, lavender and mint leaves, juniper needles, cedar, pine etc. And if you connect them to each other, the effect will only increase.
  • The main purpose when using medicinal plants is to disinfect the respiratory tract, which contributes to reducing the sore and sore throat.
  • To soften the throat and relieve breathing, it is good to make the composition for inhalation in which there will be essential oils. What exactly will be taken as a basis: cedar or anise, bergamot or sandalwood - Depends on your preferences. The inhalation of essential oils has a beneficial effect on the throat, softening it, and, of course, opposes viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Inhaled compounds from soda or mineral water, which contribute to softening, liquefaction of sputum and its better expectorant, help well.
  • Another option is to make a gruel from garlic or onions and, squeezing on the gauze, dilute it, taking it on one part of 10 parts of hot water. Such a mixture will contribute to the destruction of bacteria.

What harm can be from inhalation?

  • Firstly, if you use just boiled water, you can get burn, as a result of which the upper respiratory tract can seriously suffer, and the condition will only worsen. Therefore, you should wait 5 minutes, and only after that to carry out inhalation measures.
  • Secondly, it is possible allergic reaction On one of the components of the composition you breathe. If you, in principle, are prone to allergies, it is better not to use the grass or essential oils, everyone else for the first inhalation is better to limit yourself to a couple of minutes to understand whether the composition of the solution is correctly selected.
  • Thirdly, during inhalation immediately after eating, the occurrence may nausea or heartburn. To avoid such an effect, you should do the procedure no earlier than an hour and a half after you ate, and refrain from food for an hour after inhaling vapors.
Not always harmless
Not always harmless
  • And, fourthly, too heat. If you have cardiovascular or nervous diseases, and the temperature exceeds 37.5 ° C, then the condition can only worsen and the problems worsen.

How to make inhalation at home?

  • At home, you can inhalations with all the above methods. Basic rules for conducting: even breathing, calm state and concentration on the procedure itself. Do not be distracted by extraneous classes and do not talk, by the way, you should refrain from conversations after the completion of the inhalation. Do not carry out the procedure for too long.
  • If you are inhalation first, limit yourself to a couple of minutes, if your body reacted well to such a procedure, then in the future the maximum inhalation time should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Do not leave the room and make sure that there is no drafts during few hours. It is enough to carry out inhalation once a day, preferably in the evening.
  • If you use a nebulizer, make sure that the temperature of the solution corresponds to a room. Inhalation should be completed when the product ends in its container. It is not necessary to add and repeat the procedure.
  • Refrain from smoking before and after inhalation. It is better if for the period of your treatment you generally refuse it. Also, do not use inhalation remedies for expectorant - They can provoke breathing violation.

How to do inhalations with saline?

  • If saline is used for inhalation, it is better to take it in ampoules, and if you are typing with a syringe, then it should first be sterilized with the packaging.
  • Based on saline, solutions are prepared with medications prescribed by a doctor used in a nebulizer. Folk remedies can also be used, dissolving in it.
  • For example, to withstand microbes, you can in saline (5 ml) drip freshly squeezed garlic juice In the amount of 3 drops. A similar composition can be done with onion juice.
  • If you add a milliliter of juice of such a plant as the same amount of saline. kalanchoe, then inhalation will have an anti -inflammatory and antiviral effect.

Inhalation for bronchitis at home

If you use the following medications for inhalation for bronchitis with a nebulizer:

  • Mucolytic group - they will have an expectorant effect and help dilute sputum.
Mucolytic group
Mucolytic group
  • From antibiotics is recommended Fluimucil.
  • To expand the bronchi, you can use the composition with bronchodilators;
  • Remove swelling and confront inflammation will help the means related to the Glucocorticosteroid group, for example, Pulmicort;
  • Anti -allergenic drugs.

Doctors warn of the incompatibility of drugs, the basis of which is Ambroxol, with coughing drugs. It will be better if the composition of the product you discuss with the attending physician.

All the same mineral water and soda are good and, like an expectorant - many medicinal herbs that can be bought in pharmacies and verify their appropriate appointment, having familiarized yourself with the instructions and acting in accordance with it.

Herbs for inhalation

  • Nature provides a huge selection of medicinal herbs that are effective for use in inhalation procedures. These include infusions of St. John's wort and trunk, calendula and nine. It has a good effect coltsfoot,like Thyme with chamomile. Recommended also infusions of eucalyptus and sage.
  • In order to cope with dry cough, oils of plants such as the same eucalyptus or sea \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bbuckthorn, as well as peach. Recommended in steam inhalation and a mixture of propolis with olive oil.
  • The runny nose is “afraid” of geranium and menthol, juniper, birch and oak leaves. Fir and pine are suitable for oils. The inhalations also use celandine and plantain, St. John's wort and yarrow - their fees help well from sinusitis. In addition, effective decoctions of potatoes and bay leaf.

Inhalations with chamomile Nebulizer and not only

  • Chamomile is one of the most famous and often used medicinal plants. It moisturizes and restores mucous tissues, has anti -inflammatory, liquefaction, antimicrobial effects.
  • In pairs of decoction of chamomile, you can breathe both with a nebulizer and the classic old method - over the pan. Moreover, now on the sale there are specially designed lids with holes for this.
  • The decoction of chamomile is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Added to hot water (about 300 ml). After the composition boils, the fire should be reduced and breathe over pairs for about 20 minutes. You can put the pan on a flat surface and, throwing a towel over your head so that it closes the pan, lean over it, breathing in steam.
  • It is necessary to do inhalations over the pan, observing all the rules, breathing deeply with his mouth. Particularly effective breathing inhaling vapors with dry coughing. The therapeutic components of the flower contained in pairs are made softer mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

Inhalation for children

  • Inhalation procedures are prescribed for babies after reaching three years of age. Typically, the composition of inhalation is prescribed by a doctor - these may be drugs Lazolvan or Ambrobene, as an expectorant - Mukhaltin.
  • Most often, in the inhalation treatment of children, compounds with a plant base and various herbal tinctures are used. These include the color of linden, chamomile and lavender, leaves of raspberries and black currants, Some coniferous plants. The rule of preparation of the decoction - a tablespoon of collection is steamed in a glass of water. Suitable for children and a potato broth, as well as oats husk.
  • It is the most safer to inhalation to the child with the help nebulizerIn which a mask is provided, which allows you to freely inhale therapeutic vapors. The procedure must be carried out in a calm and friendly atmosphere so that the child can correctly understand and fulfill the indication of adults.

When is inhalation contraindicated?

  • In addition to the cases described above elevated temperature and individual intolerance one or another drug, inhalations are not recommended for those who suffer pulmonary bleeding, spontaneous or traumatic pneumothorax, in the presence of arrhythmia, heart failure and pulmonary emphysema.
  • You should refrain from carrying out inhalation procedures for those who have weakened immunity, there are viral diseases associated with the respiratory tract, and often opens nose bleed. In addition, it is undesirable to conduct steam procedures are sick AIDS (HIV) and people with blood diseases.

How to make inhalation without an inhaler?

  • If you do not have an inhaler, you can build an impromptu device that imitates it.
  • Just turn konus-wound of cardboard and put it on the nose of the teapot (Suitable, including the tender).
  • A slightly more complex system provides for the use of rubber tube About 20 cm in length, which must be attached to the teapot at one end, and the other to an ordinary plastic funnel.
  • And, of course, always available inhalation under a towel above the steam.
Above the steam
Above the steam

Inhalations: recipes

  • A runny nose will help to cure Leaves of chamomile, peppermint, eucalyptus, pine buds. It is necessary to pour a handful of any of them (can be combined) with a liter of boiling water and, after partial cooling of the mixture, inhalation.
  • If the runny nose has taken a chronic shape, mix decoctions: 15-20 g of coltsfoot and blackberry (need stems and leaves) on a glass of water for each plant.
  • The mixture of the following infusions helps well: 20 g of raspberries (leaves) and 10 g of calendula (flowers), insisted in a glass of water.
  • Colds are treated honey inhalations. Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of natural honey in half a glass of water and inhalation twice a day with this composition to achieve an anti -inflammatory effect.

Articles about health on our website:

Video: All you need to know about inhalation

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  1. You will not put everyone in the inhaler, mine does not like such procedures. When the cough begins, I do teas with raspberries, loves the broth of rosehips very much. Necessarily during the treatment of vitamins Immuno plus, I give, with a nipple of sea buckthorn, this is an excellent immunostimulator. The cough is relatively fast.

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