What is mysophonia and how to deal with it? Why are extraneous sounds annoying?

What is mysophonia and how to deal with it? Why are extraneous sounds annoying?

There are people who are very annoying someone else's sneezing, Serbia or champing. This discomfort is caused by a psychological disease called Misophonia, that is, you are expressed an aversion to any sounds.

From this article you will learn not only how to determine the presence of this disease, but you can also fight it.

Definition of mysophonia

  • What is Misophonia (it is also called Misophonia) in simple words? From the point of view of medicine, misophonia is a neurological disorder, which manifests itself in the form of an emotional or physiological reaction to specific sounds.
  • People note that certain sounds begin to drive them crazy. Often this leads to outbreaks Aggression, panic and desire to get away from the source of irritation.

What sounds cause irritation?

Most of the people suffering from Misophonia are annoyed by the sounds when a person:

  • cuts his nails;
  • brushing his teeth;
  • serbet, champs or sneezes;
  • yawns, coughs or whistles;
  • crushes fingers on his legs or arms.
Irritate sounds
Irritate sounds
  • Irritability can provoke oral sounds (if the interlocutor eats or breathes). Often in the studied there are outbreaks of anger when they hear simaling, sniffing or tapping with fingers.
  • And can also annoy absolutely Neutral sounds at first glance -the rustle of paper, the ticking of the clock, the sound of the closing door of the machine, the singing of birds, crickets, as well as the sounds made by other animals.
  • In addition, the causative agents of mysophonia can be attributed to a light rustle from swinging legs, rustling hair, sound from rubbing the skin.

How to determine if you have a mysophonia?

  • First you should determine whether you are sensitive to specific sounds. Whether the sounds that other people do not notice are annoying you. For example, chewing, tapping with nails on the surface or Serbia. If these sounds cause you strong discomfort, it is likely that you have a misophony.
  • You should also understand the reaction to such sounds. In most people, such sounds cause a little discomfort that you can endure. They can also calmly ask the interlocutor not to do so.
  • If a person develops mysophonia, specific sounds can cause him mixed emotions. Often they appear in the form of a scream, crying or rage. It is important for them to eliminate the cause of irritabilityTherefore, they can use force.
  • It is important to understand whether you really hear these sounds. There are frequent cases of sound hallucination. If you hear what others do not hear, you may have a more serious disease. In such cases, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.
You need to find out if there is such a disease - the test will help in this
You need to find out if there is such a disease - the test will help in this

Misophonia test

We have prepared a test for you, thanks to which you can understand if you have a mysophonia. Honestly answer these questions.

1. During dinner, your partner is champing, you feel:

  • a. neutral
  • b. not quite comfortable, but not critical
  • in. Immediately there is a desire to leave the room
Are you annoying someone else's champion?
Are you annoying someone else's champion?

2. In the public place in which you are, the child constantly cries. Your thoughts:

  • a. Poorly, he probably hurts something
  • b. Maybe I can help somehow?
  • in. When he already shuts up, it is impossible to hear

3. At the meeting, your colleague constantly knocks on the table with a pen. You:

  • a. Do not pay attention
  • b. This sound interferes a little to concentrate, but it's okay
  • in. There is a desire to get up and break the pen

4. On the other side of you, another colleague at this moment Serbs coffee. What are you thinking about:

  • a. How do you want coffee
  • b. Interesting, he does not think that it's not beautiful
  • in. another minute and I will pour it on his head

5. Near your desktop, colleagues joke cheerfully and laugh loudly. You:

  • a. Absolutely not distracted from work
  • b. Say the words of reassurance to yourself
  • in. Shout that they shut up and do not interfere with working at least you, since they themselves do nothing

6. In the traffic, some cars begin to be signaling. What do you feel:

  • a. Nothing, this is a common thing
  • b. You just turn on the radio louder
  • in. You open the window and scream angrily to drivers to stop them

7. During watching the video, you hear how the host swallows saliva. You:

  • a. you carefully listen to the topic and you are not interested in another
  • b. you think that in principle it was possible to improve the quality
  • in. Close the video and just jerks you from memories


If you have most answers:

  • a - You are the most calm person in the world.
  • b - You have calm at the proper level, but sometimes some sounds cause you irritation.
  • in - then you most likely have a misophonia.

Signs of Misophonia

Misophony can occur in mild and serious condition. The first case is manifested in such symptoms:

  • concern
  • discomfort
  • the desire to escape
  • disgust

In severe form, sounds can cause such signs of Misophonia:

  • attacks of rage
  • irritability
  • hatred of the interlocutor
  • panic attacks
  • fear and anger
Causes irritation
Causes irritation

Misophonia: Causes of appearance

  • According to studies conducted by scientists, Misophonia begins to manifest itself at the age of 10-14 years. Most often they face her girls. Scientists are convinced that the problem is not hidden in the problem of the auricle. In their opinion, Misophonia is only a mental disorder.
  • In early 2013, scientists from the Netherlands conducted a study in which 40 volunteers participated. The report said that Misophonia is provoked disorders of communication in the brain areas that process sound.

How to deal with Misophonia?

  • First of all, the treatment of mysophonia requires a doctor. Although now there is no specialized specialist who would prescribe comprehensive treatment, the attending physician will help to understand your condition.
  • It is likely that you will have to go through psychiatrist, psychologist and audiologist.

Take care of behavioral therapy. There are several methods to help get rid of Misophonia:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. With its help, you can learn to control the attacks of aggression. This will help you establish communication in society.
  • Retraining of tinnitus. In the process of such therapy, the doctor will teach you to perceive annoying sounds as neutral. It will be easier for you to hide your symptoms, and over time they will disappear.

Misophonia: Methods of treatment

There are several other recommendations that allow you to cope with Misophone:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more healthy food, play sports. The best option is fitness or yoga.
  • Regularly meditate. As you know, even short meditation helps to achieve inner harmony, and to balance emotions.
  • Warn others about your characteristics. If they really value you, they will accept it, and will control their behavior. If you did not find support in the person of friends or relatives, it is better to reduce the time of communication with them so as not to cause a stronger emotional shock.
  • Abstract from what is happening. If you begin to experience irritation, try to think about something good. For example, about rest or pleasant memories.
  • Switch. If you hear the sound that annoys you, try to listen to anything else. For example, to a noise outside the window or a conversation with a person.
  • Drive the sound. Try to include music in headphones. She will distract you a little from what is happening. You can also try the device that a little resembles the hearing aid. If necessary, you can turn on the sound of a waterfall on it to reduce the reaction to the trigger.
Try to drown out an annoying sound
Try to drown out an annoying sound

As you can see, mysophonia can complicate human life. After all, it is quite difficult for him to communicate with others. If you adhere to the recommendations described above, you can lead a full life without causing surprise in people. Be healthy.

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